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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Most children are a product of their background and upbringing by their families. It is true that some of the less privileged and less lucky do make good, in the same way that some of the more privileged and lucky go bad.

If your parents indulge your every whim and desire and don't care then why should you as Daddy and Mummy, being rich can always buy your way out of trouble.

IMHO his parents are less than relatively innocent in this case and again, IMHO deserve to be reprimanded for not bringing him up properly.

The Red Bull heir is not a victim of circumstance though sadly the policeman he killed was.

As for most civilised countries this subject would not even be discussed as the perp would have been arrested and put in jail as soon as they had found him at home. Should a senior police officer been found trying to assist him then he would have been suspended and put on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice and most probably jailed also.

Trying to compare the Thai police and Thai justice with most civilised countries doesn't work.

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Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?


Then why didn't the PM at the time do something about this and also about corruption which IRC was one of her many election promises?

You are one of the people who protest about the powers that the PM has, including Section 44, but here it seems as though you want him to do something with Section 44.


The entire Thai social contract continues to be based on Sakdina/The Three Seals, which applies "justice" based on one's position on the pyramid/hierarchy.

Without this, those at the top believe, all will fall apart. Hence the need for "good people" to constantly overthrow governments, and restore "order".

Anyone expecting any changes will be disappointed.


This only proves that the Thai justice system is a complete joke and will be given no respect by outsiders and be laughed at on a regular basis


No need to be surprised folks as this just typifies how things go here depending on who you are.

Another case in point is the current fiasco involving the very senior monk.

No change is ever likely to happen as the present ' system ' suits a privileged minority very well and they're the people who can make things happen or, more appropriately, make sure they don't.


Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?


Then why didn't the PM at the time do something about this and also about corruption which IRC was one of her many election promises?

You are one of the people who protest about the powers that the PM has, including Section 44, but here it seems as though you want him to do something with Section 44.

What are you saying Bill?

That nothing should be done because nothing was done before?

That's a ridiculous argument.

This guy needs to have the full force of the law used to bring him to justice now.


Nothing from PM The Reformer?

He deemed it necessary to comment on the Temple case, but not long running sagas like this, and the other benz case which appears to of suddently fallen off the radar.

Of course everyone knows why every agency is turbo charged on the temple case, and it has nowt to do with them being guilty or not...


Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case.

This should be on the front page of every international newspaper!

Another reason I have sold everything in Chiang Mai and heading to somewhere with a modicum of self respect and justice.

Well said

If the PM had anything about him, and was willing to show his fellow countrymen that he was genuine in his attempt to stop corruption in this country. He would personaly get invovled in this case, and insist this man faced justice.

He has just sat back and watched.

Actions speak louder than words.

Same, Same. TIT.


Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case.

This should be on the front page of every international newspaper!

Another reason I have sold everything in Chiang Mai and heading to somewhere with a modicum of self respect and justice.

Well said

If the PM had anything about him, and was willing to show his fellow countrymen that he was genuine in his attempt to stop corruption in this country. He would personaly get invovled in this case, and insist this man faced justice.

He has just sat back and watched.

Actions speak louder than words.

Same, Same. TIT.

As we expats sit here and watch this never-ending drama unfold, we should understand that this is the way that the current regime accepts and expects the accused to behave.

The ancient Thai culture of Sakdina (Google History Planet ..The Thai Sakdina System) is working perfectly here.

The rights of wealthy high born people are worth more that that of the poorer low born folk.

Once we understand this we will understand why Thailand is as it is.

We will also understand why the military continue to overthrow elected governments.

It's in the culture and it's going to stay for a long time to come.


The compensation has been paid to the victims family (albeit a pittance)......the police have received their reward also.....and the investigating police are Thong Lo.....!


Not a single reporter in Thailand is going to question the junta leader about this case.

This should be on the front page of every international newspaper!

Another reason I have sold everything in Chiang Mai and heading to somewhere with a modicum of self respect and justice.

Well said

If the PM had anything about him, and was willing to show his fellow countrymen that he was genuine in his attempt to stop corruption in this country. He would personaly get invovled in this case, and insist this man faced justice.

He has just sat back and watched.

Actions speak louder than words.

Same, Same. TIT.

As we expats sit here and watch this never-ending drama unfold, we should understand that this is the way that the current regime accepts and expects the accused to behave.

The ancient Thai culture of Sakdina (Google History Planet ..The Thai Sakdina System) is working perfectly here.

The rights of wealthy high born people are worth more that that of the poorer low born folk.

Once we understand this we will understand why Thailand is as it is.

We will also understand why the military continue to overthrow elected governments.

It's in the culture and it's going to stay for a long time to come.

Agreed, for everyones sake, let hope the Thai people one day wake up and smell the coffee


oh come on you have to cut the young guy some slack....flu and colds can take a long time to get over

You are spot on, especially Man Flu, that is the worst ever wink.png


In Thailand money talks, Kwai S... walks. The B2 legal team really needs to get a hold of the Red Bull lawyer and retain his services, this guy has done an outstanding job!!


Calling on / requesting / inviting suspects to surrender and giving extensions when they don't is the line of least resistance and doesn't involve too much work such as actually going out to arrest them if still in Thailand.

Take the case of the Red Bull character and let's say he's in Singapore. Work is needed to prepare a request for a warrant to be issued then a submission to Interpol is required to justify a request for a Red Notice.

Then, let's say the Singaporeans detain him, extradition papers are needed but inherent in a Red Notice is the fact that the requesting country is ready to start extradition immediately and on and on.

A lot of work there so Forget It let's just ask him to give himself up.


If the red bull heir had done the same to a falang there would be no 3 million baht compensation, no trial, no warning ... just the usual if the falang hadn't come to Thailand this would never have happened. Besides being a hi-so Thai it couldn't have been his fault.


Had he been a "commoner", INTERPOL would have issued a warrant for his arrest when he fled to Singapore. As far as I know, failing to appear for a court summons on a serious charge will immediately lead to an arrest warrant being issued. How many chances has this skinny clown been given, and still no arrest warrant issued??? Makes me want to hurl...

Recently there has been a lot of media attention of cases where the rich are literally getting away with murder, so the Thai people know very well what is going on. It is not just us Farangs who find this repulsive; most of my Thai friends are also upset and are fed-up. The only way to change things would be collective action. Holding a demonstration outside the courthouse may result in being sent for "attitude adjustment", so the way to go for now would be an online campaign...


...why try so hard to avoid a small fine, a suspended sentence and perhaps optional community service?

He is trying to avoid a vigilante cop down a dark alley one night looking for revenge.


The amazing thing here is- People worship the rich and powerful. More and more TV reality shows pay homage to them. From within the secret miserable unsatisfied lives of the downtrodden, they fantasise being them. But they rush to the guillotine when one of the mighty falls, chanting for their head. Crazy world we live in.


Only in Thailand can you read such things. Pity he didn't commit his crime in Europe or the USA.

Just when I was starting to get some faith in the police it is dashed into the ground, so sad


...why try so hard to avoid a small fine, a suspended sentence and perhaps optional community service?

He is trying to avoid a vigilante cop down a dark alley one night looking for revenge.

I won't disagree with your thoughts but wonder where the vigilante cop will come from ?

When this story was major news wasn't there more than a suggestion that his immediate colleagues dragged their heels etc in dealing with this and reports were delayed etc ?

Maybe friends from another station will be more likely.


Did it cross anyones mind that maybe, (because the police do not know where he currently resides), he did not receive his "Request to Appear", in which case he is not even aware that he was supposed to show up.

I don't see much upside in showing up at this point anyway, I would think that he has good lawyers advising him, and they have concluded that the statute of limitations will expire in a few more years anyway. After all, the Law is the Law.

I would imagine that he can afford an extended holiday.


if he pays for the CHINESE high speed train system all good and free RED BULL for life for the train operators which would provide quick service and no need for brakes.


This murdering little punk must be getting quite annoyed with these requests to appear in court. After all, daddy paid the family lots of money, so what's the problem? Has the legal system forgotten that this is Thailand and that after murdering someone rich people don't respond to judges, prosecutors, or police? I mean, it's not like he murdered another rich person -- then there'd be trouble. Some people are going to be in real hot water if little Boss has to be inconvenienced and fly all the way back to Singapore then wait around for a few days until it's all forgotten. He doesn't like the drugs there nearly as much as what he can get in Thailand. Is it fair that he should be deprived of his drugs and fast cars because some people apparently can't remember how the system really works?

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