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Physicist Stephen Hawking baffled by Donald Trump's rise


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That's because he is a renowned theoretical physicist and not a renowned theoretical political scientist. But that will probably go over everyone's head considering that most only have a sixth grade reading level.

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I am surprised that Hawkins doesn't understand this phenomena since Einstein explained it many years ago.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein


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That's because he is a renowned theoretical physicist and not a renowned theoretical political scientist. But that will probably go over everyone's head considering that most only have a sixth grade reading level.

one has to study political science to have an opinion on Trump? gigglem.gif

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One minute freedom of speech is being defended and then condemned according to whether the statement fits with the argument.

Dr Hawkings is not the only one who doesn't understand the rise of Donald Trump, most of the western world are amazed as well. However it all comes down to the will of the voters, if Trump is what the USA really wants then it is their funeral and we can only stand and watch in disbelief.

One thing is for sure. The candidates on both sides are pretty pathetic for a country as important as the USA. It is a catastrophe that these people are the best that they can come up with

Edited by dunroaming
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One minute freedom of speech is being defended and then condemned according to whether the statement fits with the argument.

Dr Hawkings is not the only one who doesn't understand the rise of Donald Trump, most of the western world are amazed as well. However it all comes down to the will of the voters, if Trump is what the USA really wants then it is their funeral and we can only stand and watch in disbelief.

One thing is for sure. The candidates on both sides are pretty pathetic for a country as important as the USA. It is a catastrophe that these people are the best that they can come up with

Yeahhh, Nobama was great. Madness spinning out of contoll moving us in uncharted territory. TRUMP POTUS 2016-2024

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Another lemming for the one world government.

Ah, how heart-warming it is to hear a troll describing Stephen Hawking as a lemming! Lemmings are believed to be creatures known to be mindlessly suicidal. Given that Stephen Hawking is a highly intelligent professor who has fought a paralysing disease, given that he can hold an audience while being completely paralysed and only being able to operate his talking device using one of the few muscles available to him (in his cheek), lemming is far from my mind when searching for a descriptor of the man. (Actually, the mass-suicide of lemmings is a misconception).

As regards so-called "one world government," wanting to keep the UK as, lets face it, an associate member of the EU (not a member of the Euro, not in the Schlengen agreement etc) is hardly a clarion call for world government. But while we are on the subject, I am rather happy that we do have some world governing institutions - last time you saw Ebola? Polio? Without the World Health Organization, you would be seeing it and probably suffering from it. How do we deal with nasty dictators? An imperfect solution but we have organisations such as the ICC and now the African Union that make dictators think twice before torturing their populations.

Current EU policy is suicide for Europe. He is all for it. Therefore, he's a lemming just like you.

There is a world of difference between believing that staying in the EU is preferable to leaving and the view that current EU policy (on everything? just economics? migration? CE standards?) is bad for Europe. But suicide?

Although I have listened to many ardent Brexit followers who are intelligent and who are convinced of their own arguments that Brexit is the better way forward, I have yet to hear one of them to describe Remain as a suicide attempt. I think you may be in a party of one with that particular view. Good luck with your trolling

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One minute freedom of speech is being defended and then condemned according to whether the statement fits with the argument.

Dr Hawkings is not the only one who doesn't understand the rise of Donald Trump, most of the western world are amazed as well. However it all comes down to the will of the voters, if Trump is what the USA really wants then it is their funeral and we can only stand and watch in disbelief.

One thing is for sure. The candidates on both sides are pretty pathetic for a country as important as the USA. It is a catastrophe that these people are the best that they can come up with

A system where presidential candidates have to be able to call on hundreds of millions of dollars in order to fund (mostly negative) advertising campaigns against their opponents is a pretty poor example of democracy.

That said, the reasons for Trump's success are simple.

1. He has the money, so is not beholden to others for it and can say anything he wants.

2. People want simple solutions to complex problems - he tells them what they want to hear.

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One minute freedom of speech is being defended and then condemned according to whether the statement fits with the argument.

Dr Hawkings is not the only one who doesn't understand the rise of Donald Trump, most of the western world are amazed as well. However it all comes down to the will of the voters, if Trump is what the USA really wants then it is their funeral and we can only stand and watch in disbelief.

One thing is for sure. The candidates on both sides are pretty pathetic for a country as important as the USA. It is a catastrophe that these people are the best that they can come up with

A system where presidential candidates have to be able to call on hundreds of millions of dollars in order to fund (mostly negative) advertising campaigns against their opponents is a pretty poor example of democracy.

That said, the reasons for Trump's success are simple.

1. He has the money, so is not beholden to others for it and can say anything he wants.

2. People want simple solutions to complex problems - he tells them what they want to hear.

"2. People want simple solutions to complex problems - he tells them what they want to hear."

Does that prove most Americans are poorly educated and simple minded ? smile.png

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Another lemming for the one world government.


We just finished watching a remarkable movie of Hawking's amazing life. What the movie did not depict was the other characteristics that the truly brilliant are known for- mismatched socks, social detachment, awkwardness, same suits same shirts- monotone wardrobes, lost keys, absentmindedness, few friends, isolation, in essence, a genius' social genius is widely known to be... eccentric. There are few personalities who are commonly defined by such points. By definition, he proves himself singularly unfit for the observation; at least with any credibility.

So we have in Hawking's a man who is converting the currency of his fame into political capital over social topics his genius is not known for. He is, in the end, just one more famous person inflicting their good on the world.

Since Hawking's decided focus of his life is in physics we can conclude this is his expertise. It is all the more fitting if not hilarious to include a quote from the Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw. Delicious repudiation! Hawking sees atoms, black holes, horizons... not any more.


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The potential of trump being president is indeed concerning:

Maybe the talking heads on TV would draw the line at some mild version of fascism, but would the American people do the same? Here, I must hesitate. The easy yes of yesteryear has given way to awful doubt. Trump could win. He could become president, commander in chief, ruler of the Justice Department and head of the IRS. In other words, the American people could elect someone who has not the slightest appreciation for the Constitution or American tradition. When Trump insisted that he could compel a military officer to obey an illegal order, I heard the echo of jackboots on cobblestone.


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Obviously Stephen Hawking is devoid of common sense.

Yes, that's a trait he shares with many, if not most, global leaders, luminaries and thought leaders now.

The people you speak of are stuck in the "Laws of Nature and Physics"...which is ordered and structured. They do not have the luxury of "thinking outside the box".

While Hawking is a genius in matters of the "Ordered Universe", he has absolutely zero knowledge of Hillary and Obama...who are not "heavenly objects" that revolve around the sun.

Quite obvious that people like this would not feel comfortable with a a rogue asteroid...like Trump.....splitting off from the Crab Nebulae, on collision course with Hillary.

Thank Heavens for free thinkers who want to kick up some star dust, fold the universe in half and try a different path.

Let all those geeky rocket scientists in their white lab coats follow Hillary...like a bunch of sophmores (sophisticated morons). I will take a working stiff any time...who can sit down and talk about things that matter when you are down to earth...over a rocket scientist. Such as Corruption, Unemployment and Immigration..

It sounds so stupid...asking Hawkings if he likes Trump. That is sooooooo british. Every individual likes a candidate for their own reasons.....no matter what their profession is.

Not very bright. No wonder I just wince, every time I watch BBC

Edited by slipperylobster
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Obviously Stephen Hawking is devoid of common sense.

Yes, that's a trait he shares with many, if not most, global leaders, luminaries and thought leaders now.

The people you speak of are stuck in the "Laws of Nature and Physics"...which is ordered and structured. They do not have the luxury of "thinking outside the box".

While Hawking is a genius in matters of the "Ordered Universe", he has absolutely zero knowledge of Hillary and Obama...who are not "heavenly objects" that revolve around the sun.

Quite obvious that people like this would not feel comfortable with a a rogue asteroid...like Trump.....splitting off from the Crab Nebulae, on collision course with Hillary.

Thank Heavens for free thinkers who want to kick up some star dust, fold the universe in half and try a different path.

Let all those geeky rocket scientists in their white lab coats follow Hillary...like a bunch of sophmores (sophisticated morons). I will take a working stiff any time...who can sit down and talk about things that matter when you are down to earth...over a rocket scientist. Such as Corruption, Unemployment and Immigration..

It sounds so stupid...asking Hawkings if he likes Trump. That is sooooooo british. Every individual likes a candidate for their own reasons.....no matter what their profession is.

Not very bright. No wonder I just wince, every time I watch BBC

People who support Trump talk of this support as if it's somehow divinely inspired, based in realism, that they see Trump as an inspirational change agent, and above all rooted in common sense. All the intellectuals, scientists, world leaders, business leaders, and accomplished peoples of all fields who are smart are somehow lacking in this special Trump formula common sense - which is being more and more described by expert commentaries as a form of fascism.

Trump supporters, all of 'em, only have this elusive common sense and it is their common bond. I would like to meet that rare Trump supporter who has this "common sense" and also somehow fits the descriptions above in the above parargraph.

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Obviously Stephen Hawking is devoid of common sense.

Yes, that's a trait he shares with many, if not most, global leaders, luminaries and thought leaders now.

The people you speak of are stuck in the "Laws of Nature and Physics"...which is ordered and structured. They do not have the luxury of "thinking outside the box".

While Hawking is a genius in matters of the "Ordered Universe", he has absolutely zero knowledge of Hillary and Obama...who are not "heavenly objects" that revolve around the sun.

Quite obvious that people like this would not feel comfortable with a a rogue asteroid...like Trump.....splitting off from the Crab Nebulae, on collision course with Hillary.

Thank Heavens for free thinkers who want to kick up some star dust, fold the universe in half and try a different path.

Let all those geeky rocket scientists in their white lab coats follow Hillary...like a bunch of sophmores (sophisticated morons). I will take a working stiff any time...who can sit down and talk about things that matter when you are down to earth...over a rocket scientist. Such as Corruption, Unemployment and Immigration..

It sounds so stupid...asking Hawkings if he likes Trump. That is sooooooo british. Every individual likes a candidate for their own reasons.....no matter what their profession is.

Not very bright. No wonder I just wince, every time I watch BBC

People who support Trump talk of this support as if it's somehow divinely inspired, based in realism, that they see Trump as an inspirational change agent, and above all rooted in common sense. All the intellectuals, scientists, world leaders, business leaders, and accomplished peoples of all fields who are smart are somehow lacking in this special Trump formula common sense - which is being more and more described by expert commentaries as a form of fascism.

Trump supporters, all of 'em, only have this elusive common sense and it is their common bond. I would like to meet that rare Trump supporter who has this "common sense" and also somehow fits the descriptions above in the above parargraph.

One must "think outside the box"

Your crated box of apples (Hillary and Obama) are no longer edible, for us free thinkers. Therefore, I will choose an Orange (Trump)

small choice in rotten apples...but the USA is ready to try, literally anything...other than Hillary. If Trump can get in, then things will at least take a decisive change.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Immigration Laws, Economy, Jobs...all need repair.

Trump is not a "divine being", as you perceive me to believe. Down to Earth, speaks freely, gets upset when people insult him. People like Trump make good managers, as seen by his awesome "wins", despite having a campaign army 1/10th the size of Hillary.

I like a man who can do more..with less. He spent less, uses less people, is less popular (by account of the anti trumpers), but wins the nomination....easily. The media is all about him. Hillary is just a side note....(she lied, going to jail, is unfit, crazy..etc)

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Some may think he is clever but he doesn't believe in God so I would never take his advice on anything like whether to vote for Trump or not.

Be careful with God's advice - he told Dubya to invade Iraq, and look at what a clusterf**k that turned out to be!

God's word should clearly not be relied upon.

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Some may think he is clever but he doesn't believe in God so I would never take his advice on anything like whether to vote for Trump or not.

Be careful with God's advice - he told Dubya to invade Iraq, and look at what a clusterf**k that turned out to be!

God's word should clearly not be relied upon.

So true Ruam, he/she/it has got a bit on their collective brains just now. Just look at what they've got to work with, Trump ferKristsake!

I trust in Zeus/Odin/Baal/Jupiter/Rah/Shiva/Mithras/Kali/Samhain though, they're all on the job so we'll be right. You reckon that's the bases covered?

Thank Buddha for Tiger Draught too, nectar of the gods that stuff. Oh that reminds me, I believe in the Powers of Piss too, as in I believe if I drink a carton of Tiger I'll fall down/get up again/fall down/get up again and at some point will start dribbling. And probably still be making more sense then a Trump fan.

So get my sponser's product INTA YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! And then everyone's a winner.

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In response to using the words "demagogue"and "denominator" Trumps campaign manager stated in response "If Professor Hawking wants to damage us he should talk better English next time"

Hawking replied "Trump bad man, real bad man."

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In response to using the words "demagogue"and "denominator" Trumps campaign manager stated in response "If Professor Hawking wants to damage us he should talk better English next time"

Hawking replied "Trump bad man, real bad man."

Too funny mate!

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The language level question is actually important. It's confirmed that trump speaks at an elementary school age level. Hillary Clinton uses bigger words and talks in longer sentences and paragraphs. She may have to go down some notches to compete. American voters seem to like simple minded stuff.

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The language level question is actually important. It's confirmed that trump speaks at an elementary school age level. Hillary Clinton uses bigger words and talks in longer sentences and paragraphs. She may have to go down some notches to compete. American voters seem to like simple minded stuff.

This is very true, and you will see all good politicians learn to speak in simple language. I think a study determined it was 3rd grade level where you best connect with the public at large.

Trump takes that up a notch. He speaks at 3rd grade level, but in a braggadocio manner that shows that is the way real men talk. Saddest of all, that is his natural speaking voice, there is no need to try for him. Anyone watching him all these years can attest to that, and if any doubt, look at old youtube videos for proof.

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What surprises me about this statement is that it hasn't elicited the usual tasteful response from Trump.

Oh..you mean the way Trump should make fun of Hawkings.....?

Spin around in his wheelchair...remote control the computer keyboard with his cheek?

That is not even funny.

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What surprises me about this statement is that it hasn't elicited the usual tasteful response from Trump.

Oh..you mean the way Trump should make fun of Hawkings.....?

Spin around in his wheelchair...remote control the computer keyboard with his cheek?

That is not even funny.

Did you understand what I was saying?

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We don't see a lot of conservative celebrities, scientists, etc., translating their reputation into coercion or influence. Why? Because the siren of the left is militancy! It's always activists inflicting their good on the whole. Translating fame for politics is just militancy by another vehicle.

Hawkings is an icon that transcends politics. He made science accessible to millions. Plus his life is a testimony to triumph over the cards life deals. Sadly, he now compromises this transcendence.

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Quote: Hawking's mother was an outspoken liberal and it is said she had a big influence on his views. The few times he has given his political opinion seem to verify that.

Quote: It is said that Hawking is, politically, heavily influenced by his mother, Isobel. She was distinctly liberal and was President of the St. Albans Liberal Association.

Great physicist - Leftwing Liberal - Intellectual Giant - Mysoginist (read ex-wife's book) - Genius Intellect - Lacks Common Sense.

Meanwhile - at the other end of the scale and political spectrum - Katy Perry strongly supports HRC as President.

Does Katy cancel out Stephen? No - IMO both are irrelevent to the POTUS issues.

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The language level question is actually important. It's confirmed that trump speaks at an elementary school age level. Hillary Clinton uses bigger words and talks in longer sentences and paragraphs. She may have to go down some notches to compete. American voters seem to like simple minded stuff.

Mr Trumps choice of words is geared towards the small man….the common man…the man whose brain s overloaded with too much crap on the internet.

Its a smart strategic choice.

Obama's speeches are directed towards the intellectuals…they sound good when he's narrating but then what do you remember? Almost nothing…Trump repeats the same sentiments three times in every sentence….Ive studied it.

His words stick in the mind longer.

Anyway who gives a quantum flying *&^% what Hawking thinks….hes hardly what you can call disenfranchised.

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In all due respect to Hawking and his personal struggles in life, I somehow doubt he is quite in sync with the day to day reality the average person on the street faces. He's probably like our elected officials in Congress that way....except more so.

If he were more in sync, he wouldn't be "baffled".

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