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Wasn't an issue when I first went to Thailand. In the majority of places there was only a restroom, easy choice. Got used to the unisex facilities fairly quickly.

Now my wife (round eye) was a bit surprised on her first trip over in 1971 when a taxi pulled up along side our parked bus and the driver got out and took a leak between his cab and the bus in downtown Bangkok. The Air Force did tell us that they didn't care what the locals did, AF personnel were not to pee on telephone poles downtown.

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To me it's a no-brainer....for the sake of the kiddies, if you look and dress like a lady you use the ladies (whether you have a penis or not) and visa versa.

How fearful and confusing it would be for a child to see a person of the opposite sex (in appearance anyway) coming into their toilet while they are in it.


There are no "Transgender" bathrooms per se...there are men's-toilet, ladies-toilet, and uni-toilets which are designed to accommodate either sex...

There is no need for a "special" toilet to accommodate a person who has identity identification problems...

Go to the toilet of your gender birth...go to the uni-toilet...or go to hell...

Try to get a life that does not require forcing others to acknowledge your presence...


This is NEVER going to be a political hot button issue here as it is in the USA.

The reasons are simple:

-- no power to Christian fundamentalists here

-- ancient culturally specific tradition of "ladyboys" here that has a very different cultural meaning than transgender in the USA

-- men are used to women in the toilets, cleaning right next to them while they pee; if they happen to have a look (they must be so bored seeing dicks all day) NOBODY cares

-- Thais are not CRAY CRAY in this particular bathroom mania American way, and yes, that's a good thing!

I care.

When I use the gents toilet to pee here I always go into the cubicle and close the door because (call me old fashioned) I object to exposing myself while a woman is mopping the floor behind me.

When I used to tour France, many of the camping sites had unisex toilets and showers. I hated it. I don't know how the ladies must have felt.

Maybe it's just because I'm old, I don't know, but I do get a bit browned off with the minorities pushing for more and more privileges. Sometimes I wish I'd been born fifty years earlier.

I still think it makes it easy for a pervert to don a frock and a wig and if caught, claim he's transgender. Maybe the Spams have that sorted. Do they make them carry cards over there vouching for their gender choice?

Bigot seems to be your favourite word of choice so go ahead call me it as much as you want. I'm neither homophobic or anti-transgender, but I do think that sometimes minorities go too far in their demands.


This is NEVER going to be a political hot button issue here as it is in the USA.

The reasons are simple:

-- no power to Christian fundamentalists here

-- ancient culturally specific tradition of "ladyboys" here that has a very different cultural meaning than transgender in the USA

-- men are used to women in the toilets, cleaning right next to them while they pee; if they happen to have a look (they must be so bored seeing dicks all day) NOBODY cares

-- Thais are not CRAY CRAY in this particular bathroom mania American way, and yes, that's a good thing!

I care.

When I use the gents toilet to pee here I always go into the cubicle and close the door because (call me old fashioned) I object to exposing myself while a woman is mopping the floor behind me.

When I used to tour France, many of the camping sites had unisex toilets and showers. I hated it. I don't know how the ladies must have felt.

Maybe it's just because I'm old, I don't know, but I do get a bit browned off with the minorities pushing for more and more privileges. Sometimes I wish I'd been born fifty years earlier.

Not privileges, just equality. Important difference. :)


This is NEVER going to be a political hot button issue here as it is in the USA.

The reasons are simple:

-- no power to Christian fundamentalists here

-- ancient culturally specific tradition of "ladyboys" here that has a very different cultural meaning than transgender in the USA

-- men are used to women in the toilets, cleaning right next to them while they pee; if they happen to have a look (they must be so bored seeing dicks all day) NOBODY cares

-- Thais are not CRAY CRAY in this particular bathroom mania American way, and yes, that's a good thing!

I care.

When I use the gents toilet to pee here I always go into the cubicle and close the door because (call me old fashioned) I object to exposing myself while a woman is mopping the floor behind me.

When I used to tour France, many of the camping sites had unisex toilets and showers. I hated it. I don't know how the ladies must have felt.

Maybe it's just because I'm old, I don't know, but I do get a bit browned off with the minorities pushing for more and more privileges. Sometimes I wish I'd been born fifty years earlier.

Not privileges, just equality. Important difference. :)

Why not think out of the box, transform all male toilets to urinoirs and make bigger rooms for toilets for all genders? And make the toilet cubicles more private. This should give enough privacy no?

This wasn't an issue in America until the religious extremists started making it an issue. Well it's not an issue in Thailand, so crazy right wing foreigners shouldn't be making it an issue. If it ain't broke....


This wasn't an issue in America until the religious extremists started making it an issue. Well it's not an issue in Thailand, so crazy right wing foreigners shouldn't be making it an issue. If it ain't broke....

Looking at all the posts I think it is safe to say that although Thailand may not be economically superior to the US there is a point to be made that culturally it is far superior.

The fact that Thais have lived and loved Lady boys with no major issues and the fact that western society seems to get all bent out of shape either trying to prove how politically correct they are says a lot.

now if they can just figure out how to make it rain more we will be all set.


Tempest in a pee pot.

Heck, so many public toilets in malls and such have women attendants mopping up whilst I am busy at the urinal. Somehow I get the job done


The end of family values, .

The end of father figure.

The end mother figure.

The end of sexual identity.

The end of National values .

Make us isolated disconnected individual much easier to control.


Happily, the Thais will solve this "problem" that isn't really much of a problem in the Thai way, which in this case (but not all) is obviously superior to the insane hysteria in the USA.

Face it, when it comes to toilets, Thailand rocks!

Do I need to remind y'all of how wonderful those bum sprayers are ... burp.gif

Time for you to take a trip to Japantongue.pngattachicon.gifAutomatic_Wash_And_Dry_Toilet_Seat.jpg

Automatic wash and dry

no need to go to Japan it's the same at Central's loos


Who really cares. A few I hate any body who is diffrent to the normal???? Maybe there the ones who not normal. If I want to use toilets and only male toilets available then I will use male and I'm sure most people M/F would do same thing. What a word wonder who made it up Transgender!!!! If born male you belive you are female or visa versa as you say then I respect that your choice no one else's. So do I care if man comes into ladies toilets NO of course not and the big probability is you would never know. So if you inthe USA have problem keep it there please this is Thailand thank you


WOW!!! So many people who own houses/condos/shacks with separate toilet and bathroom facilities for males and females. So many who only fly on airlines with separate facilities for different genders. So many who only stay in hotels that provide separate bathrooms for each gender in the rooms.

Unisex toilets are more prolific than you think. Ever seen/used 'handicapped' toilets?


Transgendered individuals use the ladies room quite frequently here and no one gives it a second thought. There are cubicles with doors in ladies rooms. What's the problem?

I've used locker rooms at health clubs with transgendered people. Like all Thai women, they are amazing good at changing their clothes in such a way that you don't see anything. It's the European women who prance around the locker room in the buff, while the Thai people in the locker room do their best to avert their eyes. I wonder if the European women would be so quick to do this if they knew they were walking around in the altogether in front of ladyboys.

I tend to agree about bathrooms, but I have a different thought on showers.

Anyone has always been able to dress as a woman--or man--and frequent that sex's bathroom. It's only when some form of inappropriate behavior occurs that a problem surfaces. Since women’s toilets have stalls, there seems little inappropriate behavior or unneeded sights would occur unless the perp entered the stall to do so—but in either event, it is against the law.

In showers, unneeded sights may occur at random and inappropriate behavior may even be stimulated. I am not so concerned with Ladyboys showing their wares to women as I would be to young girls; but I think neither case serves the public good.

However, I believe most adverse opinion is based upon misunderstanding.

It seems that transgender males who would be women, prefer men; therefore, they would not likely make inappropriate advances towards women, would they?.

Similarly, lesbians have always used the women’s facilities—toilets and showers—and I think lesbians would be more inclined to inappropriate behavior toward women and girls, would they not?

There does not seem to be much of an outcry against anyone using the men's toilet or shower. In fact, it seems many of you would prefer to have men who would be women use the men's and boy's toilets. I think that would offer more opportunity for unneeded sights and inappropriate behavior, would it not?


can see nothing wrong with ladyboys using female toilets, not to sure about change rooms if they are still carrying dangly bits as they will cause a lot of worry among some of the females especially the younger ones. Totally disagree with those that feel they are female even though they dont have boobs etc using the female change rooms though, they really need to draw the line somewhere especially as it will cause conflict for more straight females than cross genders, if they are that concerned have gender neutral ones just for the cross gender people and leave the male/female ones alone.

What if a lady boy creeps up on you in the gents room and give's you a reach around while you are taking a leak?


"Sickwaterbuffallo2" has nailed it !

Put the same only differently, however a person is identified on their birth certificate should dictate what door they should enter to do their personal business. Getting a pair of teets stuck on your chest does not make you a woman.


To me it's a no-brainer....for the sake of the kiddies, if you look and dress like a lady you use the ladies (whether you have a penis or not) and visa versa.

How fearful and confusing it would be for a child to see a person of the opposite sex (in appearance anyway) coming into their toilet while they are in it.

So, if I decide to wear a dress for an evening out, I am within my rights to use the ladies ?

And before you state that I do not 'look like' a lady, have you seen the majority of ladyboys ?


To me it's a no-brainer....for the sake of the kiddies, if you look and dress like a lady you use the ladies (whether you have a penis or not) and visa versa.

How fearful and confusing it would be for a child to see a person of the opposite sex (in appearance anyway) coming into their toilet while they are in it.

Fearful and confusing ?

Do young girls in the villages not feel the same, when they see their older brothers wearing dresses, and playing with dolls ?


This problem which thankfully isn't a problem here was ginned up by a bunch of troglodyte, ass-backwards, right wing religious wackos. I don't give a damn who uses the toilet next to me. I don't shock easily and I've got more than one working brain cell. I've had the women come in and shower while the men were showering because they didn't want to wait after coming off a long couple of days and nights on the fire line, nobody gave a damn and for sure nobody tried to stop them. Stupid people causing stupid problems, please take all your faux religious wacko stuff out of Thailand and don't start that stupid crap here. BTW, the only reported problems in public toilets seem to be right wing Republicans trying to pick up young men.


what about a toilet for people with one leg or people with one arm or people with no brain or people who only like red or people who cant eat mushrooms or fat people or ugly people............I demand equal rights for all


There is still a heavy Puritanical influence on the mindset of Americans who tend to over-obsess about anything even hinting to be sexual, even if in reality there is nothing sexual about the situation. Not so much here in the Land of Smiles, and the Land of Public Bathroom Cleaning Ladies. In this country where it's totally normal to take a leak at a urinal in a public bathroom whilst the cleaning woman is mopping the floor and wiping down the sinks behind you pretty much says it all. It you don't make it a big deal, it's not a big deal.
There is also a lot more acceptance of cross-gender folk in Thailand. The dolled up lady boys may choose to use the ladies facilities, and I doubt most Thai women really care; and most 'Tomboys' with the short hair cuts and strapped down breasts probably use...the ladies facilities right along with there cute girl friends. But if a Tomboy wanted to visit the men's facilities, why would I care? I don't care about the cleaning women hovering around as I pee. Obviously I'm not your normal hung-up American. So by default, Thailand already has de-facto 'transgender bathrooms' which I have no problems with; and I'd have no problems with the same in the US, with the exception that the US is making this a legal issue that will eventually be use to skirt the system by 'real' perverts, who will act out on their perversions and then scream bloody murder that their civil rights are being violated when caught doing so. And it's exactly that kind of ludicrous over-regulation, combined with an overly-conservative, overly-moral, sexually hung-up population on the right and an overly-PC, overly-litigious, progressive liberal population on the left that was, at least in part, a factor in my decision to permanently expatriate myself from my home country. What a complete croak of wackos, on both sides, that make up the country.


what about a toilet for people with one leg or people with one arm or people with no brain or people who only like red or people who cant eat mushrooms or fat people or ugly people............I demand equal rights for all

Your analogy is terrible. It doesn't work at all in the context of the discussion. The discussion isn't about building new bathrooms, it's about whether transgender people should use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. And whether someone is for or against it, or just on the fence, it's not that hard a concept to get the old head around. Even if it was about a third bathroom, I'm not sure your list of straw men really work anyway. Sorry. :)


what about a toilet for people with one leg or people with one arm or people with no brain or people who only like red or people who cant eat mushrooms or fat people or ugly people............I demand equal rights for all

Your analogy is terrible. It doesn't work at all in the context of the discussion, it's like you saw the topic title and steamed on in without bothering to check. The discussion isn't about building new bathrooms, it's about whether transgender people should use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. And whether someone is for or against it, or just on the fence, it's not that hard a concept to get the old head around.

I think Im a pig, or a bat or an elephant or an amoeba I demand to use any bathroom anywhere anytime anyplace..............the whole discussion is tingtong


what about a toilet for people with one leg or people with one arm or people with no brain or people who only like red or people who cant eat mushrooms or fat people or ugly people............I demand equal rights for all

Your analogy is terrible. It doesn't work at all in the context of the discussion, it's like you saw the topic title and steamed on in without bothering to check. The discussion isn't about building new bathrooms, it's about whether transgender people should use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. And whether someone is for or against it, or just on the fence, it's not that hard a concept to get the old head around.

I demand equal rights for people with no head alsotongue.png

So, if I decide to wear a dress for an evening out, I am within my rights to use the ladies ?

If putting on a dress so you can use the ladies room is your thing, go for it. But seriously, your example is the typical red herring. If some pervert wanted to molest little girls, I doubt he would choose a public restroom.


So, if I decide to wear a dress for an evening out, I am within my rights to use the ladies ?

If putting on a dress so you can use the ladies room is your thing, go for it. But seriously, your example is the typical red herring. If some pervert wanted to molest little girls, I doubt he would choose a public restroom.

Disagree with the red herring bit.

dotpoom specifically said, if you dress and look like a lady, you use the ladies (in his/her opinion).

In my opinion, if you have a cock, you use the gents.


Let's get one thing straight here: if a room is devoid of a bath, it's not a bathroom!

Lavatory, toilet, water closet (WC) are accurate terms, bathroom is not!

Why are Americans so coy about using the appropriate name for a room specifically designed for certain bodily functions!

As for transgender use of toilets, why the fuss now, they've been using the facilities appropriate for their gender for years. If anyone can cite more cases of sexual violations by transgender in public toilets than by politicians I might then have just cause to be sympathetic to North Carolina, until then my sympathy is with the transgender community.

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