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Donald Trump's ex-butler calls for Obama to be killed


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As four US presidents have been assassinated by gunshot, and a few more 'winged' - including St Ronald - is it a surprise the Secret Service takes seriously anybody's suggestion that the president be shot? Or that a person suggesting the murder of the president be in some hot water for such a suggestion? To cut this guy slack for just venting is a joke, he merits some time in the pokey.

A touch too far....

He's an old guy, obviously losing his marbles. Surely better to just take away his internet posting access.

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That's a serious federal crime when directed at a president. He should have been charged with this crime long ago.

This sort of comment annoys me as I'd prefer that those responsible for government policies are attacked, rather than innocent civilians.

I'm not defending this old guy, who is probably suffering from dementia and (in view of his comments) needs to be protected from himself.

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That's a serious federal crime when directed at a president. He should have been charged with this crime long ago.

This sort of comment annoys me as I'd prefer that those responsible for government policies are attacked, rather than innocent civilians.

I'm not defending this old guy, who is probably suffering from dementia and (in view of his comments) needs to be protected from himself.

You're obviously just ignorant of U.S. law.

This is a very specific thing.

If you publicly threaten the life any president (an online post DEFINITELY counts), regardless of the politics of that president, you are subject to investigation and prosecution. It's 100 percent irrelevant if it was a threat has any material backup (like a plan and a weapon), which would be relevant when directed at any other person than the president.

In other words, if you post you want to kill Joe Blow the pizza maker and don't actually have a real material plan to do that, you're OK, but that is not the case when threats are made towards the president.

If he's certifiably insane, which sounds very doubtful, that can be entered in his defense at trial.

Edited by Jingthing
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As four US presidents have been assassinated by gunshot, and a few more 'winged' - including St Ronald - is it a surprise the Secret Service takes seriously anybody's suggestion that the president be shot? Or that a person suggesting the murder of the president be in some hot water for such a suggestion? To cut this guy slack for just venting is a joke, he merits some time in the pokey.

Actually, what he said is a typical FOX viewers point of view. I hear that kind of stuff all the time. They really think he is a muslim that snuck across the border to destroy America.

Edited by LarryLindsey
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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

Then who will protect us from far right with their extreme paranoia and inability to deal with reality? When asked to cite how Obama has destroyed America, they have no answer. Check the facts: in nearly every area there have been great improvements since Obama became president. Someone who wants president dead hardly qualifies as "patriot". More common term is "nutcase".

And I assume you are an American, with Bud avatar, so don't be so disingenuous as to say "taken out' means "winged". I advise to "get real" but then again, why start now?

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That's a serious federal crime when directed at a president. He should have been charged with this crime long ago.

This sort of comment annoys me as I'd prefer that those responsible for government policies are attacked, rather than innocent civilians.

I'm not defending this old guy, who is probably suffering from dementia and (in view of his comments) needs to be protected from himself.

You're obviously just ignorant of U.S. law.

This is a very specific thing.

If you publicly threaten the life any president (an online post DEFINITELY counts), regardless of the politics of that president, you are subject to investigation and prosecution. It's 100 percent irrelevant if it was a threat has any material backup (like a plan and a weapon), which would be relevant when directed at any other person than the president.

In other words, if you post you want to kill Joe Blow the pizza maker and don't actually have a real material plan to do that, you're OK, but that is not the case when threats are made towards the president.

If he's certifiably insane, which sounds very doubtful, that can be entered in his defense at trial.

And you have v obviously missed the point I was making!

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It's all part of the Trump publicity machine. Probably flagged by them in the first case. Not a critism as it's what they are paid for. Keep the controversy running but always with a get out clause for the duck himself should he need it.

Let him have his head, it's all the more entertaining. No doubt there are millions of Americans out there who would like someone to shoot Trump as well. It's all good! More popcorn over here please!.

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Just another "Trumpthuglican", entitled, racist, bigoted, misogynist, thugs, nativist, bullies, and right-wing authoritarians they all believe the same whether they will admit it publicly (might get you a little jail time) or not. They will privately. As far as Cheney/Bush et al, they belong in GitMo along with those that refused to prosecute them.

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They won't be unless he refuses to repudiate them. Such as the support from White Suppremacists, David Duke, and Members if White Nationalist parties that are iverjoyed by Trump.

You left out John Birch? wink.png

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Why should the comments of a former Butler be considered worthy of world attention? Is it supposed to be the echoes of Trump, played out by his employee?

Clickbait. It's all about the hits baby! Who cares about the issues. Hate sells!

Take FOX viewers for example. They don't know much about the issues, they just know they hate the opposition!

You forgot Hispanics, African Americans, Muslims, Affordable Health Care, Climate Change, poor people, Asians, family planning, sex education, a liveable wage, worker rights, evolution, peace, food stamps, unemployment assistance, environmental protections, food and drug administration, 40 hour work week.

Oh bugger nearly forgot, and Obama of course.

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

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Not a smart idea to call out the President of the US in such a way...

The US has endured 7 1/2 years of Obama...he still has more agenda to push before he leaves office...we will survive...

If Hilary follows Obama...it is pretty much all over but the screaming and shouting for the US...economy and culture down the tubes...

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

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Jesus the comments here. What brings so many maniacs to TV? It's like, on any subject, you can ask yourself "what would an incredibly stupid person think about this?" and find 5 or 6 people expressing exactly that view on the first page of comments. It's remarkable really.

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Interesting how Trump supporters can twist themselves like swizzle sticks - in order to try (usually failing ludicrously) to justify any dumb-ass thing emanating from the Trump domain.

Interesting how <enter politician's name> supporters can twist themselves like swizzle sticks - in order to try (usually failing ludicrously) to justify any dumb-ass thing emanating from the <enter politician's name> domain.

Someone obviously has no idea how the world truly works. Don't feel bad, most of the world's population falls into that same category when it comes to pop politics. wink.png

Edited by connda
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Jesus the comments here. What brings so many maniacs to TV? It's like, on any subject, you can ask yourself "what would an incredibly stupid person think about this?" and find 5 or 6 people expressing exactly that view on the first page of comments. It's remarkable really.

Yes, it is truely astonishing! ?

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

Lmbo. Just put "good at killing people" into a Google search and see who pops up. clap2.gif

After which go to Google images and enter "collateral damage US".

Or go back to whatever you were doing before you wrote that. Basking in the normalcy bias is much less stressful and doesn't require critical thinking skills or a course in history.

It' not just Obama. Start with Lydon Johnson and Nixon in 'Nam, fast forward to Clinton's Balkan R2P nonsense, followed by <gasp> Dubya's War on Terror. The Kenyan just picked up the ball where Dubya left off and has been expanding the insanity with utmost glee. Not too many innocents on either side of the aisle.

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One of reasons is our Netspace is partially populated by paid trolls.

This is extremely obvious when certain topics come up. Any reasoned criticism of Israel or any subject related to guns in the US in particular. Hard to imagine why so many "expats in Thailand" would care so much if they should be able to tote guns into Starbucks.

Subtle bigotry and Eurocentrism of many TVF posters seem to bring out plenty of willing volunteers for the rest of the right wing reactionary rubbish. Then you have misogyny and homophobia, even before the typical Thai bashing.

Edited by arunsakda
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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

I tried to quickly gather sources that were to the left, as its counter intuitive coming from me. This is one of the areas that I strongly agree with the left. I will offer the cites here and return to the OP. Let me be clear: I do not defend this man, I only offer what is to me context- Obama did it, not the butler. The butler only ruminated!

If we devolve as a people the way Obama as devalued the Office of the Presidency, then there are no certainties for us as a Republic any longer (there mostly gone in any event). No leader should have to exist at their own, open peril. Likewise, Americans should not be hunted and killed by their government. Americans should have no secret places where habeus corpus is not in force. It is a circular legitimacy/contract.








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As a non American reading the rants on here is highly entertaining. It was the same at the last American election and the one before. The hate and vitriol from the republicans towards the Democrats is always quite staggering. Maybe it is because they keep losing and know once again that they are in for another embarrassing defeat. Instead maybe they should work on dragging their party into the 21st century and trying to field a candidate who is electable. The hate card is not going to work, people are not that stupid.

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

I am LMAO at the sincerity of the opening above. We do not live in a kinder, gentler world where people rarely think such things. People do not cross this line because of the overwhelming force of government in destroying them for otherwise common ruminations regarding other killers. The butler either did not care or was too foolish to consider this.

Calling for the death or justice of other murderers is a common occurrence in the American social space, justice system, media, and polity. To have such culture and mores and then to have a secretive, fearful, quasi imaginary line where such discourse no longer applies to another murderer- because he is a protected murderer- is inviting error and line crossing. But lets be clear, Obama is the murderer; the butler "did not do it."

Unlike the Butler, Obama has murdered American citizens and numerous... numerous other adults and children. Obama has actually empaneled non elected apparatchiks to vote yea or nay on the lives of people around the world, again including American citizens- first time in US history! This is historically referred to as a Star Chamber, a final refuge for self appointed Justices. Murder conviction of last resort. Even repugnant as a theoretical exercise, Obama created this panel.

The Secret Service should rightly be concerned about such talk becoming viral (at least they must take each seriously). SeSe has a keen interest in following up on such things, I get it; but intellectually, as a mind exercise, its laughable because Obama actually is the killer.

Who did Obama murder?

Lmbo. Just put "good at killing people" into a Google search and see who pops up. clap2.gif

The butler did not do it! It was Obama, in the drawing room, with a Nobel, and non-judicial advisors.


*NOTE: Again, I really do think it is a dangerous thing to give leeway to threats to officials. However, its equally repugnant for government to fulfill its end of the social contract with violence and/or coercion.


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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

Your "Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years" goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole to the realm of delusion.

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He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

Your "Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years" goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole to the realm of delusion.

Ah, no! The "thing is," one has to be a determined demagogue, ignorant, or drinking cool-aid not to see the US/world unraveling (or, perhaps seeing the same data but just reaching a different conclusion, like the poster here).

To suggest "American life has [not] been so severe of the past 8 years goes way beyond mere exaggeration and hyperbole;" in fact, it is either "delusion" or misdirection. In fact,only talking points can buttress this assertion, not facts. The conditions of all life are worse after 8 years of Obama.

In any event, I am probably not the first person to wonder or marvel at the good behavior, generally, of Americans toward Obama during their rapid and "fundamental transformation." Since there are generally no more threats against Obama than Bush I think its fair to say the many of the indictments of the left against Obama/Dissolution opponents just do not pass muster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_threats_against_Barack_Obama

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Sorry, I jumped the gun, as it were, in suggesting the Trump servant should be prosecuted for threatening the life of our brilliant, accomplished and beloved President Obama. (Truly a living national treasure.) Based on his wording, indeed he did NOT make a clear direct threat on his life. Instead he voiced what "should" be done. So I guess he's OK.

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