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Proper etiquette for when your long distance taxi driver is falling asleep ...


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I have experienced this three times in the manner that the van had to be stopped. Several other times that the driver was drowsy.

First time was coming from Bangkok to Pattaya in the middle of the night. Luckily the driver only started "ice fishing" (nodding and leaning on the wheel) just before the big rest stop on the highway. We had him drink one M150 and walk a couple rounds around the van before contiuning. Rest of journey AC at full blast and myself right next to him (middle seat) just in case.

Second time we were on a longer trip from Pattaya to Hua Hin, and the driver started ice fishing well before Bangkok. There was no rest stop at that point, so we just stopped on the side of the highway. The driver admitted to being very tired and needing to sleep. Since we had a schedule to keep, we agreed that my friend (falang) took the wheel and the driver was sent napping flat in the back seat - he did not wake up until we reached Hua Hin. He was very apologative, and agreed to deduct 500 baht from the fare.

Third time was nearly a copy of the first time, but it was day time, and the van driver was from a company that operated out of the rest stop (or that's what we assumed), since in about 5 minutes from arriving to the rest stop, a manager from the van company came to the scene, apologised, and the driver was replaced by another (less sleepy) one. What was notable (for Thailand), we did not complain to anyone else than the driver, he made his own decision to call the manager and asked to be replaced.

Because of the above, I now check the driver's condition before entering the vehicle. If he seems drowsy, I pass, or at least keep an eye on him during the journey.

Edited by koo
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I got ina taxi at swampy going to Hua Hin.

Driver was watching tennis on a TV on his dashboard whilst texting. And listening to the radio.

<deleted> saving his face. He is a death waiting to happen.

I told him in no uncertain terms stop the shit drive like a professional or I get out and report him to the police.

Why should anyone risk death to save the face of a retarded fool.

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That is not a good situation to be in and I have also been there before..... 2 times if I remember correctly.

The driver nodding off and his driving was erratic while doing the: on the gas and off the gas thing ....consistently ....and what alerted me to their falling asleep.

However, a good number of Thai drivers drive that way anyhow while habitually driving in that manner...where they are on the gas and off the gas all the time while performing an irritating sort of Herky Jerky style of driving...lol

In my case, as I can speak Thai language well enough, I politely asked them if they were tired and falling asleep, which they admitted to and I said: Let's talk...To help keep you awake ..

So talk we did and we arrived alive.....


Edited by gemguy
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Bkk to Pattaya, you will have passed at least two toll booths and the mega petrol station, hardly the middle of nowhere.

I would have stopped at any of the above and waited for the next available taxi or bus.

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I would engage him in idle conversation, ask him to turn on the radio loud with Issan music

and if all is failed, I'd offer to replace him at the wheel.....


I have done this with a motorbike taxi in Phuket when I realised he was drunk. Going from Phuket town to Patong and he seemed all over the place from the off so I asked him nicely f he had been drinking to which he pulled a half empty whiskey bottle out of his front basket and with a smile offered me some.

I said no, but did offer to ride with him on the back drinking.....He actually agreed so I rode to Patong while he sat on the back.

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I would engage him in idle conversation, ask him to turn on the radio loud with Issan music

and if all is failed, I'd offer to replace him at the wheel.....

First, make sure his cell phone is on the dash or in the arm tray, have him stop to buy cold beers or Regency for the both of you, and you wait in the car with the engine running and the a/c on until he gets inside the store . . . .

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They are many Service Areas between BKK and Pattaya. Stop there,be smart, pay the driver and change Taxi. Last Year I was driving with a Taxi to Hua Hin,as I realized, the Driver's absolutely stoned I've done same.

Edited by ujayujay
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I've had that happen also, after numerous times of him falling asleep I forcefully told him to pull over and I would drive. He didn't want too and kept saying he was alright, but in the end he relented and I drove to Pattaya, not to his office, to my home. I don't think most of the drivers would do this due to loss of face on their part but for some reason he gave in. By the way the company was the same as a well known international airline who's colors are white and purple.

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Tell the driver to stop and let me drive, tell him his driving is not safe or tell him you will call his boss....now...555 game over..there are some really brain dead drivers in this country, not worth risking you safety with there ignorance....

Edited by thaicatbuyer
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If being abandoned in the middle of nowhere is the problem, why not suggest he pulls over somewhere for a nap and a coffee before continuing? Better late than dead.

Where exactly in the middle of nowhere do you suggest he pulls over for a nap and an M roi, or Birdy?

Where exactly in the mdidle of nowhre do you suggest the driver gets a coffee?

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If being abandoned in the middle of nowhere is the problem, why not suggest he pulls over somewhere for a nap and a coffee before continuing? Better late than dead.

Where exactly in the middle of nowhere do you suggest he pulls over for a nap and an M roi, or Birdy?

Where exactly in the mdidle of nowhre do you suggest the driver gets a coffee?

I'd say a gas station was probably a good bet, wouldn't you?

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I've stopped a few taxis and got out. I pay a kill fee based on distance and I mentally prepare myself to get ready to attack him quickly if I have to, though, it has never come to that as the kill fee was enough. I also speak to him in a gentle way and let him know I changed my mind and NOT say it's his fault.

My life is too important to put in the hands of someone who doesn't value life at all.

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Many years ago my friends used to travel to New Delhi and from there take a taxi up into the mountains to Manali,apparently it's a 28 hour taxi ride and done in one go.Swinging up through the hills of the Hindu Kush generally tires the driver out around the 20 hour mark and unsurprisingly he begins to drop off,so the apparent etiquette was to watch him in his rear-view mirror and when you see his eyes closing and him dropping off,start slapping him around the head vigorously until he opens his eyes again,wakes up and says "Sorry,very,very sorry" while giving that curious Indian head wobble they do!
Repeat for the next 8 hours or so,while staring down into 1,000-2,000 metre plus dropoffs,a couple of feet on either side of the road don't know if it'd work in Thailand though?

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Stop at nearest 7-11, get twenty redbulls and tell him to down them with his yaba tabs and don't forget to tell you're in a hurry. As a bonus you'll get to see where the slogan "gives you wings" comes from.

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depending on how bad it is, I would buy him a coffee etc, but if that is an option, exiting is not an issue (taxis available.). You can also use grabtaxi etc and book one to meet you in the middle of nowhere. I'd likely just offer to drive for him, though. I am sure he would be happy to take a nap.

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Yes, after several near misses, I would have exited the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Happily. And glad I still had my life and limb. No journey is too important to take these kinds of risks. You could always have him drop you at the nearest town. And contact Uber from there. Come on. Concern about the driver losing face? That would be my last concern in the world, considering the position he was putting me in. Face is merely the greatest act of cowardice a human being can engage in anyway.

As a last resort, I would have offered to drive the car myself. If he did not agree, I would get out. No compromises with safety.

Please don't stop there. Please explain what you do next while sitting along the side of the highway halfway between Pattaya and Bangkok with suitcases - especially at night.

What if the situation becomes dangerous along the Skyway and you need to get out along there?

I agree it is probably the safer course of action, but we need some guidance on how to continue from there....

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Etiquette kinds of goes out of the Window when one party has so clearly bypassed any levels of decency and safety.

IF in this situation: I'd ask the driver to pull up at the next Petrol Station.

I have a driving licence, I'd offer to drive.

If the driver wouldn't let me drive - I'd call friends to come and pick me up

The reality is: I drive as much as I can here.... So the trips are generally painless.

Of course, others may not have a licence or friends who can pick them up... So this is a fairly good question:

What to do ?

Perhaps the only safe thing to do is to pull over and try and call another taxi, or pull over at a Bus stop and take the next Bus into town (then putting your hands at the whim of bus driver who may not be any better !).

Its a tricky one...

That said:

I had a 'sleepy driver' (AOT Camry) on the way to the Airport (Central BKK to Suvarnabhumi). I did talk with him, keep him awake etc.. I wasn't happy and I let him know. His driving was erratic.

I wrote to AOT to complain (heard nothing back).

Stopping on the express way was not an option - too dangerous... I felt it safer to keep the driver awake and continue the extra 15 mins to the airport.

There aren't many petrol stations or stops along the highway. A large percentage of accidents involving falling asleep at the wheel happen close to destination - because drivers, thinking that they are close think they can make it.

Perhaps exits to Sukhumvit Road are more frequent. It would be easier to get a taxi or bus along there. As I don't drive I've never paid attention.

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Bkk to Pattaya, you will have passed at least two toll booths and the mega petrol station, hardly the middle of nowhere.

I would have stopped at any of the above and waited for the next available taxi or bus.

Drowsiness can come on suddenly and unexpectedly. There's a good chance (and probably a bigger chance) the problem will arise once past the toll booths, which are at the early stages of the trip.

Using a well known, trusted driver, even if he charges more than Mr. T, seems to be the best solution to this most perplexing dilemma. My driver has recently bumped his price up to 1500. After considering the problems which can arise I won't balk at this in an effort to save a few hundred baht.

Thanks to JT for starting this thread.

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Yes, after several near misses, I would have exited the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Happily. And glad I still had my life and limb. No journey is too important to take these kinds of risks. You could always have him drop you at the nearest town. And contact Uber from there. Come on. Concern about the driver losing face? That would be my last concern in the world, considering the position he was putting me in. Face is merely the greatest act of cowardice a human being can engage in anyway.

As a last resort, I would have offered to drive the car myself. If he did not agree, I would get out. No compromises with safety.

Please don't stop there. Please explain what you do next while sitting along the side of the highway halfway between Pattaya and Bangkok with suitcases - especially at night.

What if the situation becomes dangerous along the Skyway and you need to get out along there?

I agree it is probably the safer course of action, but we need some guidance on how to continue from there....

It is a fairly simple solution. Have him drop you off at the nearest service station. There are multiple UBER drivers that would be thrilled to pick you up there. And there are usually facilities and refreshments, and food to avail yourself of, in the time being. But, whatever you do, do not refrain from acting, and continue to put you life and limb in danger, out of some bizarre fear of a perceived breach of etiquette. If you driver is not fit to drive, all etiquette goes out the window. It is not worth it. You owe him nothing at that point, in the way of obligation.

Edited by spidermike007
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Yes, after several near misses, I would have exited the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Happily. And glad I still had my life and limb. No journey is too important to take these kinds of risks. You could always have him drop you at the nearest town. And contact Uber from there. Come on. Concern about the driver losing face? That would be my last concern in the world, considering the position he was putting me in. Face is merely the greatest act of cowardice a human being can engage in anyway.

As a last resort, I would have offered to drive the car myself. If he did not agree, I would get out. No compromises with safety.

Please don't stop there. Please explain what you do next while sitting along the side of the highway halfway between Pattaya and Bangkok with suitcases - especially at night.

What if the situation becomes dangerous along the Skyway and you need to get out along there?

I agree it is probably the safer course of action, but we need some guidance on how to continue from there....

It is a fairly simple solution. Have him drop you off at the nearest service station. There are multiple UBER drivers that would be thrilled to pick you up there. And there are usually facilities and refreshments, and food to avail yourself of, in the time being. But, whatever you do, do not refrain from acting, and continue to put you life and limb in danger, out of some bizarre fear of a perceived breach of etiquette. If you driver is not fit to drive, all etiquette goes out the window. It is not worth it. You owe him nothing at that point, in the way of obligation.

I wouldn't except that as a solution at all. If a driver is nodding off, you don't have time to get to a "nearest service station". There are few along the highway, and he could fall asleep trying to get to the nearest one which could be a long way away and certainly give him the opportunity to fall asleep.

The situation has only one safe solution. If a driver is nodding off, you need to stop right away. What happens next is the problem - how to get home.

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Yes, after several near misses, I would have exited the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Happily. And glad I still had my life and limb. No journey is too important to take these kinds of risks. You could always have him drop you at the nearest town. And contact Uber from there. Come on. Concern about the driver losing face? That would be my last concern in the world, considering the position he was putting me in. Face is merely the greatest act of cowardice a human being can engage in anyway.

As a last resort, I would have offered to drive the car myself. If he did not agree, I would get out. No compromises with safety.

Please don't stop there. Please explain what you do next while sitting along the side of the highway halfway between Pattaya and Bangkok with suitcases - especially at night.

What if the situation becomes dangerous along the Skyway and you need to get out along there?

I agree it is probably the safer course of action, but we need some guidance on how to continue from there....

It is a fairly simple solution. Have him drop you off at the nearest service station. There are multiple UBER drivers that would be thrilled to pick you up there. And there are usually facilities and refreshments, and food to avail yourself of, in the time being. But, whatever you do, do not refrain from acting, and continue to put you life and limb in danger, out of some bizarre fear of a perceived breach of etiquette. If you driver is not fit to drive, all etiquette goes out the window. It is not worth it. You owe him nothing at that point, in the way of obligation.

I wouldn't except that as a solution at all. If a driver is nodding off, you don't have time to get to a "nearest service station". There are few along the highway, and he could fall asleep trying to get to the nearest one which could be a long way away and certainly give him the opportunity to fall asleep.

The situation has only one safe solution. If a driver is nodding off, you need to stop right away. What happens next is the problem - how to get home.

Well of course. What you are saying makes complete sense. In my scenario, there was an assumption that there would be a service plaza, or an exit nearby, which is often the case on the major highways. If not, of course stop. I would offer to drive. If he was not ok with that, I would request try walking to the nearest exit, and requesting an UBER. But, the last thing in the world I would do is remain in the car, with the risk of death or horrific injury. No way that is going to happen.

Life is complicated enough without a lost limb, or a broken skull. Not worth the risk.

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Went to Vientiane not long ago for visa matter. On the way from Nongkhai to Udonthani airport, I noticed the private car driver was almost going to fall asleep while driving along the highway. We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight, so had no time to stopover for a coffee break.

Tried striking a conversation with him, then asked him to turn on some music while constantly eyeing him via the front mirror.

What a relief when we finally arrived at the airport safe and sound!

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