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Thai Education Min considers Sec 44 for solving higher education problems


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Education Min considers Sec 44 for solving higher education problems


BANGKOK, 2 June 2016 (NNT) - The Education Minister has admitted that he has considered requesting the use of Section 44 to solve the endemic issues surrounding higher education.

Education Minister Gen Dapong Ratanasuwan assured that Section 44 of the interim constitution will only be invoked if regular legal channels have been exhausted in trying to solving Thailand's higher education problems.

Although the minister did not specify the nature of these problems, he said some of them are critical and cannot be resolved through legislative means.

Gen Dapong assured that Section 44 will not be enforced to address these issues this week. He will first consult with legal experts before making a decision. He added that the Ministry of Education’s intervention would be a last resort, as universities are not managed by the Office of the Basic Education Commission.

-- NNT 2016-06-02 footer_n.gif

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I just don't understand why they need any other complicated laws. Section 44 is the magic wand and can take care of problems in every area of society,

bypassing all those pesky regulations that get in the way. Who needs all that, when one less complicated law of section 44 can solve all.

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if critical problems cannot be resolved through legislative means then something very obviously needs addressed so that in the future such issues can be resolved

Edited by smedly
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if critical problems cannot be resolved through legislative means then something very obviously needs addressed so that in the future such issues can be resolved

Can you translate this for those of us who do not understand Newspeak/Juntaspeak?

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"Prayut said after chairing a weekly Cabinet meeting that his power under Article 44 would be mainly used to arrest and detain quickly those violating security laws and committing severe crimes".

Is solving higher education problems considered as violating security laws and severe crimes?

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The Education Minister should, of course, use Section 44 to ensure that students do not - under any circumstances - read Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (which has zero relevance for Thailand) - and should listen to the words of the wise (the beneficent and omniscient elites) without question or demur, for those elites know best.

Yes, Section 44 has a uniquely vital role in university education to maintain the age-old social order (students and other serfs should always know their place) and encourage a life-long habit of NEVER questioning your betters. My God, it fills the heart with national pride that we have such wonderful tools for the betterment of the Thai people at our (sorry - at the elites') ready disposal. Who could wish for more?! How could any other attitude towards tertiary education ever be more enlightened? Answer: it cannot be. Section 44 trumps all. The rest - is (enforced) silence!

Edited by Eligius
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Perhaps they are talking about tea-money for exam passing and much much worse. At one university a few years back, 15 million was allocated/given for computers, but 3 million of that vanished, as if by magic...and only 12m was spent. I know, because I worked there then.

Wasn't there also the case of the Education Minister or Official who was found to be "unusually rich"? As I recall, 10 million in cash (or more) was found in his lovely mansion.


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The Education Minister should, of course, use Section 44 to ensure that students do not - under any circumstances - read Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (which has zero relevance for Thailand) - and should listen to the words of the wise (the beneficent and omniscient elites) without question or demur, for those elites know best.

Yes, Section 44 has a uniquely vital role in university education to maintain the age-old social order (students and other serfs should always know their place) and encourage a life-long habit of NEVER questioning your betters. My God, it fills the heart with national pride that we have such wonderful tools for the betterment of the Thai people at our (sorry - at the elites') ready disposal. Who could wish for more?! How could any other attitude towards tertiary education ever be more enlightened? Answer: it cannot be. Section 44 trumps all. The rest - is (enforced) silence!

the key word enforced silence.

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"Prayut said after chairing a weekly Cabinet meeting that his power under Article 44 would be mainly used to arrest and detain quickly those violating security laws and committing severe crimes".

Is solving higher education problems considered as violating security laws and severe crimes?

It depends on which side of logic you are coming from Eric, I hope that helps.

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Section 44 of the interim constitution will only be invoked if regular legal channels have been exhausted in trying to solving Thailand's higher education problems

It's ironic how often the Prayut regime uses Article 44 to BYPASS legal channels when Prayut is constantly berating the public to OBEY the law.

Prayut berates the lack of discipline of Thai youth to better themselves and be more responsible. Yet, he has become the model of undisciplned and unaccountable behavoir.

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"Prayut said after chairing a weekly Cabinet meeting that his power under Article 44 would be mainly used to arrest and detain quickly those violating security laws and committing severe crimes".

Is solving higher education problems considered as violating security laws and severe crimes?

It depends on which side of logic you are coming from Eric, I hope that helps.

Silly me to think that mandatory reciting of the 12 core values daily will be effective enough to solve that side of logic.

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Surely the problem with education is a cultural problem. How do you solve that with Section 44 ?

Section 44 is often used to transfer or dismiss personnel. Perhaps the problem to be solved is that too many academics harbor inappropriate sympathies.

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Although the minister did not specify the nature of these problems, he said some of them are critical and cannot be resolved through legislative means.

Great news article, two thumbs up.

"What's up, love?"

"I can't tell you"

"Woo, hey, calm down, you can tell me."

"They just won't listen, I'll have to call the boss"

"Hey, come on now, it's not the end of the world"

"Sob,sob, uh,uh,uh"

"Come here, you big silly"

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They should use this guy and his own version of Section 44 to make the students study harder.

I suspect that the "this guy" as in the person quoted in the OP was doing what a lot of Thais like to do......"be heard" no matter how stupid what they say is, seen it going on here for years - people just coming up with stuff when a mic is shoved in their face, it makes them feel important, funny thing is that anyone with an education would know better and know to keep quiet.....................maybe a selfie 44 education is in order - go back to school - you have the power

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To me, this is an admission that he is not capable of performing his duties, therefore, sack the tosser. What can sec 44 do that he, as the duty bound, minister, can't do... by admitting he's a failure, and not resigning, he is in fact insulting the Monarchy.

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Does he mean endemic cheating and the No Fail policy ?

Maybe he can order all Thai University students to increase their IQs to minimum 148 and become self motivated academics to international standards. That would be useful.....

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Hey Boss PM, my ministry can't solve the problem therefore I need you to issue a Sec 44 to make us look good and powerful.

They are the self appointed judicial hub of ASEAN so I don't see why they need a sect 44 in the 1st place.
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