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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate


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11 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Because according to govt figures it has almost 4 million strays living in misery, most of them have the rabies virus and they pose a danger to public health and safety. The country will always look like a 3rd world slum until something is done to clean this mess up.

Should we put down all the homeless people of the world too? Well maybe only the ones living in misery eh? Heaven forbid someone try to solve the problem in a humane fashion.


Turn the showers on Hans!

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Thailand refuses to acknowledge that they have a huge dog problem, if even realising nothing more than it is obviously a public health problem. There needs to be a cull, anything snarling then pap, anything without a collar then pap, stop the foolish old ladies feeding strays in the middle of the road etc...or make them responsible for the monsters they are sustaining. 


The fact that so many children are disfigured and so many bike riders are victims of accidents due to the ridiculous proliferation of these feral beasts...is stupid. Only way to fix it is to exterminate the lot with extreme prejudice. No fluffy bunny brigade excuses when kids are being attacked imo, but the locals are too lame to bite the bullet when it's needed....easier to just to do sweet <deleted> instead.

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4 minutes ago, Drago said:

Almost every day I read about adults doing far worse to children than any dog has ever done. Should all adults be exterminated?

dog.jpgRather than continuing being a smartarse playing on words, have another look at what this dog did. 

"Should all adults be exterminated? " No just some..........

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Nobody really knows the scale of the problem, estimates range from a laughable 700k to 10 million stray dogs. Sterilizing millions is just not doable is it, efforts have not even kept the population growth in check. It's a massive job for local authorities and the army and that job is extermination. You cannot kill them all but a dead dog cannot breed.

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In this photo taken years ago in Bangkok, the policeman is pointing to my wife. He is also arguing with her. Why? He is explaining that there is nothing he can do with a Rottweiler roaming the streets. And according to Thai laws, he is correct. I grew up with dogs and generally get along with them, but this particular one was in a bad mood most of the time. My wife had called because this big dog had wandered into our front yard.


The lady in the black shirt was the owner of the dog. I think the owner also had about six dogs in total, but not certain. She kept saying sorry and said that the dog would be kept at home. But we still continued to see the dog roaming the streets. Luckily, they soon moved.


In the end, it was my fault. I had left the gate open...


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12 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

Thailand refuses to acknowledge that they have a huge dog problem, if even realising nothing more than it is obviously a public health problem. There needs to be a cull, anything snarling then pap, anything without a collar then pap, stop the foolish old ladies feeding strays in the middle of the road etc...or make them responsible for the monsters they are sustaining. 


The fact that so many children are disfigured and so many bike riders are victims of accidents due to the ridiculous proliferation of these feral beasts...is stupid. Only way to fix it is to exterminate the lot with extreme prejudice. No fluffy bunny brigade excuses when kids are being attacked imo, but the locals are too lame to bite the bullet when it's needed....easier to just to do sweet <deleted> instead.

You're completely misunderstanding the situation in stating 'Thailand refuses to acknowledge it has a huge dog problem'.


As far as I can see, most Thais don't consider soi dogs a 'huge problem' (so why would 'Thailand'?), generally preferring a 'live and let live' approach.  Not to mention they also prefer to mostly allow their own dogs to wander about, rather than confining them to their home - especially as most (?) don't have high walls around their homes.


Thais prefer to live in a far less strict society - as do most Westerners living here, until it's something that annoys them......


In short - it's mainly some Westerners that have a 'huge problem' with dogs wandering around - not the vast majority of Thais.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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I apologise that I have not read all the many previous posts, but having participated in similar "raging" debates on dogs in Thailand in the past I am not going to bother to write too much to counter the usual anti-Thai "kill all dogs" nutters that clutter up these pages with their mindless rants, only to reiterate a few of the usual things.


1. to state that 90% of stray dogs in Thailand have rabies is absolute nonsense and that many of the dogs you see lying about outside houses that the owners won't let them inside, have actually been inoculated for rabies. There are vets here that will come round and inoculate a dog for a very minuscule fee. If  90% of stray dogs had rabies, the whole country would be infected. and hundreds of thousands of people would be dying horribly. This is not the case.


2. Yes its a crime and sin to see so many poor dogs who are kept by families here but not looked after at all (other than maybe a rabies jab) but who's overall condition is pitiful. It will unfortunately take many years yet to educate Thais to look after animals better. But on the whole dogs in Thailand have a better life than dogs in many other countries.


3. Nobody likes to be chased or bitten by dogs and its a problem because of the very nature of the animals. last week my sister-in-law went to feed 3 big dogs that had been left for two days by a relative who had asked her to feed them. But unfortunately she went at night, put her hand through the bars on the gate to pat one of the dogs before giving it food and was promptly badly bitten by the dog that thought it was defending its property. Four stitches required, but she does not blame the dog; even one of my tiny Chihuahua's will bite if it feels threatened.


4. If you often have to ride or walk past a dog/dogs that seem threatening, it may be better to try to throw it some food than act aggressively in return. Won't work for all, but generally dogs respond better to food than threats.


5. It would be nice to think it will happen one day, but its totally unreasonable to believe that dogs in Thailand are all going to be trained properly and kept under control in the next couple of millennium or so (it does not even happen in such over regulated countries as the UK). In some other countries packs of wild/feral dogs room at large and can be really dangerous, but this is not the case in Thailand, there are many stray dogs that get looked after on an ad-hoc basis by the locals in the vicinity, but almost no real packs of feral dogs, they don't live long.


5. Ask yourself why the government can spend multi millions on subs for use in shallow waters, deflating zeppelins and gold plated speed cameras, but not institute a proper country wide rabies inoculation programme such as the one being promoted very successfully in the Philippines.


6. It will do you no good whatsoever to complain to Thai's about stray dogs and you will simply loose face and be ignored or blamed if you make a big fuss and shout (as  I have done many times in the past) if a local dog is annoying you or your dogs.


If you know the secret of telling Thais that they are neglecting the poor half staved, mangy, sick dogs that they keep outside their houses, please publish it here in flashing golden letters. The best we can do is pop round and treat one or two of the neighboring animals for mange (very easy) and tell the owners what we have done, but unfortunately they will soon have another load of puppies to neglect as they grow bigger.


If you don't like to see stray dogs in Thailand "put your money where your mouth is" and donate to something like the SOI DOG FOUNDATION who do such good work rescuing and vaccinating dogs (and other animals) in Thailand. Just a few hundred baht a month is a help.


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40 minutes ago, MiKT said:


I apologise that I have not read all the many previous posts, but having participated in similar "raging" debates on dogs in Thailand in the past I am not going to bother to write too much to counter the usual anti-Thai "kill all dogs" nutters that clutter up these pages with their mindless rants, only to reiterate a few of the usual things.


1. to state that 90% of stray dogs in Thailand have rabies is absolute nonsense and that many of the dogs you see lying about outside houses that the owners won't let them inside, have actually been inoculated for rabies. There are vets here that will come round and inoculate a dog for a very minuscule fee. If  90% of stray dogs had rabies, the whole country would be infected. and hundreds of thousands of people would be dying horribly. This is not the case.


2. Yes its a crime and sin to see so many poor dogs who are kept by families here but not looked after at all (other than maybe a rabies jab) but who's overall condition is pitiful. It will unfortunately take many years yet to educate Thais to look after animals better. But on the whole dogs in Thailand have a better life than dogs in many other countries.


3. Nobody likes to be chased or bitten by dogs and its a problem because of the very nature of the animals. last week my sister-in-law went to feed 3 big dogs that had been left for two days by a relative who had asked her to feed them. But unfortunately she went at night, put her hand through the bars on the gate to pat one of the dogs before giving it food and was promptly badly bitten by the dog that thought it was defending its property. Four stitches required, but she does not blame the dog; even one of my tiny Chihuahua's will bite if it feels threatened.


4. If you often have to ride or walk past a dog/dogs that seem threatening, it may be better to try to throw it some food than act aggressively in return. Won't work for all, but generally dogs respond better to food than threats.


5. It would be nice to think it will happen one day, but its totally unreasonable to believe that dogs in Thailand are all going to be trained properly and kept under control in the next couple of millennium or so (it does not even happen in such over regulated countries as the UK). In some other countries packs of wild/feral dogs room at large and can be really dangerous, but this is not the case in Thailand, there are many stray dogs that get looked after on an ad-hoc basis by the locals in the vicinity, but almost no real packs of feral dogs, they don't live long.


5. Ask yourself why the government can spend multi millions on subs for use in shallow waters, deflating zeppelins and gold plated speed cameras, but not institute a proper country wide rabies inoculation programme such as the one being promoted very successfully in the Philippines.


6. It will do you no good whatsoever to complain to Thai's about stray dogs and you will simply loose face and be ignored or blamed if you make a big fuss and shout (as  I have done many times in the past) if a local dog is annoying you or your dogs.


If you know the secret of telling Thais that they are neglecting the poor half staved, mangy, sick dogs that they keep outside their houses, please publish it here in flashing golden letters. The best we can do is pop round and treat one or two of the neighboring animals for mange (very easy) and tell the owners what we have done, but unfortunately they will soon have another load of puppies to neglect as they grow bigger.


If you don't like to see stray dogs in Thailand "put your money where your mouth is" and donate to something like the SOI DOG FOUNDATION who do such good work rescuing and vaccinating dogs (and other animals) in Thailand. Just a few hundred baht a month is a help.


The wall of bullshit. I do not even bother to comment it. All stray dogs need to be put down, any dog detected in biting people should be put down too. End of discussion!

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15 minutes ago, TheBrain said:

The wall of bullshit. I do not even bother to comment it. All stray dogs need to be put down, any dog detected in biting people should be put down too. End of discussion!


Yup, the "kill all dogs" nutters are responding as predicted. Nuff said.

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17 hours ago, MiKT said:


Yup, the "kill all dogs" nutters are responding as predicted. Nuff said.

You are responsible for that dog attack, cause people like you do everything against more strict laws against dog attacks will be passed. If we had a law here that owner of dog attacked and injured people go to jail up to 6 years and for every dog escape from property without owner a good fine, this accident would never happened.

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2 hours ago, TheBrain said:

You are responsible for that dog attack, cause people like you do everything against more strict laws against dog attacks will be passed. If we had a law here that owner of dog attacked and injured people go to jail up to 6 years and for every dog escape from property without owner a good fine, this accident would never happened.

Amazing how you can read that I am against strict dog control laws from what I wrote above!


It must be a terrible strain to live in Thailand and spend all your time worrying about packs of rabid dogs roaming the countryside and metropolis attacking at the drop of a hat.


You seem to be so blinded by hating dogs  that that you cannot even be bothered to find out about the good work done by the SOI DOG FOUNDATION (and similar) to educate dog owners as well as vaccinating (neutering) all the stray dogs they can to help reduce the population. AND pressing for better animal protection and control laws.


If we had a law here against speeding or driving like a lunatic the 200,000+ people injured and killed in vehicle accidents per year would never happen............................oh dear we do!



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3 hours ago, MiKT said:

Amazing how you can read that I am against strict dog control laws from what I wrote above!


It must be a terrible strain to live in Thailand and spend all your time worrying about packs of rabid dogs roaming the countryside and metropolis attacking at the drop of a hat.


You seem to be so blinded by hating dogs  that that you cannot even be bothered to find out about the good work done by the SOI DOG FOUNDATION (and similar) to educate dog owners as well as vaccinating (neutering) all the stray dogs they can to help reduce the population. AND pressing for better animal protection and control laws.


If we had a law here against speeding or driving like a lunatic the 200,000+ people injured and killed in vehicle accidents per year would never happen............................oh dear we do!



Vaccination and neutering is expensive and ineffective, especially for low income country. Better collect them and shot or at least do not prosecute people who kill stray dogs themselves. Animal cruelty law we have now is not working and it needs to be removed. This law put ordinary people into serious disadvantage against dog attack.

Dog can attack and injure people and have zero punishment after. If dog bite someone to the blood you cannot go after with weapon and kill that dog, it will remain roaming streets and terrorizing locals. We do not need to give big donations to soi dog foundation, all we need is the right to clean our neighborhood from stray dogs and carry at least air guns here for self defense. If i have a legal right to carry a gun here and shot stray dogs, i would not be in this forum.


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On ‎31‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:13 PM, TheBrain said:

Vaccination and neutering is expensive and ineffective, especially for low income country. Better collect them and shot or at least do not prosecute people who kill stray dogs themselves. Animal cruelty law we have now is not working and it needs to be removed. This law put ordinary people into serious disadvantage against dog attack.

Dog can attack and injure people and have zero punishment after. If dog bite someone to the blood you cannot go after with weapon and kill that dog, it will remain roaming streets and terrorizing locals. We do not need to give big donations to soi dog foundation, all we need is the right to clean our neighborhood from stray dogs and carry at least air guns here for self defense. If i have a legal right to carry a gun here and shot stray dogs, i would not be in this forum.



Anybody who wants to kill stray dogs themselves and shoots at a dog with an airgun, is not of sound mind and should be prosecuted for animal cruelty no matter what country they live in. It is obviously extremely fortunate for the rest of the population that you are not allowed to carry a weapon in Thailand.


If I find anybody shooting at domestic animals with and airgun they will get what I gave to a neighbor I caught shooting at cats with an airgun. He has never done it again. 

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so killing a chicken or pig is not the same as a dog?   I have only spent 72 days in thailand and soi dogs have been an issue for me. Caused a scooter crash and a friend hurt her leg quite badly.  She toughed it out but it bothered her weeks later.    You dog lovers are just so crazy..  dogs are special but you go buy chicken, pork or fish every day.

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53 minutes ago, Elkski said:

so killing a chicken or pig is not the same as a dog?   I have only spent 72 days in thailand and soi dogs have been an issue for me. Caused a scooter crash and a friend hurt her leg quite badly.  She toughed it out but it bothered her weeks later.    You dog lovers are just so crazy..  dogs are special but you go buy chicken, pork or fish every day.

Only 72 days in Thailand and you have the temerity to be wittering on about stray dogs and scooter crashes here.


Yes dogs are completely different to chickens and fish. Not sure about pigs, I hear they at very intelligent and make good pets, but I still like a bacon sarny! Still I would not be stupid or cruel enough to shoot a pig or a chicken (or even a fish) with an airgun.


When I have had to kill a pig it was done very cleanly and humanly; shooting an animal or chicken with an airgun (unless of rat size and habits) is just plain sadistic cruelty and reflects a very sick mindset.


Stray dogs are an issue in every county, especially the US where animals are much more likely to have rabies than Thailand, but that is exactly why the government should take better steps to control the population by humanly removing them from the streets and neutering (or putting them down humanly when really necessary) and why we should support the SOI DOG FOUNDATION or similar who are actively doing something about the problem, not sitting in another country and complaining when they have only the vaguest idea of what happens in Thailand.


Stray cats are a worse problem at times. One of my neighbours kept 22 cats and they are not like dogs, you have no control over them whatsoever and have far worse toilet habits, but we used to give her money to have them neutered. Fortunately she has been persuaded to reduce the population to only about 5 or 6 now.


If you live here then you have to live with the local habits (noise, pollution, excessive use of plastic bags, loss of democracy, etc.) and hopefully try to educate the population on keeping pets. The new animal cruelty laws ARE a step in the right direction and anybody who cannot manage to get around without thinking they have to shoot an airgun at stray dogs has no right whatsoever to live here.

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If a person buys  a bite of pork or chicken you have killed an animal.  Who is one to place one animals worth over a fish?  You eat meat your an animal killer!   Own it ya wใ mp.  I think my time in Thailand is plenty to see that loose aggressive dogs are a big  problem in Thailand.   I don't ever read about rabbid dog outbreaks in the USA. I quick search shows about 50  cases of dog rabies, same for cats and 147 for bats in 2016 for this state  I read about Hau hin recently.   But in 72 days I had stare downs by more dogs than in decades in Utah.  

You are ignorant on airguns.  Some are powerful enough to take down big animals and  are actually used to hunt big game.  Taking down 100 kg wild hogs and such.   Most airguns are like toy guns and just smack a cat and don't penetrate through hair.  I feed birds and a cat in my yard is mine to do as I please. The city even comes to take my trapped ones.  It's a law to not let cats and dogs roam free.    No difference than a drug dealer in my mind.    A couple good smacks will teach the cat to stay away.   

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12 hours ago, Elkski said:

If a person buys  a bite of pork or chicken you have killed an animal.  Who is one to place one animals worth over a fish?  You eat meat your an animal killer!   Own it ya wใ mp.  I think my time in Thailand is plenty to see that loose aggressive dogs are a big  problem in Thailand.   I don't ever read about rabbid dog outbreaks in the USA. I quick search shows about 50  cases of dog rabies, same for cats and 147 for bats in 2016 for this state  I read about Hau hin recently.   But in 72 days I had stare downs by more dogs than in decades in Utah.  

You are ignorant on airguns.  Some are powerful enough to take down big animals and  are actually used to hunt big game.  Taking down 100 kg wild hogs and such.   Most airguns are like toy guns and just smack a cat and don't penetrate through hair.  I feed birds and a cat in my yard is mine to do as I please. The city even comes to take my trapped ones.  It's a law to not let cats and dogs roam free.    No difference than a drug dealer in my mind.    A couple good smacks will teach the cat to stay away.   

I have never made any claim not to eat meat and I don't place animals over fish. Read my posts again, they say  "I still like a bacon sarny, "or even a fish".


However, although is fairly basic biology that most animals and birds have more pain receptors than fish, this is totally immaterial to cruelty to dogs.


Your ignorance on airguns is astounding, I have been using them since 1954 and I am well aware of the power of the average airgun, let alone the utra-high power models that are totally illegal in this country.


The average airgun will penetrate the skin; when I was young we used to shoot each other with quite powerful airguns (eg Webley Senior) so I know from personal experience and they can cause a suppurating wound in a cat or dog, its simply cruelty to use them on cats and dogs.


If you were stared at by dogs in Hau Hin, they were hardly dangerous animals, like so many who come here knowing nothing of Thai culture you don't know there is no law against dogs roaming free, you are just scared of the unfamiliar. So unfamiliar in fact you seem to think that Thailand is a state!


It may be in a state, but it most certainly isn't a state.


Plus, there is no law in ANY country that says cats cannot roam free.


I also feed birds and deal with cats with water, but if you think that a cat in your garden is yours to do with as you like, you will rightly end-up in court in many civilized countries.


I don’t quite even understand what your gripe about Thailand is, other than to whine about dogs that look at you and say “BO”.


There are many problems here with stray dogs, but that is why I keep promoting the SOI DOG FOUNDATION so that something actually gets done about the problems.


Do something sensible get the US to pressurize the Thai government to carry out a country wide vaccination program and remove stray dogs. But remember this “It’s far more dangerous to live in the US as far as rabies is concerned as you have so many rabid wild animals”.


Plus I think you will find that there are many more dog attacks per year in the US than there are in Thailand.






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All that problems with stray dogs are created by animal activists. They lobbying laws to prosecute killing stray dogs even in human way. As soon as any country passes this law, stray dogs population starts skyrocketing. After they charge for money for shelters and vets. I blame animal activists for dog bitten my wife. WE NEED A RIGHT TO CARRY GUNS AND SHOOT STRAY DOGS LEGALLY! that way stray dogs problem can be solved in few months without any dollar from nanny state and charity organisation.

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