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Nightmare Picking up Family and Friends at Laem Chabang Cruise Ship Terminal - Charged 428 Baht!


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Nightmare Picking up Family and Friends at Laem Chabang Port Cruise Ship Terminal – Extortionate entry charges – Scam? Or Normal – BE WARNED!!!!

I went to the Laem Chabang Port yesterday to pick up some Family and Friends who were arriving for a 30 hour layover on their Asian cruise itinerary. I drove up from my home in Pattaya about a 40 minute relatively easy drive. However, on entering the Port are there are multiple designated lanes for trucks and one lane for ‘Personal Vehicles’. As I filtered into that lane I was stopped by a local official and signaled to report to the Port Office. At the window I was greeted by several surly staff who demanded a 428 baht entry fee!!!! My partner did all of the talking since my Thai is extremely poor. I inquired what this charge was for and was told all Cars, Taxis and Tour buses are required to pay this!!! Mine was the only car pulled over as hundreds of Tour buses and Private cars just sailed by. I had friends make this trip on several occasions over the years and none had reported any requirement to pay this charge. I asked why no one else was paying this charge and what the charge was for but was met with a blank stare . They just repeated that ALL PERSONAL VEHICLES must pay. Since my friends were already waiting at the terminal for me I had no choice but to cough up. They took copies of my driving license and car registration and kept me waiting a further 20-30 minutes while the ‘processed the paperwork’. Eventually they allowed me to pass armed with 10-20 pages of paperwork all in Thai that I had no idea what they were for. Once inside the port the sign posting is abysmal. I could see the ship ahead of me but the road system inside is a total maze. It took me a further 20 minutes to finally reach the terminal after following a tour bus through the rabbit warren of roads jam packed with huge container trucks. I finally connected with my friends at the terminal building but needless to say I was physically and emotionally frazzled by the entire experience. I would not recommend it to anyone. I am still unclear what this charge is for and why my car seemed to be the only one targeted for this charge. Is this a normal experience or was I just ‘unlucky’ to be targeted??? Anyone else have this experience?

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I don't think you can blame the Thais for this one. My understanding is that the port is a concession to one of the HKG property billionaires (Lee Ka Sheng I believe) who operates it under a long term lease. That does kinda suck...I guess the cruise ship doesn't provide any kiND of organized transport to Pattaya for those going ashore?

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Yes, indeed it appears legit. I got a tax receipt issued by the port authority of thailand - attached- i am still unclear if this was a a one time 'registration' fee as someone suggested or something that has to be paid on every visit! And why was no one else stopped? A friend made this same trip twice and was never stopped or questioned!post-107731-14631182192746_thumb.jpg

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Typically all vehicles need a port pass, usually manifests itself as a window sticker and this is common worldwide. If someone can translate what the OP paid for (200 baht x 2 before tax), maybe it will answer the question. One item has '7' and the other '15'.

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A regular 4 door Isuzu Pickup just like the 200 that passed me unhindered!

And if you had to do it tomorrow, chances are you would breeze in and out unhindered like someone else did 4 years ago. However, you now have a tome of paperwork and a receipt so keep it for next time. If some bugger tries to divert you to the office, slow down but don't stop and have your good wife wind her window down half way, wave the papers at him and shout imperiously, "Mee laew, mee laew!" as you drive past slowly.

Another instance of the imponderable vagaries of the Thai public servant.... or for those of the other persuasion, they don't like us much.

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Taxi mafia RULES the port and has for years. Thousands of passengers coming off cruise ships are ripped off every year with exorbitant FIXED rates to Bangkok and Pattaya posted on a sign. It is about a three mile walk from where the ships dock to the front gate.

Any car or motorcy taxi who dares to try and pick up a passenger will get some serious death threats or beatings.

I've been on several large ships that docked there and a lot of passengers get so frustrated with the BS that they just stay on the ship. Others hold their nose and pay rates over 50 usd to pattaya one way or about 130 USD one way to bangkok.

Some mr. Big is making a FORTUNE off of the taxi rates every time a ship docks and a few thousand "suckers" disembark in the land of smiles.


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So I guess I got off relatively lightly forking out £8 or $12 for dockside priviliges. It was the brave and brassy or just plain unaware OPs who sailed past the checkpoint without paying who were risking the wrath of the local mafia then. Apart from a pocket beating i can take some small comfort in that I suppose.

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