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Are you scared of your wife/gf?

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Dont know if such a topic is already being posted b4.

Ive the feeling that many farangs are scared of their thai wife or girlfriend.

A tough big man came into a bar. I want beer and look around if he is rambo. Then his phone rang. George..george....may i go to your kitchen. "yes teerak, im in central plaza...yes teerak....yes teerak...yes teerak ... Up he go hahahaha

Another man sat on the terace of the same bar talking with the stafaf. A well known local expat who have a business. He saw the car of his wife driving past. He said to the staff, let george come here. George george...sit next to me, my wife is coming......hahahahaha

Just some examples. So, are you scared of your wife? Hmmmm, ofcourse not. With you its always different,right???

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Those who are scared usually have something to hide.

Most often than not it will be bedding someone other than the wife especially in areas such as Pattaya and Bangkok where people simply can't resist temptation.

The amount of expats I've met in Thailand who par take in extra marital activities and believe it's acceptable behaviour is quite mind boggling.

Another way for those less fortunate to live in the tourist areas IE upcountry,usually ride motorbikes and every so often go on a ride out with the boys to fill their boots.

So as I said they are scared for a reason.

Edited by stoneyboy
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Good post @stoneyboy.

Ive also the impression that many thai wifes of farangs have a controlling mind and behaviour. They want to control the farang in all aspects and they even can be violent.

Another example:

Went with a couple to a restaurant. After dinner he gave the waitress a tip, was i think 200bht. In the car she hit him rather hard and shouted very loud: "why did you gave her so much tip?"

A farang bought shoes for himself. Rather expensive. "please dont tell my wife for how much i bought it" .....its his own money...damm it......

Edited by George Harmony
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Sounds like you hang out with some cool cats.

Sounds like a stalker........................coffee1.gif

Unless the overheard "somebody else" is actually him...........................wink.png

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When I was married to ex #2 (the mad as a bat one), I had to install a rear-view mirror by my computer desk to check if she was coming at me with a knife. On most occasions, it was not a knife but a plate, (but occasionally it was a knife!).

She broke so many plates by throwing them at me across the hotel reception that I was tempted to get a discount card from the local crockery shop cheesy.gif

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I would never suggest that one be afraid of one's wife/gf...however...if one decides to leave wife/gf...be sure and hide the kitchen knives before you tell her...

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Scared of the wife/GF?


But fear of losing everything we have built together, afraid of losing all that a married life offers, fear of staying alone, fear of having problem to get marriage based visa extension, fear of having to get the beer out of fridge by ourselves, fear of having to sleep alone, fear of having to go to the market and not to know how to ask for cucumber, fear to have to take care of the dog...

Not scared of the wife... just scared to have to change habits.

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A little off track but my friends fiance's mother threatened to make his life hell unless he paid a 1M dowry. His gf was silent on the matter...
He's thinking of leaving the country he is so worried.

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Scared, many of these are scare of all women, as they are usually doing something they shouldn't be !!

Not always. I learned in my former life that simple discretion can definitely be the better part of valor unless independently wealthy and two stones might not equal the mountains that can be made out of molehills with a little help from family and friends.

As I sometimes explain, when it doesn't matter what the truth really is and walking and talking or sitting beside can be made to look like probably is because it's you that's thought of as being stupid enough to do it on your own doorstep, it's not really a matter of being afraid of the wife, as being terrified of how much smarter stupid people always think they are. I'd be really stupid if I didn't learn that lesson at my age.

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A little off track but my friends fiance's mother threatened to make his life hell unless he paid a 1M dowry. His gf was silent on the matter...

He's thinking of leaving the country he is so worried.

Tell him to just move to another province and block all means of them finding him like Facebook. Some of the people making these threats are so full of bull.

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Scared of the wife/GF?


But fear of losing everything we have built together, afraid of losing all that a married life offers, fear of staying alone, fear of having problem to get marriage based visa extension, fear of having to get the beer out of fridge by ourselves, fear of having to sleep alone, fear of having to go to the market and not to know how to ask for cucumber, fear to have to take care of the dog...

Not scared of the wife... just scared to have to change habits.

I'd be ashamed to admit I was that incapable of looking after myself.

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Yes OP, I've seen a lot of similar incidents in Thailand. I guess Thai women also kind of suspect a farang here would "naturally" look for other women here since even Thai men do that. Lots of soap operas to perpetuate the idea.

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My wife is head teacher of a school , when she comes home she scolds me or orders me about like i was one of her naughty children . Much as I regret , I tell her straight NO !!! or to shut up . you must begin as you mean to go on .

Thais don't have any manners and just demand what they want , don't put up with it . My wife sometime has tirades of abuse , but I take no notice , don't answer back ; usually within half an hour she will be sweet and apologetic .

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Any violence or threats of violence from the missus and she becomes the ex-missus.

I have a buddy who put up with his wife hitting him for 10 years until she eventually nearly killed him. He divorced her and emigrated to Thailand when he got out of hospital. I could see it happening to him again, though - he's emotionally needy and lets people walk all over him.

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Yes OP, I've seen a lot of similar incidents in Thailand. I guess Thai women also kind of suspect a farang here would "naturally" look for other women here since even Thai men do that. Lots of soap operas to perpetuate the idea.

Also thai woman NEVER trust other thai woman......even her own sister.

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So, what does the list of things expats are scared of look like now?

Thai people

Taxi drivers


Murderous Burmese

Their wives

Anything I missed?

TV keyboard warriors

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