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31 Year Old Dutchman Jumps to his Death from 40th Floor of Bangkok Condo

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I have no issue with suicide, but what a terrible way to go...

During the freefall from the 40th floor, the instinct must kick in and the last seconds must bring incredible fear and pain.

There are so many easier ways to call it a life and without pain and stress, especially in a country where medicine that is only sold with a prescription in the west can be obtained without much effort.

I don't think there are more suicides in Thailand, but so many jumpers? I don't get it.


I have no issue with suicide, but what a terrible way to go...

During the freefall from the 40th floor, the instinct must kick in and the last seconds must bring incredible fear and pain.

There are so many easier ways to call it a life and without pain and stress, especially in a country where medicine that is only sold with a prescription in the west can be obtained without much effort.

I don't think there are more suicides in Thailand, but so many jumpers? I don't get it.

I reckon the adrenaline rush would make the experience pain free.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it

Easy to say but there are sometimes immovable objects that we all could come up against in the future. The girlfriend one is probably the easiest.Although if you are too old to get one,have got little money (thats the big put-off) are in not too good health(Cannot afford to go back home for treatment) and once again too old to get a job offer, I think that's enough to start you on the depression trail.You may have everything going for you now but as we say sometimes-----life's a bitch---- and there was never a truer statement.At the moment I am happily married to a Thai lady(not girl),I have a small car,3 motorbikes between us (one is an old wave she is attached to) and I must admit I get a kick out of it occasionally.We have a nice little house all paid up,and the family are all lovely to me and never want money. Wife has farm and we did work it until about 3yrs ago.Now family do all the work and we get free rice and few sacks to sell during the year,both now feeling too old(me 80 and wife 55).I have money for ret visa and some for emergencies,and we can fairly easily live on my pension. OK now sorry to labour the point but I had to smile to myself reading your post.All those SOLUTIONS you came up with can so easily be portrayed as null and void and disaster can be in front of you without a lot of warning.Especially if we bury our heads in the proverbial sand so we cannot see them or want to talk about them.Have compassion for those around you especially Farang who are in the same frame of mind as you.There is no pain like the circumstance that bites you on the bum-----Dougalwai.gif

If the Swede was looking at a small car and 3 motorbikes by the time he was 80 years old....

Makes you think.. Why stick around.. Just jump..

Some people just can't deal with their life and the rest of the BS that goes with it.


why do we never hear tourists commiting suicide and jumping from high-rise building in NYC, Paris or Barcelona?


Don't be too sure about that .


Suicide tourism New York skyscrapers.

thanks for your link, but did you bother to read them???blink.png

quote from your link:

"It’s highly unusual for the cathedral, visited by some 13 million people from around the world every year, to be evacuated."

"Jacquin said a few people had committed suicide by jumping from Notre Dame’s twin towers, but he had no knowledge of anyone ever committing suicide on the altar. The Eiffel Tower occasionally shuts down because of suicides or attempts to jump off its ledges."

In Paris we dont even know if it was locals or tourists who commited a suicide.... and France get 3 fold more tourists.

"But an informal survey of suicides in New York over the past twenty years reveals a bleak tapestry of out-of-towners who took their own lives. There was John Barrachina, a civil servant from Lodi, New Jersey, who, in 1997, woke up on the morning of his 59th birthday, drove onto the George Washington Bridge, parked his car, and jumped. There was Shawn Gibson, from Michigan by way of Florida, who came to New York in November 2004, at age 21, and leaped off the Empire State Building. That same year, Andrew Veal, 25, drove from Georgia to New York City, then slipped inside the ground-zero reconstruction site and shot himself. There was a man who spent his last moments filling out a job application in an office on a high floor. There was the 51-year-old cabbie from Poughkeepsie, a fortysomething from the Rockies, a man from Mexico City, and another from Spain. A native Utahan leaped off the George Washington Bridge in 1992, months after policemen talked him down off the same expanse."

If you did bother to read your article, most of the victims were from another US state. They were not all foreign tourists! And USA get also 3 fold more tourists than here.

So its bring me back to a simple conclusion : the number of foreign suicide in thailand is simply astounding, its simply too high!!!!

Or maybe its not always a suicide....

ps: thanks for your useless linktongue.png


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.


Suicide is the most coward and narcissist act a man can do. There are hundreds of ways to overcome pain, to overcome depression. Even without a penny in a pocket, no one would die of hunger. Its a pure psychiatric problem.


Suicide is the most coward and narcissist act a man can do. There are hundreds of ways to overcome pain, to overcome depression. Even without a penny in a pocket, no one would die of hunger. Its a pure psychiatric problem.


Suicide is the most coward and narcissist act a man can do. There are hundreds of ways to overcome pain, to overcome depression. Even without a penny in a pocket, no one would die of hunger. Its a pure psychiatric problem.

Sounds very similar to being a keyboard warrior.

Selfish, narcissistic, penniless and psychotic.


Many are on antidepressants and would have never jumped if they had not been given these so called toxic medications . Seriously without the so called meds the body finds a way to deal with things but if we shoot the messenger then start experiencing tolerance withdrawals ( as all so called meds for mind cause ) and documented side effects like suicidal tendencies one no longer has a way to heal and their brain is scrambled and your tortured . Read the black box warning on these so called meds you will see . Most of these people you read about are on these so called meds and some even drink while using . You get to the root of issues or you just treat symptoms as the problem grows . I know little but have much experience with the side effects of these so called meds and this phenomenon is real . The most prevalent example of this is in the US with vets returning home and large percentage of them given massive amounts of so called meds for mind and their rate of suicide is directly proportionate to the percentage of the so-called meds given . In the future society will look back on this dangerous practice just like we look back now the lobotomy procedure we now know is lunacy but back in history was thought to be effective . In fact the Doctor who created the lobotomy process got a Nobel prize for this ridiculous procedure that back then was taken serious . Follow the [emoji765]


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it

Easy to say but there are sometimes immovable objects that we all could come up against in the future. The girlfriend one is probably the easiest.Although if you are too old to get one,have got little money (thats the big put-off) are in not too good health(Cannot afford to go back home for treatment) and once again too old to get a job offer, I think that's enough to start you on the depression trail.You may have everything going for you now but as we say sometimes-----life's a bitch---- and there was never a truer statement.At the moment I am happily married to a Thai lady(not girl),I have a small car,3 motorbikes between us (one is an old wave she is attached to) and I must admit I get a kick out of it occasionally.We have a nice little house all paid up,and the family are all lovely to me and never want money. Wife has farm and we did work it until about 3yrs ago.Now family do all the work and we get free rice and few sacks to sell during the year,both now feeling too old(me 80 and wife 55).I have money for ret visa and some for emergencies,and we can fairly easily live on my pension. OK now sorry to labour the point but I had to smile to myself reading your post.All those SOLUTIONS you came up with can so easily be portrayed as null and void and disaster can be in front of you without a lot of warning.Especially if we bury our heads in the proverbial sand so we cannot see them or want to talk about them.Have compassion for those around you especially Farang who are in the same frame of mind as you.There is no pain like the circumstance that bites you on the bum-----Dougalwai.gif

Thai girlfriends are usually very movable objects, as many of them weigh less than 40 kg. My falang ex-wife on the other hand, was definitely an immovable object weighing in at about 85 kg by the time I divorced her.

I take it then that you care not for anything concerning the OP and his disasterous consequences .I wish you a very happy and worry free life herecoffee1.gif

Nope. Everyone is free to do what they want. It's not my business.


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png

Couldn't agree with you more. Thailand is a great country, but just make sure you don't get involved with any Thai people, and definitely not romantically speaking. To do so is tantamount to signing your own death warrant in your own fresh blood.


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png

As far as I am aware the "stats" you seek do not exist but to suggest that falling from heights is a uniquely "Thai" occurrence would be wrong as the link demonstrates.


You will also note that the police drew rapid conclusions !


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png

As far as I am aware the "stats" you seek do not exist but to suggest that falling from heights is a uniquely "Thai" occurrence would be wrong as the link demonstrates.


You will also note that the police drew rapid conclusions !

I agree,Bender makes it sound like this is a Thai thing , People are jumping off high rise buildings in all major cities. I do not have the exact numbers in Europe but I am pretty sure they are close to Thailand.


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png

As far as I am aware the "stats" you seek do not exist but to suggest that falling from heights is a uniquely "Thai" occurrence would be wrong as the link demonstrates.


You will also note that the police drew rapid conclusions !


once again did you bother to read the article you provided? Or are you just playing a dumb game between you and Balo, who gonna provided the most useless articles?

So i take time to read your article, in fact i read it twice!

1)Nowhere it was mentioned the guy did commit suicide!

2)Nowhere it was mentioned the guy is a tourist!

3)Nowhere it was mentioned the police didnt investigate or draw a quick conclusion. In fact we dont know what the police did! (....but we can trust UK police)

4)And last but not the least, nowhere in your silly article it was mentioned that tourists are flocking to London to jump from their balcony!!!!!!

YOUR article was about a guy who felt from a rooftop, this is a thread about abnormal number of tourists jumping from balcony in thailand. facepalm.gif facepalm.gif facepalm.gif

"As far as I am aware the "stats" you seek do not exist"

maybe because, the tourists dont do balcony diving in London.....

ps :nice try johnatong, but next time use your brain and dont waste our time with useless articleswhistling.gif


Do you want suicide statistics from London ? And please remember that many of the sucides are expats , living in Thailand for years.

So how many time did you heard that an expat or a tourist did jump from balcony in London??? HOW MANY TIME?

Your stats about suicide in London, I want to know how its compare to thailand... Because in the UK, you can trust the police investigation, here clearly not!

"many of the sucides are expats"

..... maybe because more you get involve with thai people, more the chance you get murdered are high.....

ps: at least you acknowlegde your two previous link about suicide were complete-utter baloneywhistling.gif

i am waiting for the stats about tourists/expat jumping from a balcony in London, but with you, i will not hold my breathlaugh.png

As far as I am aware the "stats" you seek do not exist but to suggest that falling from heights is a uniquely "Thai" occurrence would be wrong as the link demonstrates.


You will also note that the police drew rapid conclusions !

I agree,Bender makes it sound like this is a Thai thing , People are jumping off high rise buildings in all major cities. I do not have the exact numbers in Europe but I am pretty sure they are close to Thailand.

so in others words, you spent the last 3 days looking for articles/statistics of tourists jumping from balcony in Paris, NYC, Roma, etc like they do in huge number in pattaya.... but sadly you cant found none... but you still want to convince us with your baloneylaugh.png


The drugs Dr. gives are what ultimately drives one to jump much of time with those very real side effect that are documented clearly in black box warning not the Thai relationship or anything on the outside possibly ?


Suicide is the most coward and narcissist act a man can do. There are hundreds of ways to overcome pain, to overcome depression. Even without a penny in a pocket, no one would die of hunger. Its a pure psychiatric problem.

Sounds very similar to being a keyboard warrior.

Selfish, narcissistic, penniless and psychotic.

I would say "a troll" rather than a keyboard warrior. These warriors are often receive salaries to write needed content but trolling or writing computer virus programs just to make troubles to innocent people - is a medical problem

When I read about it in div Thai newspapers about all suicides, I become nauseous.

31 years old .. one halfway in life .. so then, you decide to jump, difficulties to understand.



Difficult to understand ... Possibly difficult to accept but not so difficult to understand when you read the black box warnings/documented side effects on so called meds Dr. prescribes most of these people are taking when they decide to end it . Follow the $ " take the pill , not good for you but good for company making the poison [emoji87]

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