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So Many Continuous Days of Rain - Fewer Smiles - Ending When?


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The impact of continuous raining days seems quite marked here. Normally, everyone has smiles and happy faces. However, I guess Chiang Mai is no different from elsewhere. A certain percentage of smiles have taken cover as storm clouds have descended over the mountain.

I enjoy stormy weather when staying at our beachfront home near New London, but when living in the mountains sunshine is a must to keep the bamboo dry, or suffer from super high humidity.

I know it is the raining season. But some raining seasons are drier, and some are much wetter.

I went on Wunderground, and it looks like there are another 10 solid days of rain in store for us.

Does anyone have more experience predicting how much more of this raining season is in front of us?

I might need to pick up a dehumidifier. And it seems that the white flying ants are now swarming and loving this wet weather.

I guess only the dry sunshine will drive them back where they have been before.

My guess is that there are 20 more days of rain. But, I do not know. I have no experience.

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It is called the raining SEASON not the raining week. I happen to see only people who are relieved and happy that there is at last some precipitation, and who want the rains to be heavy and long lasting enough to rebuild the natural water table and start to refill the dams. This country is simply not able to organise itself to deal with drought so the need for a long and sustained raining season is enormous.

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Just coming out of the worst drought in decades and already people are complaining about the rain. Unbelievable

AGREED! and it only seems that we've had heavy rain in the city for a few evenings and 1 morning.

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It's been raining on and off, mainly on, since my wife and I arrived in PHS on Monday morning. No problem for us.

Edit: it's raining again. Glad we purchased polythene covers for ourselves for the bike.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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Between the rains, the sky is bright blue with puffy white clouds floating across the horizon. The air is clean and fresh. The 'green' is returning to the parched earth all around us. It's a time for rebirth in Nature. And he wants it to end? I'd be happy to see the animals marching by two-sies down Huay Keaw, heading for the boat! Maybe... just maybe... there will be enough water for another growing season.

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Agree re the humidity. I did a little work in the basement a few days ago. About 45 minutes and my clothing was soaked in sweat.

But in saying that I'm loving this rain. It's better than that heatwave we went through and the ground is loving it too

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I'm willing to put up with rainy days and fewer smiles if it means we don't have another drought

Ditto. Sunshine is nice but you cannot drink or shower in it. The rainy season is just starting so brace yourself more to come. Mother Nature is diversified accept it.

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Welcome to the rainy season, long may it rain! I'll take this over the burning season any time.

I went to Mae Sai the first week of April, and everywhere on the way the forest was either burnt, burning, or withered from lack of water. Let it rain!

Edited by heybruce
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Blessed be the rain even though my neighborhood is frog and tookay challenged. However, as if in response to my inmost desires, the Nok Kapoot are hooting throughout the night now.

And, three very buff alpha-male pigeons performed a bowing-and-dipping tango for me today lasting at least eight minutes.

How can I not be happy (other than looking in the mirror) :) ?

cheers, ~o:37;

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Rain is good for the farmers but this humid 32 deg is far worse than the 42 deg of dry heat , 2 weeks ago.

Everything is moist and sticky . Walk 20m and your shirt is wet with sweat.

>>Walk 20m and your shirt is wet with sweat.<<.......are you grossly overweight ? ,as i dont seem to have that problem currently .

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It has been so dry here, I am loving the rain - - those billions of insects that swarm after the first rainy period is usually a couple of day event and goes away...

I have read that El Nino is dry here and has been the cause of our drought and we are now going into a La Nina that reverses - so, hopefully we will have a very very rainy season - I live with farmers - it is great to welcome the rain...

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