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17 schoolgirls dead in fire at boarding school in Chiang Rai


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Dare i suggest there be a full and extensive investigation with a no holds barred report telling it like it is.

No cover ups, excuses, avoidance of responsibility and so on. The families and the public deserve the completer truth, however ... !

Unfortunately there may well be a full report compiled but what's made public is likely to be the sanitized version after various interests etc are catered for by way of omission.

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Locked from outside,most likely bars on windows,an accident waiting to happen,

R.I.P. little souls

regards worgeordie

Terrible. Incompetence should result in ones OWN death not the death of innocent children. Next few days we will probably read how some low employee or night guard will be held responsible. 3rd world.

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Terrible sad... »Primary inspection revealed that so many lives were perished because the dormitory was locked from outside, thus trapping the victims inside.«

The building didn´t have steel bars for the windows on the first floor.

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It's the 21st century, perhaps the leaders or corrupt rulers learn to care for the average citizen. This is as bad as China factories putting chains on doors in factories.

WAKE-UP if you really want the rest of the planet to recognize this a$& backwards country.


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"Investigators are trying to confirm what caused the fire​" and what good is that unless it was an act or arson. They would be better served investigating why the placed was locked externally, as reported elsewhere - has it been reported correctly?

Absolute tragic news, but will soon be forgotten as TIT and no one in authority really cares.

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"We have a teacher who sleeps with the girls in the dorm. She tried to help the students escape," Rewat told reporters at a news conference that was broadcast on local television channels.

A 11-year-old girl identified only as Suchada told the same news conference that she had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed the fire downstairs, and ran to tell her friends in various rooms. But some of them didn't believe her and closed the door on her to go back to sleep, she said.

"We remembered some lessons from Girl Scouts to tie cloth together to make a long rope and we climbed out of the window," the fifth-grade student said. "The teacher helped us. While the teacher was climbing down, the rope tore and she hurt her leg and waist."

Most of the victims had shut themselves in their rooms thinking Suchada was playing a prank. Each room sleeps seven or eight girls.

You might wanna consider replacing the first thread post with this, so people stop jumping to the conclusion Thailand has terrible health and safety practices that kill students.

...which it still has, even if (maybe) not in this particular case!

Does Santika ring a bell?

Or the Royal Jomtien???

Bet the owners if they are rich & influential will make sure someone else takes the rap, or will flea the country.

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Deserves a National mourning, on the other hand if those poor girls were from hill tribes families not sure it will have the same repercussion in the news and then in the country's mind?

This morning we have not seen TV breaking news till now, if that had happened in Bangkok every channel would have reported it already.

RIP innocent little victims .

You hit the nail right on the head, THEY WERE ONLY HILL TRIBE KIDS, mai bpen rai -- move on, nothing to see or do here.

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I pray to God for them young souls, Amen

God is almighty, isn't he? So he let them die then, did he? Your god apparently thought it was a good idea to burn little girls alive.

Only small-minded people resort to finding God as a scapegoat.

Only small minded people " believe" in god but thats not the subject of this thread

Take responsibility.... people....Think objectively and question intelligently.... Was there a fire Alarm installed in the school. Was there Fire fighting equipment on the premises. What measures were drilled into these children about fire in the building. if there is no explaination.....then it has nothing to do with God. It has to do with humans who ignored their God given capacity to think and plan and save lives. So start again....All institutions that have living quarters, should have fire fighting equipment, this is required by law for Hotels and new building. Upgrade and be prepared.....Its sad that innocent kids who put their trust in adults to look after them were let down intelligently stupid!!!

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In God's care now. crying.gif

Shameful dismissive comment. Why did your god let these girls suffer and die tragically? If that's "care" you can keep it.

I am a complete non-believer, but out of principle I don't like knocking anyones beliefs, but I do find comments like in "Gods care" to be just out and out crap.

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"We have a teacher who sleeps with the girls in the dorm. She tried to help the students escape," Rewat told reporters at a news conference that was broadcast on local television channels.

A 11-year-old girl identified only as Suchada told the same news conference that she had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed the fire downstairs, and ran to tell her friends in various rooms. But some of them didn't believe her and closed the door on her to go back to sleep, she said.

"We remembered some lessons from Girl Scouts to tie cloth together to make a long rope and we climbed out of the window," the fifth-grade student said. "The teacher helped us. While the teacher was climbing down, the rope tore and she hurt her leg and waist."

Most of the victims had shut themselves in their rooms thinking Suchada was playing a prank. Each room sleeps seven or eight girls.

You might wanna consider replacing the first thread post with this, so people stop jumping to the conclusion Thailand has terrible health and safety practices that kill students.

...which it still has, even if (maybe) not in this particular case!

Does Santika ring a bell?

Or the Royal Jomtien???

Bet the owners if they are rich & influential will make sure someone else takes the rap, or will flea the country.

Jeez, what a horror show as well. And 11 rescue workers killed in a Traffic accident on the way from Bangkok? Seems like the only one prosecuted was the technician that made the error. Probably undertrained and underpaid and he panicked without having any idea what would follow. The real ones to blame however are the hotel owner and developer who built and operated the building with such poor fire saftey standards.

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"We have a teacher who sleeps with the girls in the dorm. She tried to help the students escape," Rewat told reporters at a news conference that was broadcast on local television channels.

A 11-year-old girl identified only as Suchada told the same news conference that she had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed the fire downstairs, and ran to tell her friends in various rooms. But some of them didn't believe her and closed the door on her to go back to sleep, she said.

"We remembered some lessons from Girl Scouts to tie cloth together to make a long rope and we climbed out of the window," the fifth-grade student said. "The teacher helped us. While the teacher was climbing down, the rope tore and she hurt her leg and waist."

Most of the victims had shut themselves in their rooms thinking Suchada was playing a prank. Each room sleeps seven or eight girls.

You might wanna consider replacing the first thread post with this, so people stop jumping to the conclusion Thailand has terrible health and safety practices that kill students.

...which it still has, even if (maybe) not in this particular case!

Does Santika ring a bell?

Or the Royal Jomtien???

Bet the owners if they are rich & influential will make sure someone else takes the rap, or will flea the country.

May the fleas infest their private areas for a life time.

Edited by Artisi
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Hill tribe..........Thais wont care anything about this.

Unfortunately all to true sad.png

I have said it in other posts - Thais from Bangkok don't consider them Thai at all, they always say they are Lao, and 'kuhn dum'...........thats why it didn't make the news, but maybe now it will - after the fact.wai2.gif

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Whenever I'm in an enclosed, especially crowded area, I'm always aware of an exit or a possible escape route.

My accompanying Thai friends never give it a moment's thought. In fact, more than once, they've chided me for my "paranoia."


Edited by Fookhaht
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