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UN sounds alarm over record-breaking temperature rise


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Did you miss the flooding, the arctic ice melt and the largest coral bleaching in recorded history then?

Or are you saying, even though scientists have been predicting those things for years, that they didn't happen or are in some way irrelevant?

I didn't miss them, but I'm saying that while they can't definitely be attributed to human activity, there is sod all going to happen to change anything while all that happens is yet more "çonferences".

I'm still waiting to hear of ANYTHING that will make a difference.

I'm sure all the world leaders burning around the globe in their clapped out 747's to meet in Paris will assist in reducing emissions :D

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

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They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

I see typical UN BS.

yes.... typical UN BS..... We've only came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. (L.I.A. from approx. 1300 - 1850 with a few breaks here and there. It was a horrible time for crops and harvests, lots of famine) What did they expect to happen following the end of the L.I.A. ? For it to get colder ? ?

Not to mention the Medieval Warm Period, Roman Warm Period and Minoan Warm Period were warmer than today. And civilization, historically, has always done better during warmer times.

Excellent video!! cheesy.gif

Yes... thank you. But it looks like it went "Whooosh" right over the heads of all the Gore Bull Warming Alarmists.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.." Ottmar Edenhofer is the co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III.

Edited by Catoni
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You are confusing sophistication with intelligence. Our technology might be sophisticated but it is certainly not intelligently used. Society is not judged by the tools it has but by how it used them,

Stupid is as stupid does.

You don't think any intelligence went into building smart phones? Or the networks that run them? Medicines? How about MRI machines and defibrillators? Do we use them unintelligently as well?
The response to your "noble savage" fantasy is this. If you have no technology, then you cannot use it well or badly. If, for example, you live in a yurt with only a candle for light and heat, then your only "intelligence" involves not burning the place down. If you have advanced technology, atomic power, say, then you have the opportunity to use it well or badly.
Society is judged both by the tools it has, and by how it uses them.
That's the trade-off. Development of any kind contains good and bad elements.
For someone to rail about the stupidity of Homo Sapiens, when he is holding a device whose miraculous capabilities would have astounded Einstein, is absurd.

And back to the OP. Smart phones ( though used by many stupid people ) do not in themselves contribute to climate change in any way- it's not like a huge factory is burning tons of coal to to produce them, like a steel mill. Please don't mention that the electricity used to make them is made with a pollution byproduct, as modern coal fired plants can now be virtually pollution free.

I'm still waiting for a suggestion, any suggestion, as to how GW can be reversed. Not just halted ( though there is nothing that would even do that at present ), but reversed.

"The idea it would be catastrophic if carbon dioxide were to increase and average global temperature were to rise a few degrees is preposterous."


According to the I.P.C.C., we warmed 0.85 degree C between 1880 - 2012 following the Little Ice Age of approx. 1300 - 1850. The L.I.A. was not a nice time. Longer, colder more bitter winters, shorter growing season, failed harvest and famine.

Historically, civilization has always done better during the warmer periods, like the Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period.

It was during the Holocene Climate Optimum Warm Period that our caveman ancestors finally settled down, started building villages, and growing crops, and developed the first writing...

Warmer is better.... the Gore Bull Warming Alarmism is simply a way to re-distribute the world's wealth and build socialism. The left always loves to hide their true agenda under "causes".

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They see the results in flooding of coastal cities, massive arctic ice melt and the largest coral die-off in recorded history.

I see typical UN BS.

yes.... typical UN BS..... We've only came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. (L.I.A. from approx. 1300 - 1850 with a few breaks here and there. It was a horrible time for crops and harvests, lots of famine) What did they expect to happen following the end of the L.I.A. ? For it to get colder ? ?

Not to mention the Medieval Warm Period, Roman Warm Period and Minoan Warm Period were warmer than today. And civilization, historically, has always done better during warmer times.

Civilization will not do better this time, simply because humans have bred themselves into excess, and they now live in places that will be destroyed en mass eg flood plains, low lying coastal areas, near volcanoes etc etc.

I, unfortunately, had to travel to the capital city of my country, and as I looked at the horrific number of cars on the only motorway ( and it wasn't even rush hour ) that are just an accident short of disaster, ALL DAY LONG, I had to wonder if this is what collective insanity looks like. If people can't even sort as simple a thing as getting from A to B without wasting a zillion litres of oil every day, do we deserve to survive, let alone will we?

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You are confusing sophistication with intelligence. Our technology might be sophisticated but it is certainly not intelligently used. Society is not judged by the tools it has but by how it used them,

Stupid is as stupid does.

You don't think any intelligence went into building smart phones? Or the networks that run them? Medicines? How about MRI machines and defibrillators? Do we use them unintelligently as well?
The response to your "noble savage" fantasy is this. If you have no technology, then you cannot use it well or badly. If, for example, you live in a yurt with only a candle for light and heat, then your only "intelligence" involves not burning the place down. If you have advanced technology, atomic power, say, then you have the opportunity to use it well or badly.
Society is judged both by the tools it has, and by how it uses them.
That's the trade-off. Development of any kind contains good and bad elements.
For someone to rail about the stupidity of Homo Sapiens, when he is holding a device whose miraculous capabilities would have astounded Einstein, is absurd.

And back to the OP. Smart phones ( though used by many stupid people ) do not in themselves contribute to climate change in any way- it's not like a huge factory is burning tons of coal to to produce them, like a steel mill. Please don't mention that the electricity used to make them is made with a pollution byproduct, as modern coal fired plants can now be virtually pollution free.

I'm still waiting for a suggestion, any suggestion, as to how GW can be reversed. Not just halted ( though there is nothing that would even do that at present ), but reversed.

And, I'm still waiting, but there's nothing, zero, nada being suggested to reduce GW. I doubt there ever will be, and when the methane storms are killing everyone the few that are not dead yet will be crying "why didn't they do something when they had the chance".

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And, I'm still waiting, but there's nothing, zero, nada being suggested to reduce GW. I doubt there ever will be, and when the methane storms are killing everyone the few that are not dead yet will be crying "why didn't they do something when they had the chance".

Where there "methane storms" during the Holocene Climate Optimum Warming Period when our ancestors finally settled down and started building villages and planting crops and coming up with the first writing ? Where there "methane storms" during the Minoan Warm Period ? It was warmer than today.

Perhaps there were "methane storms" during the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warm Period.... . I'll have to check and see... wink.png The Greenland cores, Antarctic cores and the seabed cores off of Japan show those times were warmer than today...

Must have been horrible .... terrible "methane storms."

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And, I'm still waiting, but there's nothing, zero, nada being suggested to reduce GW. I doubt there ever will be, and when the methane storms are killing everyone the few that are not dead yet will be crying "why didn't they do something when they had the chance".

Where there "methane storms" during the Holocene Climate Optimum Warming Period when our ancestors finally settled down and started building villages and planting crops and coming up with the first writing ? Where there "methane storms" during the Minoan Warm Period ? It was warmer than today.

Perhaps there were "methane storms" during the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warm Period.... . I'll have to check and see... wink.png The Greenland cores, Antarctic cores and the seabed cores off of Japan show those times were warmer than today...

Must have been horrible .... terrible "methane storms."

I'm merely using the implied ( by the GW crowd ) result of an increase in global temperature. I personally don't know what the result of increased temperature will be, but I certainly wish it was warmer here than it is.

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Do you simply ignore the facts ?

They've been recording coral bleaching for only about 60 years or so. Coral bleaching is not coral death. Bleaching is a natural response to one or more of many things that happen.

There are all kinds of things that scientists predict that DO NOT come true..

Here are just a few....... if you wish... I can find lots more:

Top Ten Science based predictions that didn’t come true:

10. “The earth’s crust does not move”– 19th through mid 20th century accepted scientific consensus in geological science.

9. “The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives.” — Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project

8. “That virus is a pussycat.” — Dr. Peter Duesberg, molecular-biology professor at U.C. Berkeley, on HIV, 1988

7. “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” — Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943

6. “Radio has no future. Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” — William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, British scientist, 1899.

5. “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein, 1932

4. “Space travel is bunk.” — Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).

3. “If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.” — Spencer Silver on the work that led to the unique adhesives for 3-M “Post-It” Notepads.

2. “Stomach ulcers are caused by stress” — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.

1. “Telltale signs are everywhere —from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the 1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F.” — Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia University in Time Magazine’s June 24th, 1975 article Another Ice Age?

No... I do not ignore facts. I prefer to ignore leftist propaganda Alarmism.... My name is not Chicken Little (The Sky is Falling) or "pumpuy"

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

I think you mean 5 - 6 Billion years... not million. But we won't get there.. because in about 500 million years... the sun will already be too hot for us to stay here.

However... .that's plenty of time to develop safe and reliable interstellar space travel. Within a couple thousand years, we will already have colonized many other star systems and be spreading through our Galaxy...

And long before 500 million years, we will have ways of even going to other galaxies that would seem miraculous and magical today...

We will colonize the universe... But by then.... our form will not look human at all... through millions of years of future evolving...

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There's a problem with colonizing space: colonization of a planet takes centuries, but human kind can screw up the planet in less than a century. Better adopt the grasshopper strategy, you know, like coming to Thailand, screwing anything that moves and quickly buggering off to next place.

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

I think you mean 5 - 6 Billion years... not million. But we won't get there.. because in about 500 million years... the sun will already be too hot for us to stay here.

However... .that's plenty of time to develop safe and reliable interstellar space travel. Within a couple thousand years, we will already have colonized many other star systems and be spreading through our Galaxy...

And long before 500 million years, we will have ways of even going to other galaxies that would seem miraculous and magical today...

We will colonize the universe... But by then.... our form will not look human at all... through millions of years of future evolving...

By the deity, I hope you are wrong about space travel. Having become a parasite on our planet and slowly destroying every animal species other than ourselves I would hate that we get to do it to another planet.

Anyway, if there is a superior intelligence in the universe, it will never let us spread elsewhere.

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)

I also think it is reasonable to believe that careless human activity, like our addiction to carbon producing fossil furel, whan practical alternative sources of energy are available, but unprofitable for the powerful, government owning fossil fuel industry., has caused or at least contributed to the rapid change in climate we are experiencing.

I, for one, have greatly reduced my dependency on things that may be contributing to the problem in recent decades.

Leaving early wiould make no difference to the planet.

When we finally make it unsuitable for life forms like our own, we will all leave together.

You reply reminds me a lot of those eloquent This visa posters who always reply to someone who has a problem in Thailand with the standard cop out " If you don't like it, go back to where you came from."

Hope you did not strain your brain coming up with such a witty reply.

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

Those of us who believe in science ( and climate change ) estimate that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old now.

But the followers of the largest religion in the world shy away from science and their religion claims the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Now, if these good, god fearing people are correct five to six million years left for a planet only 6,000 years old means we still have a relatively long, long, time to go.

And Neverdie, I know you are young and handsome , and I love your name...but seriously, do you expect to live more than 5-6 million more years?

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The trick in the video:

It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)

I also think it is reasonable to believe that careless human activity, like our addiction to carbon producing fossil furel, whan practical alternative sources of energy are available, but unprofitable for the powerful, government owning fossil fuel industry., has caused or at least contributed to the rapid change in climate we are experiencing.

I, for one, have greatly reduced my dependency on things that may be contributing to the problem in recent decades.

Leaving early wiould make no difference to the planet.

When we finally make it unsuitable for life forms like our own, we will all leave together.

You reply reminds me a lot of those eloquent This visa posters who always reply to someone who has a problem in Thailand with the standard cop out " If you don't like it, go back to where you came from."

Hope you did not strain your brain coming up with such a witty reply.

Good reply.

Actually the best anyone can do for the future of the planet is to have no children, but given that most races think it great to produce 8 or more per female I doubt planet earth as we know it has the proverbial snowball's chance. For those that have children, I don't know why they carry on as normal, driving zillions of cars, flying to silly holidays around a swimming pool in a foreign country, and using as many electrical appliances as they can buy. Don't they care about the world their grandchildren will inherit? I guess the answer to that is a resounding NO.

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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

I think you mean 5 - 6 Billion years... not million. But we won't get there.. because in about 500 million years... the sun will already be too hot for us to stay here.

However... .that's plenty of time to develop safe and reliable interstellar space travel. Within a couple thousand years, we will already have colonized many other star systems and be spreading through our Galaxy...

And long before 500 million years, we will have ways of even going to other galaxies that would seem miraculous and magical today...

We will colonize the universe... But by then.... our form will not look human at all... through millions of years of future evolving...

I will be lucky to see out. Another 5-6 years, after which I couldn't give a hoot.

I drive a v8 diesel chipped up so itbelches filthy smoke everywhere......I want to leave a huge foot print,,,,,make sure peps know I was ere.


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I support burning off the remain jungles and fossil fuel left on earth.

Let the Earth reset itself like it did a few hundred millions ago.

You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

Those of us who believe in science ( and climate change ) estimate that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old now.

But the followers of the largest religion in the world shy away from science and their religion claims the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Now, if these good, god fearing people are correct five to six million years left for a planet only 6,000 years old means we still have a relatively long, long, time to go.

And Neverdie, I know you are young and handsome , and I love your name...but seriously, do you expect to live more than 5-6 million more years?

Phark, I hope not....my bones are aching too much now.....I will be seriously cranky if I have to stick around for another billion years or more ;)

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None of it matters, the earth is doomed. In 5-6 million years the sun will become a Red Giant and eat virtually every planet in the solar system, so what's the point of hanging around for that?

We are doomed. Bring it on.

Once it's over, there's nothing but that doesn't matter because there will be nobody around to realise there's nothing. Everything ceases, finished, kaput, zilch, zero, nada.

Stop think !

I think you mean 5 - 6 Billion years... not million. But we won't get there.. because in about 500 million years... the sun will already be too hot for us to stay here.

However... .that's plenty of time to develop safe and reliable interstellar space travel. Within a couple thousand years, we will already have colonized many other star systems and be spreading through our Galaxy...

And long before 500 million years, we will have ways of even going to other galaxies that would seem miraculous and magical today...

We will colonize the universe... But by then.... our form will not look human at all... through millions of years of future evolving...

I will be lucky to see out. Another 5-6 years, after which I couldn't give a hoot.

I drive a v8 diesel chipped up so itbelches filthy smoke everywhere......I want to leave a huge foot print,,,,,make sure peps know I was ere.


Drive on, drive on. The Indian Summer we just had was great. Let's get rid of winter altogether biggrin.png .

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You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)


Yes... I noticed the "record" heat wave. And just how far back in time have they been accurately recording temps in Thailand ? Perhaps since 1880? Not a very long data set I'm afraid. And we just came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder? Or warmer... as we come out of a cold period?

Not to mention... that temporary local weather is not "Gore Bull Climate" .

Did you miss the record cold northern Thailand had this past year ? And in January, 2014, Bangkok had its coldest in 30 years... and about 70 people in north Thailand died of the cold.

Did you miss the record cold last winter that the north east U.S. and eastern Canada had? Or how about the "Record breaking freeze" that China had ? ?

But then they don't count do they? Because they don't support the leftist Gore Bull Warming socialist agenda.

Record-breaking cold freezes 90 percent of China

By Wu Yan (chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua)Updated: 2016-01-22 16:18

A record-breaking strong cold wave will sweep 90 percent of China from north to south, as three yellow alerts of cold wave, blizzard and sea gale were issued by National Meteorological Center on Thursday.

On Friday, many highways were closed and airport traffic disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

Municipalities and provinces in eastern, southern and central areas like Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi have elevated the level of emergency response to deal with the cold front.

Beijing's temperature to reach -17 degree Celsius

Beijing's temperature is expected to plunge to minus 17 degree Celsius on Saturday morning, close to the lowest recorded for 30 years, according to the municipal meteorological service.

As strong winds are also expected from Friday to Sunday, temperatures in mountainous areas are forecast to dip to minus 23 degree Celsius.

Low temperature to break record in Shanghai

Sleet has been falling since Wednesday evening and the accumulated volume of rainfall and snowfall has reached 3-7 millimeters by Thursday morning in eastern China's Shanghai. The municipal meteorological service forecast the lowest temperature to be close to or break the 1981 record on Sunday and Monday.

The local public security bureau has taken precaution for potential major traffic accident or pileup in freezing rain and snow weather.


How is it that you see the warm records..... and totally miss the cold records ? ? ? It seems to me that you notice only what you want to notice... and totally ignore the rest...

Edited by Catoni
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You are correct.

Humans will never kill the planet.

Earth will adapt and cary on long after it has become unsuitable for species like humans.

It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct.

Unfortunately, humans will take countless species off into extinction with them.

If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)


Yes... I noticed the "record" heat wave. And just how far back in time have they been accurately recording temps in Thailand ? Perhaps since 1880? Not a very long data set I'm afraid. And we just came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder? Or warmer... as we come out of a cold period?

Not to mention... that temporary local weather is not "Gore Bull Climate" .

Did you miss the record cold northern Thailand had this past year ? And in January, 2014, Bangkok had its coldest in 30 years... and about 70 people in north Thailand died of the cold.

Did you miss the record cold last winter that the north east U.S. and eastern Canada had? Or how about the "Record breaking freeze" that China had ? ?

But then they don't count do they? Because they don't support the leftist Gore Bull Warming socialist agenda.

Record-breaking cold freezes 90 percent of China

By Wu Yan (chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua)Updated: 2016-01-22 16:18

A record-breaking strong cold wave will sweep 90 percent of China from north to south, as three yellow alerts of cold wave, blizzard and sea gale were issued by National Meteorological Center on Thursday.

On Friday, many highways were closed and airport traffic disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

Municipalities and provinces in eastern, southern and central areas like Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi have elevated the level of emergency response to deal with the cold front.

Beijing's temperature to reach -17 degree Celsius

Beijing's temperature is expected to plunge to minus 17 degree Celsius on Saturday morning, close to the lowest recorded for 30 years, according to the municipal meteorological service.

As strong winds are also expected from Friday to Sunday, temperatures in mountainous areas are forecast to dip to minus 23 degree Celsius.

Low temperature to break record in Shanghai

Sleet has been falling since Wednesday evening and the accumulated volume of rainfall and snowfall has reached 3-7 millimeters by Thursday morning in eastern China's Shanghai. The municipal meteorological service forecast the lowest temperature to be close to or break the 1981 record on Sunday and Monday.

The local public security bureau has taken precaution for potential major traffic accident or pileup in freezing rain and snow weather.


How is it that you see the warm records..... and totally miss the cold records ? ? ? It seems to me that you notice only what you want to notice... and totally ignore the rest...

Yes, I notice many weather extremes.

Hotter, colder, wetter, dryer.....

Things are not right.

This is why the correct term is "Climate Change" and not the media's coined term |Global Warming"

Warming is only one part of the problem.

If it was only warming it would not be so funny when idiot, corporate owned congressmen hold up a snowball and yell " See? It's not warmer!"

Taking measures to protect the environment would be costly for corporations, this is why they spend so much buying government officials in an attempt to protect their profits and not the planet.

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From the research i have done,reading as many sources of information i can,i am strongly starting to think we may have actually silently passed the tipping point,as the last few months indicate,sea ice in the Arctic at lowest ever extent,highest ever temp recorded in India this week,highest ever temps recently recorded in SE Asia,massive droughts in Africa,Australia having a record warm autumn,record sea temps leading to biggest bleaching event in recorded data.

Does anyone really think that the paris accord will do much to lower co2 emissions,i am afraid it is looking more like we w ill be hitting the 4-6c temp rise which will prove catastrophic for much of humankind,and change many areas of the planet,Se Asia at least the mainland is very vunerable,lets not forget once the Sahara,and large parts of Australia were once lush forests.

Guess I will be buying a second air conditioning unit.

Hope my emissions are low, but I plan on staying cool.

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If you really feel that "It will be a happier, healthy planet once the greedy self serving humans are extinct" Then why don't you set us all a good example of helping Mother Earth by doing away with yourself ? ?

Because I am not one of those who values my personal wealth over the health of the environment that we must live in.

I do not doubt that the climate is changing. ( Did you notice the record breaking heat wave we just went through and the drought that is still ongoing?)


Yes... I noticed the "record" heat wave. And just how far back in time have they been accurately recording temps in Thailand ? Perhaps since 1880? Not a very long data set I'm afraid. And we just came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder? Or warmer... as we come out of a cold period?

Not to mention... that temporary local weather is not "Gore Bull Climate" .

Did you miss the record cold northern Thailand had this past year ? And in January, 2014, Bangkok had its coldest in 30 years... and about 70 people in north Thailand died of the cold.

Did you miss the record cold last winter that the north east U.S. and eastern Canada had? Or how about the "Record breaking freeze" that China had ? ?

But then they don't count do they? Because they don't support the leftist Gore Bull Warming socialist agenda.

Record-breaking cold freezes 90 percent of China

By Wu Yan (chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua)Updated: 2016-01-22 16:18

A record-breaking strong cold wave will sweep 90 percent of China from north to south, as three yellow alerts of cold wave, blizzard and sea gale were issued by National Meteorological Center on Thursday.

On Friday, many highways were closed and airport traffic disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

Municipalities and provinces in eastern, southern and central areas like Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi have elevated the level of emergency response to deal with the cold front.

Beijing's temperature to reach -17 degree Celsius

Beijing's temperature is expected to plunge to minus 17 degree Celsius on Saturday morning, close to the lowest recorded for 30 years, according to the municipal meteorological service.

As strong winds are also expected from Friday to Sunday, temperatures in mountainous areas are forecast to dip to minus 23 degree Celsius.

Low temperature to break record in Shanghai

Sleet has been falling since Wednesday evening and the accumulated volume of rainfall and snowfall has reached 3-7 millimeters by Thursday morning in eastern China's Shanghai. The municipal meteorological service forecast the lowest temperature to be close to or break the 1981 record on Sunday and Monday.

The local public security bureau has taken precaution for potential major traffic accident or pileup in freezing rain and snow weather.


How is it that you see the warm records..... and totally miss the cold records ? ? ? It seems to me that you notice only what you want to notice... and totally ignore the rest...

Yes, I notice many weather extremes.

Hotter, colder, wetter, dryer.....

Things are not right.

This is why the correct term is "Climate Change" and not the media's coined term |Global Warming"

Warming is only one part of the problem.

If it was only warming it would not be so funny when idiot, corporate owned congressmen hold up a snowball and yell " See? It's not warmer!"

Taking measures to protect the environment would be costly for corporations, this is why they spend so much buying government officials in an attempt to protect their profits and not the planet.

"taking measures to protect the environment" is one thing, and totally right and viable. Taking measures to in any way affect the climate is not only ridiculous, it's totally asinine, unless of course you have found a way to control the sun and the earths relation to it in its orbit.

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The trick in the video:

It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

"It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW"

And don't Al Gore and the railway engineer know it.

Never in recorded history has warming been a consequence of rising Co2, quite the opposite in fact, but a crafty misinterpretation of graphs by big Al convinced the world that it was so. Like lambs to the slaughter, the masses will wander in to agenda21 and will be grateful for it, until its too late.

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No, no, no...

Trump told me global warming is all a big lie started by the Chinese only to reduce corporate profits in America!

Trump would never lie just to get votes..would he?

I hope thos tree hugging liberals are the first to drowned because the ice caps are not melting! ( sic )

And what credibility has the guy, Al Gore, who told you that global warming is a reality?

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Yes... I noticed the "record" heat wave. And just how far back in time have they been accurately recording temps in Thailand ? Perhaps since 1880? Not a very long data set I'm afraid. And we just came out of the Little Ice Age circa 1850. Would you expect it to get colder? Or warmer... as we come out of a cold period?

Not to mention... that temporary local weather is not "Gore Bull Climate" .

Did you miss the record cold northern Thailand had this past year ? And in January, 2014, Bangkok had its coldest in 30 years... and about 70 people in north Thailand died of the cold.

Did you miss the record cold last winter that the north east U.S. and eastern Canada had? Or how about the "Record breaking freeze" that China had ? ?

But then they don't count do they? Because they don't support the leftist Gore Bull Warming socialist agenda.

Record-breaking cold freezes 90 percent of China

By Wu Yan (chinadaily.com.cn/Xinhua)Updated: 2016-01-22 16:18

A record-breaking strong cold wave will sweep 90 percent of China from north to south, as three yellow alerts of cold wave, blizzard and sea gale were issued by National Meteorological Center on Thursday.

On Friday, many highways were closed and airport traffic disrupted as the worst cold front in years hit several Chinese provinces.

Municipalities and provinces in eastern, southern and central areas like Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi have elevated the level of emergency response to deal with the cold front.

Beijing's temperature to reach -17 degree Celsius

Beijing's temperature is expected to plunge to minus 17 degree Celsius on Saturday morning, close to the lowest recorded for 30 years, according to the municipal meteorological service.

As strong winds are also expected from Friday to Sunday, temperatures in mountainous areas are forecast to dip to minus 23 degree Celsius.

Low temperature to break record in Shanghai

Sleet has been falling since Wednesday evening and the accumulated volume of rainfall and snowfall has reached 3-7 millimeters by Thursday morning in eastern China's Shanghai. The municipal meteorological service forecast the lowest temperature to be close to or break the 1981 record on Sunday and Monday.

The local public security bureau has taken precaution for potential major traffic accident or pileup in freezing rain and snow weather.


How is it that you see the warm records..... and totally miss the cold records ? ? ? It seems to me that you notice only what you want to notice... and totally ignore the rest...

The 'Little Ice Age' was regional, effecting parts of England and Northern Europe and was caused by decadel ocean current blocking. Its effect was not global. The last Interglacial ended 10,000 years ago and the next Interglacial begins in 7000 years (Milankovitch Cycle). 2015 was Thailand's hottest year recorded and drought effected.

The Polar Vortex that dumps record snow falls in Canada and North East America is caused by uneven Global heating that collapses one side of the Arctic region. This leads to milder temperatures in the Arctic further reducing Sea Ice Extent and Land Ice Cover. 2015 saw the lowest Summer Sea Ice extent recorded. Over all the Earth recorded the highest Temperature recorded. ie the heatwave conditions far outweighed the cold conditions.

Global surface temperature data does take into account the cold temperatures as well as the warmer temperatures.

The Inhoff Snow Ball scientific evaluation of Earth's global warming. Find a snowball and state the Earth is cold not hot. Pretty stupid. Also what he failed to understand is a large percentage of that snowball should have fallen in the Arctic not in Washington. While Washington froze the Arctic warmed. A percentage of that snowball should have ended up as water flowing through China down into Asia but it ended up in Washington. As the mid and East Coast of America froze the west coast was in a 1000 year drought.

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Yes, I notice many weather extremes.

Hotter, colder, wetter, dryer.....

Things are not right.

This is why the correct term is "Climate Change" and not the media's coined term |Global Warming"

Warming is only one part of the problem.

If it was only warming it would not be so funny when idiot, corporate owned congressmen hold up a snowball and yell " See? It's not warmer!"

Taking measures to protect the environment would be costly for corporations, this is why they spend so much buying government officials in an attempt to protect their profits and not the planet.

Weather is not climate.

Both terms are correct and are used to describe two different systems. The media did not coin either terms. Scientists have always used both terms. Global Warming occurs when excess Green house gasses are present in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gasses elevate Earth's temperature by +30Oc. Climate Change is Earth's adjustment to Global Warming.

Correct, Climate Change denial is funded by Corporations that profit from Fossil Fuels. At first they directly funded Climate Denial now they fund it through Climate Denier bloggsites, bogus 'Institutions' and 'Foundations' and Right Wing 'Think Tanks'. The reason for this is if they are found to know and understand GW / CC yet funded misinformation on GW / CC they can be held financially responsible for the damage their product has caused. Similar to the Tobacco companies.

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The trick in the video:

It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

"It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW"

And don't Al Gore and the railway engineer know it.

Never in recorded history has warming been a consequence of rising Co2, quite the opposite in fact, but a crafty misinterpretation of graphs by big Al convinced the world that it was so. Like lambs to the slaughter, the masses will wander in to agenda21 and will be grateful for it, until its too late.

Al Gore does advocate the science on GW / CC and has been a target of the Climate Denier echo chamber for many years in an effort to discredit him. Al Gore is pretty spot on with his commentary of GW / CC.

The effect of Greenhouse gasses, which CO2 is one, on GW / CC has been known for over 157 years (Svante Arrhenius 1859). Very basic science. It is taught in Primary School. It would be impossible to form a view on GW/CC if you do not understand the very basics of Greenhouse gasses and how they effect global temperatures.

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The trick in the video:

It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW. The Climate Skeptics 'escalator' graphic that you first look at is graphing the GLOBAL surface temperature ANOMALY. Temperature 'anomaly' is the CHANGE in temperature from a given baseline. The 'Escalator' is used to demonstrate how Climate Deniers conveniently select a short period of no temperature increase and say the Earth is not warming. Wrong of course, because when you step back and look at the entire graph it is clear the global surface temperature is taking off like a rocket.

Here is the trick used to deceive you. The Climate Skeptic's 'Escalator' graph is tacked onto absolute (actual Oc not anomaly) Proxy data from GISP2 / Epica Dome ice core from Greenland.

It is like putting a Grizzly Bear beside a Duck and saying "look twins!".

It looks all 'sciency' but it is absolute drivel.

So go back and watch the video and take particular note of what the x and y axis are measuring.

"It is really easy to deceive people who, quite rightly, don't know what to look for in GW"

And don't Al Gore and the railway engineer know it.

Never in recorded history has warming been a consequence of rising Co2, quite the opposite in fact, but a crafty misinterpretation of graphs by big Al convinced the world that it was so. Like lambs to the slaughter, the masses will wander in to agenda21 and will be grateful for it, until its too late.

Al Gore does advocate the science on GW / CC and has been a target of the Climate Denier echo chamber for many years in an effort to discredit him. Al Gore is pretty spot on with his commentary of GW / CC.

The effect of Greenhouse gasses, which CO2 is one, on GW / CC has been known for over 157 years (Svante Arrhenius 1859). Very basic science. It is taught in Primary School. It would be impossible to form a view on GW/CC if you do not understand the very basics of Greenhouse gasses and how they effect global temperatures.

Al Gore is a liar and conman.


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