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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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What these ignorant bigot laws are doing is to create serious problems, and indeed real potential VIOLENCE, for all kinds of people who physically present in gender ambiguous ways, most who do not have a transgender identity.

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Forget this Unisex toilet BS. The last thing I want is bloody women in the same toilet as me. You know what's going to happen don't you? Every time you take a slash you are going to have some pain in the butt woman giving you a lecture on why you left the damn toilet seat up. Wash your hands. Tidy the place up. Give me strength.

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What these ignorant bigot laws are doing is to create serious problems, and indeed real potential VIOLENCE, for all kinds of people who physically present in gender ambiguous ways, most who do not have a transgender identity.

Exactly you are going to have meat head ignorant bigots beating people up because they are being forced to use a facility that does not match their appearance. Some ignorant bigots doing hard time and some pretty big law suits coming Targets way for damages for creating an unsafe environment.

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So long as Obama takes personal responsibility for each and every sex crime carried out due to his allowing predators in the wrong toilets, this is all acceptable. I mean, Obama is taking personal responsibility right? And there will be many attacks, rapes and worse on a daily basis thanks to allowing beasts into kiddies "safe zones".

Or is there nobody taking responsibility? Not even the cheering lefties that forced such stupidity into law?

I know America will be swept with a Tsunami of rapes and sexual violence little 8 year old girls last sanctuary of safety (public toilets) has been violated and now marauding sexual predators will be molesting and raping them with total immunity from law enforcement.Teen girls will be forced to shower naked with boys and be raped and sexually molested. Civilised America is lost forever to sexual deviants preying on little 8 year old girls. Then there's the War On Christmas everyone is ignoring. It's all Obama's fault he is the reason America will be plagued with rapists and sex crimes and predators. America will be gripped in fear.

jaidam do you ever step back and actually listen to yourself?

The left wingers signature - total denial of any responsibility.

Wait until it is your 8 yr old daughter who's life is wrecked thanks to some predator making use of his "rights"

Years ago my daughter had a shine taken to her by the schools janitor - took her into his private accomodation once and was caught doing so. I was not amused - you probably would call it early education but my kid was only 6yrs old. I was livid and still am thinking about the whole situation. Thank christ he couldn't say it was his legal right to be alone with my 6 yr old daughter like American perverts now can.

I need somebody to take responsibility for all the people that will suffer abuse thanks to appeasing the 0.000001% of freaks.

Obama is the logical person to take responsibility since he executive ordered this clusterfcuk.

You feel so strongly about it being a good idea for perverts to share bathrooms with kids(for presumably obvious reasons) - maybe you could take legal responsibility somehow. Although it's not funny when you look at it from that angle is it?

edit to add - this whole saga is merely the natural progression of normalizing MAPs. Yes, the western leftist governments are trying everything they can to legalize pedophilia, although that term is offensive nowadays. They prefer to be called MAPs - minor attracted persons.

"jaidam do you ever step back and actually listen to yourself?"

I take it that's a no.

Yes you are probably right a "transgender-geddon" a transgender apocalypse. Streets and toilets full of marauding deviants and perverts preying on 6 year old girls. Waves of paedophiles seeking out their victims. Teen boys now permitted to rape and sexually molest young girls in shower rooms. The undead transgender zombies roaming the streets at night cutting down innocent children. America gripped with fear as paedophiles legally sexually assault children. All Obama's master plan to destroy America.

Obviously you have lost touch with reality jaidam. I don't think I have read more idiotic nonsense in my life.

No amount of Faux Exaggeration and Embellishment will take away from the likelihood that child molesters will take advantage of the ability to dress as females or as effeminate males to enter restrooms or dressing rooms to take photos, take privileges and to take innocence. All due to the nearly free access under the anything goes laws that liberals / leftist want for restrooms and dressing rooms. The fact that your post is designed to drown out the obvious and refuse to discuss the issues shines through in your silly counter arguments.

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Yes, and the majority of people that are going to be harassed now are CISGENDER people with ambiguous appearances. They have no interest in using anything other than their usual CISGENDER facilities and these bigot laws agree with that in their cases, but the riled up bigots are beginning to bother anyone who they suspect is transgender and not using their birth gender toilet. Also targeted of course actual transgender people FOLLOWING these bigot laws ... as you said appearing very much as a man, birth as a woman, following the law using the woman's toilet, and getting harassed for FOLLOWING the law.

Toilet wars, right wing bigot style.

Edited by Jingthing
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Could the Social Justice Warriors form a group and go touring ?

These Countries really need your help.



Bangla - Deash






List is not exhaustive and I am sure that there is a few more.

Your help and assistance would be really appreciated by these Countries blink.pngblink.png

A photo blog is not required, it would be too graphic and gruesome for publication.

America's bathrooms are fine as they are. No need for changing anything.

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No amount of Faux Exaggeration and Embellishment will take away from the likelihood that child molesters will take advantage of the ability to dress as females or as effeminate males to enter restrooms or dressing rooms to take photos, take privileges and to take innocence. All due to the nearly free access under the anything goes laws that liberals / leftist want for restrooms and dressing rooms. The fact that your post is designed to drown out the obvious and refuse to discuss the issues shines through in your silly counter arguments.

Child molesters can do that now. What's your point?

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"Gender Identity" must be real hard for some folks, eh?

America is being ideologically colonized by a PC Nazi Gaystapo whistling.gif

It's a small minority of people that identify as the gender other than their birth gender.

Yes, this situation does create many life challenges for these individuals and the people that love and support them.

Big decisions need to be made about transitioning (timing and how far to go with it) and discrimination and social stigma must be coped with.

Trangender people are subject to very high rates of being targeted for violent crimes and murder.

I'll ignore your Gaystapo snark comment. That's a well known attack word used by people who oppose civil rights for GLBT people.

It's best for both society and for the transgender people for there to be more understanding and compassion of their situation, so that they can be more fully integrated into mainstream society and make contributions to it as anyone else.

This has happened to a significant extent with gay and lesbian Americans, but transgender Americans further to go.

Edited by Jingthing
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"Gender Identity" must be real hard for some folks, eh?

America is being ideologically colonized by a PC Nazi Gaystapo whistling.gif

Oh a new tac. Yeah that's probably it. Nazis lmao

Edited by up2u2
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No amount of Faux Exaggeration and Embellishment will take away from the likelihood that child molesters will take advantage of the ability to dress as females or as effeminate males to enter restrooms or dressing rooms to take photos, take privileges and to take innocence. All due to the nearly free access under the anything goes laws that liberals / leftist want for restrooms and dressing rooms. The fact that your post is designed to drown out the obvious and refuse to discuss the issues shines through in your silly counter arguments.

Child molesters can do that now.

That's why we don't need them in women's bathrooms.

Unless you're of the Sodom and Gomorrah persuasion? sad.png

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So long as Obama takes personal responsibility for each and every sex crime carried out due to his allowing predators in the wrong toilets, this is all acceptable. I mean, Obama is taking personal responsibility right? And there will be many attacks, rapes and worse on a daily basis thanks to allowing beasts into kiddies "safe zones".

Or is there nobody taking responsibility? Not even the cheering lefties that forced such stupidity into law?

I know America will be swept with a Tsunami of rapes and sexual violence little 8 year old girls last sanctuary of safety (public toilets) has been violated and now marauding sexual predators will be molesting and raping them with total immunity from law enforcement.Teen girls will be forced to shower naked with boys and be raped and sexually molested. Civilised America is lost forever to sexual deviants preying on little 8 year old girls. Then there's the War On Christmas everyone is ignoring. It's all Obama's fault he is the reason America will be plagued with rapists and sex crimes and predators. America will be gripped in fear.

jaidam do you ever step back and actually listen to yourself?

The left wingers signature - total denial of any responsibility.

Wait until it is your 8 yr old daughter who's life is wrecked thanks to some predator making use of his "rights"

Years ago my daughter had a shine taken to her by the schools janitor - took her into his private accomodation once and was caught doing so. I was not amused - you probably would call it early education but my kid was only 6yrs old. I was livid and still am thinking about the whole situation. Thank christ he couldn't say it was his legal right to be alone with my 6 yr old daughter like American perverts now can.

I need somebody to take responsibility for all the people that will suffer abuse thanks to appeasing the 0.000001% of freaks.

Obama is the logical person to take responsibility since he executive ordered this clusterfcuk.

You feel so strongly about it being a good idea for perverts to share bathrooms with kids(for presumably obvious reasons) - maybe you could take legal responsibility somehow. Although it's not funny when you look at it from that angle is it?

edit to add - this whole saga is merely the natural progression of normalizing MAPs. Yes, the western leftist governments are trying everything they can to legalize pedophilia, although that term is offensive nowadays. They prefer to be called MAPs - minor attracted persons.

Transgerner people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

Gay people are not freaks or pedophiles. We are people.

Lesbian people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

That you live your life in fear gives you absolutely no right to campaign for the discrimination against people who are different from you. The statements above bring shame to humanity and diminish you. You expect to live your life in dignity, yet you would deny that to others. What a weak and shameful mind.

I am a LGTG human being and either you agree with my Liberal/Socialist views or you are a hateful person - you hater. Give me a break!! I do not believe he was saying that ALL LGTGs are freaks - and if he was, then he is out of order and wrong. The issue of the post is the protection of children - anyone saying that being GLTG is wrong IS WRONG. BUT, we are saying that children do not have the capacity to decide if they are GLTG - YET !! And they should be protected from this issue - just the same as they are protected from sex/alcohol/driving - until they are old enough to make an informed and rational decision.

So - tell me this 'oh sensitive one' - why do we have LAWS that make it illegal for anyone to kill people; that make it illegal for anyone to steal from people, that make it illegal for a person to have sex with another person against their will; that make it illegal for a man to enter a ladies toilets. WHY?? The REASON is so that people can be protected (by Police and Others) from the small minority of people who would otherwise do them harm/wrong !! And - the vast majority of these freaks who would hurt children are not GLTGs.

What we are all saying is that this decree from above is not a valid solution to the TG problem in children's toilets in schools. We are saying it will create the potential for kids to be harmed, and for young children to be traumatised. What the post was saying is that there are freaks in the world - our children need to be protected from them. If I grab a pervert going into the ladies that my daughter is using, what will he say? I am a TG and you have no right to stop me??!! We are saying this decree is making things LESS SAFE - and there ARE freaks in this world - like it or not

And let me say again - anyone that states all LGTG people are freaks or somehow inhuman is out of order and wrong.

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No amount of Faux Exaggeration and Embellishment will take away from the likelihood that child molesters will take advantage of the ability to dress as females or as effeminate males to enter restrooms or dressing rooms to take photos, take privileges and to take innocence. All due to the nearly free access under the anything goes laws that liberals / leftist want for restrooms and dressing rooms. The fact that your post is designed to drown out the obvious and refuse to discuss the issues shines through in your silly counter arguments.

Child molesters can do that now.

That's why we don't need them in women's bathrooms.

Unless you're of the Sodom and Gomorrah persuasion? sad.png

How would you know if a child molester male disguised as a female is entering a female toilet? Don't see how any of the legislation prevents that from happening.

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I need somebody to take responsibility for all the people that will suffer abuse thanks to appeasing the 0.000001% of freaks.

Transgerner people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

Gay people are not freaks or pedophiles. We are people.

Lesbian people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

That you live your life in fear gives you absolutely no right to campaign for the discrimination against people who are different from you. The statements above bring shame to humanity and diminish you. You expect to live your life in dignity, yet you would deny that to others. What a weak and shameful mind.

I am a LGTG human being and either you agree with my Liberal/Socialist views or you are a hateful person - you hater. Give me a break!! I do not believe he was saying that ALL LGTGs are freaks - and if he was, then he is out of order and wrong. The issue of the post is the protection of children - anyone saying that being GLTG is wrong IS WRONG. BUT, we are saying that children do not have the capacity to decide if they are GLTG - YET !! And they should be protected from this issue - just the same as they are protected from sex/alcohol/driving - until they are old enough to make an informed and rational decision.

So - tell me this 'oh sensitive one' - why do we have LAWS that make it illegal for anyone to kill people; that make it illegal for anyone to steal from people, that make it illegal for a person to have sex with another person against their will; that make it illegal for a man to enter a ladies toilets. WHY?? The REASON is so that people can be protected (by Police and Others) from the small minority of people who would otherwise do them harm/wrong !! And - the vast majority of these freaks who would hurt children are not GLTGs.

What we are all saying is that this decree from above is not a valid solution to the TG problem in children's toilets in schools. We are saying it will create the potential for kids to be harmed, and for young children to be traumatised. What the post was saying is that there are freaks in the world - our children need to be protected from them. If I grab a pervert going into the ladies that my daughter is using, what will he say? I am a TG and you have no right to stop me??!! We are saying this decree is making things LESS SAFE - and there ARE freaks in this world - like it or not

And let me say again - anyone that states all LGTG people are freaks or somehow inhuman is out of order and wrong.

The rules of this forum require respect to be shown to other posters. I note your disrespectful childish taunt directed at me. Normally I would respond in kind but the powers that be seem to have me under intensive scrutiny at the moment.

The statement made by the other poster is extracted and isolated for your convenience. What you think is immaterial. Clearly you are of the same mind, so you would not view that comment in any other way.

Your legal rationale is entirely irrelevant. There are laws against sexual predators, inside or outside of bathrooms. There are no examples of trans people assaulting women or girls, men or boys in toilets. That you conflate sexual predators with trans people is promoting hate and bigotry. Turning an issue of minorities being treated equally and with dignity into a discussion of male sexual predation is promoting hatred and bigotry against such people.

Who is we? Are you a person or do you claim to be elevated to sovereignty if not deified? Are you a movement? If you are, then please feel free to fight against male sexual predation in any situation. Just let trans people take a piss in private without fuss. You claim allegiance to LGBT issues - this is where the rubber hits the road. In the end your moral high ground is not what you think.

There is no evidence of trans people assaulting women or children in restrooms. Direct your anger and fear at male sexual predators who ear dresses if you wish to occupy your time but that issue is entirely unrelated to religiously inspired legislation that discriminates against LGBT people.

Obama says schools must respect transgender identity. How is this in any way offensive,over-reach or obnoxious? He and his administration is defending the Civil Rights Act and it is the courts that will decide on this. Alarmism over male sexual predators in female dress is entirely focussed on poisoning public opinion.

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More data is coming in and aside from a very vocal minority, most folks want perverts and trannies kept out of their bathrooms:


Well for someone whose mind seems to be pre-occupied with the peanut gallery that inhabit the Comments section of any news article, wrap your mind around this one

Gay Doritos Prompt Freak-Out http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/gay-doritos-prompt-freak-out-20150918

I am sure there are many large buttocked women who have never heard of birth control willing to march down supermarket aisles in response to this outrage eh!

Edited by lostboy
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No, I don't want a guy in a dress standing behind me when l am having a piss in a public Loo, isn't that totally understandable....?

well good for you. That is your preference. What has that got to do with the topic?

Transgender people are not guys in dresses. Judging people by what they wear is just as bad as judging them by the colour of their skin or their biologically determined sexual orientation or identity.

Women have a long tradition of learning how to cope with unwanted advances from scruffy, hairy, smelly, pot bellied old white slobbering a-holes who want to get their end away. Now handsome ex London cabbies need to learn the same skills whether it be inside or outside of public lavatories.

Just say no. Or maybe say yes. You might enjoy the experience. But no need to freak out in dunny unless your fear paralyses you and you can't do your business. Or go sit down to pee so nobody can stand behind or next to you. Multiple options available to you I would think.

Edited by lostboy
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No amount of Faux Exaggeration and Embellishment will take away from the likelihood that child molesters will take advantage of the ability to dress as females or as effeminate males to enter restrooms or dressing rooms to take photos, take privileges and to take innocence. All due to the nearly free access under the anything goes laws that liberals / leftist want for restrooms and dressing rooms. The fact that your post is designed to drown out the obvious and refuse to discuss the issues shines through in your silly counter arguments.

Child molesters can do that now.

That's why we don't need them in women's bathrooms.

Unless you're of the Sodom and Gomorrah persuasion? sad.png

How would you know if a child molester male disguised as a female is entering a female toilet? Don't see how any of the legislation prevents that from happening.

We will see, but because of a stupid law can't prevent it from happening.
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Brilliant TBL we can have a male toilet, female toilet, gay toilet, lesbian toilet, transvestite toilet, cross dressers toilet, catholic priest toilet, transgender toilet and for the Right Wingers I think we may need a '8 year old girl toilet' for some curious reason.

Wouldn't it be simpler just to have male and female toilets and people use the toilet that they identify / match with. Even the 8 year old girl is going to be none the wiser and perfectly safe. Although the catholic Priests may need keeping a close eye on.

What have transgender people done over the last hundred years? Many kill themselves, drug addiction, jail or lived a terribly miserable life trying to pretend they are what the society forces them to be. Very sad.

Medicine and Psychology now has the ability and understanding to assist these particular people with transitioning to the gender they identify with. They are good people and capable of integrating into society and live a happy life contributing to the society. If you give these people a fair go and show a little compassion every one wins.

Obama's legacy will be that he stood up and showed compassion and extended the protection of the Presidency to this minority.

1. You really think it would be simpler to let people use the toilets they "identify with" rather than to use the toilets that match their anatomy? That sound you hear is reality knocking at your door. I'd like to suggest you answer it.

2. No one is forcing 'transgenders' to be anything. Many (on this thread and elsewhere) have offered up the equitable compromise of allowing these people to use the single-stall, handicapped toilets, but that's just not good enough for our precious, snow flakes, is it?

3. So, you admit that many are suicidal, drug addicted, felons who live miserable lives. Yeah, let's allow them into the girls toilets.

4. For the majority of people, this will not even be noticed as part of President Obama's legacy. Being the first black president, passing the ACA, permitting gay marriage, the death of bin Laden, etc... are his actual legacy. Only gay lobby activists will remember this blip on the radar screen. And history itself will remember it as an unsuccessful overreach, in my opinion.

1. Yes

2. They are actually.

3. They already use toilet facilities. Well before they kill themselves of course.

4. Correct even given your ignorant view a transgender person will not be noticed by you.

Obviously no understanding of a transgender person.

Well I understand transgender people 100% ( make of that whatever you will ), but if someone kills themselves, it's because they have larger issues than which toilet they can use.

Clearly US society has reached a place where such inanities can become "important". In developing countries, people are too busy trying to survive than to worry about which toilet to use.

I live in a so called first world country, and to be frank, people are somewhat bemused that the toilet issue has ( apparently ) become even more dominant than Trump, LOL. Also, there is not, and I can't see it ever becoming an issue here. Just too high on the BS list.

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Transgerner people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

Gay people are not freaks or pedophiles. We are people.

Lesbian people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

That you live your life in fear gives you absolutely no right to campaign for the discrimination against people who are different from you. The statements above bring shame to humanity and diminish you. You expect to live your life in dignity, yet you would deny that to others. What a weak and shameful mind.

I am a LGTG human being and either you agree with my Liberal/Socialist views or you are a hateful person - you hater. Give me a break!! I do not believe he was saying that ALL LGTGs are freaks - and if he was, then he is out of order and wrong. The issue of the post is the protection of children - anyone saying that being GLTG is wrong IS WRONG. BUT, we are saying that children do not have the capacity to decide if they are GLTG - YET !! And they should be protected from this issue - just the same as they are protected from sex/alcohol/driving - until they are old enough to make an informed and rational decision.

So - tell me this 'oh sensitive one' - why do we have LAWS that make it illegal for anyone to kill people; that make it illegal for anyone to steal from people, that make it illegal for a person to have sex with another person against their will; that make it illegal for a man to enter a ladies toilets. WHY?? The REASON is so that people can be protected (by Police and Others) from the small minority of people who would otherwise do them harm/wrong !! And - the vast majority of these freaks who would hurt children are not GLTGs.

What we are all saying is that this decree from above is not a valid solution to the TG problem in children's toilets in schools. We are saying it will create the potential for kids to be harmed, and for young children to be traumatised. What the post was saying is that there are freaks in the world - our children need to be protected from them. If I grab a pervert going into the ladies that my daughter is using, what will he say? I am a TG and you have no right to stop me??!! We are saying this decree is making things LESS SAFE - and there ARE freaks in this world - like it or not

And let me say again - anyone that states all LGTG people are freaks or somehow inhuman is out of order and wrong.

The rules of this forum require respect to be shown to other posters. I note your disrespectful childish taunt directed at me. Normally I would respond in kind but the powers that be seem to have me under intensive scrutiny at the moment.

The statement made by the other poster is extracted and isolated for your convenience. What you think is immaterial. Clearly you are of the same mind, so you would not view that comment in any other way.

Your legal rationale is entirely irrelevant. There are laws against sexual predators, inside or outside of bathrooms. There are no examples of trans people assaulting women or girls, men or boys in toilets. That you conflate sexual predators with trans people is promoting hate and bigotry. Turning an issue of minorities being treated equally and with dignity into a discussion of male sexual predation is promoting hatred and bigotry against such people.

Who is we? Are you a person or do you claim to be elevated to sovereignty if not deified? Are you a movement? If you are, then please feel free to fight against male sexual predation in any situation. Just let trans people take a piss in private without fuss. You claim allegiance to LGBT issues - this is where the rubber hits the road. In the end your moral high ground is not what you think.

There is no evidence of trans people assaulting women or children in restrooms. Direct your anger and fear at male sexual predators who ear dresses if you wish to occupy your time but that issue is entirely unrelated to religiously inspired legislation that discriminates against LGBT people.

Obama says schools must respect transgender identity. How is this in any way offensive,over-reach or obnoxious? He and his administration is defending the Civil Rights Act and it is the courts that will decide on this. Alarmism over male sexual predators in female dress is entirely focussed on poisoning public opinion.

No, I don't want a guy in a dress standing behind me when l am having a piss in a public Loo, isn't that totally understandable....?

Your reply does not make any sense. If a person is a transgender M to F they won't use the urinal, and if F to M they can't use the urinal, so why would someone in a dress be standing behind you? Unless of course they are a guy in drag for a party, which is a whole different thing.

Mind you, I think the whole thing is a political straw man and nothing to do with the issue of which toilet to use. Why else would the POTUS involve himself in something that is none of his business ( it's a State issue, not federal )? He is only diminishing the office by doing so. Can anyone imagine George Washington doing so?

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Your reply does not make any sense. If a person is a transgender M to F they won't use the urinal, and if F to M they can't use the urinal, so why would someone in a dress be standing behind you? Unless of course they are a guy in drag for a party, which is a whole different thing.

Mind you, I think the whole thing is a political straw man and nothing to do with the issue of which toilet to use. Why else would the POTUS involve himself in something that is none of his business ( it's a State issue, not federal )? He is only diminishing the office by doing so. Can anyone imagine George Washington doing so?

Can't even imagine George W. Bush sticking his nose into this moronc issue! whistling.gif

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Transgerner people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

Gay people are not freaks or pedophiles. We are people.

Lesbian people are not freaks or pedophiles. They are people.

That you live your life in fear gives you absolutely no right to campaign for the discrimination against people who are different from you. The statements above bring shame to humanity and diminish you. You expect to live your life in dignity, yet you would deny that to others. What a weak and shameful mind.

I am a LGTG human being and either you agree with my Liberal/Socialist views or you are a hateful person - you hater. Give me a break!! I do not believe he was saying that ALL LGTGs are freaks - and if he was, then he is out of order and wrong. The issue of the post is the protection of children - anyone saying that being GLTG is wrong IS WRONG. BUT, we are saying that children do not have the capacity to decide if they are GLTG - YET !! And they should be protected from this issue - just the same as they are protected from sex/alcohol/driving - until they are old enough to make an informed and rational decision.

So - tell me this 'oh sensitive one' - why do we have LAWS that make it illegal for anyone to kill people; that make it illegal for anyone to steal from people, that make it illegal for a person to have sex with another person against their will; that make it illegal for a man to enter a ladies toilets. WHY?? The REASON is so that people can be protected (by Police and Others) from the small minority of people who would otherwise do them harm/wrong !! And - the vast majority of these freaks who would hurt children are not GLTGs.

What we are all saying is that this decree from above is not a valid solution to the TG problem in children's toilets in schools. We are saying it will create the potential for kids to be harmed, and for young children to be traumatised. What the post was saying is that there are freaks in the world - our children need to be protected from them. If I grab a pervert going into the ladies that my daughter is using, what will he say? I am a TG and you have no right to stop me??!! We are saying this decree is making things LESS SAFE - and there ARE freaks in this world - like it or not

And let me say again - anyone that states all LGTG people are freaks or somehow inhuman is out of order and wrong.

The rules of this forum require respect to be shown to other posters. I note your disrespectful childish taunt directed at me. Normally I would respond in kind but the powers that be seem to have me under intensive scrutiny at the moment.

The statement made by the other poster is extracted and isolated for your convenience. What you think is immaterial. Clearly you are of the same mind, so you would not view that comment in any other way.

Your legal rationale is entirely irrelevant. There are laws against sexual predators, inside or outside of bathrooms. There are no examples of trans people assaulting women or girls, men or boys in toilets. That you conflate sexual predators with trans people is promoting hate and bigotry. Turning an issue of minorities being treated equally and with dignity into a discussion of male sexual predation is promoting hatred and bigotry against such people.

Who is we? Are you a person or do you claim to be elevated to sovereignty if not deified? Are you a movement? If you are, then please feel free to fight against male sexual predation in any situation. Just let trans people take a piss in private without fuss. You claim allegiance to LGBT issues - this is where the rubber hits the road. In the end your moral high ground is not what you think.

There is no evidence of trans people assaulting women or children in restrooms. Direct your anger and fear at male sexual predators who ear dresses if you wish to occupy your time but that issue is entirely unrelated to religiously inspired legislation that discriminates against LGBT people.

Obama says schools must respect transgender identity. How is this in any way offensive,over-reach or obnoxious? He and his administration is defending the Civil Rights Act and it is the courts that will decide on this. Alarmism over male sexual predators in female dress is entirely focussed on poisoning public opinion.

No, I don't want a guy in a dress standing behind me when l am having a piss in a public Loo, isn't that totally understandable....?

Not at all.

I'm straight. I am against men in girls locker rooms because of safety issues. I do not think that transsexuals are predators but I do think predators will pose as transsexuals.

I have no objection to anyone in mens toilers/locker rooms.

Any man that walks into a mens toilet with a dress on is worthy of a fair amount of respect and probably has a lot more balls (metaphorically speaking) than most men on the planet.

Also - remember that you cannot tell someones sexual preference by looking at them, transexuals included. They may well still be into women. Which incidentally, is another reason I think males should be kept out of female locker rooms.

But really - you must be quite the stud if you think some man in a dress would not be able to control their urges at the sight of you taking a leak.

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I am a LGTG human being and either you agree with my Liberal/Socialist views or you are a hateful person - you hater. Give me a break!! I do not believe he was saying that ALL LGTGs are freaks - and if he was, then he is out of order and wrong. The issue of the post is the protection of children - anyone saying that being GLTG is wrong IS WRONG. BUT, we are saying that children do not have the capacity to decide if they are GLTG - YET !! And they should be protected from this issue - just the same as they are protected from sex/alcohol/driving - until they are old enough to make an informed and rational decision.

So - tell me this 'oh sensitive one' - why do we have LAWS that make it illegal for anyone to kill people; that make it illegal for anyone to steal from people, that make it illegal for a person to have sex with another person against their will; that make it illegal for a man to enter a ladies toilets. WHY?? The REASON is so that people can be protected (by Police and Others) from the small minority of people who would otherwise do them harm/wrong !! And - the vast majority of these freaks who would hurt children are not GLTGs.

What we are all saying is that this decree from above is not a valid solution to the TG problem in children's toilets in schools. We are saying it will create the potential for kids to be harmed, and for young children to be traumatised. What the post was saying is that there are freaks in the world - our children need to be protected from them. If I grab a pervert going into the ladies that my daughter is using, what will he say? I am a TG and you have no right to stop me??!! We are saying this decree is making things LESS SAFE - and there ARE freaks in this world - like it or not

And let me say again - anyone that states all LGTG people are freaks or somehow inhuman is out of order and wrong.

The rules of this forum require respect to be shown to other posters. I note your disrespectful childish taunt directed at me. Normally I would respond in kind but the powers that be seem to have me under intensive scrutiny at the moment.

The statement made by the other poster is extracted and isolated for your convenience. What you think is immaterial. Clearly you are of the same mind, so you would not view that comment in any other way.

Your legal rationale is entirely irrelevant. There are laws against sexual predators, inside or outside of bathrooms. There are no examples of trans people assaulting women or girls, men or boys in toilets. That you conflate sexual predators with trans people is promoting hate and bigotry. Turning an issue of minorities being treated equally and with dignity into a discussion of male sexual predation is promoting hatred and bigotry against such people.

Who is we? Are you a person or do you claim to be elevated to sovereignty if not deified? Are you a movement? If you are, then please feel free to fight against male sexual predation in any situation. Just let trans people take a piss in private without fuss. You claim allegiance to LGBT issues - this is where the rubber hits the road. In the end your moral high ground is not what you think.

There is no evidence of trans people assaulting women or children in restrooms. Direct your anger and fear at male sexual predators who ear dresses if you wish to occupy your time but that issue is entirely unrelated to religiously inspired legislation that discriminates against LGBT people.

Obama says schools must respect transgender identity. How is this in any way offensive,over-reach or obnoxious? He and his administration is defending the Civil Rights Act and it is the courts that will decide on this. Alarmism over male sexual predators in female dress is entirely focussed on poisoning public opinion.

No, I don't want a guy in a dress standing behind me when l am having a piss in a public Loo, isn't that totally understandable....?

Your reply does not make any sense. If a person is a transgender M to F they won't use the urinal, and if F to M they can't use the urinal, so why would someone in a dress be standing behind you? Unless of course they are a guy in drag for a party, which is a whole different thing.

Mind you, I think the whole thing is a political straw man and nothing to do with the issue of which toilet to use. Why else would the POTUS involve himself in something that is none of his business ( it's a State issue, not federal )? He is only diminishing the office by doing so. Can anyone imagine George Washington doing so?

A queue perhaps????

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The rules of this forum require respect to be shown to other posters. I note your disrespectful childish taunt directed at me. Normally I would respond in kind but the powers that be seem to have me under intensive scrutiny at the moment.


The statement made by the other poster is extracted and isolated for your convenience. What you think is immaterial. Clearly you are of the same mind, so you would not view that comment in any other way.


Your legal rationale is entirely irrelevant. There are laws against sexual predators, inside or outside of bathrooms. There are no examples of trans people assaulting women or girls, men or boys in toilets. That you conflate sexual predators with trans people is promoting hate and bigotry. Turning an issue of minorities being treated equally and with dignity into a discussion of male sexual predation is promoting hatred and bigotry against such people.


Who is we? Are you a person or do you claim to be elevated to sovereignty if not deified? Are you a movement? If you are, then please feel free to fight against male sexual predation in any situation.


Just let trans people take a piss in private without fuss. You claim allegiance to LGBT issues - this is where the rubber hits the road. In the end your moral high ground is not what you think.


There is no evidence of trans people assaulting women or children in restrooms. Direct your anger and fear at male sexual predators who ear dresses if you wish to occupy your time but that issue is entirely unrelated to religiously inspired legislation that discriminates against LGBT people.


Obama says schools must respect transgender identity. How is this in any way offensive,over-reach or obnoxious? He and his administration is defending the Civil Rights Act and it is the courts that will decide on this. Alarmism over male sexual predators in female dress is entirely focussed on poisoning public opinion.


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No, I don't want a guy in a dress standing behind me when l am having a piss in a public Loo, isn't that totally understandable....?

well good for you. That is your preference. What has that got to do with the topic?

Transgender people are not guys in dresses. Judging people by what they wear is just as bad as judging them by the colour of their skin or their biologically determined sexual orientation or identity.

Women have a long tradition of learning how to cope with unwanted advances from scruffy, fairly, pot bellied old white slobbering a-holes who want to get their end away. Now handsome ex London cabbies need to learn the same skills whether it be inside or outside of public lavatories.

Just say no. Or maybe say yes. You might enjoy the experience. But no need to freak out in dunny unless your fear paralyses you and you can't do your business. Or go sit down to pee so nobody can stand behind or next to you. Multiple options available to you I would think.

But I ain't a fat ol' thing looking for a shag, l am an ol' thing that likes stuff as it is...

Ladies and Gents...But many places have a third option, has a wheel chair sign...If you ain't a Lady or a Gent just wonder in there then everybody happy eh...thumbsup.gif

As is your right in terms of the way you want to life your life.

I might just say however that you may be somewhat inaccurate in your use of verbs and tenses. Perhaps you were trying to say that you like stuff as you wished it had been. But let's not delve into the mysteries of the pluperfect. I would suggest that the world was never as you thought it and in any case, your right to live your life as you will doesn't extend to requiring others to live it that way.

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Your reply does not make any sense. If a person is a transgender M to F they won't use the urinal, and if F to M they can't use the urinal, so why would someone in a dress be standing behind you? Unless of course they are a guy in drag for a party, which is a whole different thing.

Mind you, I think the whole thing is a political straw man and nothing to do with the issue of which toilet to use. Why else would the POTUS involve himself in something that is none of his business ( it's a State issue, not federal )? He is only diminishing the office by doing so. Can anyone imagine George Washington doing so?

Can't even imagine George W. Bush sticking his nose into this moronc issue! whistling.gif

One of GW's Yale classmates is transgender. I remember this when it was first reported years ago.

In 2003, Bush hosted a 25th reunion party for his Yale University classmates. When Bush had been at Yale in the late 1960's, it had been an all-male school, but one of his classmates became a woman after sex change surgery. According to the story, the woman was not entirely sure how to introduce herself to the President, so nervously said: “You might remember me as Peter when we left Yale…" Without blinking, Bush interjected, “And now you’ve come back as yourself."http://thedailybanter.com/2015/06/hey-mike-huckabee-even-george-bush-knew-how-to-treat-transgendered-people-with-respect/

Kudos to GW for that (not much else mind you).

​The thing about bigots is that they just assumed others have the same intolerance is they do and that it is socially acceptable. So they just continue putting their feet squarely in their mouths.

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Understanding how the transphobic toilet bigot laws hurt actual transgender people:

I also worry about using female bathrooms. In nearly every incident where my gender has been an issue, it has been in a female bathroom. I used the female restroom in high school because many people knew me as female and I didn’t want to cause disruptions. I ended up facing opposition anyway, as my outward appearance was male. I have been screamed at, pushed, shoved or even slapped. In high school this became such a problem that I had to speak with a counselor and be approved to use faculty restrooms, where other students would not be allowed so that I could ensure my safety from female students. The thought of doing that again causes me a great deal of stress and anxiety.


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