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American expat aims to raise funds to ‘recreate’ 9/11 in countryside


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Paul Salo is an American success story who spent his early years moving all over the US, living in a trailer park in Tuscon and eventually was raised in San Clemente, CA. After graduating from university in 1989, he backpacked to Asia, ran out of money and survived by selling art on the streets of China. He's been kidnapped at gunpoint, defended himself against a gang of 30 thugs and finally succeeded in the real estate market in China. He founded several companies ranging from executive recruiting, to real estate to his current passion for e-learning and coaching all while having a fantastic life. Paul is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Japanese.

Americans. You gotta love them. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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If the plane did not hit the Pentagon....where is it and its passengers ? Again....deafening silence from the conspiracy crowd.

Oh wait...here it is....a piece with the airline logo....laying right on the lawn !


Maybe we should ask Raymond Reddington, he knows just everything coffee1.gif

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


thats easy to explain. bin laden was praying in a remote afghan cave and allah performed the miracle of the retractable wings commercial jet, disappearing titanium engines and then for completeness did not leave a trace of miles of electrical wiring, seats, and baggage normally in a plane.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

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Another full of himself guy claiming he is crowdfunding the most radical event ever attempted.

He's retiring in Thailand. Oh lord................

A fraud and a huckster, promoting rubbish and uttertosh.

If I was the current PM I would send some agents to his hovel with a paid one way ticket and a polite order to pack his bags.

Persona non grata.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

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“Several people have estimated costs to recreate 9/11 and they usually are about USD3 million. We are trying to do it for 10 percent of that," said Paul.

"I wanna fly that sucker in there and see what happens," he said in the video. "We're gonna prove it once and for all: Was 9/11 a hoax or was it real?"

Let me save you some time and money on that...it was real.

"We deserve to find out what happened.”

We already know what happened.

ah finally some one who knows what happened. tell the rest of how building 7 cam down. i have watched all the footage and it look exactly like it was bough down with explosives. it was not struck by anything large enough to damage it structurally.

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The funny thing is that he thinks people actually care about 9/11.

Many people do, for starters the people who lost loved ones surrounding that event. Then there are the people who realise things do not add up whatsoever according to the mainstream narrative that the US government force-feeds it's people and the rest of the world. And of course the fact that the entire situation is merely a tool to continue destroying lives around the world, as well as being a means to control aspects of life in certain parts of the globe. It is one thing to not know about such a thing but it is another to wilfully ignore something of this magnitude. The fact that a government of a 'developed country' can have a hand in the death of thousands of it's own people and subsequently hundreds of thousands of innocent people overseas should be something to care about, just saying

History of the 20th century says all how evil governments are. Takes lots of reading though.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

As an educated man please explain how & why building 7 "fell" down, remember that Silverstein is on record as saying he gave orders for it to be "pulled" quite how this was possible I'm sure an educated man will be able to explain.

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....his ego is lapping it up....

...really there is more than enough evidence already...from experts including engineers and pilots...etc...etc...

...this guy is seeking attention and he got it....

...maybe some 'action' on the side as well....

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Maybe he should join my Irishneighbour who also believes in all kind of conspiracy theories. According to my neighbour we must be dead, because in the beginning from this year he proclaimed that we all would be victim of this planet Niburus or whatever it is called and would destroy nearly all life on the 26th of March this year. So, we are already, but don't know it yet!

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

As an educated man please explain how & why building 7 "fell" down, remember that Silverstein is on record as saying he gave orders for it to be "pulled" quite how this was possible I'm sure an educated man will be able to explain.

Sorry. I'm simply not interested in re-treading arguments that have been done to death a thousand times.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

The cherry picking mr biker, is just what is needed to establish the truth, which is withheld from the world, even O'bama didn't dare touch it.

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Conspiracy types generally seem to have rather poor critical skills. They'll latch onto any shred of information that supports their pre-supposed theory, no matter how obscure the source, whilst ignoring anything that contradicts it.

Which makes this endeavour not just unlikely, but ultimately pointless. People will either believe or ignore the results, depending on what they already believe.

"Sheep" types that have come through a typical western education and are bred to believe whatever the establishment teaches them find it very difficult to accept any Facts that contradict the small world they live in, instead choosing to believe the unbelievable as it contradicts the thought process they are stuck in, regardless of the facts that are in their faces.

Educated people tend to look at the evidence as a whole, rather than simply cherry pick and ignore the rest.

As an educated man please explain how & why building 7 "fell" down, remember that Silverstein is on record as saying he gave orders for it to be "pulled" quite how this was possible I'm sure an educated man will be able to explain.

Sorry. I'm simply not interested in re-treading arguments that have been done to death a thousand times.

You are wise.

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whistling.gifwhistling.gif Tell him not to bother, not to waste his money.

The U.S, goverment took away a few tons of debries from the World trade center for analysis.

They even built a scale model replica of the buildings.

There is a classified video of the collapse of that scale model....which has never been shown to the public.

The experts have determined where the start of the collapse began.

it began in the floor ABOVE where the fire from the plane was.

The collapse began in the central elevator shafts....which the firefighters had used to bring heavy water pumping equipment up to fight the fires one floor below.

To cut to the chase......the collapse began a floor above the main fire area......when the support for that elevator shaft structure melted from the heat below.

The heavy elevator and the firefighting equipmentt then began a chain reaction collapse floor by floor down from above.

This has never ben publicaly revealed as it shows that the New York City firefighters were the ultimate cause of the collapse of the world trade center and killed themselves in that collapse.

Yes and they did it three times in a row, you think they would have learned from the first two.

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


And the hole in the ground in Pena. No parts of a plane found and even better the most camera'd place (pentagon) in the world has only one little second showing nothing but an explosion. Yeah, we conspirators with our own theory are all idiots, morons and America haters.

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


Actually they had four vanishing airplanes that day.

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Where's he going to buy an airworthy Boeing 767-200ER for less than $300,000.00 ? ?

Remember... he has to use a percentage of that money to put the building up also... and then pay off some Thai government people in order to be allowed to pull the stun off..

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Is this deranged conman and are some of the idiots posting drivel here, examples of the 'good guys' Immigration were so keen to retain in Thailand???

Be careful what you wish for?

Seems a serious re-think on that idiotic, ill-thought out 'policy' is needed, if there was actually any thought in there involved in the first place...

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The only skyscrapers to ever fall into their own footprint because of a fire, all fell on the same day at the same place, but at different times.

One didn't even appear to have been heavily damaged and it's fall was reported on BBC several minutes before it actually fell.

A very strange day indeed.

You forgot about the amazing disappearing airliner at the Pentagon. Brilliant engineering where it managed to fold in its wings, vertical stabiliser and engines and fit through a hole barely large enough for an RV!

Strange day in deed!


And the hole in the ground in Pena. No parts of a plane found and even better the most camera'd place (pentagon) in the world has only one little second showing nothing but an explosion. Yeah, we conspirators with our own theory are all idiots, morons and America haters.

Courtesy of the National Park Service site for the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville, PA:

"The first responders described the crater as about 15 feet deep and about 30 feet across. It was irregularly shaped. The wreckage around and inside the crater consisted of largely unrecognizable pieces of twisted metal, pieces of the landing gear of the plane, a tire, the frames of some of the seats, bits of charred paper, and remnants of luggage and clothing. Most of the pieces of wreckage were quite small, the size of a notebook or smaller. Many more pieces of wreckage, also quite small, were recovered during the investigation when the crater was excavated. Extensive searches through the wooded area south of the crash site, and even arborists in the tree tops found more debris from the crash. A pond about 900 feet southwest of the crater was partially drained to recover debris. Debris was collected from the yards of nearby homes, farmer's fields, and from around a nearby residential lake. The largest and heaviest pieces recovered were parts of the plane's two engines and a piece of fuselage with several window openings. This fuselage piece measured about six feet by seven feet and was found near the woods south of the crater. Lightweight paper items were found as far away as New Baltimore, eight miles away."

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Another full of himself guy claiming he is crowdfunding the most radical event ever attempted.

He's retiring in Thailand. Oh lord................

A fraud and a huckster, promoting rubbish and uttertosh.

If I was the current PM I would send some agents to his hovel with a paid one way ticket and a polite order to pack his bags.

Persona non grata.

but but ... he speaks japanese and mandarin !!!! fluently !!! and has a YT channel with 222 subscribers !!! and his own website. and he is good looking. I'm sure the BG's looooooove him and think he's So Big!

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