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Proper etiquette for when your long distance taxi driver is falling asleep ...


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I realize the headline sounds sensationalist, but it's based on the news story of the Americans who were in a taxi crash because the driver fell asleep, and it's also based on something that happened to me.

I'm not proud of this, but I'll tell it, because maybe other people will be smarter than I was.

I was in a private taxi between Bangkok city and Pattaya (I won't say the company) and about half way into it, I realized the driver was in REALLY bad shape.

Yes, I noticed something kind of odd when I met the driver in Bangkok ... he appeared unkempt and something was off, but his condition wasn't so alarming that I didn't get in.

So mid-trip, I had to decide basically take a pretty significant risk of being in a fatal car crash or be polite and take my chances.

The alternative was to tell him to bug off which could have been a real "face" problem all around (including maybe him getting in trouble with his company which I would really have to call and tell them about it) and being stuck in a very inconvenient highway location.

He basically admitted the problem to me ... he stopped to get energy drink, but even with that I could see he was driving both erratically and too fast.

There were NUMEROUS near crashes.

I took the ride to completion ... and as soon as I arrived, I realized I shouldn't have. I felt I should value me life more than the unpleasantness of making a scene, even risking losing luggage on the highway.

What would you have done? What HAVE you done in such situations?

When faced with an obviously VERY DANGEROUS driver and a great inconvenience to get out of the car... do you think most western people (yes, I'll specify that in this case) would have chosen as I did?

Edited by Jingthing
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Stop taxi and exit nothing changes or improves here because no one complains.

He didnt care about your life or his own yet you are worried he'll lose face......................seriously?????

Edited by kannot
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Stop taxi and exit.

In the middle of nowhere?

I think most people would have done similar as I did ... but I'm not sure.

I think a lot of people will say they would do differently ... but then in the actual situation ... wouldn't.

Edited by Jingthing
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Stop taxi and exit.

In the middle of nowhere?

I think most people would have done similar as I did ... but I'm not sure.

I think a lot of people will say they would do differently ... but then in the actual situation ... wouldn't.

You would rather die than be left in the middle of nowhere?

Not life threatening but a taxi tried to take me the " long way round" I told him to stop and got out.

Edited by kannot
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Stop taxi and exit.

In the middle of nowhere?

I think most people would have done similar as I did ... but I'm not sure.

I think a lot of people will say they would do differently ... but then in the actual situation ... wouldn't.

You would rather die than be left in the middle of nowhere?

In theory, no.

I'm talking about real life situations though.

I'm sure many people would have exited, but I still think MOST wouldn't have.

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Stop taxi and exit.

In the middle of nowhere?

I think most people would have done similar as I did ... but I'm not sure.

I think a lot of people will say they would do differently ... but then in the actual situation ... wouldn't.

You would rather die than be left in the middle of nowhere?

In theory, no.

I'm talking about real life situations though.

I'm sure many people would have exited, but I still think MOST wouldn't have.

Im answering " real life" I cant answer for anyone else.

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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

Don't delude yourselves into thinking he's a "normal" candidate. The last two presidents of his OWN party won't endorse him as well as the last nominee.

Do you think that has EVER happened in U.S. history?

Edited by Jingthing
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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

If they were Thai id say none would probably say anything due to their unwillingness to complain based I suspect on either the usual " no action taken" or through "fear" of repercussions, its a pretty sick system...........I cant sleep eitherblink.png

Edited by kannot
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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

If they were Thai id say none would probably say anything due to their unwillingness to complain based I suspect on either the usual " no action taken" or through "fear" of repercussions, its a pretty sick system...........I cant sleep eitherblink.png

I'm afraid I agree ... but I've also learned complaining here even when you're entirely correct makes you a "bad" person in this culture.

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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

Don't delude yourselves into thinking he's a "normal" candidate. The last two presidents of his OWN party won't endorse him as well as the last nominee.

Do you think that has EVER happened in U.S. history?

Jt what are u drinking?

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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

If they were Thai id say none would probably say anything due to their unwillingness to complain based I suspect on either the usual " no action taken" or through "fear" of repercussions, its a pretty sick system...........I cant sleep eitherblink.png

I'm afraid I agree ... but I've also learned complaining here even when you're entirely correct makes you a "bad" person in this culture.

I can live with being blackheart.

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It happened to me in Bangkok ! (so not long distance) Got in at Mochit, he fell asleep at traffic lights, we got out and left him there.

If it was long distance I would get the wife to try and talk to him and keep him awake until we reached the next/nearest Petrol station and then stop and get out and take it from there.

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had a similar deal a few years ago booked a taxi with a taxi driver who was top notch when cab arrived another driver turned up

his story was other driver ill ? its 4.30 am so we get in the taxi, as we hit the motorway his driving became erratic

not massive but he was wandering from his lane, so I woke the missus up and asked her to tell him he was falling asleep

I also started banging the seat and making as much noise as I could. he said he had been driving a long time..

I had to keep this up until we reached our destination. and another taxi company crossed off the list.

I am now on about my eighth taxi company in about five years. they are like gold dust and seem to soon run dry within a year.

I now do not even share my taxi numbers as I reckon they have a limited lifespan in Thailand.

and yes I did consider getting out but I thought standing on the hard shoulder in the dark just as dangerous

and I made sure he could not sleep again.


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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

Don't delude yourselves into thinking he's a "normal" candidate. The last two presidents of his OWN party won't endorse him as well as the last nominee.

Do you think that has EVER happened in U.S. history?

but does he make a good taxi driver?laugh.png

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This has happened to me on the way back from Koh Chang to Pattaya. We had the driver stop for coffe and the boyfriend got up in the front with him to keep him steady and awake. Similar experience from Swampy to Pattaya, I was alone with a half-asleep taxi driver after a flight from LAX at 2:00am. Really was at a loss as what to do. I got him coffee and sat in front and kept him speaking. My awful Thai did come in handy. I had him drive in the left lane at a slower rate.When finally over and I was at the condo safely, I showed him a safe place to park at my condo for a few hours to sleep. No idea if he did, but for the next passengers sake, I hope he did. Both times were bad decisions on my part and should have left the taxi.

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Don't interrupt his sleep. How would you feel if someone kept waking you up every 5 minutes while you sleep?

When I was young I traveled up north with my family (I'm half Thai) and my mum invited the taxi driver to eat fast food and coffee with us at a rest stop. I think she was paranoid that he'll drive away with our stuff though.

I've personally taken over the wheel when a taxi driver was falling asleep.

As with most things in Thailand, say it nicely and you can get whatever you want, say it badly and no matter how right you are they'll take it badly.

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Yes, after several near misses, I would have exited the taxi in the middle of nowhere. Happily. And glad I still had my life and limb. No journey is too important to take these kinds of risks. You could always have him drop you at the nearest town. And contact Uber from there. Come on. Concern about the driver losing face? That would be my last concern in the world, considering the position he was putting me in. Face is merely the greatest act of cowardice a human being can engage in anyway.

As a last resort, I would have offered to drive the car myself. If he did not agree, I would get out. No compromises with safety.

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In reality, I probably would have done exactly as you did.

I have, once, ordered a taxi to stop on an overhead expressway (and he did!) (and I got out!) because he would not turn on his meter.

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Etiquette kinds of goes out of the Window when one party has so clearly bypassed any levels of decency and safety.

IF in this situation: I'd ask the driver to pull up at the next Petrol Station.

I have a driving licence, I'd offer to drive.

If the driver wouldn't let me drive - I'd call friends to come and pick me up

The reality is: I drive as much as I can here.... So the trips are generally painless.

Of course, others may not have a licence or friends who can pick them up... So this is a fairly good question:

What to do ?

Perhaps the only safe thing to do is to pull over and try and call another taxi, or pull over at a Bus stop and take the next Bus into town (then putting your hands at the whim of bus driver who may not be any better !).

Its a tricky one...

That said:

I had a 'sleepy driver' (AOT Camry) on the way to the Airport (Central BKK to Suvarnabhumi). I did talk with him, keep him awake etc.. I wasn't happy and I let him know. His driving was erratic.

I wrote to AOT to complain (heard nothing back).

Stopping on the express way was not an option - too dangerous... I felt it safer to keep the driver awake and continue the extra 15 mins to the airport.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Stop taxi and exit.

In the middle of nowhere?

I think most people would have done similar as I did ... but I'm not sure.

I think a lot of people will say they would do differently ... but then in the actual situation ... wouldn't.

If I found myself in that situation I would request that he pull into a rest stop and then tell him I felt sick and wanted to stop the trip, take my bags and wait there until I felt better.

However, I would only do that if I knew it would be easy to get alternative transport.

No way I'm getting out somewhere that will mean I'm going to get stuck there for an indeterminate amount of time.

Then again I would avoid the whole thing in the first place by not leaving Bangkok.

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Good for you. I agree that's the smart move. Not defending what I did ... just think most people also wouldn't get out if it was MASSIVELY inconvenient to do so.

If they were Thai id say none would probably say anything due to their unwillingness to complain based I suspect on either the usual " no action taken" or through "fear" of repercussions, its a pretty sick system...........I cant sleep eitherblink.png

I'm afraid I agree ... but I've also learned complaining here even when you're entirely correct makes you a "bad" person in this culture.

Time to depart. Why tolerate any more?

Risking one's life is not worth.

Why suffer unnecessarily when you DO have a choice of a safe haven?

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