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Thailand’s Image – Has word come from up high?


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So what punishment have the perpetrators of the HH beatings been given ?

As in virtually every other case of Thai on foreigner violence, once the perps are arrested the story will completely drop off the radar of local news media who will not follow-up on any judicial proceedings and sentencing 99+% of the time. Why? My guess (just mho) is that if there was a follow-up, we'd see a large disconnect between the 'crime' and the 'punishment'. Really? What do you, my fellow TV members, think will happen to the 4 individuals responsible for the vicious beat-downs, especially the individual who kicked Mrs Owens in the head causing a fluid build-up on her brain that in all possibilities could have killed her or caused grevious injury? Especially considering the amount of media coverage showing that the attackers 'apologized'. My guess is because they 'humbly' apologized, this is all now water under the bridge. But we will never know, will we?

"But 'Granny' slapped one of them." Did 'Granny' slap either of the men who viciously beat her? The answer is 'No'. Next:

"But she deserved it." No she didn't. I've been hit by people I could have easily beat to a pulp - more than one time in my life. I shrugged it off. I don't fight people I know I can beat. I walk or attempt to deescalate the situation. That's called self-control.

The problem is a real 'viciousness' in males in this culture, and a lack of appropriate sanctions for this type of behavior. Here's something that those 'from on high' should address. "But it's their country and their culture." True. But when foreign tourists, especially 'farang' tourists whose numbers are steadily declining, see Thai on foreigner violence on top of events like the Erawan bombing - they will vote with their feet and they will go to tourist venues that they perceived to be 'safe'. I personally have friends who are now avoiding Thailand.

Thailand does need an image change, but it needs to be a real change. Not lip service. dry.png

So what punishment have the perpetrators of the HH beatings been given ?

As in virtually every other case of Thai on foreigner violence, once the perps are arrested the story will completely drop off the radar of local news media who will not follow-up on any judicial proceedings and sentencing 99+% of the time. Why? My guess (just mho) is that if there was a follow-up, we'd see a large disconnect between the 'crime' and the 'punishment'. Really? What do you, my fellow TV members, think will happen to the 4 individuals responsible for the vicious beat-downs, especially the individual who kicked Mrs Owens in the head causing a fluid build-up on her brain that in all possibilities could have killed her or caused grevious injury? Especially considering the amount of media coverage showing that the attackers 'apologized'. My guess is because they 'humbly' apologized, this is all now water under the bridge. But we will never know, will we?

"But 'Granny' slapped one of them." Did 'Granny' slap either of the men who viciously beat her? The answer is 'No'. Next:

"But she deserved it." No she didn't. I've been hit by people I could have easily beat to a pulp - more than one time in my life. I shrugged it off. I don't fight people I know I can beat. I walk or attempt to deescalate the situation. That's called self-control.

The problem is a real 'viciousness' in males in this culture, and a lack of appropriate sanctions for this type of behavior. Here's something that those 'from on high' should address. "But it's their country and their culture." True. But when foreign tourists, especially 'farang' tourists whose numbers are steadily declining, see Thai on foreigner violence on top of events like the Erawan bombing - they will vote with their feet and they will go to tourist venues that they perceived to be 'safe'. I personally have friends who are now avoiding Thailand.

Thailand does need an image change, but it needs to be a real change. Not lip service. dry.png

If you read the mainstream thai press you will in fact see that they report on court cases. You might feel that way if you only read Thai visa. For some reason they don't report on court cases here and a 500 baht slap on the wrist is all you ever read about. Not that there is any truth behind it, it is just what some posters, who don't know, repeat over and over again. They just make it up. Complete BS.

Jails in Thailand are overflowing, because people are sentenced more often than not, to harsher sentences tha people get back in Nanny farang land.

Granny was punched out by the bloke who had just been hit by her husband while her son was holding his arms. He felled the husband with one punch, and also the bumbling son who would have to be one of the most useless fighters I have ever seen. Granny was the only one who got up after that, but was the downed again with a terrible kick.

Hopefully Grany won't go around slapping locals anymore because her son has trouble walking without falling down. Does Granny even have grandkids? I can't see her son being competent in that area.

99% of tourists love it here in Thailand. The Thais do a great job in welcoming and catering to all sorts of travelers. The reason that the Europeans from SOME countries have dropped off is because of their economies. English travelers to Thailand have actually been increasing over the last five straight years.

Go on look it up. Don't believe the Thai figures, the English figures say the same thing. Or are they lying also?

They are not steadily declining as you claim. Another myth like the 500 baht slap on the wrist that you read here. It is BS. Let's stick to the facts, instead of repeating drivel and lies.

There is nowhere better to travel to than Thailand, this year there will be record tourist numbers over 30 million for the first time. No need for a real change as you claim. They are going great guns.

Very clever people these Thais. They don't listen to nonsense claims. And let's face it, the Thais don't really need tourists like the trouble making Owens anyway. They wont be missed. Good riddance.

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Well it's the Thais themselves that have started this "Stop Attacking Tourists" campaign, so that's a pretty good indication that something's rotten in the state of Denmark.

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Connda, no Country in the world is 100% safe, but in my experience, Thailand is very safe.

But I don't drink, or walk about after midnight.

I get drunk and stumble and mumble around after midnight. And it is still safe. But I am never rude to locals.

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Seriously...If civil war broke out in Thailand it would not stop the tourism industry.

People come here for the adventure and come back for more of it.

It is hard to say why exactly as there is no exact reason rather many reasons why people keep on coming here instead of going elsewhere while anyone that travels to South East Asia and the Orient or Far East, has to include Thailand.

The majority do not care what has happened to other people or any bad press as Thailand is on the bucket list of countries to travel to and be seen.

Look how many people are now also going to Burma....a country that has a terrible reputation for human rights violations amongst other negative aspects.....but that has not stopped a lot of people from going there while they ignore all of what they have heard or read or been told about....and go anyhow...regardless of the risks, as it seems the risks are all part of the thrill of international travel in places still believed to be exotic or adventurous more so than other countries.

Geez...there has been continual bad press about Thailand for 40 years now and if someone was to compile a list of all the bad events that happened and all the negative aspects of Thailand that were publicized internationally, over the many years and over and over again.....it would be meaningless because it has not stopped the world from coming here to be part of the world that can say: I went to Thailand ...I have been to Thailand....I travel to Thailand often.... or ......I live in Thailand....while many would be jealous.

Sure there are many other places to go...but Thailand continues to captivate the imagine of an ever increasing percent of the worlds population and will continue to mesmerize those that have been here and done that.


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I was wrong in a previous post.

There were in fact placards stating "stop attacking tourists". Roomuck was WRONG!!

Amazing Thailand.

I can't think of any tourists that were attacked without a reason though. Of at incidents where the Thais thought it would be fun just to bash a tourist.

Recent history, the Russian Spitter, the Canadian Check bin runners, the Engliish Groper, the German? and the other group that slagged off the ladyboys and the Scottish Slapper.

And there a victims of gold snatches but that is a robbery firstly, not just an assault.

I can't see the placards having much of an effect. But, I was wrong.

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Connda, no Country in the world is 100% safe, but in my experience, Thailand is very safe.

But I don't drink, or walk about after midnight.

I get drunk and stumble and mumble around after midnight. And it is still safe. But I am never rude to locals.

I would think that being drunk in itself and not bothering anyone, and especially not being rude to locals, would keep you safe.

The problem could arise that with some people, being drunk could make them more aggressive and argumentative, but that

obviously does not reply to you, though stumbling about in the early hours could attract attention from thieving ladyboys in Pattaya.

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I was wrong in a previous post.

There were in fact placards stating "stop attacking tourists". Roomuck was WRONG!!

Amazing Thailand.

I can't think of any tourists that were attacked without a reason though. Of at incidents where the Thais thought it would be fun just to bash a tourist.

Recent history, the Russian Spitter, the Canadian Check bin runners, the Engliish Groper, the German? and the other group that slagged off the ladyboys and the Scottish Slapper.

And there a victims of gold snatches but that is a robbery firstly, not just an assault.

I can't see the placards having much of an effect. But, I was wrong.

Well there's always a reason, gotta give you that. The LBs want that gold chain around a farang's neck so he gets thumped unconscious. Thai man feels like poking a farang gal on an island so he clobbers her and rapes her. Thai man feels jealous because a farang has money to pay a sexy gal, so he kicks the daylights out of the farang. They all got their reasons.

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tourist industry representing such a considerable slice of GDP

At 10% of GDP at best the tourist industry represents a measurable slice of GDP.

It is exports that have accounted for 70% of GDP and because they've been contracting, GDP growth has been considerably stunted.

When those farang going home they will tell others not to buy Thai, that 10% GDP goes down the tubes so does part of the other 90%.

You think those 3 from HH beat down are going home and telling others to buy Thai? More than tourist dollars depend on a good image abroad.

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I was wrong in a previous post.

There were in fact placards stating "stop attacking tourists". Roomuck was WRONG!!

Amazing Thailand.

I can't think of any tourists that were attacked without a reason though. Of at incidents where the Thais thought it would be fun just to bash a tourist.

Recent history, the Russian Spitter, the Canadian Check bin runners, the Engliish Groper, the German? and the other group that slagged off the ladyboys and the Scottish Slapper.

And there a victims of gold snatches but that is a robbery firstly, not just an assault.

I can't see the placards having much of an effect. But, I was wrong.

Well there's always a reason, gotta give you that. The LBs want that gold chain around a farang's neck so he gets thumped unconscious. Thai man feels like poking a farang gal on an island so he clobbers her and rapes her. Thai man feels jealous because a farang has money to pay a sexy gal, so he kicks the daylights out of the farang. They all got their reasons.

You are wrong about "farang has money to pay a sexy girl". If you are paying they are only a whore. The Thais have money to pay for whores (often Burmese or Cambodian) if they want.

We have whores in Australia. If a tourist comes and pays for a whore, it doesn't concern anybody. We are not going to bash them for paying for a whore. Thais don't care either considering they don't find the standard old, dark skinned whores with kids that are so common in tourist areas attractive anyway.

Do you care if tourists pay for whores in your country? Does it make you want to bash the customer?

Do you actually know of any incidents where a Thai man "kicks the day lights" a foreign customer because he had no money and was jealous?

Or did you just make it up? Did you imagine it? Or do really know of someone it has happened to?

I think you will also find that white girls are usually raped by white men, not Thais.

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Connda, no Country in the world is 100% safe, but in my experience, Thailand is very safe.

But I don't drink, or walk about after midnight.

I get drunk and stumble and mumble around after midnight. And it is still safe. But I am never rude to locals.

I would think that being drunk in itself and not bothering anyone, and especially not being rude to locals, would keep you safe.

The problem could arise that with some people, being drunk could make them more aggressive and argumentative, but that

obviously does not reply to you, though stumbling about in the early hours could attract attention from thieving ladyboys in Pattaya.

You are right.

But what are the lady boys going to steal from me? My t-shirt or my flip flops?

I generally just take enough cash that I think I will need and my ATM card just in case.

I don't even wear a fake watch.

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