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Bill Clinton Would Be 'In Charge of Revitalizing the Economy,' Hillary Clinton Says


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Bill Clinton Would Be 'In Charge of Revitalizing the Economy,' Hillary Clinton Says

FORT MITCHELL, Kentucky: -- Hillary Clinton has always made known that she wants Bill Clinton to have some kind of role in the White House should she become president, but over the past few weeks she's begun to reveal more about what exactly that would be.

During a campaign event in Fort Mitchell today, the Democratic presidential candidate was more blunt than ever about what her husband's role could be in a future Clinton administration — saying she plans to to put the former president "in charge of economic revitalization."

"My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it," Clinton told the crowd at an outdoor organizing rally. "And especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out."

Full story: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bill-clinton-charge-revitalizing-economy-hillary-clinton/story?id=39132832

-- ABC NEWS 2016-05-16

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So the fox will be guarding the hen house. While it was the Regan regime that set American on the road to ruin, it was Bill Clinton that enabled it. "Clinton had five major achievements as president: NAFTA, the Crime Bill of 1994, welfare reform, the deregulation of banks and telecoms, and the balanced budget. All of them -- every single one -- were longstanding Republican objectives." http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36035-thomas-frank-bill-clinton-s-five-major-achievements-were-longstanding-gop-objectives

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Good. People of a certain age know the facts, that Bill Clinton performed remarkably well on economic issues. Trump's low information followers long for the good old days of Henry Ford style fascist isolationism, minorities under the thumb of white men ... the real good old days are the ECONOMY under Bill Clinton.

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Good. People of a certain age know the facts, that Bill Clinton performed remarkably well on economic issues. Trump's low information followers long for the good old days of Henry Ford style fascist isolationism, minorities under the thumb of white men ... the real good old days are the ECONOMY under Bill Clinton.

Many American friends and colleagues told me the reason Bill Clinton got off when caught lying to the American people was because the economy was o k at the time. He could be forgiven for lying about Monica but would have been crucified if the economy was crap at the time.

However, something distasteful about a country that considers itself god fearing, whatever sect you like to be, moral, ethical and like lecturing other countries, electing a known liar as President, who will appoint her husband, also a known liar, to a key position in her administration. Both are in the pocket of Wall Street; both are mercenary. Dubious at best.

That's not suggesting the opposition is a wonderful choice either. Welcome America to the sort of choices we in Europe have had to put up with for years - who is the least worst rather than the best!

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Sure it's unconventional for a first man to take such an active role.

But welcome to lots of firsts.

Our first woman president.

Possibly our first woman vice president (Elizabeth Warren).

Our first first man.

Our first first lady or man who was previously a very successful TWO TERM president.

That sure beats the threat of our first psychopathic fascist demagogue with ZERO political office or governing experience.

Edited by Jingthing
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Remember he was the start of the economic disaster!

Not quite. The big economic debate in Bush vs. Gore 2000 was how to spend the budget surplus left by 8 years of Clinton.

The budget surplus claimed by Bill Clinton was nothing but an accounting trick, which pushed current expenditures off into later years, after he was out of office.

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""And especially in places like coal country "

Coal country needs to be put to sleep along with the rest of the fossil fuel industry.

They are killing us all for the sake of easy profits,

and their corporations own Clinton.and many other law makers.and government officials...

While they avoid paying their fair share of taxes!

The same unskilled labor could be employed in the alternative power industry that is capable of supplying all of our power needs without producing poison.

This is what we get when we allow corporations to buy our lawmakers.

Feel The Bern !

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Good. People of a certain age know the facts, that Bill Clinton performed remarkably well on economic issues. Trump's low information followers long for the good old days of Henry Ford style fascist isolationism, minorities under the thumb of white men ... the real good old days are the ECONOMY under Bill Clinton.

Many American friends and colleagues told me the reason Bill Clinton got off when caught lying to the American people was because the economy was o k at the time. He could be forgiven for lying about Monica but would have been crucified if the economy was crap at the time.

However, something distasteful about a country that considers itself god fearing, whatever sect you like to be, moral, ethical and like lecturing other countries, electing a known liar as President, who will appoint her husband, also a known liar, to a key position in her administration. Both are in the pocket of Wall Street; both are mercenary. Dubious at best.

That's not suggesting the opposition is a wonderful choice either. Welcome America to the sort of choices we in Europe have had to put up with for years - who is the least worst rather than the best!

" electing a known liar as President,"

That is the goal of both parties.

Trump is no more honest than Clinton.

The big difference is that Trump doesn't know enough about how the government functions to even realize he lies are only fantasies.

Even the pentagon has stated that if Trump becoms Comander and Chiet, the pentagon would be obligated by the constitution to disobey him if he tries to do what he claims he will do.

Both candidates are very dishonest.

One just has more experience in and knowledge of government than the other.

If a third candidate is not elected, the country and the world are in for a world of hurt.

If the majority of Americans elect either of these two, they will get what they deserve and regret it....

Regret it along with many other people of the world.

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So the fox will be guarding the hen house. While it was the Regan regime that set American on the road to ruin, it was Bill Clinton that enabled it. "Clinton had five major achievements as president: NAFTA, the Crime Bill of 1994, welfare reform, the deregulation of banks and telecoms, and the balanced budget. All of them -- every single one -- were longstanding Republican objectives." http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36035-thomas-frank-bill-clinton-s-five-major-achievements-were-longstanding-gop-objectives

Having "objectives" is very easy. Actually manifesting them? Now, that the hard part.

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Remember he was the start of the economic disaster!

Not quite. The big economic debate in Bush vs. Gore 2000 was how to spend the budget surplus left by 8 years of Clinton.

And we have to give GW Bush credit.

He came up with ways to spend that surplus and trillions more!

Starting wars that did not need to be fought, and putting them on the credit card,

Putting the country in a position where the had to bail out all the major financial institutions.

Our great grandchildren will be paying for he creativity.

The man is a genius!


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