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Never mind Trump, GOP uniting under banner: 'Never Hillary'


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Never mind Trump, GOP uniting under banner: 'Never Hillary'

JULIE BYKOWICZ, Associated Press
JULIE PACE, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's best ally in winning over skeptical Republicans is turning out to be Hillary Clinton.

Having overcome a multimillion-dollar "Never Trump" campaign aimed at blocking him from the Republican nomination, he's now benefiting from a wave of GOP donors, party leaders, voters and conservative groups that are uniting under a new banner: "Never Hillary."

"Nothing unites Republicans better than a Clinton," says Scott Reed, a political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who has advised previous GOP campaigns. While Reed says there remain "many unknowns" about Trump, he adds that "the knowns about Hillary are very powerful motivators to Republicans."

Thanks to Republicans' deep disdain for the likely Democratic nominee, Trump is piling up those kinds of lukewarm GOP endorsements.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who called Trump a dangerous "con artist" during his own failed presidential campaign, now says he's willing to get involved in the general election to stop Clinton.

"If you can live with a Clinton presidency for 4 years, that's your right," Rubio wrote on Twitter Friday. "I can't and will do what I can to prevent it."

Later in the day he reiterated on Twitter that his assistance should not be viewed as pro-Trump. "I said I would be 'honored' to help party beat Hillary," he wrote.

"Never Hillary" graced the subject line of a new Republican National Committee fundraising email that had nary a mention of Trump. Super PACs advised by Trump-skeptic Karl Rove are using the hashtag "NeverHillary" on Twitter to promote online videos about her perceived scandals — even as Rove says the groups aren't likely to spend money boosting Trump.

Last week when the National Rifle Association endorsed Trump, the announcement came without much of a sales pitch for him. But it did include a blunt message for the 5 million members about Clinton.

Noting the heated GOP primary campaign, Chris Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist, said at the organization's convention last week, "Were there differences between candidates for the nomination? Of course. Are there valid arguments in favor or some over others? Sure. Will any of it matter if Hillary Clinton wins in November? Not one bit."

For the NRA and other Republican-leaning groups, Clinton has become a reason to look past Trump's spotty record on conservative issues.

On guns, for example, Trump previously backed an assault weapons ban. He's since backed away from that, which appears to be good enough compared to Clinton's calls for tougher gun control laws.

"If she could, Hillary would ban every gun, destroy every magazine, run an entire national security industry right into the ground and put your name on a government registration list," NRA chief Wayne LaPierre told the crowd at the gathering in Louisville, Kentucky.

Likewise, Clinton has been an entry point for big donors once not thrilled with — or even downright hostile to — Trump.

Billionaire Minnesota broadcasting executive Stanley Hubbard helped pay for the Never Trump campaign, but says he's willing to give money to the GOP nominee to stop Clinton.

Trump has unclear policies on some of the issues most important to conservative donors. Even so, Foster Friess, who backed Rick Santorum in his last two presidential campaigns, said he has made a donation to Trump because "the choice is stark."

In an email, he contrasted Clinton's possible Supreme Court picks with Trump's, as well as their approaches to economic and immigration policies.

Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire casino executive whose top issue is the protection of Israel, urged reluctant Republican Jews to unite behind Trump.

"Like many of you, I do not agree with him on every issue. However, I will not sit idly by and let Hillary Clinton become the next president," he wrote in an email to fellow board members of the Republican Jewish Coalition.

Clinton has served as a call-to-arms for some of the top fundraisers for Trump's vanquished rivals, helping him quickly assemble an experienced finance team from scratch.

Some Republican voters, too, are finding that unease with Clinton is a good enough reason to back Trump.

Margaret Lee, a 66-year-old from Clayton, North Carolina, said that while the former reality TV star may not have been her first choice, she'll vote for anybody but Clinton.

"Hillary Clinton is not being held accountable," Lee said of Clinton's use of private emails as secretary of state. "The fact that she's going to be the Democratic nominee having this hanging over her head, I just can't understand that."

In Pennsylvania, Lori Clifton said she's deeply frustrated by the prospect of an election face-off between Trump and Clinton. Clifton, a 51-year-old from the Philadelphia suburb of Doylestown, isn't a Trump fan. But as a reliable Republican voter in presidential elections, she said, "What choice do I have? I really don't trust Hillary Clinton."

Alison Scott, a 36-year-old from Apex, North Carolina, also has concerns about Trump's demeanor, saying he often "doesn't seem very presidential." But with Clinton as the only alternative, she said her decision is simple.

"If I had to pick one of those," Scott said, "I'd vote for Trump."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-28

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Worst thing they can possibly do.

The whole reason they're stuck with Trump is punishment for their strategy of being for nothing, and against whatever the other side does, regardless of how badly they hurt the country.

Now, it's their 2016 rally cry. They'll never learn.

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

You guys remind me of a dog so intent on keeping a grip on its bone that it misses out on a steak.

Other than Fox News and the Repubs, nobody cares that the Head of the Department of State, probably with the knowledge of the Commander in Chief decided to bend some of the State Department regulations. It's happened 1000 times, and will continue to happen 1000 more times- under both parties. They treat national secrets as political ammo, releasing whatever suits their political aims. They always have, always will. Get over it.

The rest of the country has moved on.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

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This just shows that the so-called "Grand Old Party" is filled with self-seeking, money grabbing dinosaurs who will stoop as low as is necessary to keep their ticket to the money-trough.

Never let a principle get in the way of making money is the motto of these scumbags - I agree that the Democrats run them a close race in this.

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Click bait for wingnuts. They hate Hillary just like they hate Obama. She's a liar. She should be in prison. She's a lesbian. She killed Vince Foster. Gave away secrets to the enemy. Etc etc etc.

Who do hate more, Obama or HRC? Feels good to hate doesn't it?

Doesn't matter.

Get use to "Madame President" boys.

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Click bait for wingnuts. They hate Hillary just like they hate Obama. She's a liar. She should be in prison. She's a lesbian. She killed Vince Foster. Gave away secrets to the enemy. Etc etc etc.

Who do hate more, Obama or HRC? Feels good to hate doesn't it?

Doesn't matter.

Get use to "Madame President" boys.

You are dreaming..she's already been damned and found out for lying on 4 counts re emails. The FBI have still to come and if they don't do so before the election that will cause even more trust doubts.

She can't even shake off Bernie Sanders and her own people are beginning to wonder is she the right person to be the nominee.

Don't be surprised if her own people are planning right now to throw her to the wolves (FBI) to get rid of her and Biden take over,

Obama refused to comment on her honesty and trustworthiness...........Not wanting to leave his head on the chopping block any longer he'd have been as well as saying "don't drag me into this, it's her problem not mine" as he stuck his head in the sand.

Improbable perhaps they will replace her at this late date............ but her debate with the Donald??? he'll eat her alive and mark my words she will go down in a landslide and The Donald shall move into the Oval Office but that may not be the end of the Clinton's.

As President you can expect a full investigation into the Clinton Foundation if she mentions his hair during the build up :0)

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

Like Benghazi, Whitewater, Travelgate - yes, the list is endless.

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

According to the polls, Sanders has a much better chance of defeating Trump than Clinton.If Hilary cared about America she would stand down and support Sanders citing the ongoing e-mail scandal etc. (lack of trust from the voters)

Trump never really expected or intended to get this far. A clever publicity trick has got out of hand and he knows as well as anyone he is not the man for the job. Not enough patience or diplomacy for POTUS. Ideas don't really matter as they don't have to originate with the president. Neither Reagan nor Bush father and son were intellectual giants.

so on historical evidence what lies ahead if Trump wins or looks like winning the race?

1. assassination

2. impeachment over some misdemeanor

3. Election then elect a massive Democrat majority in congress to balance his power

4 ...................?

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

Like Benghazi, Whitewater, Travelgate - yes, the list is endless.

Those are okay. But my personal favorite is the fact she's joined at the hip (and taking big money) from the same group that sucked $$ trillions out of the pockets, home equity, and retirement accounts of hard working Americans in 2008, and have spent the last 7+ years weaseling back into position to do it again, perhaps even worse next time. 'Cause they're too big(ger) to fail.

Benghazi? Not a proud moment, but that kind of thing has happened just as often under the Repubs' watch. The world is a dangerous place for diplomats. We owe them the best security we can reasonably muster, but that's no guaranty they're not vulnerable. No matter who's on watch.

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Click bait for wingnuts. They hate Hillary just like they hate Obama. She's a liar. She should be in prison. She's a lesbian. She killed Vince Foster. Gave away secrets to the enemy. Etc etc etc.

Who do hate more, Obama or HRC? Feels good to hate doesn't it?

Doesn't matter.

Get use to "Madame President" boys.

You are dreaming..she's already been damned and found out for lying on 4 counts re emails. The FBI have still to come and if they don't do so before the election that will cause even more trust doubts.

She can't even shake off Bernie Sanders and her own people are beginning to wonder is she the right person to be the nominee.

Don't be surprised if her own people are planning right now to throw her to the wolves (FBI) to get rid of her and Biden take over,

Obama refused to comment on her honesty and trustworthiness...........Not wanting to leave his head on the chopping block any longer he'd have been as well as saying "don't drag me into this, it's her problem not mine" as he stuck his head in the sand.

Improbable perhaps they will replace her at this late date............ but her debate with the Donald??? he'll eat her alive and mark my words she will go down in a landslide and The Donald shall move into the Oval Office but that may not be the end of the Clinton's.

As President you can expect a full investigation into the Clinton Foundation if she mentions his hair during the build up :0)

Yeah, I'm the one dreaming.

Let's mark your words, "Landslide Win for The Donald"

You've got a point, if Trump were to somehow pull off the impossible and land in the oval office, first order of business for the the vindictive, low-info new President, would be to go after Clinton, and the rest of them. She's and everybody else are going to say many very mean things about this incredibly poor, unprepared, ignorant and above all else, thin skinned candidate, Donald (I want to eff my daughter) Trump. FBI on it, day one. Opening ceremonies for the Mexican wall construction and then a meeting with the FBI Director about the Clinton investigation.

I wonder what's it's like wandering around life, tinfoil hat delusional?

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

You guys remind me of a dog so intent on keeping a grip on its bone that it misses out on a steak.

Other than Fox News and the Repubs, nobody cares that the Head of the Department of State, probably with the knowledge of the Commander in Chief decided to bend some of the State Department regulations. It's happened 1000 times, and will continue to happen 1000 more times- under both parties. They treat national secrets as political ammo, releasing whatever suits their political aims. They always have, always will. Get over it.

The rest of the country has moved on.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

HRC is a criminal. Every single person from the dumbest TSA agent to the president of the US knows as soon as you have classified material on any object it becomes a government object. Every single person also knows material does not have to have its classification listed on the material for it to be classified- confidential, NOFORN, Secret. TOP SECRET, TS SCI SAP, etc or born classified. An idiot knows this. A dolt also knows this is the reason nearly all government USBs are deactivated. This is why no thumb drives, phones, GPS etc allowed in certain areas. As HRC would have ALWAYS recived her information at State in a SCIF the parameters of the rules and regulations of classified information would have been reset and impressed upon her multiple times every single day. When she traveled and had to take a message, a call, read something, she would then be taken into a separate accompanying secure pallet and once again, inculcated to the rules. Every day, all over the world, in embassies and at Foggy Bottom, she knew the rules.

When one actually knows the life cycle of an SFS officer/Ambassador/RSO it is apparent that a person has to forcefully thwart the law to wind up where HRC is. Every aspect of the culture of security is designed to make stupid choices prohibitive.

An idiot also knows the two primary computer nets/systems used for government materials have no capability to transfer out and into a private computer/internet classified information unless by USB (See above) or someone rebuilding the material absent classification and transmitting it to a civilian server or carrying in paper form; this is called espionage, spying, a crime, a felony, and hardly the effort of other people "1000 times." It has not happened "1000 times."

A pc with classified material- gov. A blackberry with classified material- government. Your bathroom at home with classified material- government. The law is emphatic and has no wiggle room. So, the argument that other people had emails out of state system is fine, but this is not this argument! This is the argument about breaking the law and subverting national security in pursuit of agenda and personal gain. This is the story about a liar and a criminal.

This argument/email scandal is HRC having classified material on government property that was forcibly kept outside of government control/accountability. It became government property not in theory, but actuality, and she then continued to retain that property in a bathroom with classified material on it. The crime is not in the quantity, rather one single document is sufficient. One single document would result in the jailing and forfeiture of retirement for nearly all other people.

In the history of the classification scheme there has never been one single government document marked "Classified," as this vomitus stated. HRC is also a liar and has perjured herself, not repeatedly, but consistently. This then is a criminal issue, even RICO; the moral vacancy is secondary and just self evident every time she opens her mouth. The rest of the country has not moved on. The post above sounds like Baghdad Bob "The mother of all armies are crushing the Americans in the south..."

HRC is divisive the same way certain archetypes are repugnant- darkness, death, decay, snakes, reapers, sickles, shadows, maggots. She triggers the same visceral recoil, this is why Never Hillary. Sometimes a thing needs no elaboration, its just intuitive. She has both!

Hillary Clinton is also a war criminal. She then destroyed all the peripheral communications she surreptitiously kept from oversight; it is these documents that are missing. When she was carrying water for Obama's usurpation of congressional will and standing up ISIS. These documents were Hillary's push for war. We know that because... these are the documents that are missing! We know that because... Hillary was the single greatest proponent for war in Libya.

Hillary is a war criminal who having murdered her target so State could facilitate black market arms to ISIS revealed in the brutal, torturous death of another human being. Hillary Clinton should be in a cage, and i do not mean jail!

Edited by arjunadawn
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Trump may be reprehensible to some, he may be dubious to others, he may say deplorable things that are rejected, but Trump is not 'that' essential thing that defines Hillary, and that is repugnant.

That thing that Hillary [is is] an amalgam of all that is wrong with not only politics but humanity. Hillary elicits upper lip curling, stomach tightening, clenched fists, quickened pulse, and the taste of battery in the mouth whenever she speaks. This is why the Never Hillary concept is borne from decades now; its not some new arrival and rejection. She is objectionable as a human first. Her politics are unremarkable militant radical leftism.

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So, now at DNC Headquarters, the wheels are turning. Clinton makes a deal with Obama to sandbag the criminal charges by having him suddenly fire the AJ and appoint an interim AJ with no real powers other than to settle existing cases. Clinton camp then works a deal with Sanders to drop out and let him be nominated. He then "picks" her for his VP running mate as long as it's understood that Bill will get the SoS job when he's elected.

He then picks a new AJ who prosecutes Clinton on a lesser charge that he immediately gives a presidential pardon for. He then steps down as POTUS after 2 years citing health reasons. She steps in as POTUS, naming Bill as interim VP while vetting others for the next 2 years.

Meanwhile, the American people are scratching their watches and winding their butts wondering what the heck happened.


We elect Donald. The country profits. The Clinton Foundation is effectively investigated and both Hill and Bill are prosecuted and imprisoned because everyone on Wall street has been put on notice that they will be out on the collective butts if they try and stop it.

Fact or Fantasy? The next 5 months is going to be very interesting indeed. thumbsup.gif

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Republican establishment are like chickens running around in disarray after a grenade blew their chicken house to smithereens. awk awk awk, we have to show unity. How to do that? Let's do what we do best, attack someone. awk awk awk. crank up the billion dollar machine. It didn't work in 2008 and 2012 against the Kenyan Muslim, but it should work this time. awk awk awk

Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

Tempests in tea cups. Down deep Republicans and Trump lovers don't give a gnat's ass for those issues. If it weren't for the faux-calamities mentioned above, Trump fans would have to find other things to try and besmirch her with. How about some mud on her boots, can we get any mileage with that? How about her wrinkled neck? Yea, that's good, let's call her 'turkey neck.' That should get the sheeple riled up to hate her even more. Hey Turkey Neck Hillary. ha ha ha, we're so crafty, ha ha chortle ha, pass the Gray Poupon. ha ha ha.

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

You guys remind me of a dog so intent on keeping a grip on its bone that it misses out on a steak.

Other than Fox News and the Repubs, nobody cares that the Head of the Department of State, probably with the knowledge of the Commander in Chief decided to bend some of the State Department regulations. It's happened 1000 times, and will continue to happen 1000 more times- under both parties. They treat national secrets as political ammo, releasing whatever suits their political aims. They always have, always will. Get over it.

The rest of the country has moved on.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

This wasn't "bending rules," this was blatant disregard of the law after she had been informed. This disqualifies her to be POTUS. You $hillary supporters are the ones with the bone.



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Trump may be reprehensible to some, he may be dubious to others, he may say deplorable things that are rejected, but Trump is not 'that' essential thing that defines Hillary, and that is repugnant.

That thing that Hillary [is is] an amalgam of all that is wrong with not only politics but humanity. Hillary elicits upper lip curling, stomach tightening, clenched fists, quickened pulse, and the taste of battery in the mouth whenever she speaks. This is why the Never Hillary concept is borne from decades now; its not some new arrival and rejection. She is objectionable as a human first. Her politics are unremarkable militant radical leftism.

Ok, we get it. You and some others on this thread think Hillary is the devil incarnate. Nothing's going to change that. I hope it doesn't run your blood pressure up too high, .....or cause an ulcer or an aneurism.

'Madamme President' ...get used to hearing it. Along with 'First Gentleman' Bill. Granted, Melania would make a foxy First Lady, but.....

Republicans are so bereft of ideas, they're resorting to tactics one might expect from 2nd grade bullies at recess: calling childish names.

Here are two words that don't seem to be in the Republican vocabulary: issues ///// policies.

It's much more fun to throw mud, plus it's more effective for getting low IQ Republican voters to stay the course.

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Hillary is a proven liar and criminal. If she is not charged for the email scandal, it will prove there is no justice for big shots. She needs to be stopped.

You guys remind me of a dog so intent on keeping a grip on its bone that it misses out on a steak.

Other than Fox News and the Repubs, nobody cares that the Head of the Department of State, probably with the knowledge of the Commander in Chief decided to bend some of the State Department regulations. It's happened 1000 times, and will continue to happen 1000 more times- under both parties. They treat national secrets as political ammo, releasing whatever suits their political aims. They always have, always will. Get over it.

The rest of the country has moved on.

Plenty of better reasons to stop her. Reasons with traction.

This wasn't "bending rules," this was blatant disregard of the law after she had been informed. This disqualifies her to be POTUS. You $hillary supporters are the ones with the bone.


Enough said, eh? wink.png

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Trump may be reprehensible to some, he may be dubious to others, he may say deplorable things that are rejected, but Trump is not 'that' essential thing that defines Hillary, and that is repugnant.

That thing that Hillary [is is] an amalgam of all that is wrong with not only politics but humanity. Hillary elicits upper lip curling, stomach tightening, clenched fists, quickened pulse, and the taste of battery in the mouth whenever she speaks. This is why the Never Hillary concept is borne from decades now; its not some new arrival and rejection. She is objectionable as a human first. Her politics are unremarkable militant radical leftism.

Ok, we get it. You and some others on this thread think Hillary is the devil incarnate. Nothing's going to change that. I hope it doesn't run your blood pressure up too high, .....or cause an ulcer or an aneurism.

'Madamme President' ...get used to hearing it. Along with 'First Gentleman' Bill. Granted, Melania would make a foxy First Lady, but.....

Republicans are so bereft of ideas, they're resorting to tactics one might expect from 2nd grade bullies at recess: calling childish names.

Here are two words that don't seem to be in the Republican vocabulary: issues ///// policies.

It's much more fun to throw mud, plus it's more effective for getting low IQ Republican voters to stay the course.

Ok, we get it. Such a liberal pig headed saying. Wasn't that what Hillary said when the IT experts in State told her the illegal server setting in her home bathroom was against policy?

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