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‘I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime’ – Pope receives Charlemagne Prize


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‘I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime’ – Pope receives Charlemagne Prize


Pope Francis has called for Europe to remember its founding values, as he received the Charlemagne Prize for his contribution to European unity.

In a speech heavily referencing Europe’s past, the Pope asked ‘What has happened to you, Europe?’ He said remembering the past would ‘free us from today’s temptation to build hastily on the shifting sands of immediate results, which may produce “quick and easy short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fulfilment”.

It comes as the EU deals with a series of crises – an emergency summit is to be held on Monday to deal with the latest round of debt relief for Greece, Britain is to vote on whether to leave the 28 member bloc in June, and a deal struck with Turkey to handle the flow of refugees and migrants continues to court controversy. Hungary has accused the EU of blackmail over the introduction of fines for refusing asylum seekers.

The Pope has highlighted the EU’s struggles to deal with the large number of migrants and refugees arriving on their shores. On a recent visit to the Greek island of Lesbos, he took 12 Syrian refugees back to Italy. Concluding his speech, the pontiff set out his vision of Europe’s future saying he dreamed of a Europe where “being a migrant is not a crime but a summons to greater commitment on behalf of the dignity of every human being.”

In a break from convention, the ceremony took place at the Vatican, rather than the German town of Aachen, with the EU institutions three presidents Donald Tusk, Martin Schulz and Jean-Claude Juncker making the trip to Rome. King Philip of Spain and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also in attendance.

The pontiff is the 58th winner of the prize and second pope (after John Paul II in 2004) to be awarded the prize for the contribution to European unity.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-07

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Pope is a strong voice of the Western world.

In my humble opinion we need to hear his words even if they are contrary to our beliefs. After all, people who want to try their luck on our continent could be an asset if we had the courage to defend our values.

Therefore, problems posed by these newcomers may be due more to our endemic cowardice than to their own nature. World population double every 50 years about, what already raised today, and tomorrow more earth and space problem that should be solved other than with walls.

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With all due respect, being a pop, it is expected from one to say those things, what else could he said?

that migrants are not welcome? and where dose all this nonstop migrations will stop?

beside, imagine living in a country, a city and a village, where all of a sudden your neighborhood is full of strange

aliens with foreign everything to you culture language and way of life, worshiping a different god and getting

government assistant you never got and you and your forefathers has built this country.....

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Being a migrant ISN'T a crime. There are millions of migrants throughout Europe living & working perfectly legally.

Being an ILLEGAL migrant is a crime, however, in every country in the world. Unfortunately, there are millions of those too.

Therefore the pope's wish is fulfilled - being a migrant isn't, in itself, a crime.

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Pope is a strong voice of the Western world.

In my humble opinion we need to hear his words even if they are contrary to our beliefs. After all, people who want to try their luck on our continent could be an asset if we had the courage to defend our values.

Therefore, problems posed by these newcomers may be due more to our endemic cowardice than to their own nature. World population double every 50 years about, what already raised today, and tomorrow more earth and space problem that should be solved other than with walls.

I agree 100%

The real problem with Europe is the lack courage to defend our values and force the newcomers to adapt to them or go back home.

The true face of the "Political correct" is that of a coward.

Edited by brianinbangkok
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‘I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime’


There is no crime in being a migrant when you go through the legal procedures that allow you to migrate from one Country to another.

Everyone else who tries to bypass that system are committing various crimes.

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‘I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime’ – Pope receives Charlemagne Prize

Charlemagne Prize, good for you, Popemeister.

Charlemagne, The Father of Europe: Charlemagne continued his father's policy towards the papacy and became its protector, removing the Lombards from power in northern Italy, and leading an incursion into Muslim Spain. He also campaigned against the Saxons to his east, Christianizing them upon penalty of death, leading to events such as the Massacre of Verden. Charlemagne reached the height of his power in 800 when he was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III

Good Prize for a Pope, I'm sure. But, these were medieval time, with medieval methods and mindsets, quite different to modern times, where religions are reformed and much more tolerant...especially the religion practiced by the majority of migrants. Now, if the Pope wants to win the Klauskunkel Prize, he would have to share the vast fortune accumulated by his church over the centuries with the migrants, so they would be less of a burden to their host countries... But I think that dream would be rather a nightmare for any Pope, just imagine someone putting their money where their mouth is.

dream on, Popester, maybe Nobel is on the horizon, next.

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Europe is not responsible for all of the problems of other war torn countries. We have been made to feel guilty for building a civilsed and prosperous society. Now we must share it with everyone. I have no time for this meddling fool.

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Pope is a strong voice of the Western world.
In my humble opinion we need to hear his words even if they are contrary to our beliefs. After all, people who want to try their luck on our continent could be an asset if we had the courage to defend our values.
Therefore, problems posed by these newcomers may be due more to our endemic cowardice than to their own nature. World population double every 50 years about, what already raised today, and tomorrow more earth and space problem that should be solved other than with walls.

"Pope is a strong voice of the Western world" - only to those who consider themselves Catholics and believe in the Catholic fairy tales. To everyone else he's a non entity and no one gives a toss what he says.

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Well I guess if you actually subscribe to the absurd notion that the Pope is God's representative on earth, then his comments have more relevance than the local taxi driver.

Religious leader opinions are no different to the CEO of any large company weighing into an argument with the aim to purely help push up their stock price.

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This news piece is among the clearest vindications of those like me who assert this pope is way out of his ecclesiastical jurisdiction and no more than a shill for secular agenda. In fact, that secular agenda is unquestionably insidious and contrary to the will of the governed. Fewer things than the Charlemagne Prize could evidence this.

Let's be clear, 'I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime' is first and foremost a political plagiarism of Martin Luther King, who when spoken entirely applied it to the secular. It is solely designed to be a sleight of hand, transferring from worthy consideration elitist's 'agenda,' to indictment of the entire population of Europe as an ad hominen attack. What it does it smother valid critique in a general pejorative.

What is the Charlemagne Prize? It is a self congratulatory society of elites who ascribe to and implement a fairly toxic and insidious agenda of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan for a PanEurope/PanEurabia. It should hardly come as a surprise that inherent in this goal is the articulation of another "thousand year reign" of what would formerly have been Roman Empire. Its unclear if the aspirations aspire to a 3rd or 4th "thousand year reign" because the 3rd was the Third Reich, and that did not last. Let me be clear: This is 100% correct. (Read the Pan and its related texts!).

Integral to the goal was the realization that two things stood in the way:

1. Nationalism

2. A projected declining European population secondary to the typical aging that takes place in developed economies.

1. Nationalism had to be replaced with another glue and toward that end, via... Progressivism, they enacted varying treaties, agreements, seeds of collective military and intel marriage, monetary cohesion, and lastly would be outright superstate. This is not speculation. This is the Plan.

2. It was decided long, long ago that populations would have to come from Africa and the Middle east. This is the Plan.

So, watching Merkel (a previous winner of this self congratulatory prize) and the militant theologian, Francis (the latest winner of this self congratulatory prize), fawn over each other and have their obedient (indeed insurgent) media champion this as newsworthy, reveals just how sick the polity is. The 'club' in attendance is a who's who of the architects of Europe's woe. (Read the names. Read the Plan. Read the related texts).

The decision to have the ceremony in the Vatican is both troubling, and explainable on two points:

1. It would be unseemly at best to conduct this charade in the seat of a sea of discontent at this "plan" being inflicted on German residents.

2. The choice of the Vatican, under any ostensible pretext, is instructive. It announces the marriage once more of the secular with the religious.

These are deeply troubling times and European populations ignore this at their own peril. This is not conspiracy. This is open insurgency. Symbolism is very important to these people.

They are by their acts, without the consent of the governed obtained under false pretenses, implementing a European Order that will totally and "fundamentally transform" Europe permanently. This is dark stuff, very dark.

If any can show me where any of this is incorrect I retract my post. This is 100% correct.

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