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Debate rages as girl needs 100 stitches after savage dog attack in Bangkok estate

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When and where I grew up if a dog attacked a person and drew blood,the owner of the dog would have the dog put down that day no questions ask.The community consensus was the dog is not a problem unless it attacks and injures someone. And once a dog has drawn blood it is gone.The owners did not have to be told they would take it upon themselves to put the dog down. Sometimes it would happen in less than an hour.

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Posted 2015-01-03 15:53:43

I posted this a year ago. Police at the time said they could do nothing !!!!




My daughter was attached on White Sand beach at Koh Chang Lagoon Resort on Tuesday morning whilst we were having breakfeast.

She was biiten in the face by a beach mongrel and the staff at the hotel were no help. We rushed her to Bangkok Hospital in Koh Chang and then had to take her to Bangkok Hospital in Chantaburi because the was no surgeon at the Koh Chang hospital but she also needed an eye surgeon and Plastic surgeon.

We were terrfified of the outcome. 4 hours of surgery and a lot of stitching and it looks like things will work out as well as can be expected. Needless to say the Bangkok Hopspital bill was huge.

Two days later back in Koh Chang we had to retrieve our belongings and informed the Royal Thai Police what happened. We were taken back to the scene of the crime and the owners of Koh Chang Lagooon entered the discussions about the incident with the Police and us.

At the end of the day I dont think much will happen. We had photos of the dog that the police did not seem interested in but the hotel owners requested a copy so they could inform the staff to keep an eye on the malafactor. The next day the dog was back on the steps of the restaurant.

The reason for this post is to warn people about the risks of beach dogs not just at Koh Chang but everywhere. In my experiance once a dog bits a person he will do it again. In my country a court order would be issued and the dog taken away.

I made this known to the hotel owners and if it happened again and the outcome was worse they would be in serious trouble. I hope I am wrong but if the dog is not removed odds are it will happen again. No matter how vigilant you are as parents these freak things can happen.

Perhaps a noble soul, who lives nearby can volunteer to take out this pathetic excuse for a dog? You would be doing the entire area a huge honor, and a huge favor. Dogs of this sort have no right to exist. Nobody else wants to take responsibility.

The day anyone hears of the police doing the right thing, in nearly any circumstance, please let me know. I would love to be able to modify or improve my attitude these "men of sloth".


Stray dogs and cats are a accident waiting to happen. Besides, hurting people and causing accidents the diseases they carry are dangerous to humans. BUT, Thai's do not care or control their so called pets.

I have a dog, but it looks like a pit bull ( Stafford TERRIER), and she is a very loving animal because like a child I take of her and maintain proper behavior in her. Where I live everyone knows her and at first glance she's scary but she's a big Teddy Bear.

DOGS are not the problem only their owners.


The owners of the dog should be prosecuted and the dog euthanised in a case like this. However the reporting and comment by the singer are inaccurate. No stiff penalties have been handed out in cases of animal cruelty. The rice seller referred to actually received 2 months "detention" which he was allowed to serve at home! His son deliberately provoked the dog who gave hm a nip back in self defence. Not quite the same thing.

Most dog attacks here are blamed on stray dogs. The reality is figures show that virtually all are by owned dogs who are not contained in their property, attacking people who come close to the property. It is down to the owners to contain and control their dogs.


When and where I grew up if a dog attacked a person and drew blood,the owner of the dog would have the dog put down that day no questions ask.The community consensus was the dog is not a problem unless it attacks and injures someone. And once a dog has drawn blood it is gone.The owners did not have to be told they would take it upon themselves to put the dog down. Sometimes it would happen in less than an hour.

Not sure where you are from, but it sounds like a very civilized place, where people are trained to take responsibility for the actions of their pets. Taking responsibility, on any level, is not a common thing here. Not sure why not. I don't even want to hear about face. All that face is, is an excuse to behave like a coward. Nothing more. Deflection, and cowardice. Face is ugly. Face is the opposite of growth, or manning up.

Of course this dog should be put down. If not by the authorities, then by the locals, or the family that was attacked. It would be the righteous thing to do, and would send a positive message to the neighborhood.


Sometimes as an owner you may not know if your dog would do what has happened here. if it was my dog, I would have put it down immediately. I wouldn't haggle about the damage on the child either. I would have taken her to the hospital myself.

150k thb just won't cut it.


Oh Cmon Thailand ,Grow up and understand humans comes before animals. Clean the streets from the menace. Street dogs threatening all and everyone passing. Barking all night etc has no function in 2016


I believe there is an answer to every problem. If there are no more legal options then there are always the other options in the 'dark of night' while the village police are drunk. My Thai wife has 2 brothers that are village police (drunk on duty nightly) who fit this description and there are many, many others similar.

There has to be a way to make that dog owner pay a price for what that young girl will have to live with for the rest of her life. If he doesn't have the goodness to willingly sign a document guarnteeing financial responsibility then I think he deserves to wear scars similar to the poor girl. ---- If it needs to happen in the dark of night.........

And the pity is that there are people in almost every village in Thailand with dogs like this, and they won't even think about this could be them next week.

When I look at the poor girl's picture, I can't help but feel that "an eye for an eye" is the only justice if he doesn't volunteer to do what is 'right'.............


I cannot speak about dogs in Thailand but I can share with you my experience from the US. My daughter was attacked by a dog and received severe facial injuries and almost lost an eye. She was only 6 years old at the time. To make a long story short, the dog was not put down. It was determined by a vet that the dog was not dangerous since it had never attacked anyone before and was not showing any signs of aggression during the 7 day observation period. No criminal charges were filed against the owner of the dog for the same reasons. The owner would not agree to settle so I had to sue the person in civil court. Since they were represented by their homeowner's insurance and their powerful attorneys, I ended up with just enough money to pay the medical bills. My daughter received no money for pain and suffering or the scars she will wear for the rest of her life. So even in the US the legal and civil system are not always what you would expect them to be.


Typical Thai, they don't give 2 hoots about their dogs treat them like garbage, next to our house there are about 10 dogs not one is looked after or trained, this one & any other like it should be put down immediately.

In Australia & I suppose most western countries if dogs or any animal were treated like this they'd by taken by RSCPA or the like & the owner charged.

When is Thailand going to step up a bit & get in line with most of the world.

Most likely not until a thousand more children are mauled, and then possibly not..........


My wife had to have rabies shots about a year ago. Fortunately she did not have a bad reaction. When school started one of my M2 students showed up with a bandaged ankle. She had been bit by a soi dog on her ankle and hip and will be getting rabies shots for the next few weeks.

Stray or vicious dogs should be rounded up and humanely executed. There are just too many of them that will attack people.

Unfortunately we have the Canine Cuddlers Club, who believe that every dog is a special little mutt that only requires a loving home. And that the way to control them is by sterilisation.

They have not managed to work out that there are way more dogs (approaching infinity as they keep breeding) than potential loving homes (zero). Any potential dog loving home will already have at least one, no room for anymore.

And they don't seem to be very forthcoming when it comes to the hundreds of millions of Baht it would take to neuter them.

I have been castigated on many occasions due to my opinion that any free roaming dog should be eliminated. Problem solved.

So we will live with people being sent to jail for killing one, children and adults being attacked daily, this poor girl will probably have visible facial scars for the rest of her life. I do not know how she can continue to live in the same Soi after this attack. She will be sh7t scared everytime she goes out.

I do not blame the dog owner entirely.

I hold the local governments responsible for doing nothing, I hold the general population responsible for turning away and ignoring the reality and I hold the dog cuddlers responsible for not doing way more than their fair share in sorting the problem.

For example each of them could fund the neutering of say 1,000 dogs on an annual basis.


Thairath said the dog is a Bangkaew-German shepherd cross.
Before the attack, it had been in a fight with another soi dog outside the house and the owner intervened and brought it back in. However it ran out later and attacked the girl. The girl's father was able to pull it off but got bitten on his fingers for his efforts. The dog has presently been moved away from the street to live with relatives of the owner.
'Watchdog Thailand' said the owner could be charged under section 37 of Thai criminal law for allowing a dog to roam in public unaccompanied which is punishable by a fine of up to 1000 Baht and a prison sentence of 1 month.
The girl and her father were named in the article but the dog's owner wasn't.


Would anyone on TV be interested in starting a fund for plastic surgery for this girl? If there is any interest send me personal message. If someone can find out the phone number of the family please contact me. Let's show these idiots that the farongs know how do some good instead of just complain. I doubt the family has a lot of money. If I can get ahold of the family I will set up a bank account in their name at Bangkok Bank. We can set up an appointment with a plastic surgeon. We will do it right and make sure she benefits and no one else. Let me know.

I'm willing to fly to BKK on my dime and get this done right.


I am sure it is the same in Bangkok as it is all over Thailand , the Stray Dog Population is always chasing people on Motorbikes , causing fear in so many. Some , now carry a stick to defend themselves here in Naklua & Pattaya

I know the Soi Dog Foundations attempts to find homes and tries to aid Man's Best Friend. It really is the fault of people who buy or adopt dogs here , only to just leave them on their departure from Thailand or get bored of their pet ,and abandon it !

But this really needs to be addressed before a Rabies epidemic arises , endangering everyone.or someone is killed by these Street Wolves !!!

Thai singer Joe Nuvo was one person who commented online saying that this kind of attack should be prosecuted as a criminal case. He said that people who attack dogs are getting severe sentences while owners who let their animals attack others are just let off.

Earlier this month a chicken rice vendor in Ramkhamhaeng, Bangkok, who attacked and killed a dog that he said had bitten his child was jailed for four months reduced to two months on his admission.

Thai Singer Joe Nuvo makes a very valid point... Irresponsible owners should face criminal charges by allowing such attacks.... For such attacks to occur the dog is free to roam the streets where children play, the owner is responsible for this.

I'm not a dog lover, but neither am I a dog hater - I'd like to see a pragmatic approach that can prevent such attacks.

The first step is for owners to be held accountable...

Actually enforcing accountability is the first step in fixing many things that slip through the legal net in Thailand often leading to tragic consequences.

Ultimately it shows how little people care, especially those in positions of decision making power, unless / until it directly affects them.

The first step is to keep ALL dogs off the street.......it aint gonna happen, the mentality will never change may as well bang your head against the wall.


I'll have to disagree with Joe N.

Criminal charges?

The dog had been wondering the streets in the past and never attacked anyone.

This is per the father of the girl saying this..

So, hard to say it was a criminal act, if the owner of the dog never foreseen this would happen..

The guys that pulled the dog away, then released back on the streets - are idiots!

For the dog? I woyls


I'll have to disagree with Joe N.

Criminal charges?

The dog had been wondering the streets in the past and never attacked anyone.

This is per the father of the girl saying this..

So, hard to say it was a criminal act, if the owner of the dog never foreseen this would happen..

The guys that pulled the dog away, then released back on the streets - are idiots!

The owner should pay and agreed to pay..

For the dog... It would be dead already.. If I was the owner of the dog or the father of the little girl..


What a stupid answer about putting the dog down by the locals or the family...

That thinking is of the same mindset of an uncivilized society like Thailand. it does make sense why some people run away from law and order societies


are you telling me the dog has not been euthanized??? and the owner get's away because he pays? it's a disgusting indictment of 'Thainess'

In all fairness of the "system" the dog was not put down and the charges not laid because the father accepted the money as sufficient compensation.

If the father denied the money and persued this case to fullest legal extent I'm sure someone would be spending time in jail.

Not so I'm afraid. I have mentioned before on another thread concerning dogs that a policeman close to where I live has many dogs and two of them have bitten children (one serious leg injury), adults, killed other people's small pet dogs. several parents reported it to the police and...nothing. The pet owners were told (apparently by a lawyer) that their pets could be seen as a threat the bigger dog's domain. Nothing was done. Just recently several of the pack attacked two cyclists and the policeman refused to negotiate since '..you rides a bike at your own risk. Absolutely crazy.


Dogs do not attack for no reason. The Dog had probably been coached to Guard. And Dogs are naturally territorial. So how it got out is the question. Once out it saw the child playing as a territorial invader and attacked. The Owner 110% at fault. And the truth as it has drawn blood most likely will do so again.

I love Dogs Have two myself but if the did as this one did. The would be put down. And no way do my dogs go uncontrolled on the street.

Poor little Girl scarred for life. No amount of money heal that or the psychological scars. Owner is always responsible for their Dog no matter what.


There is a dog I know of that has bitten five people and nothing has been done by either the owner or the authorities, yet if a citizen kills a dog they get jail time.

Well, lets go after that rodent. Sounds like great sport to me. I know a woman who pick up soi dogs late at night, who are making a nuisance in front of her house, in her pickup truck, and takes them for a long ride. She easily lures them onto her truck, with some food. She drops them off about 40 km. away. Simple solution for her. Done with. Gone baby gone! As long as they do not have a collar on, and they are misbehaving, they are free game. It may be illegal to kill a bad dog, but is it illegal to kidnap them?

As far as a citizen killing a dog, and serving time for it, it is simply an indication of a legal and judicial system that is completely dysfunctional, and totally broken. Everybody knows about the broken system. What prevents them from fixing it? Convenience? Sloth? Greed? Not wanting to pay for it? Who knows? Regardless, it is demonstration of a fabulous degree of incompetence, combined with indifference, on the part of the one who jawbones daily, about fixing his country.


In most civilized countries, there would be no debate about whether or not this dog should be put down. This is a horrific attack, on a child. Her life will never be the same again. She is going to have to live with scars all over her face, for the rest of her life. This dog needs to be executed immediately. And the owner needs to come up with far more than the 150K he has offered. He should face prosecution. He was responsible for the dog getting loose. And he very obviously has never disciplined this wild, dangerous beast. If the people who are killing terrible, out of control dogs are getting prosecuted, why not the owners of these beasts? This is simply another example of a judicial system that is completely, and utterly broken, and dysfunctional.

Also, something needs to be done about the soi dog situation. From my point of view feeding feral, or near feral wild, street beasts does NOT earn Buddhistic merit, despite popular belief. Most of those does should be taken off the streets. They are filthy, are a menace, and a threat to society. The only reason they are allowed to exist is severe sloth on the part of the authorities.

Couldn't agree more - people who think they are helping by feeding these dogs are misled to the point of stupidity.

The Thai nation should hang it's head in shame in the ignorant and inexcusable way they deal with ALL kinds of animals, be they pets, domesticated, captive or wild they are all likely to suffer through the ignorance indifference that so many display towards them in this country.

Many Thai people have a strange, and rather bizarre sense of what earns them Buddhavistic merit. I am no expert on Buddhism, but have studied it a bit. Encouraging animals that are a menace to both society, and their neighborhoods, is something I highly doubt would earn merit, on any level, or to any degree. Now, adopting one of those sol dogs, and caring for it as a pet, is a different story altogether. But, allowing them to roam the streets, mangy, disease infested, and a daily menace to all around them, is not behavior that represents any sort of nobility or righteousness. A program to rid the nation of it's soi dogs would benefit nearly everyone. I do know some cities secretly collect them late at night. Good on them.


Dogs do not attack for no reason.

Rubbish, they do an kill hundreds worldwide every year

So do many things. Please quote a whole article not a select part. Obvious you must be journalist and Dog expert


The packs of dogs around pratumnak are really intimidating. On Soi Katsesin there is a dog belonging to a hotel on the corner of Soi 1. It has bitten me and other people. The owners deny it is theirs but it is. Further down the road by the first 7/11 and motosai taxi stand there is another pack of feral street dogs. It can be quite nerve wracking if they in a pack and the leader is barking at you. Of course children suffer the worse injuries because of their size and height . Irresponsible owners should be punished, stray dogs rounded up and dogs that attack should be put down at the owners expense.

I know exactly what dogs you are talking about. There is 2 full black dogs 1 brown & a black & white one, these dogs are yapping different hours night after night. The ringleader is one of the Blacks.

I see this dog I go after it when I am going on my morning bicycle ride,hopefully someday soon I manage to run this mutt over, but he is wily....

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