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31 Year Old Dutchman Jumps to his Death from 40th Floor of Bangkok Condo

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How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

Never judge another until you have studied different forms of serious mental illness and chemical

Imbalances. The combination of chemicals in prescription and illegal drugs combined with alcohol create many problems with only one way out to stop the suffering. Severe posttraumatic stress from combat is another driving force. Most who commit suicide have tried to live with it and couldn't. Many commit suicide from the intense pain that medical professionals can't stop. Unfortunately today many cannot afford the proper medical treatment to overcome their pain and most people can't understand their pain or dysfunction.

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How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

Never judge another until you have studied different forms of serious mental illness and chemical

Imbalances. The combination of chemicals in prescription and illegal drugs combined with alcohol create many problems with only one way out to stop the suffering. Severe posttraumatic stress from combat is another driving force. Most who commit suicide have tried to live with it and couldn't. Many commit suicide from the intense pain that medical professionals can't stop. Unfortunately today many cannot afford the proper medical treatment to overcome their pain and most people can't understand their pain or dysfunction.

Great post and so very true.

Sadly, in order to comprehend your comment fully, it requires real understanding of your fellow man as well as a healthy pair of brains...two things that are mostly hard to find on this forum here nowadays...rip dutch boy.


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

I don't understand either. I'd like to see the statistics on suicide methods of farangs in Thailand. Jumping from a high place seems to be a really common occurrence here in Thailand for farangs who 'check out early', but it is not the norm in their home countries. I've checked suicide method for males in the US, Finland, and Australia, and jumping from a high place is pretty much at the bottom of the list of preferred suicide methods in those countries. Same for females.

So we are suppose to believe that farangs who allegedly commit suicide chose jumping as one of their primary choices, which goes completely counter to statistics from their home countries. Personally I don't buy it. One thing I have noticed that balcony railing heights are lower than you'd expect to see in Western countries. My personal feeling is that many of these 'suicides' are actually accidents or deliberate murders, with actual 'jumpers' being in the minority of deaths by falling which would fit in line with International statistics gathered by World Health Organization. E.g., male jumpers in Finland approx 5%; male jumpers in US approx < 5%; male jumpers in S.Korea approx 11%. My guess is that if the figures from Thailand were readily available, the number of 'jumpers' would be significantly skewed upwards.


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

A man of god... pffff religious people.. why is it so hard to understand that some people just want to die. We have the right to die no matter what religious people say. (i do feel its hard on the next of kin but if there are none of those why not I feel suicide is totally acceptable)

If I ever come to a point where I want to kill myself I will just do it. But not in a way that harms others, I would probably go by way of an overdose quick and painless. Or carbon monoxide something like that, nice letter on the door or a letter send the day before alerting people so nobody will be in shock when they find me. I am happy that back in my country we have the right to euthanasia.

?? at age 31????????

By age, young people are the most likely to 'check out early' with that number peaking in the teen years for Western females and in the mid-20s for Western males, and then both averages declining until people are in the late 70s and 80s where the averages trend upwards again slightly. So yeah, Western male 31 years old is not an anomaly. But here in Thailand? Who knows for sure.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

What is a ' frange ' is it a lady that can't grow a pair maybe ? Un confuse me .


Thailand, suicide destination number 1 in the world. Welcome to paradise.


You may well not be depressed when you first come to the land of the long Knives but many end up that way. Could be a love that turns sour or maybe running out of ATM money that so many of your "friends" rely on. I suppose many people come to live "abroad" because there is nothing for them at home or they feel the need to leave their past behind. If then things don't work out for them and they won't return the options become limited..


Poor man must have been seriously depressed.

Please stop all the stupid comments, about how/why etc.

Only he knew what was going through his mind at the time, alone out of his mind.

My heart goes out to him, because i have been there !! frightening bloody frightening !! believe me.

When i was told that i would never walk again, i wanted to end my life, i could not see any future for me.

I was very lucky, i had my wife at my side supporting me encouraging me loving me, she helped me back from the brink.

If that poor man had nobody to help encourage him, i understand why he jumped.

So members please in future take a little time if you see/know someone in desperate need. Stop help it wont cost you anything only your time.

R.I.P. poor man i hope you can now find peace.


Theere does appear to be a larger than normal number of suicides from jumping in Thailand but then again other methods may not be as available in Thailand as in their home country. The saddest part is that some of this can be stopped if all the Western Embassies would get together and fund a 24 hour helpline for Westerners or anyone else that wants to talk. Sometimes just a kind word will head off the utter depression and hopelessness that people feel. The helpline could be staffed by long term expats that have a background in Psychology or Social Services. The problem is non of the foreign governments care about their citizens enough to do this. Sad.


It's well it's well and true overdue, that all new high rise condos have floor to ceiling safety glass window that can only be opened 75mm, this will stop these suisides, and accidental falls from balconies.

They have this idea back in Australia eg: Casino's.

No thanks. I live on the 36th floor and like windows that open along with my balcony. Why should be imposed on because somebody jumped? RIP to him but leave my windows out of it.


Theere does appear to be a larger than normal number of suicides from jumping in Thailand but then again other methods may not be as available in Thailand as in their home country. The saddest part is that some of this can be stopped if all the Western Embassies would get together and fund a 24 hour helpline for Westerners or anyone else that wants to talk. Sometimes just a kind word will head off the utter depression and hopelessness that people feel. The helpline could be staffed by long term expats that have a background in Psychology or Social Services. The problem is non of the foreign governments care about their citizens enough to do this. Sad.

Many of these problems are the result of impulsive behaviour driven by alcohol/illegal ingestion of drugs.


It is doubtful that a 'help' line such as you suggest would be helpful or even possible. Think your suggestion though before blaming "foreign governments"


I assure you that I have thought this through as I have a background in Psychology - a potential suicide can be prevented by a person speaking with another and expressing their feelings. Being on alcohol or drugs is simply a way for the person to try and ease their pain. Of course I blame foreign governments to include the USA, UK and all the rest for not caring enough to pool a small portion of their bloated budgets to actually help some of their distressed citizens. The idea has been brought up before and they have neglected to put up the money. There are several counselling agencies in Bangkok staffed by foreigners who could run such a help line. Foreign governments have plenty of money to fight wars, erect walls to keep out immigrants and send their diplomats around the World. How about using some of it to help their own citizens.


I assure you that I have thought this through as I have a background in Psychology - a potential suicide can be prevented by a person speaking with another and expressing their feelings. Being on alcohol or drugs is simply a way for the person to try and ease their pain. Of course I blame foreign governments to include the USA, UK and all the rest for not caring enough to pool a small portion of their bloated budgets to actually help some of their distressed citizens. The idea has been brought up before and they have neglected to put up the money. There are several counselling agencies in Bangkok staffed by foreigners who could run such a help line. Foreign governments have plenty of money to fight wars, erect walls to keep out immigrants and send their diplomats around the World. How about using some of it to help their own citizens.

I very much doubt you have" thought it out" but if you have then please PM me with your 'Plan' which will clearly state how a single number system could be implemented and the many different languages would be catered for.

You will also will have "thought out" how mental heath services are accessed in Thailand in case of Emergency need. Please provide the details for the whole of Thailand.

I suspect your 'background' in Psychology consists more of consuming service than providing it.

Being polite you are naive in the extreme.


Clinical depression is a really lousy illness, yes illness. A lot about it came to light in the wake of the that young Germanwings pilot locking the cockpit and crashing his plane into the Alps last year.

It is a severe chronic illness, just like diabetes, arthritis and the like. Apparently, drugs can help ease the suffering but they're not a cure and sometimes end up masking symptoms which would otherwise attract intervention. What was really scary to read is how severely depressed people can seem suddenly a lot recovered and happier to friends and family, when that ``happiness'' is owing to a resolve finally made to die and the anticipation of release from pain.

Hug a random stranger today. I am going out to the mall right now to do just that. If she's cute with long legs that ain't got nothing to do with nothing.


I have no intentions of providing you any of what i have thought out. Since when did you appoint yourself as anyone who should judge me or my plan. Whether you believe me or not. I could care less. I try and stay polite but the tone of your exchange is rude and shows how little you know about Thailand; the suffering of your fellow man; and life in general.


I have no intentions of providing you any of what i have thought out. Since when did you appoint yourself as anyone who should judge me or my plan. Whether you believe me or not. I could care less. I try and stay polite but the tone of your exchange is rude and shows how little you know about Thailand; the suffering of your fellow man; and life in general.

So no plan and it seems little knowledge from one who sets itself up to criticise "foreign governments" and other contributors who may, in, fact be very knowledgeable about a subject in which your "knowledge" appears limited.

How does one gain access to Emergency Mental Health Care anywhere in Thailand ? Put your "knowledge" ,politely, to good use and tell everyone. (There is no need to reveal the non existent plan.)


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

A man of god... pffff religious people.. why is it so hard to understand that some people just want to die. We have the right to die no matter what religious people say. (i do feel its hard on the next of kin but if there are none of those why not I feel suicide is totally acceptable)

If I ever come to a point where I want to kill myself I will just do it. But not in a way that harms others, I would probably go by way of an overdose quick and painless. Or carbon monoxide something like that, nice letter on the door or a letter send the day before alerting people so nobody will be in shock when they find me. I am happy that back in my country we have the right to euthanasia.

I still am completely confused.

There are no penalties for suicide....quite obvious.

What does "the right to commit suicide" have to do with anything ? It is a lost point. Nobody goes to jail or gets fined after they commit suicide....so no need to make it a "right".

kind of obvious. No need to worry about your right to kill yourself..if that is what you want to do.

You must be considering this? You seem to have a plan.

I prefer to enjoy life.Somebody who is depressed should definitely seek alternate solutions. Many people do endorse some kind of belief in a Supreme Being. It gives them comfort...and they have a right to seek that as an alternative.


I have no intention of engaging you on any subject. You may believe whatever you want.

I was not asking you to "engage with me" ! (Beggar the thought sick.gif )

I was asking that you share your knowledge of how to access "Emergency Mental Health Care" in Thailand for the benefit of others.

If, as I suspect, you have no clue then just admit it.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

You haven't a clue on this topic. If and when it affects you...then you will get a clue.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

You haven't a clue on this topic. If and when it affects you...then you will get a clue.

Indeed. At one time 'depression" was catagorised as being "Reactive" ( The result of some life event) or "Endogenous" ( No known cause)

Today these terms, whilst still thought useful by some, have largely been abandoned in favour of describing depression as a "Mood Disorder" the treatment of which depends on the severity of the disorder.

Even with access to the best of care "suicide" is not and never will be 100% preventable.


Removed typo


Wow 40 floors ! That must live you time to think about what you just did (and can't undo).

For sure not a good way to do it.. plus the damage you could do to others.

What damage?


I could never jump and smack myself on concrete.........I have a 5m rope, 10 zanax, 750ml whiskey......rope around my neck wedged in a door jam until I pass out.....harmless.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

This might be the most astoundingly senseless thing I've ever read. And that's going some. People are dying, in droves, globally. There is nothing more profoundly inaccessible to the average human's self-deluded "perceptive ability" than the myriad motivational forces at work prior to departure. The only time you, I, or anyone else will have the right to speak to this is during the fleeting moments that remain as we approach the ground. Grow a pair? Do you think you just waltz off a roof? Un-freaking-believable.


You may well not be depressed when you first come to the land of the long Knives but many end up that way. Could be a love that turns sour or maybe running out of ATM money that so many of your "friends" rely on. I suppose many people come to live "abroad" because there is nothing for them at home or they feel the need to leave their past behind. If then things don't work out for them and they won't return the options become limited..

The list could obviously be lengthened a bit, but, spot on. One man's options are not necessarily another's. Judge not.

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