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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

I think he's referring to the Fact that very many Labour supporters intend to vote Brexit. One of the main reason being they know whose jobs will be at stake due to uncontrolled immigration if we remain in the EU, It's those on the lower rungs of the employment ladder,and for them to vote to remain in this corrupt so called Union would be akin to Turkeys voting for Christmas. As a add to this I would say Any Brit voting to remain in,is like a person walking deeper and deeper into quick sand,in the end you will no longer be.

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

"not enough Hull", you are joking of course?

The Deputy Prime Minister of the UK for nine years under Labour lived in Hull and still does so today, we've all had far too much of John Prescott and of Hull thank you and yes, I am a Yorkshireman!

Andy Burnham's quote not mine

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MP after MP has returned to Westminster with depressing tales from their home turf; of door-knocking in staunchly Labour areas where apathy towards the EU question has given way to rank hostility. One former minister contacted dozens of local Labour councillors urging them to mobilise behind the Remain campaign. To the MP's fury, the appeal elicited one single reply.

End of Quote:


Do you mean, both MP's returned having knocked on five doors before disappearing into the pub for an expenses fuelled lunch and several swift halves?

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

I'm inclined to agree. The Islington types will be pro EU, but I think in 'Ull and Bra'ford you'll find the traditional labour voter will be a Brexiteer won't they, Nontabury? Eh? There's nowt as queer as folk.

I'll be voting in a Rotherham suburb and I'll bet I'm the only Remain voter. Sad but true. Shifted my capital into USD, as I am worried now. ?

Rotherham,well that's my old stopping ground. Maybe while you,re there, you can go into Old Saints Square

And shout off how well Muslims have looked after the vulnerable young girls.

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"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

"not enough Hull", you are joking of course?

The Deputy Prime Minister of the UK for nine years under Labour lived in Hull and still does so today, we've all had far too much of John Prescott and of Hull thank you and yes, I am a Yorkshireman!

Andy Burnham's quote not mine

I think actually that he was probably taking the mick out of stupid and uninformed people when he said it!

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Interesting that the EU debate is being increasingly seen as blue on blue (Conservative on Conservative) with very few Labourites having much to say that is useful, certainly I haven't seen anything in print from Corbyn on this subject.

H'mmm, why is that I wonder, on both parts of the above. I think I know the answer and I think you know what it says!

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

I'm inclined to agree. The Islington types will be pro EU, but I think in 'Ull and Bra'ford you'll find the traditional labour voter will be a Brexiteer won't they, Nontabury? Eh? There's nowt as queer as folk.

I'll be voting in a Rotherham suburb and I'll bet I'm the only Remain voter. Sad but true. Shifted my capital into USD, as I am worried now.

Rotherham,well that's my old stopping ground. Maybe while you,re there, you can go into Old Saints Square

And shout off how well Muslims have looked after the vulnerable young girls.

Wow ...small world ... I live in Wickersley for a year and went to Oakward Technical High. That was a long long time ago though.....
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Two large buckets of bullshit

We've been there done that!

Anything new to contribute?



I couldn't care less what you made of the post but goading in lieu of a meaningful reply is somewhat juvenile.

Edited by evadgib
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Two large buckets of bullshit

We've been there done that!

Anything new to contribute?


That's the thing. You have side stepped answering Briexit the Movie,just as you have failed to accept facts that go against your views.


I watched it and gave a whole list of comments

What do you want now?

Please stop pestering me. You're worse than my wife!

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

I think he's referring to the Fact that very many Labour supporters intend to vote Brexit. One of the main reason being they know whose jobs will be at stake due to uncontrolled immigration if we remain in the EU, It's those on the lower rungs of the employment ladder,and for them to vote to remain in this corrupt so called Union would be akin to Turkeys voting for Christmas. As a add to this I would say Any Brit voting to remain in,is like a person walking deeper and deeper into quick sand,in the end you will no longer be.

Are you referring to the Labour supporters who are so poorly educated that they can not compete against a Romanian labourer?

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

I'm inclined to agree. The Islington types will be pro EU, but I think in 'Ull and Bra'ford you'll find the traditional labour voter will be a Brexiteer won't they, Nontabury? Eh? There's nowt as queer as folk.

I'll be voting in a Rotherham suburb and I'll bet I'm the only Remain voter. Sad but true. Shifted my capital into USD, as I am worried now. ?

Rotherham,well that's my old stopping ground. Maybe while you,re there, you can go into Old Saints Square

And shout off how well Muslims have looked after the vulnerable young girls.

That's pretty low even by your standards

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Two large buckets of bullshit

We've been there done that!

Anything new to contribute?



I couldn't care less what you made of the post but goading in lieu of a meaningful reply is somewhat juvenile.

Thanks! At 62 juvenile is a complement!

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

It follows comments by shadow home secretary Mr Burnham, who told BBC Two's Newsnight the party had failed to reach out to traditional Labour voters.

"We have definitely been far too much Hampstead and not enough Hull in recent times and we need to change that. Here we are two weeks away from the very real prospect that Britain will vote for isolation," he told BBC Two's Newsnight.

I'm inclined to agree. The Islington types will be pro EU, but I think in 'Ull and Bra'ford you'll find the traditional labour voter will be a Brexiteer won't they, Nontabury? Eh? There's nowt as queer as folk.

I'll be voting in a Rotherham suburb and I'll bet I'm the only Remain voter. Sad but true. Shifted my capital into USD, as I am worried now. ?

The Rotherham problem started many years ago and the perpetrators were nationalities that were under UK government immigration control. Nigel Farage however would have you believe it was all a result of being in the EU.

I shall be voting in a nearby Sheffield suburb.

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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

I think he's referring to the Fact that very many Labour supporters intend to vote Brexit. One of the main reason being they know whose jobs will be at stake due to uncontrolled immigration if we remain in the EU, It's those on the lower rungs of the employment ladder,and for them to vote to remain in this corrupt so called Union would be akin to Turkeys voting for Christmas. As a add to this I would say Any Brit voting to remain in,is like a person walking deeper and deeper into quick sand,in the end you will no longer be.
Are you referring to the Labour supporters who are so poorly educated that they can not compete against a Romanian labourer?

If you are wealthy (or think you are ?) and your life is completely Uneffected by mass uncapped immigration,then by all means vote to remain. If on the other hand you are not absorbed in your own selfish world,and can think of those who are less fortunate,vote for Brexit.


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The Labour party is on the ropes, It would seem Labour voters favour Brexit


The tide is turning in favour of Brexit. coffee1.gif

"Turning tides", "Labour voters favours Brexit", what are you imbibing this PM:

Whilst two renegades defy the party mantra, "Labour's leadership is campaigning to stay in the EU" (Remain) "and says Labour votes will be crucial in the referendum".

I think he's referring to the Fact that very many Labour supporters intend to vote Brexit. One of the main reason being they know whose jobs will be at stake due to uncontrolled immigration if we remain in the EU, It's those on the lower rungs of the employment ladder,and for them to vote to remain in this corrupt so called Union would be akin to Turkeys voting for Christmas. As a add to this I would say Any Brit voting to remain in,is like a person walking deeper and deeper into quick sand,in the end you will no longer be.

Are you referring to the Labour supporters who are so poorly educated that they can not compete against a Romanian labourer?

The problem is oversupply, being a business person you will understand that when a market is oversupplied it drives the prices (wages) down and makes it harder for people to compete within that market, this is why we need to stop uncontroled migration, if we control migration we then let in the people wo have the skills the country needs ie doctors, nurses, frankly we have enough unskilled labour as it is we do not need more, if we needed more unskilled labour in the future we would be in a position to choose who those migrants would be.

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Right that's the pound f&&cked for the forseeable future - good luck Brit retirees on UK pensions better start economising now. Why can't we take a leaf out of Thailand's book and get the army in to suspend democracy. The shock waves will be enormous and the Scots are showing a majority to leave - could be a 1997 baht crisis / 2007 Lehman moment when global dominoes begin to fall and the fiction of global growth is exposed for what it is - massive quantitative easing and record low interest rates from wetern economies - and huge pointless infrastructure from China to keep the punchbowl topped up. First rule of a crisis is don't panic and the second rule if you must panic rush to the exits first.sad.png

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"the pound tumbled the most in almost four months after the latest poll showed the campaign for Britain to leave the European Union took a 10 percentage-point lead less than two weeks before the referendum".


Nice job Team Brexit!


Edited by chiang mai
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The sell off has already begun - 55% leave to 45% remain shock poll seems to be a bellweather moment - told the missus to transfer as much as we can to baht on Monday whilst there's still a window left for 50 - expect a pound crash if we leave. Pundits reckon on a 20% devaluation which would mean 40 to the pound.Back in 2003 when I worked in LOS for a year it was 75 - lived like a king !

“Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face.” Mike Tyson

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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Off to the park to convince more Brits to vote EXIT. I must have swayed a few dozen already. I'm keenly pleased to be meddling in UK politics, as my esteemed president, and UK's allowance, indicated I could.

This afternoon I went to the park, as I do each day. An elderly couple I met recently and discussed the Brexit with were already there with son, daughter in law, three neighbors, and some others. Why were they there? As the group put it 'they thought they were resolved to vote Leave but are having second thoughts.' Great!

By the time the joggers had petered off, gone home to dinner, and the British sun was setting, our little group was a throng. I estimate 8 more people committed to voting EXIT out of approximately...8 people (2 from prior day). More importantly, I playfully charged them with repeating the same thing we had done in the park with people at work or neighbors.

Looking forward to the park tomorrow. An American in UK proud to say "The British are coming. The British are coming."

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I just looked at yahoo finance for the USD against the GBP for the last three months a fluctuation of about 1.3 pence from about 70.4 to 69.1 seems stable to me, or is 1p a big jump over 3 months.


It will be intresting to see how it goes in the next 2 weeks

The Pound is down about 4 cents since Tuesday of this week and markets are now closed for the weekend, 4 cents in a week is a lot. Because the Thai banks are closed we wont know until Monday what GBP/THB looks like other than via Reuters which is not representative, the problem will be that this is just the start, potentially. Several million UK expat pensioners and their families just got very nervous whilst casual tourists couldn't care a jot!

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If you are wealthy (or think you are ?) and your life is completely Uneffected by mass uncapped immigration,then by all means vote to remain. If on the other hand you are not absorbed in your own selfish world,and can think of those who are less fortunate,vote for Brexit.

For 'unselfish', read so consumed by racism that it trumps any rational economic arguments. As for 'think of those', well yes, unless they are black, in which case don't bother. Such is the balderdash of the forum BREXITeers who, as the vote approaches, increasingly jettison economics for the heart of their message, which is what it has always been all along.

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Off to the park to convince more Brits to vote EXIT. I must have swayed a few dozen already. I'm keenly pleased to be meddling in UK politics, as my esteemed president, and UK's allowance, indicated I could.

This afternoon I went to the park, as I do each day. An elderly couple I met recently and discussed the Brexit with were already there with son, daughter in law, three neighbors, and some others. Why were they there? As the group put it 'they thought they were resolved to vote Leave but are having second thoughts.' Great!

By the time the joggers had petered off, gone home to dinner, and the British sun was setting, our little group was a throng. I estimate 8 more people committed to voting EXIT out of approximately...8 people (2 from prior day). More importantly, I playfully charged them with repeating the same thing we had done in the park with people at work or neighbors.

Looking forward to the park tomorrow. An American in UK proud to say "The British are coming. The British are coming."

Those Who Are Talented.

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