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My mistake in the supermarket check out


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I was at a major supermarket yesterday. The basket was full of several large items such as cases of beer and water. I held up one of each item for the cashier to scan and she asked how many of each before each scan. On some packs of water I told her two as this was what I thought we had however i later realized it was three after reaching home

My initial reaction was to go back to the store and pay the 49 baht to the customer service counter today.Will this get the cashier in trouble? My friend said I should just forget about it going back to pay will just cause confusion.

What do you think?

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

Surely the receipt has a link to the cashier.

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

Surely the receipt has a link to the cashier.

A lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time ago I used to work for Safeway a UK supermarket, you had to sign the till roll every time you sat at the till and used it.

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

So police officers <deleted> up and they are put to inactive post, but a checkout girl misses a 49 baht item and 100% she is fired?

how do you guys dream up this nonsense?

Extraordinary how foriegners seem to know all these things absolutely 100% but have no proof or experience 100%

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

Surely the receipt has a link to the cashier.

Of course it will, this is why I said "If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them....."

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

So police officers <deleted> up and they are put to inactive post, but a checkout girl misses a 49 baht item and 100% she is fired?

how do you guys dream up this nonsense?

Extraordinary how foriegners seem to know all these things absolutely 100% but have no proof or experience 100%

You have no idea what experience I have.

Once a guy did a bit of work for me on a day off, he was fired for this because he works for someone else. I was shocked to hear about it but it's no big deal because this kind of thing happens every day, all the time, everywhere.

Edited by ukrules
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Given the sort of staff scams that supermarkets must have to deal with here I dont imagine that they would care much about a real customer being undercharged by 49B.

There's a reason that Makro check all receipts and caddy contents at the exit.

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A few years back at the OnNut Tesco I was short-changed 700+ baht which I discovered just as she, the cashier, closed the till. I made mention of her mistake and this issue proceeded to take the next 15 minutes to resolve. The cash office manager had to come out and count/balance the till and then when she saw that I was indeed shorted she gave me the money. Needless to say the next day I was in there and the cashier was no more a cashier. She was cleaning shelves. blink.png A few weeks later she wasn't even working there anymore. I felt sorry for her. So just leave well enough alone, enjoy the water, as she will probably be out of cashiering job at that supermarket if you go back and point out the error.

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You are kidding me right? Have you any idea how many times you have been overcharged? Of course you don't...you are not supposed to notice...

Start counting your change...pay attention to your restaurant bill...and yes, even the supermarket will rip you off...don't worry about your little mistake...

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I did it in my own country the other day.

Did the shopping and bought three 24 packs of water. Normally they see it and manually put it in. On this day they did not and I was surprised on checking my bill at home.

Also done this with sugar been charged for white sugar when I accidentally put the more expensive raw in my trolley.

Don't worry about it as nothing good can come of it.

Manager might see it as a loss of face that you did this if his superior is there and decide you are a thief and as such they call the police.

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Because it was "stock" you left with there is little to no chance to link it to that check-out.

However, if it was a mistake in money, (she gave you too much change etc) which left her till short, then yes, she would probably have to pay it.

This is also why they have people check your trolley against your receipt at some stores as you exit.

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There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

Surely the receipt has a link to the cashier.

Of course it will, this is why I said "If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them....."

Without being caught by the door check guy they have no actual idea what is in your cart - left on the shelf - or in another cart on it's way to check out.....

Once you present the receipt however fingers can be pointed.....

Best to leave it be....Or give the customer service counter 50 & tell them you found it on the floor if will ease your conscience.....

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I don't really know who is winning over the period - the stores or me! I DO know I have "won" twice. Once when I was given change for a B1000 when I gave them a B500 note that they effectively gave me back. I didn't think of it until I got home.

Last year I bought a 5kg bag of basmati rice B450. It was in my trolley and as usual my trolley's contents were compared with the till receipt. There were only a few items in the trolley but the bag of rice was by far the largest physical item with nothing covered up. I thought as I left the Makro store that I had more change than I was owed but didn't check until got home to discover I got my rice for free - not on the till receipt.

There are two points here: firstly, the Checkers often don't do their job properly, as in my rice scenario, leaving the till girl to later try and explain a shortfall of B450 (at least) and secondly, we should check everything before we leave the store but we don't, do we? It's not especially convenient and not thought of as necessary, but a lot less than a potential visit back to the store.

Customers make mistakes and Workers make mistakes. Isolated incidents should be treated for what they are. Workers do deserve being fired if malpractice is proven.

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As JT just pointed out the till will be balanced as far as your purchase is concerned, no need to worry about problems for the cashier.

Just tell the store that you walked out without paying for a pack of water, bluffing your way past the cashier.

We can then watch TV come alive with condemnation/outrage when the members read:

"Breaking: Foreigner Arrested for Stealing 49baht Pack of Water"

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You need to understand that the only way for the store to see that a pack of water has disappeared is doing a full inventory, in which case a small thing like this would be nothing out of the ordinary, completly natural, a cost of doing business with hundreds of thousands of transactions.

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