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Best place to live? Really?

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My brother, who has a good bit of money, claims Hawaii is the best.

I lived in Maine one year. Beautiful place (for about 3 months out of 12), but in the winter, we only had 6 or 7 hours of daylight per day. I couldn't do another winter there.

I've heard New Zealand is awesome. But it rains A LOT!

For me, Thailand is pretty good.

Except for high season through hot season.

Looking forward to June and some rain.

Could go back to where I come from except I might get arrested for letting my kid walk home from school, there are no kids outside for him to play with, and most all of my old friends are Donald Trump fans and shoot deer in their spare time.

No place is perfect.

That's strange why would a liberal have so many republican/conservative old friends.

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I mean what else can it be?

it could be (and most probably is) your lack of comprehension and/ or lack of imagination that one can have an excellent life in the shittiest place that exists on this planet.

So much of what makes an excellent life is not "where" but with "whom"...

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San Francisco seems to be best place to live until one realizes the summers can be as cold as winters.

Tiburon, California seems to be the best until one encounters crazy rich people and their dysfunctional driving habits.

Honolulu, Hawaii seems to be paradise to until one realizes much of infrastructure is on par w/3rd world countries

Maui, Hawaii is one of healthiest, most pristine places on Earth if you dont go out of your mind w/boredom

much of N Europe - cold, depressing, overpriced

much of S Europe - still relatively cold, overpriced, high crime

Thailand - relatively safe, beautiful but can be dirty and unhealthy like other SE Asian countries

China - massive, limitless exploration possibilities, can be too hot/cold/ polluted

Japan - safest, most civilized country in the world often plagued by overcast skys and cold weather

Take your pick...

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Best place to stay, must surely be at home with family in any country

you haven't met my family, evidently. That shot of Aleppo reminds me of some unfinished condo projects here in LOS. Best place depends as much (if not more) on attitude as it does on other factors. and of course one man's meat is another man's poison

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There is clearly no universal "best place" to live. There are better and worse places. Aleppo does not look wonderful today but is an ancient city that was quite a good place to live for many people for centuries. If you are single then there is a set of choices. If you have a family and ties, there is another. If you are raising and educating children a different set. As some of you know we are leaving Thailand for certainly somewhile because we have decided that for the children there are "better" places to be a teenager. We are lucky we can choose. We have homes in Wales, France, Chiang Mai and Nakhon Phanom where we have been living. We left Phuket because, again, in spite of its attraction we thought it no longer a good place to live; much the same about Chiang Mai. Nakhon Phanom is great. It has an airport and most of what you want plus the amazing river Mekong. Can be in Laos in a few minutes and at the sea in Vietnam in a few hours and 1 hour to BKK. But you would not say it is anything other much than boring!! Of course I don't want gogos and Foodland or Villa Market. But with kids you are looking for safety, friends, community, family and naturally education. Mrs was of the view that "peacefulness" is one of the most important reasons foreigners choose to live here. However she has changed her mind. Pulled the kids out of a fairground the other night where a teenage knife and gun battle was escalating. Hence, in part, the decision to leave. And, of course, money enters into it! I have no idea how we are going to create/recreate the Mekong lifestyle in the South of France. Never tried! Though the kids found a Lao grocery in Lyon!

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There are quite a few members who just can't stop gloating about their excellent life be it in Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Nakhon Nowhere or Bangkok for that matter.

And quite a few more who can't stop complaining about where they live and putting down people who live in certain other places.

If someone is happy with his circumstances, why does that bother you or others? I'd say that being upset by someone else's happiness raises more questions about those who get their knickers in a knot than about those who are enjoying themselves.

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I mean what else can it be?

it could be (and most probably is) your lack of comprehension and/ or lack of imagination that one can have an excellent life in the shittiest place that exists on this planet.

To me my home is where I hang my hat. !!

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There are quite a few members who just can't stop gloating about their excellent life be it in Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Nakhon Nowhere or Bangkok for that matter.

And quite a few more who can't stop complaining about where they live and putting down people who live in certain other places.

If someone is happy with his circumstances, why does that bother you or others? I'd say that being upset by someone else's happiness raises more questions about those who get their knickers in a knot than about those who are enjoying themselves.

Yeah, all those millions of Americans who swear the US is the "best" place to live (but have never been anywhere else) can't be wrong right?

Just pay attention and you'll find something that can be improved. Otherwise man would still be living in caves eating bugs.

This goes for everywhere, including Thailand.

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Im born and raised in Sweden by Serbian parents. Living 4 years in Thailand and go every year to Serbia. Sweden gives me the social security, free hospitals and schools but also no sun, cold weather, boring asocial people and its a police state meaning you cant fart without getting fined.Sweden is soon compared to an arabic country with soon to be more moskes than churches. Serbia is cheaper than Thailand and i just love it there. Mentaly and socially i connect so easy with the Serbian people and wonder many times why i never really moved there. But i prefer Thailand even if i have to fight with immigration, fines everywhere, corrupt police. Need extra insurances which get expensive. I always liked the Asian girls, the sun and hot weather make me feel good. Its cheap when you learn how to. Phuket to expensive and actually small. Bkk to big and like 1h driving wherever you go (booring) In Pattaya i have everything.

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I hate Canada or any other place where they measure snow fall. Its depressing places to stay. Even made more depressing when most people wear black, grey and/or white (only). Canada or any cold drab country, is only good for a short holiday when I need to be reminded why I stay in Thailand. First as I mentioned the depressing winters that last forever, the bleak clothing and then the never ending nanny state rules. Although countries like Canada have freedom of speech they don't have freedom of doing anymore. Governments loves rules and regulations which in the end over organise society, to such an extend that nothing seems natural anymore. Yes Canada is a good place for someone that loves the cold and bleak winters, drap clothing and regulated living. For me the freedom of doing/living outstrip any benefit of developed countries like Canada provide.

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I love Canada but winter can drag on. I grew up in southwestern Ontario. So winter can be mild compared to the north. The short days are pain but summer is beautiful. Winter is what you make of it. Either hunker down till spring or get outside and enjoy it. Lots of options and the more you are outside the more acclimated you become and the cold won't bother you much as if you just stay inside. On the flip side it is just getting too expensive. Taxes and more taxes. Utilities,cable,Internet,hydro, and natural gas are just going up every year. One reason I enjoy Thailand is the weather and the easy cost of living here.

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People in Monte Carlo live their lives; expats in Thailand talk about their lives.

Let me educate you a bit since you clearly are not aware--most expats in Thailand are in fact living their lives. But since they are too busy living their lives, how can they come on here and defend themselves? Perhaps the irony is over your head.

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There are quite a few members who just can't stop gloating about their excellent life be it in Chiang Mai, Hua Hin, Nakhon Nowhere or Bangkok for that matter.

And quite a few more who can't stop complaining about where they live and putting down people who live in certain other places.

If someone is happy with his circumstances, why does that bother you or others? I'd say that being upset by someone else's happiness raises more questions about those who get their knickers in a knot than about those who are enjoying themselves.

Agree. The OP seems to be forever searching for....something. He seems to think that someone else has the answer. Odd. I'd never ask anyone to choose the "best place to live" for me because no one knows what I'm looking for. Some of the places mentioned on this thread I have absolutely no interest in. Well, maybe Hawaii. If I wanted to live in France...or Canada..or Italy...or any other place, that's where I'd be.

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Besides, have you ever been to Monte Carlo? It's kind of boring.

Yep -- I thought it was great. Ditto Provence, San Remo, Tuscany and places over by the Bay of Biscay.

There are lots of beautiful places in Europe.

I don't get why people feel offended when I point out that Thailand, by contrast, is basically a dump. Perhaps people like to deceive themselves!

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Hey, charlie from another planet - - this is a matter of personal taste. And tastes change and places change and as we progress through stages of our lives we tire of one thing and want something else... I have enjoyed both city and country life at different times in my life. The only constant is change.

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Besides, have you ever been to Monte Carlo? It's kind of boring.

Yep -- I thought it was great. Ditto Provence, San Remo, Tuscany and places over by the Bay of Biscay.

There are lots of beautiful places in Europe.

I don't get why people feel offended when I point out that Thailand, by contrast, is basically a dump. Perhaps people like to deceive themselves!

I know there are beautiful places in Europe. I come from one of them.

I wouldn't live there if you paid me, though. Like many beautiful places, it's lovely to visit, but dull as hell to live in.

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Besides, have you ever been to Monte Carlo? It's kind of boring.

Yep -- I thought it was great. Ditto Provence, San Remo, Tuscany and places over by the Bay of Biscay.

There are lots of beautiful places in Europe.

I don't get why people feel offended when I point out that Thailand, by contrast, is basically a dump. Perhaps people like to deceive themselves!

I know there are beautiful places in Europe. I come from one of them.

I wouldn't live there if you paid me, though. Like many beautiful places, it's lovely to visit, but dull as hell to live in.

I agree. Monaco must be hell to live in.

Let's be frank, there's a limit to the number of times you can take your 100 foot yacht out for a spin or go frolicking on the beaches at St Tropez or enjoy yet another evening alongside the world's beautiful people at the casino or savor yet another example of perfect cuisine at the Carlton or Negresco.

God, it must be so dull living in Monte Carlo. Give me Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Isaan any day!!

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The rich don't live there because they like it. They live there for tax reasons.

But we're digressing. Point is, people look for different things in a place. I'd rather live somewhere grimy, chaotic and interesting than pristine, beautiful and peaceful.

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The rich don't live there because they like it. They live there for tax reasons.

Indeed. God how I pity those poor, miserable souls living there!


They must be so envious of the likes of you and I.

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Besides, have you ever been to Monte Carlo? It's kind of boring.

Yep -- I thought it was great. Ditto Provence, San Remo, Tuscany and places over by the Bay of Biscay.

There are lots of beautiful places in Europe.

I don't get why people feel offended when I point out that Thailand, by contrast, is basically a dump. Perhaps people like to deceive themselves!

I know there are beautiful places in Europe. I come from one of them.

I wouldn't live there if you paid me, though. Like many beautiful places, it's lovely to visit, but dull as hell to live in.

I agree. Monaco must be hell to live in.

Let's be frank, there's a limit to the number of times you can take your 100 foot yacht out for a spin or go frolicking on the beaches at St Tropez or enjoy yet another evening alongside the world's beautiful people at the casino or savor yet another example of perfect cuisine at the Carlton or Negresco.

God, it must be so dull living in Monte Carlo. Give me Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Isaan any day!!

I'm not sure that I would automatically get a 100 ft yacht just because I pitched my corrugated iron lean-to shack in Monaco.

I imagine I'd struggle to find a job there, and I'm not sure that being destitute in Monaco is better than being prosperous in Bangkok, no matter how many Lamborghinis you can ogle or film stars you can stare at.

I'm quite comfortable where I am, close to the office, and when I cycle there, I can go past the Lotus showroom. Stuff your foreign motors, give me a Proton any time!


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May be you are just an unhappy person who don't care where to live and never happy with the place you live. May be Chiang Mai is the best place for those who say so and Philippines for someone else and Toronto for me.

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May be you are just an unhappy person who don't care where to live and never happy with the place you live. May be Chiang Mai is the best place for those who say so and Philippines for someone else and Toronto for me.

Maybe, like the dear old late Queen Mother, you soldier on smiling through thick and thin no matter what adversity befalls you.

Maybe you have potential -you could be the catalyst that sparks a revolution - you could be an inmate in a long-term institution.

If there's one thing I've learnt from following rugby league, "it's no good speculating".


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