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Drunk driver who killed motorcyclist has trouble with his memory


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Hard to believe that this guy was so drunk at that hour in the morning. Even harder to believe was that he was working and his job was delivering foodstuff to schools. One has to be thankful this guy only killed one lone driver whereas he could have killed many children on his route.

Maybe he was an alcoholic.

Many alcoholics would actually be more dangerous if they didn't have that drink in the morning.

You can't be serious?

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Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

- drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesnt even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

- dont lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

- dont drink and drive

- drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

- if you run over someone, dont move your stationary vehicle even a little if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

- dont ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

Besides, he thinks its ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

Thank you for the driving lesson, possibly you would be more effective on a soap box on the corner preaching to the Thai's as I would think that the majority of people you are currently addressing are more than knowledgeable on the in's and out's of responsible driving.
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Oh my GOD. that's scary.....to add to this, he's a f..... Lier

99% of Thai male drivers then.

He walks off where? To take a p$ss? Looks like he hasn't a care in the world.

Complete and utter scumbag.

Looks like he tried to drive away first but the truck was stuck on the bike so he just walked off.

Rot in hell bastard.

Thought the same, he tried to drive off but a damn motorcycle and body was stuck underneath
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Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

- drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesnt even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

- dont lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

- dont drink and drive

- drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

- if you run over someone, dont move your stationary vehicle even a little if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

- dont ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

Besides, he thinks its ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

Thank you for the driving lesson, possibly you would be more effective on a soap box on the corner preaching to the Thai's as I would think that the majority of people you are currently addressing are more than knowledgeable on the in's and out's of responsible driving.

Well aware of that; that's why I said "take note Thai drivers" at the beginning (which you obviously didn't notice)

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"However, the incident is somewhat complicated by the fact that motorcyclists are not allowed to use the tunnel by law."

No it's not.

Dear BP, you still don't fully get Thailand ;-)

Many things complicated here:

NO UNDUHSTAAAAAAAAAAAND cheesy.gifclap2.giffacepalm.gif

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Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

- drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesnt even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

- dont lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

- dont drink and drive

- drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

- if you run over someone, dont move your stationary vehicle even a little if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

- dont ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

Besides, he thinks its ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

Thank you for the driving lesson, possibly you would be more effective on a soap box on the corner preaching to the Thai's as I would think that the majority of people you are currently addressing are more than knowledgeable on the in's and out's of responsible driving.

Well aware of that; that's why I said "take note Thai drivers" at the beginning (which you obviously didn't notice)

To be honest, I didn't see the reference to Thai drivers mainly due to not realising there is a massive number of Thai's who are active members of TV and to whom you were addressing.

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...of course....

...and if that is not good enough he could always apologize....

...then 'all will be well'....

To ensure freedom from prosecution an apology is only a good start. Becoming a monk is the guaranteed, sure fire method.

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A girl drunk behind the wheel kills three and injures many, gets 2 years, maybe, depending on how good her lawyer is.

A man drunk behind the wheel kills one, my guess, fine and community service.


Drunk Thai behind wheel

Drives pick up over the speed limit

Got his licence from cousin who works at Transport department (2000B)

Brother taught him to drive in one day.

Tunnel road wet and slippery from rain.

Motor cycle illegally in tunnel.

Road law almost non existing in Thailand, etc,etc,etc.


Life goes on in Thailand, same SH!!!!!!!T different day.

"Life goes on in Thailand, same SH!!!!!!!T different day."

That's a good spell for a t-shirt, instead of (same,same, but different)

too late, I already seen that on a t-shirt.... :)

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As a long term rider of a moped in Thailand I'm shocked to see this, one minute here next minute he is gone and not a thing he could of done.

I think I need to get a car.

Get a car. Time is up. Done well. But... get a car.

^^^Anecdotalised. ~ I went to a public hospital for a foot problem. Yep, motorcycle accident. Hit a dog on the highway. Took a ticket for the osteopathic consult. #178. No joke. That was the queue @ chumphon base 2010 and my guess is 90 percent were for motorcycle related short and long term issues. Two consulting surgeons on that morning duty.

I went private and then went to Mazda and bought a pickup.

Is it not strange that instead of people doing all they can to PREVENT accidents, they change modes of transport? Accidents will and do still happen regardless of the form of transport you use.

No, it isn't strange ...you can't PREVENT what all people and things are doing around you, you can upgrade your own safety. This accident, had it happened with a car, probably would not have been a fatality.

So by your logic, i should drive and not enjoy riding my bike due to the possible actions of others?

Sod that pussy way of living a life, it surprises me that people like you would ever venture out alone because of huge possibilities of what could happen.

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The video shows what respect Thais have for the law, almost none!! As it says riding a motor bike in the tunnel is against the law,, on the video there is an endless stream of bikes using the tunnel,, and some with no helmets..

Until Thais start to take some notice of the laws or the cops start enforcing them with penalties that hurt,, (not a 300B fine) confiscate their bike for a month, plus a heavy fine. Then they will soon learn...

Until then Thailand will continue to have the second highest number of road deaths in the world..

Amazing Thailand !!

Are you saying it was the motorbike rider who was wrong and deserved to killed? The pickup driver was drunk and killed him by driving into him! And the motorbike rider was on the correct side of the road, wearing a helmet for all the good it did him!

NO, I AM NOT SAYING HE DESERVED TO BE KILLED,, , that was a terrible accident that happened.. You are trying to read something I am not saying... I am saying if people took some notice of the law more, (both of them) then this would never have happened, along with countless other deaths...

Fair enough, but you only mentioned the motorbikes, not the drunk driver.

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Nothing he could do, how about not getting pissed and jumping behind the wheel. Not my fault, I was drunk isn't a defence.

Evidently it is if you're a hooker in Pattaya and you've just been a willing participant in public cunnilingus on a table to celebrate Songkran.

If you're Thai.


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Opposing high speed lanes in rainy conditions. There is no margin for error even for sober drivers.

Yes I agree, but if people weren't driving drunk or speeding, this accident and death would never have happened,

Maybe the cops know how dangerous these tunnels can be, so that is why they don't allow motorbikes to use them ?

It appears a huge portion of accidents here involve either drink and speeding, or both.

Oh and I nearly forgot, the wet roads too,, hehe.

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Some people drive better a little drunk.I actually had a couple of drinks before my driving test in the UK to settle my nerves.

That's a myth, people only try to be more careful when they're drunk because they know they're drunk and only think they're driving with more attention.

It's been shown time and time again that there is no level of alcohol which does not cause a degradation of awareness, reaction times and driving skills. 1 beer, a glass of wine or a shot of vodka, it all has a measurable effect.

Do not drink and drive is the only sane policy. But then this is Thailand, and Thais are not famous for their sanity. Or even their common sense.


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"Really ? so you can't understand if people followed the road laws better that there would be less deaths on the road ??

so who's the cretin.."

Without doubt you. A pickup was driven by a drunk man into a motorbike, killing him. This pathetic "if he wasn't there argument holds no weight at all.

What if it a family member of yours on the way to work, would you feel the same?

Edited by chrissables
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"Really ? so you can't understand if people followed the road laws better that there would be less deaths on the road ??

so who's the cretin.."

Without doubt you. A pickup was driven by a drunk man into a motorbike, killing him. This pathetic "if he wasn't there argument holds no weight at all.

What if it a family member of yours on the way to work, would you feel the same?

I agree the pick up driver is to blame for sure, he was drunk, maybe speeding and if he was up all night drinking he probably went to sleep at the wheel.. still, if people followed the law and didn't ride motorbikes through the tunnel like the law states, he would still be alive.. or do you disagree with that ???

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That is a fatuous argument.

If he had got up five minutes earlier he would still be alive.

If he had stopped at the Seven for cigarettes he would still be alive.

If had ridden a little bit faster/slower he would still be alive.

And so on.

The simple fact is he was run down by a drunk driver who lost control of his vehicle.

The motorcyclists use of the underpass pales into insignificance against that fact.

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"Really ? so you can't understand if people followed the road laws better that there would be less deaths on the road ??

so who's the cretin.."

Without doubt you. A pickup was driven by a drunk man into a motorbike, killing him. This pathetic "if he wasn't there argument holds no weight at all.

What if it a family member of yours on the way to work, would you feel the same?

I agree the pick up driver is to blame for sure, he was drunk, maybe speeding and if he was up all night drinking he probably went to sleep at the wheel.. still, if people followed the law and didn't ride motorbikes through the tunnel like the law states, he would still be alive.. or do you disagree with that

Please read quote # 114, he / she explains my thought better than i can express them.

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That is a fatuous argument.

If he had got up five minutes earlier he would still be alive.

If he had stopped at the Seven for cigarettes he would still be alive.

If had ridden a little bit faster/slower he would still be alive.

And so on.

The simple fact is he was run down by a drunk driver who lost control of his vehicle.

The motorcyclists use of the underpass pales into insignificance against that fact.

Sure riding in the tunnel does pale to insignificance to the drunk driver, I totally agree, but that doesn't alter the fact it is against the law to ride a bike in the tunnel, but getting up 5 minutes earlier, stopping for cigarettes etc etc are not against the law ... a fraction of a second later and the guy on the bike behind would be now dead, I bet he don't ride through the tunnel again ... and on the road you can take some evasive action but in a tunnel there is no where to go.

I just trying to point out to others that 'just maybe' it is not a good idea to ride there.. but I guess there are not many Thais that read this anyway!

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Nothing he could do, how about not getting pissed and jumping behind the wheel. Not my fault, I was drunk isn't a defence.

Being drunk in Thailand seems to be a defense you hear drunk drivers and even killers of their wife or GF claiming it all the time and when you follow the court case, if there is any, it is a slap on the wrist and don't do it anymore. Case closed. Why this type of case closing in Thailand??? Well think seriously, if the courts would really apply the law there isn't enough space in Thailand for all the jails they would have to build.

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The pickup driver should be charged with drink driving and manslaughter (if that charge exists in Thailand) but I hope other bikers heed this as a warning to follow road rules. Bikers flaunt almost every road rule there is. The rule against bikes going into the tunnel was probably put in place to stop exactly this kind of thing from happening. True, drink driving should be punished harshly but bikers ruin the roads with their attitudes, speed, behavior and recklessness, they just think nothing applies to them at all, From what I understand the poor biker in the video died of head injuries and although the video is sped up so it's hard to tell, there may have been a chance that with a decent helmet (instead of a decade-old 100baht Big C helmet) the biker could have survived. Only foreign bikers use proper protective gear, the Thais just ride in jeans or shorts and flip flops as if nothing will ever happen.

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