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Phra Dhammachayo to turn himself in at Klong Luang police station


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Waiting with baited breath for the outcome.

I think term is "bated"... unless you meant some of the sucker fish there with cash in their pie holes.

Monk promises to be there just as soon as he finishes NY Times Saturday crossword puzzle. Scout's honor!

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Just like children

Worse, western children tend to look sheepish when they are caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Here, depending on status, their hand is removed temporarily from the cookie jar and raises the middle finger.

Just arrest this blatant theif, and the red bull boy, and the merc driver and the and the and the......

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What gets me is how blind his followers are. Surely if they want to raise him up as their modern day Buddha they should be pushing him to go to the authorities to show he has nothing to hide. Yet here they are saying keep your hands off because he is too good to be dirty, relying on blind faith.

If he really had nothing to hide he would have surrendered ages ago. Talk about lemmings!!!!!!!!!

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What gets me is how blind his followers are. Surely if they want to raise him up as their modern day Buddha they should be pushing him to go to the authorities to show he has nothing to hide. Yet here they are saying keep your hands off because he is too good to be dirty, relying on blind faith.

If he really had nothing to hide he would have surrendered ages ago. Talk about lemmings!!!!!!!!!

although I agree entirely with what you said it is also worth noting that there are divisive elements here that are looking for something that would spark conflict/confrontation and would pay considerable money to make it happen, this is one of those things that could be used for more seedy purposes

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don't understand why this shamed monk has any supporters, do these people not understand what this man has been doing, he has brought shame to Thailand and to all Buddhists, pretty sure there are many more of them too

said it before, these temples need to be brought under strict financial regulation like every other establishment that handles huge amounts of money

Just imagine if religion was taxed in Thailand. They could cancel VAT and probably personal tax too and still clean up.
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What gets me is how blind his followers are. Surely if they want to raise him up as their modern day Buddha they should be pushing him to go to the authorities to show he has nothing to hide. Yet here they are saying keep your hands off because he is too good to be dirty, relying on blind faith.

If he really had nothing to hide he would have surrendered ages ago. Talk about lemmings!!!!!!!!!

although I agree entirely with what you said it is also worth noting that there are divisive elements here that are looking for something that would spark conflict/confrontation and would pay considerable money to make it happen, this is one of those things that could be used for more seedy purposes

I'll put it another way - who is ultimately behind all of this and what is their ultimate motive?

I suspect I know the answer.

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What gets me is how blind his followers are. Surely if they want to raise him up as their modern day Buddha they should be pushing him to go to the authorities to show he has nothing to hide. Yet here they are saying keep your hands off because he is too good to be dirty, relying on blind faith.

If he really had nothing to hide he would have surrendered ages ago. Talk about lemmings!!!!!!!!!

although I agree entirely with what you said it is also worth noting that there are divisive elements here that are looking for something that would spark conflict/confrontation and would pay considerable money to make it happen, this is one of those things that could be used for more seedy purposes

I'll put it another way - who is ultimately behind all of this and what is their ultimate motive?

I suspect I know the answer.

I'll be honest. I have no idea.

It does, however, seem strange that this temple appears to have an inordinately large number of rich (influential?) followers. Perhaps buying their "merit" for the next life. Certainly much easier than getting off their collective <deleted> and doing something.

I'm sorry but I hold these personality cults, of which there are many in Thailand, in great disdain.

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"Do not believe anything merely upon hearsay. Do not believe something merely because of tradition or because it has come down to us through many people. Do not believe something because it was said long ago by a great man, and someone has placed it before you. Do not believe something because it is probable or it is the custom. Do not believe something because sages and the priests have said it. If you personally investigate it and find it to be true; if it agrees with your own reason; and if it serves your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of other living beings. Then accept it as the truth, then shape your life according to it."

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police reform

Justice system reform

Temple reform

maybe not in that order

The one glaringly left out is military reform. Wonder why that is.

Can i suggest that when they're running the show they would never consider it and when not in charge, on paper anyway, those who supposedly are would be too scared to even suggest it.

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That Huffington Post article: the monk is receiving oxygen for his sore leg!

Another thought: you would Prayut would have an opinion on the monk and would have said something?

It's not minor enough to warrant his attention.

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One can speak, act and think with great conscientiousness or recklessly or binded by ignorance. However, whatever you say (write) and whatever you do, be prepared to bear your own consequences, be it good or bad. There is an effect resulted from our speech, actions and thoughts hence the universal law of cause and effect.

To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind this is the teaching of the Buddhas.

Kammassakomehi kammadayado

We are owners of our karma. We are heir to our karma.

Kammayoni kammabandhu

We have karma as our origin and karma as our creed.


We have karma as our refuge.

Yam kammam karissami

Whatever actions we perform

Kalyanam va papakam va

Be they good or evil

Tassa dayado bhavissami

We will receive the consequences.

If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.

If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

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"Do not believe anything merely upon hearsay. Do not believe something merely because of tradition or because it has come down to us through many people. Do not believe something because it was said long ago by a great man, and someone has placed it before you. Do not believe something because it is probable or it is the custom. Do not believe something because sages and the priests have said it. If you personally investigate it and find it to be true; if it agrees with your own reason; and if it serves your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of other living beings. Then accept it as the truth, then shape your life according to it." - Buddha

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One can speak, act and think with great conscientiousness or recklessly or binded by ignorance. However, whatever you say (write) and whatever you do, be prepared to bear your own consequences, be it good or bad. There is an effect resulted from our speech, actions and thoughts hence the universal law of cause and effect.

To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind this is the teaching of the Buddhas.

Kammassakomehi kammadayado

We are owners of our karma. We are heir to our karma.

Kammayoni kammabandhu

We have karma as our origin and karma as our creed.


We have karma as our refuge.

Yam kammam karissami

Whatever actions we perform

Kalyanam va papakam va

Be they good or evil

Tassa dayado bhavissami

We will receive the consequences.

If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the ox that draws the carriage.

If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

Tesco the shop

Has the best baked beans

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