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NCPO Launches Diplomatic PR Campaign

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Junta Launches Diplomatic PR Campaign
By Pravit Rojanaphruk
Senior Staff Writer

Allowed: a military-sponsored campaign in Korat on Friday urges voters to cast their vote in the upcoming referendum.

BANGKOK — The Foreign Ministry has issued six pages of talking points for diplomats around the world to discuss Thailand’s charter referendum and military regime.

Written in English, “Thailand – Towards Reform and Sustainable Democracy: The Need for Public Order and Social Harmony,” outlines arguments to defend and justify recent authoritarian measures taken by the military regime by framing them as necessary to protect “public order and social harmony.”

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1462256291

-- Khaosod English 2016-05-03

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Something for the diplomats to laugh at during an otherwise testing heatwave.

As my taxi driver said yesterday in Singapore "everybody here thinks your Prime Minister is an idiot."

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Something for the diplomats to laugh at during an otherwise testing heatwave.

As my taxi driver said yesterday in Singapore "everybody here thinks your Prime Minister is an idiot."

Good to read that people in Singapore stay up on regional affairs.

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Just because they believe the bs they wrote in those 6 pages you can bet the western world doesn't and as usual are having a good laugh. Maybe his new friends from those countries that sound like a fruit or vegetable may believe it, except maybe Hungary.

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Why issue it in English?

Most foreign governments know what is happening. It's not a difficult dilemma - what should we trust

(a) our professional diplomats in our Bangkok embassies, or

(B) a propaganda leaflet issued by a regime which suppresses peaceful discourse?

It would be better to issue this fictional prose in Korean (northern dialect), because the people in Pyongyang are the only ones likely to lap it up as gospel.

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News flash: 1933 Thailand is in a period of transition

2016 Thailand is in a period of transition - nothing has changed.

Lets add a few new names to the excuses reason and repeat the same o same o - see you again in 2022

I changed my mind - I after reading the document I am filled with expectation and profound understanding. whistling.gif

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Given some high profile incidents recently, there seems to be a need for Public Order and Social Harmony

Several violent gang crimes with the consequences to the perps unclear.

If these incidents fall under the banner of "Public Order and Social Harmony" then get out there and deal with it.

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It's a challenge for the NCPO to expect this type of puerile and dishonest material to be taken seriously by foreign diplomats when even the usually Junta friendly Nation now recognises what a disgrace this government has become.


Ouch! I bet a few dummies are being spat after reading that piece, both at Junta HQ and here on Thaivisa...
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I suspect the 6-pager was intended as a Weapon of Mass Distraction, but his spindoctors have instead published a Weapon of Self-Destruction. Diplomats around the world know the draft constitution still stinks of "Heads I win, Tails you lose".

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It's a challenge for the NCPO to expect this type of puerile and dishonest material to be taken seriously by foreign diplomats when even the usually Junta friendly Nation now recognises what a disgrace this government has become.


Ouch! I bet a few dummies are being spat after reading that piece, both at Junta HQ and here on Thaivisa...

And there I was thinking the Nation was coming up short in comparison to BP, which has been publishing almost daily critiques.

It is interesting the article uses the word "shame" at the end, clearly painting the current situation as a loss of face for Thailand.

I think they are right.

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Oh christ!!! its not April fools day anion is it?

More trash.

Putin in the far North

Jin wan chunny wun in China or whatever his name is.

Prayuth in Thailand the southern connection

Hitler was to the west but he is dead! I really dont care much for propaganda and nor does the western governments. You cannot may shi..t into clay. A shovel is no spade and a rose does not smell nice when it is a dandelion.

More garbage they think will snowball the people overseas and after the last month of muggings, deaths, bashings robberies.

Welcome to our paradise!

Edited by marcusd
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here it is in English:


everyone should take a moment to read it.

Or laugh perhaps?

Yes we all love a Militia Junta . I mean MILITIA too

Do they really believe the crap they write? A certain individual indeed. Prayuth is the name here I can think of hahahah.

Reconciliation and benefit to the peopler and of course the Big one.. consultation with all sectors of society. UNLESS you are a foreigner giving money and work to people here or want to help this country for the better then you can PISS OFF.

Master of Bullsh.t degree here by the twit that wrote this.

Whoever believes this crap deserves what they get

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It's a challenge for the NCPO to expect this type of puerile and dishonest material to be taken seriously by foreign diplomats when even the usually Junta friendly Nation now recognises what a disgrace this government has become.


Why do this documnet at all?

I thought they HATE the USA and English at present and we should all stay out of THAILAND affairs and WHO OWNS THAILAND anyway is what I read a while back. Hmmm maybe a nice change of heart as he needs our money again.

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In the BP thank you who gave that link..

"Through moves that are bafflingly counterproductive, the generals and the authorities that serve their purpose are creating an atmosphere of fear that can only jeopardise the legitimacy of the coming constitution. Even if the charter draft is handily approved in the August referendum, it will have no traction, having been foisted on a cowed or fearful public. In place of national law established through debate and consensus, we will have national shame."

Yes fear is across the land

People are supressed.

Fear of saying anything

This si worse than Stalin"s Russia.

How can this MOB the gang of thieves taking the country by force expect any nation or government to see them as a FACE SAVING MILITARY saviours?

They use force to oppress and sacrifice democracy.

Let them face their people fairly not with pressure and fears.

And fear in people who have elected to make business here or make this their home and all those Thai people whoa re really nice and wonderful who like us now also in fear we may be forced out and it affects so many

This is now getting to a stage where just words and army officials forcing people to say what THEY want will no longer happen and as BP hinted at, it may be a period of unrest

this is indeed the writing on the wall and I fear many more insurgencies and not just on Facebook to come.

Edited by marcusd
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Emergency Action Message

Flash Traffic

03/05/2016 09:30 UTC

To: All Thai Embassies Worldwide

From: NCPO

Subject: What You Should Say

Please review this classified document entitled "What you should say if asked any questions about the current situation in Thailand".


Make sure you do not post it for public access on any official Thai government web site.





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Emergency Action Message

Flash Traffic

03/05/2016 09:30 UTC

To: All Thai Embassies Worldwide

From: NCPO

Subject: What You Should Say

Please review this classified document entitled "What you should say if asked any questions about the current situation in Thailand".


Make sure you do not post it for public access on any official Thai government web site.





What a load of smoke and mirrors.

Bottom line...the military is trying to justify its status above the government in Thailand with irrational excuses for how any government must meet military standards regardless of elections and the will of the citizens of Thailand.

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There are so many questions i would love to ask them.

You must have come from one of those schools where they indoctrinated you with stupid western ideas.

In Thailand the golden rule applies from day one: "Don't you dare to ask questions!"

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