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Police Stops at Asoke Intersection

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I used to live at Asoke junction, and saw this practice first hand. Anyone who believes it's related in any way to crime prevention is hopelessly naive.

It's a shame it's starting again, as the negative publicity on international social media sites will impact on local businesses.

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I used to live at Asoke junction, and saw this practice first hand. Anyone who believes it's related in any way to crime prevention is hopelessly naive.

It's a shame it's starting again, as the negative publicity on international social media sites will impact on local businesses.

A lot of truth in what you say, for me personally this shit has been going on for 20+ years, Ekamai bus station being a prime example.

These days I dont bother with that part of town, I just get the skytrain to elsewhewre.

Yes I have been pulled over by these loonies a few times, nothing to hide nothing to fear, they dont intimidate me at all, its just the ferk about factor that pisses me off.

Not mentioned, "fake police" in Bangkok.

Not mentioned, fake police in Pattaya.

Welcome to the LOS(cams).

A few years ago I knew there as a problem when the mrs said, meung ben krai?

Funnily enough the answer was, mai pen rai, bai hut.

Get your mrs to translate.


I used to live at Asoke junction, and saw this practice first hand. Anyone who believes it's related in any way to crime prevention is hopelessly naive.

It's a shame it's starting again, as the negative publicity on international social media sites will impact on local businesses.

Isn't that where most of the white falang drug dealers and pimps tend to hang out after about 7 p.m. because of the proximity to the Cowboy nightlife hub? I'd say that's your reason right there. And there are going to be some people saying "there aren't white falang drug dealers" in Bangkok - well, yes, there are many. In fact, many of the drug kingpins are white guys. A lot of deals go down around Asoke area. That's also where the white pimps hang out, in fact many of them own bars in Cowboy. Again, some are going to say "those guys are bar owners, not pimps". They knowingly own bars where prostitution takes place and they get a cut of it. That's the textbook definition of pimp. Anyone who thinks there isn't a huge amount of crime committed by foreigners every day around Asoke is the person who's "hopelessly naive" or is deliberately trying to create an impression that it's not the case because they are one of the criminals operating there who doesn't want to get caught. The level of crime by white foreigners in Bangkok is massive. I could tell you about it, but you wouldn't even believe me. So many people who claim to be "Bangkok experts" know very little about what actually goes on. They claim to be "old hands" but they have never stopped living like tourists, and to all intents and purposes they are long-stay tourists. They know nothing of the criminal underbelly populated by both Thais and white foreigners, and they assume they know better than the Thai police who are "hassling them for no reason". That couldn't be further from the truth.


I used to live at Asoke junction, and saw this practice first hand. Anyone who believes it's related in any way to crime prevention is hopelessly naive.

It's a shame it's starting again, as the negative publicity on international social media sites will impact on local businesses.

Isn't that where most of the white falang drug dealers and pimps tend to hang out after about 7 p.m. because of the proximity to the Cowboy nightlife hub? I'd say that's your reason right there. And there are going to be some people saying "there aren't white falang drug dealers" in Bangkok - well, yes, there are many. In fact, many of the drug kingpins are white guys. A lot of deals go down around Asoke area. That's also where the white pimps hang out, in fact many of them own bars in Cowboy. Again, some are going to say "those guys are bar owners, not pimps". They knowingly own bars where prostitution takes place and they get a cut of it. That's the textbook definition of pimp. Anyone who thinks there isn't a huge amount of crime committed by foreigners every day around Asoke is the person who's "hopelessly naive" or is deliberately trying to create an impression that it's not the case because they are one of the criminals operating there who doesn't want to get caught. The level of crime by white foreigners in Bangkok is massive. I could tell you about it, but you wouldn't even believe me. So many people who claim to be "Bangkok experts" know very little about what actually goes on. They claim to be "old hands" but they have never stopped living like tourists, and to all intents and purposes they are long-stay tourists. They know nothing of the criminal underbelly populated by both Thais and white foreigners, and they assume they know better than the Thai police who are "hassling them for no reason". That couldn't be further from the truth.

Fine - IF the BiB were pulling over Thai's as well - BUT, in this instance it has been observed that the BiB are specifically targeting foreigners.

I'm not usually one who subscribes to this paranoid thinking... for example; traffic stops in cars etc, I don't believe Westerners are targeted any more or less than Thai's. However, In the past, when taking a Taxi in the Asoke Area, or Walking around the BiB have appeared to specifically target Westerners.

IF the BiB were pulling over anyone, randomly and it was obvious that they were not specifically targeting Westerners then everyone would be happy with your explanation - it is after all valid.

In which case the BiB could do a far better job of investigation that pulling over random foreigners walking though the area.

If I'm a 'king Pin' pull me over in my BMW.... the BiB are too scared of others with connections to do that.

Of course, another explanation is that Westerners are more easy to shakedown, its an easy & quick revenue source (one such story reported on ThaiVisa.com is of a posters parents, a 70 year old Western couple being shaken down)., so they target the easy prey, which is what I'm sure they consider many Westerners to be.

I hope this practice is not starting up again.


From first hand accounts it seems they are not doing anything ropey, checking people and moving on, no idea why but nothing dodgy going on like fishing for bribes from what I have read so far

Not heard of bad experiences with this yet just 'bit strange'


Sad a thread on an important issue is plagued by the 'if you don't like it, go home/It's their country etc...' set and the equally pointless 'If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear' set, none of whom have obviously ever spent the best part of an hour being pawed and harassed by these vermin on a baking hot day with more pressing business elsewhere in town to attend to.

It is worrying that this abuse has been allowed to resurge after the damage done when the last spate of tourist harassments made the international media, shining no positive light on the nation.

Then, the Junta wisely jumped all over it, however it seems that that 'crackdown' was as short lived as such 'crackdowns' always are in Thailand. One hopes this makes the international media and again shames the Junta into action against these criminals.

From first hand accounts it seems they are not doing anything ropey, checking people and moving on, no idea why but nothing dodgy going on like fishing for bribes from what I have read so far

So there's nothing wrong in harassing people while 'fishing for bribes'? Is there? If that is the limit of it then it's petty crime/thuggery at best......


Sad a thread on an important issue is plagued by the 'if you don't like it, go home/It's their country etc...' set and the equally pointless 'If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear' set, none of whom have obviously ever spent the best part of an hour being pawed and harassed by these vermin on a baking hot day with more pressing business elsewhere in town to attend to.

It is worrying that this abuse has been allowed to resurge after the damage done when the last spate of tourist harassments made the international media, shining no positive light on the nation.

Then, the Junta wisely jumped all over it, however it seems that that 'crackdown' was as short lived as such 'crackdowns' always are in Thailand. One hopes this makes the international media and again shames the Junta into action against these criminals.

You were stopped for an hour ?

When they stopped me it was all over within 5 minutes, they realized I wasnt scared of them so maybe knew they would get nothing out of me and were waiting for an easier target.

Or maybe you give off a vibe that suggests you are scared thus giving them reason to believe you have something on you.

Maybe it was more the way you acted than the way they acted ?

As for Thainess, I have giving up taking any notice of his postings, From this thread alone we have learnt he is ex special forces and has his hand on the drug deals that are going down in Thonglor.


They've stopped me in that area before. It was all smiles and over in about 90 seconds. Unless you have something on you that you shouldn't have, you're on something you shouldn't be, or you're paranoid enough to think that all Thai people are out to get you, it's not a problem.


They've stopped me in that area before. It was all smiles and over in about 90 seconds. Unless you have something on you that you shouldn't have, you're on something you shouldn't be, or you're paranoid enough to think that all Thai people are out to get you, it's not a problem.

Happened to me too...a flash of a Thai drivers licence and we were waved on with a smile.

He did take some interest in the contents of a cigarette packet...but I had nothing to worry about.


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

That is total bullshit. There is PLENTY to be concerned about. There have been many phony cops (and just plain crooked cops) stopping people to try to get money off them, etc. There have been official police announcements saying that they will only stop people at a marked, official stop, so you should always be cautious of "cops" just randomly sauntering up to you. Get your facts straight before you make stupid statements like this. You're very naive (and, no doubt, very white and monied) if you think only "criminal scum" has something to fear from cops, in any country.

  • 1 month later...

Police stops at the Asoke intersection seems to be going alive & well for them with the usual taxis & foreigners crossing at the police box getting stopped. Happened over the past few weekends over the last month. Yesterday around 2:30am a Korean was stopped directly opposite Sukhimvit 20 by 2 cops on a motorcycle who was searching him. Saw it as I was in a taxi passing them.


Police stops at the Asoke intersection seems to be going alive & well for them with the usual taxis & foreigners crossing at the police box getting stopped. Happened over the past few weekends over the last month. Yesterday around 2:30am a Korean was stopped directly opposite Sukhimvit 20 by 2 cops on a motorcycle who was searching him. Saw it as I was in a taxi passing them.

How do you know he was Korean ?


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

maybe it's just me, but I take my personal freedoms and liberty to be sacred. To be stopped and asked for my papers and searched on demand reminds me of Germany before ww2. To loose our freedom of movement, requires people to lay down and accept it. That is the begging of the end. I am not a criminal and I don't expect to be treated as one.

That "liberty" and those "freedoms" apply in your country, not this one

My country, Great Britain, is fiercely opposed to the introduction of compulsory ID cards but, here, they're mandatory after a certain age

A Thai, when asked for his or her ID by a police officer, thinks nothing of it because it's a commonplace, almost routine thing

Enter uppity, self-important, high-and-mighty farang who thinks his "freedoms" accompanied him on the flight over and through immigration and tries to interpret the law of this land through a filter of norms he's come to expect in his own

In his mind, his shit doesn't stink and, because he's a white, moneyed Westerner from a 1st world, democratic nation, the police officer should take his word for it


Wake up! You ain't special and, to the cops, you're just some farang who could've been stupid enough to buy gear off an African dealer on lower Sukhumvit

You can beat your ever-so-free and self-entitled chest all you like but do so to the wrong cop and you could open up a world of hurt for yourself


I'd let them look in my pockets, show them my passport details if they asked, then smile and go on my way.

You would enjoy someone rummaging around in your pockets?


They've stopped me in that area before. It was all smiles and over in about 90 seconds. Unless you have something on you that you shouldn't have, you're on something you shouldn't be, or you're paranoid enough to think that all Thai people are out to get you, it's not a problem.

Wow, you are quick. One can only wonder what the smiles were about


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

Not necessarily. They could set you up (plant drugs). It's your word against theirs.


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

maybe it's just me, but I take my personal freedoms and liberty to be sacred. To be stopped and asked for my papers and searched on demand reminds me of Germany before ww2. To loose our freedom of movement, requires people to lay down and accept it. That is the begging of the end. I am not a criminal and I don't expect to be treated as one.

Its fine to have nothing to fear, but many of us don't want to carry our passport because of the risks of losing it and associated headaches with getting a new one...

... So we do have something to fear... albeit not a serious something... but dealing with BiB who try and threaten and intimidate you is not fun for anyone.

....When the BiB stop us and ask for our passport and we don't have it, all they want is the fine... Or more accurately a 'bribe'....

.. the BiB realise they can make money this way and before we know it we are subject to another series of shakedowns along Sukhumvit rd.

This isn't a showstopper... but it wears thin, it becomes annoying... especially when those doing the shakedowns are 'the worthless criminals'... we see through the facade... thats the annoying part.

I've go absolutely nothing to hide - but being cornered and intimidated by a couple of BiB is fun for no one, especially if it becomes a regular thing.

And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

maybe it's just me, but I take my personal freedoms and liberty to be sacred. To be stopped and asked for my papers and searched on demand reminds me of Germany before ww2. To loose our freedom of movement, requires people to lay down and accept it. That is the begging of the end. I am not a criminal and I don't expect to be treated as one.

Its fine to have nothing to fear, but many of us don't want to carry our passport because of the risks of losing it and associated headaches with getting a new one...

... So we do have something to fear... albeit not a serious something... but dealing with BiB who try and threaten and intimidate you is not fun for anyone.

....When the BiB stop us and ask for our passport and we don't have it, all they want is the fine... Or more accurately a 'bribe'....

.. the BiB realise they can make money this way and before we know it we are subject to another series of shakedowns along Sukhumvit rd.

This isn't a showstopper... but it wears thin, it becomes annoying... especially when those doing the shakedowns are 'the worthless criminals'... we see through the facade... thats the annoying part.

I've go absolutely nothing to hide - but being cornered and intimidated by a couple of BiB is fun for no one, especially if it becomes a regular thing.

And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?

What you could do is wear a helmet. Or do you think breaking the law is ok.


And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?

What you could do is wear a helmet. Or do you think breaking the law is ok.

LOL... I come to the Bangkok forum for the first time in ages and a smartass pops up immediately. I suppose it's to be expected when you post this time of night.

You'll never catch me without a helmet dude. I'd wear one even if it was not the law - for safety. Where did I say I'm the one being stopped by the police for not wearing a helmet? But if you need to get smart, solve this mystery for me. Last time I was in Bangkok, last month, I had the pleasure of riding on quite a number of bike taxis, on very busy streets, in the centre of Bangkok (Sathorn Road, Rama IV etc), in the middle of the day. No helmets were offered. I felt quite unsafe considering how they were riding too. If wearing helmets is a law in Thailand, why don't the passengers have to wear helmets? All the bike taxi operators are wearing full face helmets.

Allow me to continue - these days the police frequently stop foreigners (in Pattaya) on motorcycles even if they're not doing anything wrong. They try to get them on a technicality. One foreigner I know was fined for not having a photocopy of his green book... everything else was in order.


And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?

What you could do is wear a helmet. Or do you think breaking the law is ok.

LOL... I come to the Bangkok forum for the first time in ages and a smartass pops up immediately. I suppose it's to be expected when you post this time of night.

You'll never catch me without a helmet dude. I'd wear one even if it was not the law - for safety. Where did I say I'm the one being stopped by the police for not wearing a helmet? But if you need to get smart, solve this mystery for me. Last time I was in Bangkok, last month, I had the pleasure of riding on quite a number of bike taxis, on very busy streets, in the centre of Bangkok (Sathorn Road, Rama IV etc), in the middle of the day. No helmets were offered. I felt quite unsafe considering how they were riding too. If wearing helmets is a law in Thailand, why don't the passengers have to wear helmets? All the bike taxi operators are wearing full face helmets.

Allow me to continue - these days the police frequently stop foreigners (in Pattaya) on motorcycles even if they're not doing anything wrong. They try to get them on a technicality. One foreigner I know was fined for not having a photocopy of his green book... everything else was in order.

By law the Bike Passengers should wear helmets... the BiB have occasional 'crack downs' and the Motorcycle taxi's carry additional helmets for a few weeks until the attention dies down and things are back to normal.

I too feel quite unsafe on the back of a motorcycle taxi and try not to use them wherever possible... they way I see them ride and chancing their way through the traffic I'm surprised there aren't more accidents involving them.


And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?

What you could do is wear a helmet. Or do you think breaking the law is ok.

LOL... I come to the Bangkok forum for the first time in ages and a smartass pops up immediately. I suppose it's to be expected when you post this time of night.

You'll never catch me without a helmet dude. I'd wear one even if it was not the law - for safety. Where did I say I'm the one being stopped by the police for not wearing a helmet? But if you need to get smart, solve this mystery for me. Last time I was in Bangkok, last month, I had the pleasure of riding on quite a number of bike taxis, on very busy streets, in the centre of Bangkok (Sathorn Road, Rama IV etc), in the middle of the day. No helmets were offered. I felt quite unsafe considering how they were riding too. If wearing helmets is a law in Thailand, why don't the passengers have to wear helmets? All the bike taxi operators are wearing full face helmets.

Allow me to continue - these days the police frequently stop foreigners (in Pattaya) on motorcycles even if they're not doing anything wrong. They try to get them on a technicality. One foreigner I know was fined for not having a photocopy of his green book... everything else was in order.

Guess we have different opinions of what a smart arse is. You think breaking the law is OK just because others are doing it.

You are aware you don't have to get on a moto taxi if the rider doesn't give you a helmet ? Would you get in a taxi if Stevie Wonder was driving it ?

You carry on thinking you are being picked on, even if its not you whos being picked on.


And note they are doing this away from the busy tourist areas, so as not to raise suspicion.

They do this shit all the time in Pattaya - stop tourists for "offenses" while letting all the Thais committing the same (no helmet, 3 up etc) go on by. Sometimes they grab a few Thais to give them an appearance of legitimacy if foreigners are watching. I really hate it, but what can you do?

What you could do is wear a helmet. Or do you think breaking the law is ok.

LOL... I come to the Bangkok forum for the first time in ages and a smartass pops up immediately. I suppose it's to be expected when you post this time of night.

You'll never catch me without a helmet dude. I'd wear one even if it was not the law - for safety. Where did I say I'm the one being stopped by the police for not wearing a helmet? But if you need to get smart, solve this mystery for me. Last time I was in Bangkok, last month, I had the pleasure of riding on quite a number of bike taxis, on very busy streets, in the centre of Bangkok (Sathorn Road, Rama IV etc), in the middle of the day. No helmets were offered. I felt quite unsafe considering how they were riding too. If wearing helmets is a law in Thailand, why don't the passengers have to wear helmets? All the bike taxi operators are wearing full face helmets.

Allow me to continue - these days the police frequently stop foreigners (in Pattaya) on motorcycles even if they're not doing anything wrong. They try to get them on a technicality. One foreigner I know was fined for not having a photocopy of his green book... everything else was in order.

Guess we have different opinions of what a smart arse is. You think breaking the law is OK just because others are doing it.

You are aware you don't have to get on a moto taxi if the rider doesn't give you a helmet ? Would you get in a taxi if Stevie Wonder was driving it ?

You carry on thinking you are being picked on, even if its not you whos being picked on.

You definitely fit the description very well, and now you're back for another round...

(I don't feel you're picking on me - you're just very annoying... you probably can't help yourself.)

Yes, I am quite aware that I have a choice to get on a bike taxi or not. None of them carried helmets for passengers in the areas I used them. Did you get that? I took the risk of no-helmet for the convenience of getting to where I wanted to go quickly. I'm usually more concerned about my knees actually, when they thread through traffic.


Police stops at the Asoke intersection seems to be going alive & well for them with the usual taxis & foreigners crossing at the police box getting stopped. Happened over the past few weekends over the last month. Yesterday around 2:30am a Korean was stopped directly opposite Sukhimvit 20 by 2 cops on a motorcycle who was searching him. Saw it as I was in a taxi passing them.

How do you know he was Korean ?

Because he had the typical Korean look.

On the other hand, there are some people that think all asians look alike whistling.gif


In the south.. generally next to police stations along the road they will set up check points, delaying traffic so they can collect..

From first hand accounts it seems they are not doing anything ropey, checking people and moving on, no idea why but nothing dodgy going on like fishing for bribes from what I have read so far

So there's nothing wrong in harassing people while 'fishing for bribes'? Is there? If that is the limit of it then it's petty crime/thuggery at best......

Well, I didn't say it was a good thing but ... it could be a hell of a lot worse!


If you don't have anything to hide, if you're not up to no good and you're not carrying drugs or other illegal goods, you have nothing to fear from being stopped and searched. I'm all for it if it takes some worthless criminal scum off the streets.

If you're my age, look up all the drugs you're taking for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and on and on. See what kind of false positives you may throw on a cheap first round urine drug test.

Oh, you'll eventually be exonerated by the more detailed later tests, but that may take days- weeks even.

My doctor in BKK warned me to stay out of places where there's a good chance of getting pee tested. He said I'd ring all kinds of bells. He also said I'd be cleared on the detailed testing, but I'd be pretty miserable until those results came in.

On a more immediate and practical note, I live and work in the area, and I've never seen them stop anyone up on the skywalk. So I stay up there as much as I can.

Edit: Never on the skywalk, except during the occupation leading up to the coup. And then, it wasn't the cops checking everyone, it was the "informal security" searching for weapons.

Informal security = yellow shirt thugs.

The responsible BIB Franchise has had this in there playbook for over twenty years. When it stopped it was only for show.

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