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Wat Dhammakaya says no to doctors from Police hospital


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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

If you do a bit of research all will be reviled to you google is your friend

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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

Yes to all of your answers. I posted the below comment on the other thread yesterday.

Buddhism and politics go hand in hand due to the sheer number of followers popular temples can command. Thaksin was never well liked by the Buddhist heads from the beginning of his career. He was able to find support from Wat Dhammakaya. Wat Dhammakaya was not well liked by many due to its unorthodox teachings, telling followers how merit can be accumulated through financial donations. (They even have brochures outlining if you donate X amount, you will reach X level)

Needless to say Thaksin showered this temple with a lot of cash. In return the head of the temple gave his support. Back when the temple corruption first surface in 2001, people said it was Thaksin who protected this abbot from criticism and from being investigated. During Thaksins outster, the temple has openly supported Thaksin. The temple mobilize its monks to counter against the army during UDDs protests back in the day. Played songs that supported Thaksin at the temple, as well as put up pro-thaksin posters around the city.

The Supreme Patriarch, most senior monk was going to disrobbed the head monk of Wat Dhammakaya - Phra , but sadly the Supreme Patriarch passed away in 2013 before the order could go through. So this corrupt monk held his position and the power among the top monks seems to have shifted in his favor.

This whole mess also ties with how the new Supreme Patriarch has not been elected yet, but leading candidate Somdet Chuang is a supporter of Wat Dhammakaya - Somdet Chuang ordained the corrupted monk. Many fear that the corrupt monk will be let off the hook for good if Somdet chuang is elected. Not only that, Somdet Chuang did not follow the deceased Supreme Patriarchs order of disrobing the corrupt monk.

The political tie is pretty obvious, as the temple has hundreds and thousands of followers, they can quickly mobilize its supporters for any cause. The General and army also want to dismantle this influence as it is the last remaining strong support that Thaksin has.

Thanks for the article, seems a reasonable story, unfortunately there's no info on the author, no bibliography, so difficult to see if its a story by an independent person or someone that had issues with either the monk/temple/Thaksin, as many people have problems with politics and open mindedness.

But hey if this bloke is as corrupt as it is suggested then let the full weight of the law fall on him, a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it...

It would be nice to see an intendant investigation into Suthep's monk attack dog and see how dealings come out in the wash...

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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

If you do a bit of research all will be reviled to you google is your friend

A quick google will easily show this is not the first time this monk has been the centre of allegations / investigations, somewhat sidelined, regarding corruption, etc.

The same is the major reason why the now deceased supreme patriarch ordered the spaceship monk to be disrobed but somehow the order wasn't carried out and there has been mention of investigation why it was not carried out.

By the way, if the other monk (aligned to suthep's cause) has committed corruption or whatever then he should be investigated and if guilty he should be punished appropriately. But please don't try to use that as some form of excuse or diversion in regard to the current actual thread.

Another point, several of my work colleagues, regular attenders at the spaceship wat have in the past totally refused to accept any negative comment about the spaceship temple / monk, are now openly saying they have recently asked questions, cannot get any answers and been told strongly to make no comment to anybody except to talk very positively about the 'ill' monk.

Edited by scorecard
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Thanks for the article, seems a reasonable story, unfortunately there's no info on the author, no bibliography, so difficult to see if its a story by an independent person or someone that had issues with either the monk/temple/Thaksin, as many people have problems with politics and open mindedness.

But hey if this bloke is as corrupt as it is suggested then let the full weight of the law fall on him, a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it...

It would be nice to see an intendant investigation into Suthep's monk attack dog and see how dealings come out in the wash...

"a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it..." closely followed by "Suthep's monk attack dog".

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

Just another post promising violence from the red camp should one of their criminals be brought to justice. There will be blood!

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Forgive me if I wrong but is it possible that the police doctors can't be brought

With money, or gold passes to heaven (currently priced at a B1 billion donation)?

In Buddhism there is no heaven, I believe the practice of giving to temples, monks, abbots is to bribe a better reincarnation than one justly deserves when the time comes. facepalm.gif

P.S. I do hope the good lord will recall from who's wallet all those donations made by my many ex girlfriends came from. gigglem.gif

Edited by Basil B
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Thanks for the article, seems a reasonable story, unfortunately there's no info on the author, no bibliography, so difficult to see if its a story by an independent person or someone that had issues with either the monk/temple/Thaksin, as many people have problems with politics and open mindedness.

But hey if this bloke is as corrupt as it is suggested then let the full weight of the law fall on him, a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it...

It would be nice to see an intendant investigation into Suthep's monk attack dog and see how dealings come out in the wash...

"a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it..." closely followed by "Suthep's monk attack dog".

Geezz man talk about being taken out of context, Less than half my sentence used, and only the second part of it which then cut some more out then back quotation marks again, one of your favorite little tricks mate, And now my comment IN CONTEXT.

"But hey if this bloke is as corrupt as it is suggested then let the full weight of the law fall on him, a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it."

(meaning a persons political connections should have no bearing/sway/influence, on any judicial findings,/ no-bias/open transparent proceedings)

And yeah have you have seen the video of him in the hotel demanding money and intimidating staff? or you choose to spin that one as well or just ignore it like the other things that come up that are not ,,,,palatable for the public and junta fan boys.......

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

Just another post promising violence from the red camp should one of their criminals be brought to justice. There will be blood!

You really do like to make s___t up huh,,,

I read no wear in his post "there will be blood" Your words mate...

"Just another post promising violence from the red camp" Again more fairy tails from you, I read nowhere in the post a promise of violence, It most certainly dose not say what you are trying to spin it into man, You are deliberately miss quoting or misrepresenting a post, pathetic.post-4641-1156693976.gif Your second attempt at it today.

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

Just another post promising violence from the red camp should one of their criminals be brought to justice. There will be blood!

You really do like to make s___t up huh,,,

I read no wear in his post "there will be blood" Your words mate...

"Just another post promising violence from the red camp" Again more fairy tails from you, I read nowhere in the post a promise of violence, It most certainly dose not say what you are trying to spin it into man, You are deliberately miss quoting or misrepresenting a post, pathetic.post-4641-1156693976.gif Your second attempt at it today.

Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

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With money, or gold passes to heaven (currently priced at a B1 billion donation)?

In Buddhism there is no heaven, I believe the practice of giving to temples, monks, abbots is to bribe a better reincarnation than one justly deserves when the time comes. facepalm.gif

P.S. I do hope the good lord will recall from who's wallet all those donations made by my many ex girlfriends came from. gigglem.gif

I guess you missed it, but promises of a Buddhist heaven is one of his problems with the powers that be.

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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

Yes to all of your answers. I posted the below comment on the other thread yesterday.

Buddhism and politics go hand in hand due to the sheer number of followers popular temples can command. Thaksin was never well liked by the Buddhist heads from the beginning of his career. He was able to find support from Wat Dhammakaya. Wat Dhammakaya was not well liked by many due to its unorthodox teachings, telling followers how merit can be accumulated through financial donations. (They even have brochures outlining if you donate X amount, you will reach X level)

Needless to say Thaksin showered this temple with a lot of cash. In return the head of the temple gave his support. Back when the temple corruption first surface in 2001, people said it was Thaksin who protected this abbot from criticism and from being investigated. During Thaksins outster, the temple has openly supported Thaksin. The temple mobilize its monks to counter against the army during UDDs protests back in the day. Played songs that supported Thaksin at the temple, as well as put up pro-thaksin posters around the city.

The Supreme Patriarch, most senior monk was going to disrobbed the head monk of Wat Dhammakaya - Phra , but sadly the Supreme Patriarch passed away in 2013 before the order could go through. So this corrupt monk held his position and the power among the top monks seems to have shifted in his favor.

This whole mess also ties with how the new Supreme Patriarch has not been elected yet, but leading candidate Somdet Chuang is a supporter of Wat Dhammakaya - Somdet Chuang ordained the corrupted monk. Many fear that the corrupt monk will be let off the hook for good if Somdet chuang is elected. Not only that, Somdet Chuang did not follow the deceased Supreme Patriarchs order of disrobing the corrupt monk.

The political tie is pretty obvious, as the temple has hundreds and thousands of followers, they can quickly mobilize its supporters for any cause. The General and army also want to dismantle this influence as it is the last remaining strong support that Thaksin has.

Thanks for the article, seems a reasonable story, unfortunately there's no info on the author, no bibliography, so difficult to see if its a story by an independent person or someone that had issues with either the monk/temple/Thaksin, as many people have problems with politics and open mindedness.

But hey if this bloke is as corrupt as it is suggested then let the full weight of the law fall on him, a persons political connections should have nothing to do with it...

It would be nice to see an intendant investigation into Suthep's monk attack dog and see how dealings come out in the wash...

The post was my own summary from articles I read. If you want proof, author, etc you can easily find the articles published online by searching "Wat Dhammakaya Scandal" or "Wat Dhammakaya Corruption" - on google, you can click advance and search for articles from early 2000s. This has been widely reported for several years.

The bloke has proven to be corrupted early this year when investigations concluded, its not a matter of "IF" anymore. The problem with Thailand is that it has always been hard to arrest and sentence high profile figures. But times are changing.

The persons political connection has everything to do with it, temples should be neutral and not interfere with politics, monks should not be on streets acting as human shields to counter against soldiers. Monks should not have billions in their personal account as well, yes he was found to have billions under his name.

Suthep is corrupted as hell, no different than many others, and yes he should be in jail too...

Edited by mike324
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With money, or gold passes to heaven (currently priced at a B1 billion donation)?

In Buddhism there is no heaven, I believe the practice of giving to temples, monks, abbots is to bribe a better reincarnation than one justly deserves when the time comes. facepalm.gif

P.S. I do hope the good lord will recall from who's wallet all those donations made by my many ex girlfriends came from. gigglem.gif

I guess you missed it, but promises of a Buddhist heaven is one of his problems with the powers that be.

Thai social media have some info on how much the temple is charging for entry into heaven. It goes along the lines of 1/2 mil to reach the gates, another 1/2 mil to speak to the gatekeeper, another 1/2 mil...........you get the idea.

There are other claims of threatening behavior/violence against neighbors to force them to hand over land for temple expansion.

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

Just another post promising violence from the red camp should one of their criminals be brought to justice. There will be blood!

You really do like to make s___t up huh,,,

I read no wear in his post "there will be blood" Your words mate...

"Just another post promising violence from the red camp" Again more fairy tails from you, I read nowhere in the post a promise of violence, It most certainly dose not say what you are trying to spin it into man, You are deliberately miss quoting or misrepresenting a post, pathetic.post-4641-1156693976.gif Your second attempt at it today.

Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

Seems to me that our 'aussie genius' is to some main extent arguing with himself. Or perhaps that's his long-term strategy, hoping that regularly returning to a topic will convince folks of his argument points, especially those who are not so well acquainted with the subject at hand? (shades of amsterdam.)

He goes back to the same points / irrelevant points again and again, 99% of them have been argued to death over many years.

Now just one more time: Yes many contributors have, many times, agreed that there are many folks, many colours, many affiliations, many agendas who have contributed to the current state of affairs, some positively / some negatively, where indicated they should be investigated and if guilty they should be punished.

He rambles on about the other monk asking people in hotels for donations. Well I'm going to assume many folks would agree it's quite inappropriate to do that.

But mr. aussie is it appropriate, regardless of location, to ask / push for big donations / very big donations claiming it will bringing a higher level of existence in the next life? And is it appropriate for a proclaimed buddhist organization to be spending billions of dollars on expensive and vast building complexes, etc?

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I would think that a hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for the current governments coffin. Any show of force on a large scale could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned. That is why I believe this situation / standoff / farce will continue or even blend into insignificance with the passage of time. I could of course be wrong but I believe that the Abbot is merely a pawn in these proceedings, the real issue is how far either side can be pushed before giving way. I have, and will keep, my own thoughts on the outcome of that one.

Just another post promising violence from the red camp should one of their criminals be brought to justice. There will be blood!

You really do like to make s___t up huh,,,

I read no wear in his post "there will be blood" Your words mate...

"Just another post promising violence from the red camp" Again more fairy tails from you, I read nowhere in the post a promise of violence, It most certainly dose not say what you are trying to spin it into man, You are deliberately miss quoting or misrepresenting a post, pathetic.post-4641-1156693976.gif Your second attempt at it today.

Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

And yes another amusing post from Halloween master spinner, man you spin tweak n flip better than Shane Warne...

So because a comment suggested any "hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for this current government", You claim it as a "promise of violence from the red camp", try reading it again,,, To me, it is a comment by billphilips, suggesting the government need to be carful and not go in hard (using violence) that is not a red camp promise,,, it's one mans opinion and YOU twisting and spinning it doesn't make what you want all to believe...

Now you understand lil fella? there's a good boy.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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When does this lunacy end??? dry.png


As we speak, there are mediators that will convince the Dhammakaya to surrender himself to the judiciary process and thereafter the court will find a compromise whereby he gets a slap his wrist. No direct ugly confrontation and no one lose face. Thailand history full of court cases untying volatile political knots to reach middle ground. Problem is whether Dhammakaya enemies will accept the court decision and wage their own wars.

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Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

And yes another amusing post from Halloween master spinner, man you spin tweak n flip better than Shane Warne...

So because a comment suggested any "hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for this current government", You claim it as a "promise of violence from the red camp", try reading it again,,, To me, it is a comment by billphilips, suggesting the government need to be carful and not go in hard (using violence) that is not a red camp promise,,, it's one mans opinion and YOU twisting and spinning it doesn't make what you want all to believe...

Now you understand lil fella? there's a good boy.

Correct, don't go in hard - or what? How about addressing the part of the post I quoted? It is an implicit threat that hard action by the authorities will provoke violence.

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Vetting Medical Council Physicians by the monk's physicians will consist of the "brown envelope test."

Here's another angle:

- Are the spaceship monks medical advisers actually qualified to vet the qualifications of the medicos listed by the Medical Council of Thailand for the medical check of the spaceship monk?

Seems rather doubtful...

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Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

And yes another amusing post from Halloween master spinner, man you spin tweak n flip better than Shane Warne...

So because a comment suggested any "hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for this current government", You claim it as a "promise of violence from the red camp", try reading it again,,, To me, it is a comment by billphilips, suggesting the government need to be carful and not go in hard (using violence) that is not a red camp promise,,, it's one mans opinion and YOU twisting and spinning it doesn't make what you want all to believe...

Now you understand lil fella? there's a good boy.

Correct, don't go in hard - or what? How about addressing the part of the post I quoted? It is an implicit threat that hard action by the authorities will provoke violence.

Ahhh there you go lil fella, your slowly getting there but still a ways to go yet, so we'll try just once more and see if it gets through ok popit.

billphillips made a comment suggesting there could be violence if the police/military go in hard, now you come out and claim it a (a promised threat of violence from the red camp) followed by your statement "there will be blood". So do you finally admit you have tried to turn one mans comment into red threats of violence and not a statement from "the red camp at all? so that would be inaccurate/false/lies yeah.

So then you have gone from your fist claims of promised violence from the reds to "implicit threats of violence, when there was NEVER any such thing at all but one persons comment... in other words you twist and spin stuff to suit your own opinions, and you don't like being called out on it.

Lesson over your dismissed.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Another highly amusing post from our Aussie genius, though you probably don't get it. Tell me what does "...could easily trigger a reaction that could not be contained and lead to the fragile current day status being overturned." mean to you if not a threat of violence?

And yes "there will be blood!" was all my own work. If a quote, it would have been inside quotation marks (" ").

And yes another amusing post from Halloween master spinner, man you spin tweak n flip better than Shane Warne...

So because a comment suggested any "hard line or violence in this temple could be a very big bag of nails for this current government", You claim it as a "promise of violence from the red camp", try reading it again,,, To me, it is a comment by billphilips, suggesting the government need to be carful and not go in hard (using violence) that is not a red camp promise,,, it's one mans opinion and YOU twisting and spinning it doesn't make what you want all to believe...

Now you understand lil fella? there's a good boy.

Correct, don't go in hard - or what? How about addressing the part of the post I quoted? It is an implicit threat that hard action by the authorities will provoke violence.

Ahhh there you go lil fella, your slowly getting there but still a ways to go yet, so we'll try just once more and see if it gets through ok popit.

billphillips made a comment suggesting there could be violence if the police/military go in hard, now you come out and claim it a (a promised threat of violence from the red camp) followed by your statement "there will be blood". So do you finally admit you have tried to turn one mans comment into red threats of violence and not a statement from "the red camp at all? so that would be inaccurate/false/lies yeah.

So then you have gone from your fist claims of promised violence from the reds to "implicit threats of violence, when there was NEVER any such thing at all but one persons comment... in other words you twist and spin stuff to suit your own opinions, and you don't like being called out on it.

Lesson over your dismissed.

So now you want to concentrate on "the red camp" ? Do you forget writing " I read nowhere in the post a promise of violence,"

Or is that inconvenient?

Dhammakaya and his sect are very much associated with "the red camp", and Shinawatra sycophants are all too ready to make claims of impending violent revolution which only exists in their own fantasies. Keep on trolling.

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assume for a moment that this monk and temple are heavily involved in money laundering and that many powerful people have been using the service provided for many years, it would make sense that that would render him and his temple untouchable, some may not want their dodgy dealings exposed and we are talking billions of baht of ill gotten gains over many years, for me that is the only thing that makes sense of this unholy mess.

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assume for a moment that this monk and temple are heavily involved in money laundering and that many powerful people have been using the service provided for many years, it would make sense that that would render him and his temple untouchable, some may not want their dodgy dealings exposed and we are talking billions of baht of ill gotten gains over many years, for me that is the only thing that makes sense of this unholy mess.

Wasn't this scenario also one of those suggested about the flying monk who managed to get all his money out of his bank a/c's before they were frozen and escape very easily while the authorities were advertising their every move in advance ?

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