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Ukrainian faces 5-year blacklist for 337-day overstay

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No way that guy is 33. He looks 63

63 ? What a BS.

As a Ukrainian I would also try to stay away from Kiev as far as possible.

Deportation means that either Thailand tax payer or Ukrainian embassy will have to buy his ticket home.

Ukrainian embassy will also most probably have to issue a travel document for him.

So why do Ukrainians come here in the first place when they are poor like Thais ? Did he think he would get a job ?


How long will he spend in immigration detention waiting for someone to stump up the air fare home?

I think the Thai government stump up the money because even if they stick him in jail for a few months it is costing them money. If you want a free ticket home this appears the way to go hang around an immigration office and get detained !!!!

So you're saying no one remains IDC lockup for more than a few months?

"If you want a free ticket home this appears the way to go hang around an immigration office and get detained !!!!"

Why don't you give it a try and report back to us.

I was once unfortunate enough to spend 5 days in the I.D.C.Bangkok, I wont bother with the details as to how I was stupid enough to be in such circumstances, have already done so. While I was in the #1 building upstairs in '91, there were about 200 inmates of all nationalities, I spoke to one, an Afghan had been insde for over a year, no passport he asked me to write a letter for him to the British Embassy which I did just to placate him, I saw others being carried out O.D. on heroin which was in plentiful supply, I saw viscious fights between Chinese and Arabs, many of the inmates had been captive for many months and some years. Its a place as close to hell I have seen, including a short stay (week) in Chonburi Prison. I feel sorry for this Ukrainian, but he looks as though he can handle it.


But this is still not proof that you get ban if you go to airport and clear overstay. This man was arrested totally diffrent.


I dont get it. I thought if you overstayed for under a year, you were banned for 1 year. Why is he being banned for 5 years?

A 1 year ban is for those who volunteer themselves to immigration, for anyone arrested, the ban starts at 5 years.


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Free flight home. I'm sure he's thankful.

Please tell me how this man will get a free flight home?

And please post some links that proof this.

It looks like you react on a thread and don't spend the time reading the responces from other posters.

But don't worry, go back to your beer and we will see your responce later.


Free flight home. I'm sure he's thankful.

Nope, a free trip to the Immigration Detention Center until he can arrange to get a ticket home himself. Not easy to do when you are inside without money. Some folks sit in there for years.


You said Ukrainian you said everything, and before the blacklisted stamp's ink will dry, this guy is going

to have another passport which he will enter Thailand with.... so don't hold your breath TO-MO guys,

this blacklisting idea will work for most but not for some.....

Hold on a minute...... He can get as many new Passports as he wants but he cant change his DOB. Even the Thais not known for common sense will have a red flag system based on DOB at which point unless hes had plastic surgery as well he's now probably looking at a stretch in a Thai jail as well


It is very clear that no one repeat no one, outside of the man himself and the police/Immigration officers dealing with the case, knows the full facts asumptions after asumptions. I would hope (but don't know) that a doctor and if if needed mental health doctors are looking at this as well. If indeed he is found to have a mental health issue that the Thai authority would deal appropriately with him and if need be treat him and send him home for free. If on the other hand he is deemed sane then he will be dealt with as others have been. That's the facts not assumptions. We are after all only human with weaknesses and frailties. Although some reading this thread may assume some posters would assume they are otherwise !!!


It is very clear that no one repeat no one, outside of the man himself and the police/Immigration officers dealing with the case, knows the full facts asumptions after asumptions. I would hope (but don't know) that a doctor and if if needed mental health doctors are looking at this as well. If indeed he is found to have a mental health issue that the Thai authority would deal appropriately with him and if need be treat him and send him home for free. If on the other hand he is deemed sane then he will be dealt with as others have been. That's the facts not assumptions. We are after all only human with weaknesses and frailties. Although some reading this thread may assume some posters would assume they are otherwise !!!

If indeed, he does have mental health problems, he would need money to be treated.


It is very clear that no one repeat no one, outside of the man himself and the police/Immigration officers dealing with the case, knows the full facts asumptions after asumptions. I would hope (but don't know) that a doctor and if if needed mental health doctors are looking at this as well. If indeed he is found to have a mental health issue that the Thai authority would deal appropriately with him and if need be treat him and send him home for free. If on the other hand he is deemed sane then he will be dealt with as others have been. That's the facts not assumptions. We are after all only human with weaknesses and frailties. Although some reading this thread may assume some posters would assume they are otherwise !!!

If indeed, he does have mental health problems, he would need money to be treated.

which proves my point assumption again. So you are assuming Thai authority will not treat him free of charge any actual proof of this please


It is very clear that no one repeat no one, outside of the man himself and the police/Immigration officers dealing with the case, knows the full facts asumptions after asumptions. I would hope (but don't know) that a doctor and if if needed mental health doctors are looking at this as well. If indeed he is found to have a mental health issue that the Thai authority would deal appropriately with him and if need be treat him and send him home for free. If on the other hand he is deemed sane then he will be dealt with as others have been. That's the facts not assumptions. We are after all only human with weaknesses and frailties. Although some reading this thread may assume some posters would assume they are otherwise !!!

If indeed, he does have mental health problems, he would need money to be treated.
which proves my point assumption again. So you are assuming Thai authority will not treat him free of charge any actual proof of this please

I went to visit a German national about 5 years ago, who got sectioned for his own safety.

Another German, who I contacted, liased with their embassy in Bangkok, who managed to contact his family back home.

ONLY when the money for his medical expenses and a flight ticket home was received by the embassy, was he released and allowed to travel, escorted to the airport, and accompanied on the flight by a qualified doctor.

Is that enough information to satisfy your curiosity ?


You state he was sectioned for his own safety so I presume he was not arrested for overstay or any other offence. If I am correct it is completely diffrent senario. Being sectionedfor your own safety and being arrested and then sectioned if that was to happen are very very diffrent.


You state he was sectioned for his own safety so I presume he was not arrested for overstay or any other offence. If I am correct it is completely diffrent senario. Being sectionedfor your own safety and being arrested and then sectioned if that was to happen are very very diffrent.

It doesn't matter which way you play it, the treatment AIN'T free.


You state he was sectioned for his own safety so I presume he was not arrested for overstay or any other offence. If I am correct it is completely diffrent senario. Being sectionedfor your own safety and being arrested and then sectioned if that was to happen are very very diffrent.

It doesn't matter which way you play it, the treatment AIN'T free.
Sorry don't see it that way if you are arested and become ill or are found to be ill duty of care takes over what do you think there going to let someone die instead of treating them. Yes maybe after the treatment they mat look for money to pay for it but if the lads not got any then they aren't going to get. Which is why I hope if it is the case they pay to get him home cheaper in the long run.

You state he was sectioned for his own safety so I presume he was not arrested for overstay or any other offence. If I am correct it is completely diffrent senario. Being sectionedfor your own safety and being arrested and then sectioned if that was to happen are very very diffrent.

Being found to be 'mentally unstable" is a reason (in the Thai immigration act) for refusal of entry or deportation and banning.

Costs , of course, are a matter for the individual, family or friends.


You state he was sectioned for his own safety so I presume he was not arrested for overstay or any other offence. If I am correct it is completely diffrent senario. Being sectionedfor your own safety and being arrested and then sectioned if that was to happen are very very diffrent.

It doesn't matter which way you play it, the treatment AIN'T free.
Sorry don't see it that way if you are arested and become ill or are found to be ill duty of care takes over what do you think there going to let someone die instead of treating them. Yes maybe after the treatment they mat look for money to pay for it but if the lads not got any then they aren't going to get. Which is why I hope if it is the case they pay to get him home cheaper in the long run.

There are people in the IDC who have been there a long time, do you really think the Thai authorities care ?

In their eyes, the phrase 'son nam nar' comes to mind, and to a degree, they are not wrong.

I have seen the inside of a mental hospital here, not a ward in a Government hospital, but a proper institution, and if he was assessed by a doctor, and sent there for treatment, his chances of survival would not be too good.

They treat soi dogs better here than someone locked away with a mental illness.

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