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Big day: Surrogate baby Carmen flies home with gay couple


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Thank goodness Thailand has now banned surrogacy and this sort of thing won't happen again here. This whole surrogacy business with the renting of wombs, buying of eggs and sperm, often where women in poorer countries are taken advantage of, is a whole can of worms, and IMO should be banned everywhere.

I see, the renting of the wombs of women from poorer countries should be banned because they are taken advantage of? What about the renting of vaginas? Is that any different??

I'd like to like this post about ten more times please.

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So a few of you cannot tell me what if the kid asks for it's mum or where is my mum...?rolleyes.gif

You asked. People answered.

Are you going to keep asking until you get an answer you like?

Fink no answers, now SB, as you have been heavily in this topic, calling folk all sorts of things, YOU tell me what would your reply be to THIS kid if it asked for it's mum or where is my mum..

Tell me....?

Why would it ask me?
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@ Soibiker,

Am sure that may be the case that you have seen/heard, so what impact on a kid do you think it has if the kid calls a bloke mum for their future understanding of life.....?

But please answer my question, what if the kid asks for it's mum....?


out of your fair intentions and right feelings / attitude towards a "mother phenomena" , you're messing up here ...

I hear you and of course agree with you on a mother's role, i.e. it's importance, hundred percent,


this and similar cases are not about when the kid's start to ask for it's mum ... !!!!

There are many kids who just doesn't have any mum at all and also many other kids that never want to know their mum as a matter of fact.

Why do you think it may be more difficult for a parent to explain to his child that at their home, there's no any mother (female) but another man who is kind, smart, talented in whatsoever, carrying, giving, responsible, hard working, etc.,

who loves him provides and protects him just like any mother would, if not even better ... That as the child might noticed, there are some other kids and people who is left-handed along with this right-handed majority. That it is caused by their brain, where the "left and right side is just mixed", that there are also - for example albinos or prematurely bold head people, etc., etc., ... that it is natural that the Nature isn't just perfect or stereotyped. So, it's also happen that some people are gays and can't help it anyhow - unless they would allow to be forced to live very unhappy, unhealthy, pretentious, all-around dishonest, lying life. So, this is why their kid - unlike the most of others, has got two same sex parents ...

depends on the child's age, they don't necessarily need to explain in full details and right away, how they ordered from some Thai woman who wanted to get extra money to sort of "produce" their baby for them, but certainly can explain how much they all love and care about each other, how much fun and good days they are having that is not a an automatic norm for some other - less fortunate kids.

It is not difficult to explain and tell to their kids, that they are wishing and praying for their baby to be rather "normal" than also a homosexual, but that there love, care and respect for their son/daughter will be always the same - regardless on a "development".

Honestly, why do think, this might be more difficult, stressful, problematic, or even impossible than to try to explain to the child, that hes mother died during the baby delivery, in an accident, from the cancer, drugs overdose, succumbed to an abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, etc.?

You say, that's not happening that often, that the child hasn't got a mother when still small?

Well, it's also not happening that often that a gay couple has got a kids to take care of - raise them, without neither of them being actually a biological parent ...

I, for once, am very happy for both of kids this particular couple has got.

They will have a happy life and quite a promising future (what I tend to doubt the girl Carmen would have had with their admirable "Thai mother")

think about it ... ?

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...and for those who think it's "unnatural"...... 450 species!



So gay penguins pay for an offspring they cannot create..rolleyes.gif .?

I think you are getting confused with gay stuff and a kid created without a mum for cash..

I just feel incredibly sorry for the kid..Of course the babe will know nothing about what's going on, babes don't, but when older and see their friends have mums then the questions will for sure be in the kids head...

Probably the question is more likely to be why do people still have opinions like yours?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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A comprehensive study should be undertaken to determined the outcome of gay couples having

babies and caring for them, so far, I'm not aware of any serious study that will examine all the

social developments of a child in the care non heterosexually couples.... as what we have now,

is guy couples gallivanting into mostly very poor countries to take advantage of cheap surrogate

services in order to be a parent of a child.....

A comprehensive study should be undertaken to determine why you continue to post utter rubbish

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A comprehensive study should be undertaken to determined the outcome of gay couples having

babies and caring for them, so far, I'm not aware of any serious study that will examine all the

social developments of a child in the care non heterosexually couples.... as what we have now,

is guy couples gallivanting into mostly very poor countries to take advantage of cheap surrogate

services in order to be a parent of a child.....

Indeed...I've heard that boys raised by single moms always become gay and girls raised by single dads always becom butch lesbians :rolleyes:-_-

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And do hope the mother will file a countersuit to the surrogate agency and these two characters, for getting her to sign a document under false pretences and withholding information which would have been crucial to her decision making. They revealed they were gay on the day they picked up the baby. She would never have agreed if she knew. She had a right to know. They deceived her and used her body knowingly and deceptively.

Shame on them.

Are you for real? It doesn't matter the least bit if they are gay or not! The surrogate was in only for the money anyway!

You come across as homophobic!

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Please avoid the misnomer 'homophopic'

What we have here are a bunch of bigots

Glad to see this lovely family not torn apart. From one dad to these others, I wish you all the best! You have my admiration.

Really the same thing.

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...and for those who think it's "unnatural"...... 450 species!



So gay penguins pay for an offspring they cannot create..rolleyes.gif .?

I think you are getting confused with gay stuff and a kid created without a mum for cash..

I just feel incredibly sorry for the kid..Of course the babe will know nothing about what's going on, babes don't, but when older and see their friends have mums then the questions will for sure be in the kids head...

If you read this thread, you'll see that it is largely dominated by homophobic arguments rather than surrogacy debate.

if you read up on the various articles on homosexuality in both humans and animals you will see that "gay" relationships are now believed to be am integral part of the survival of species as they contribute to the welfare of that community - one of the things that can happen is of course help in the raising of young.

i have reservations about surrogacy - because I have experience of problems that can be caused - more than most on this site - but I don't have a problem with kids being raised by homosexual couples as it has been shown pretty much beyond doubt that they are as good as if not better than most heterosexual couples.

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What an adorable family. May they be very happy.

No. Not so. Gay guys with little boys, only looks good to other gay guys jingthing. The rest of the population find it disgusting. This is why gay marriage is so wrong. Nothing wrong with gay love, but legalising adoption of innocent children is the problem. Please....leave the kids alone.

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...and for those who think it's "unnatural"...... 450 species!



So gay penguins pay for an offspring they cannot create..rolleyes.gif .?

I think you are getting confused with gay stuff and a kid created without a mum for cash..

I just feel incredibly sorry for the kid..Of course the babe will know nothing about what's going on, babes don't, but when older and see their friends have mums then the questions will for sure be in the kids head...

If you read this thread, you'll see that it is largely dominated by homophobic arguments rather than surrogacy debate.

if you read up on the various articles on homosexuality in both humans and animals you will see that "gay" relationships are now believed to be am integral part of the survival of species as they contribute to the welfare of that community - one of the things that can happen is of course help in the raising of young.

i have reservations about surrogacy - because I have experience of problems that can be caused - more than most on this site - but I don't have a problem with kids being raised by homosexual couples as it has been shown pretty much beyond doubt that they are as good as if not better than most heterosexual couples.

Priceless! So over the years it was illegal, then legal and reluctantly tolerated, then PC arrived and we were all forced to respect it, and now a poster on TVF claims gays are "better" than normal parents. Well stone me, I've heard it all now. The exuberance of youth.
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Terrible news for the child who will undoubtedly grow up very confused, not to mention the ridicule she (and her brother) will likely suffer when they are older.

They used to use that argument back in the day when people from different denominations married or when people of different races or naionalites married.

The world survived and thrived.

So will these kids.

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Thank goodness Thailand has now banned surrogacy and this sort of thing won't happen again here. This whole surrogacy business with the renting of wombs, buying of eggs and sperm, often where women in poorer countries are taken advantage of, is a whole can of worms, and IMO should be banned everywhere.

I see, the renting of the wombs of women from poorer countries should be banned because they are taken advantage of? What about the renting of vaginas? Is that any different??

I'd like to like this post about ten more times please.

That double standard doesn't exist for the keyboard warriors.

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What an adorable family. May they be very happy.

No. Not so. Gay guys with little boys, only looks good to other gay guys jingthing. The rest of the population find it disgusting. This is why gay marriage is so wrong. Nothing wrong with gay love, but legalising adoption of innocent children is the problem. Please....leave the kids alone.

You don't speak for all straight people. I don't find it disgusting, and neither does anyone I know.

What I do find disgusting are some of the attitudes that are sadly given a platform on this forum.

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So many animals are gay as well,also they breed with their mothers and have sex with juvenile animals,so does that make it right,? As I have said many times I don't care what two adults get up to ,but marriage and adoption for same sex couples,sorry but I just do not agree,I know that will offend some ,but we seem to be going from the days when it was illegal to a time when it will be compulsory if some had their way

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I see, the renting of the wombs of women from poorer countries should be banned because they are taken advantage of? What about the renting of vaginas? Is that any different??

It depends on the occupancy. Having 10 Arabs in one is probably too many though.

Oh, sorry, wrong thread.

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What an adorable family. May they be very happy.

No. Not so. Gay guys with little boys, only looks good to other gay guys jingthing. The rest of the population find it disgusting. This is why gay marriage is so wrong. Nothing wrong with gay love, but legalising adoption of innocent children is the problem. Please....leave the kids alone.

I think the picture of that happy family with their adorable baby girl, Carmen, would look good to most ANY decent human being. Emphasis on decent.

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Terrible news for the child who will undoubtedly grow up very confused, not to mention the ridicule she (and her brother) will likely suffer when they are older.

They used to use that argument back in the day when people from different denominations married or when people of different races or naionalites married.

The world survived and thrived.

So will these kids.

So would this situation have occurred without modern day technology...?

Would we have to read 100 of your inane comments, without modern technology?

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I guess talking our true feelings about this will get the post removed for being too real...

So let's just say this:

I'm very happy to be born and have lived in places without wars and horrors.

I'm even more happy to be of this generation that had it good but won't regret when death comes because humanity is going so much to s***e that it will be a relief to escape it.

Apart from that, enjoy having the next generation raised by sodomites.

Damn, I'm gonna get banned!

You'd rather die than see gay people happy?

No, I will die when I will die, it's not related to gay people's happiness.

And I wish tons of happiness to all gay people.

But gay people adopting and raising children is just plain wrong.

But that's only a tiny part of what's wrong and getting worse by the minute, and they are mostly not related to sexual orientation, some are. But gays are not the part that's wrong, homosexuality is part of nature, nature always includes an anomaly, that's the way it evolves. But that anomaly doesn't necessarily need to become the norm.

You're aware this wasn't an adoption, it was the biological father taking taking his daughter home to be with her brother, her father and his partner. I have friend in oz who was raised by his gay parents...surprise surprise he's as normal as can be, tall dark and handsome and straight he loves his parents, says he wouldn't change a thing, his mums actually well known in the UK from acting in Aussie soaps. The fact that his parents are same sex never seemed to be an issue for him or them.

If you're worried about sodomites raising children go complain to the pope and his band of pedopriests

Edited by borisloosebrain
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I guess talking our true feelings about this will get the post removed for being too real...

So let's just say this:

I'm very happy to be born and have lived in places without wars and horrors.

I'm even more happy to be of this generation that had it good but won't regret when death comes because humanity is going so much to s***e that it will be a relief to escape it.

Apart from that, enjoy having the next generation raised by sodomites.

Damn, I'm gonna get banned!

You'd rather die than see gay people happy?

No, I will die when I will die, it's not related to gay people's happiness.

And I wish tons of happiness to all gay people.

But gay people adopting and raising children is just plain wrong.

But that's only a tiny part of what's wrong and getting worse by the minute, and they are mostly not related to sexual orientation, some are. But gays are not the part that's wrong, homosexuality is part of nature, nature always includes an anomaly, that's the way it evolves. But that anomaly doesn't necessarily need to become the norm.

You're aware this wasn't an adoption, it was the biological father taking taking his daughter home to be with her brother, her father and his partner. I have friend in oz who was raised by his gay parents...surprise surprise he's as normal as can be, tall dark and handsome and straight he loves his parents, says he wouldn't change a thing, his mums actually well known in the UK from acting in Aussie soaps. The fact that his parents are same sex never seemed to be an issue for him or them.

If you're worried about sodomites raising children go complain to the pope and his band of pedopriests

She's not Madge Bishop is she?
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Please avoid the misnomer 'homophopic'

What we have here are a bunch of bigots

Glad to see this lovely family not torn apart. From one dad to these others, I wish you all the best! You have my admiration.

Hardly a lovely family. Freaky family it's more apt.

Very selfish young men, not varying about the child's psychological future, just their own little gay, "let's play mummy and daddy"

Edited by Sawan Chan 7
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Great news. Shame the legion of Thaivisa homophobes can't let it pass without comment.

This place is becoming a bastion of bigotry lately.

How sad that you label those who disagree with this farce homophobes.

They could have at least had a shave for their big day, which says a lot about them :cheesy:

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