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Brexit: what can UK contribute to the world/EU?

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On this website many people already were talking about pro's and con's concerning an imminent Brexit. And as a convinced EU member I would be sorry to see UK leaving. Having in mind that Scotland would remain and a new/old border between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Considering this what actually we would miss if UK will leave EU? Is there anything what UK could deliver in the past/or future?

I remember there was a time of car production, but now in German's hands (God sake, quality improved). Steel? Gone. What else beside some financial business? Cheddar? 5555, any food? Disgusting! Fish and chips? With vinegar? It's hard core! Maybe I forgot something, so you can help me...??

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On this website many people already were talking about pro's and con's concerning an imminent Brexit. And as a convinced EU member I would be sorry to see UK leaving. Having in mind that Scotland would remain and a new/old border between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Considering this what actually we would miss if UK will leave EU? Is there anything what UK could deliver in the past/or future?

I remember there was a time of car production, but now in German's hands (God sake, quality improved). Steel? Gone. What else beside some financial business? Cheddar? 5555, any food? Disgusting! Fish and chips? With vinegar? It's hard core! Maybe I forgot something, so you can help me...??

More to the point is what can the EU do for the UK? All we see is an invasion of hoardes of low grade migrants, Romanian gypsies and Bulgarian pickpockets. Get out of it, I say. It's just a ploy by the Krauts to rule what they failed to conquer in two world wars.

Yes, I'll help you.

It's not about what the Brits can do for the EU but more about what the EU is not doing for the Brits in exchange for the financial contribution (money) that the Brits are currently making to the EU. Many Brits consider their contribution wasted, squandered by a corrupt, inefficient and anti-democratic bureaucracy.

It's also about the erosion of the control of borders (immigration) both land and at sea that has increasingly occured since the Brits have had imposed upon them EU directives in this regard.

With the exception of Italian and Spanish cuisine, most Brits are not particularly keen on EU member country's dishes.

Scotland would, in the event of a Brexit vote, have to negotiate an independent membership of the EU which raises the questions of whether or not the EU would want it and whether or not the Scots could afford it.


Leaving could well cause irreparable damage for Scotland.

Leaving imo is an ill thought out argument

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EU is crippling the UK with the hoards of migrant scroungers.

UK would be much better standing alone.

UK laws for UK PEOPLE, not EU laws plus UK laws.

Get out now and stay out.


And there was me thinking Scotland was part of the UK...

Scotland should tow the line as per the rest of the UK. They had their chance to govern themselves as a seperate state and decided against it.


The soft border between NI and Ireland will harden. Another good reason to leave.

The UK and Ireland are part of the Common Travel Area. If the UK leaves the EU nothing will change in that respect.


Having in mind that Scotland would remain and a new/old border between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Uh? No, Scotland would not remain in the EU. And the border between Northern Ireland (which in no meaningful way can be considered "occupied") and the Irish Republic still exists, so won't "start again".

Considering this what actually we would miss if UK will leave EU? Is there anything what UK could deliver in the past/or future?

How about?

- Mechanical equipment - machines, engines, pumps

- Gems and precious metals

- Vehicles

- Pharmaceuticals

- Oil

- Scientific and electronic equipment

- Aircraft and aircraft parts, spacecraft

- Medical and technical equipment

- Organic chemicals

- Plastics


The economic argument for leaving is pretty shaky... Assuming the UK leaves, then it is likely to have to continue paying a subscription to the EU to remain in the trading area and also follow EU directives on goods and services (as Switzerland and Norway have to).

A lot of 'leavers' base their decision on the issue of immigration. I agree that its a huge problem - but not one that leaving the EU will fix. UK governments speak with a forked tongue on immigration - they know the electorate don't like high levels of immigration, but business loves it. In the event of a leave vote, UK business lobbying will ensure that 'free movement' with the EU continues. Particularly if the Tories are in power. Their big donors in retail/hospitality, agriculture etc are highly dependent on immigration to provide a low-cost and compliant workforce. For example, successive governments have completely failed to stem immigration from the camps in Northern France. This could have been done by either putting strong diplomatic pressure on the French to process these people for settlement in France, or increasing spending on border security (which has actually been reduced by 30% under the current government). France spends TWENTY TIMES what the UK spends on border security, despite being in Schengen.

The only thing that will reduce the current high levels of immigration is a sharp fall in the value of the pound, which will make working in the UK less attractive.


Yes, I'll help you.

It's not about what the Brits can do for the EU but more about what the EU is not doing for the Brits in exchange for the financial contribution (money) that the Brits are currently making to the EU. Many Brits consider their contribution wasted, squandered by a corrupt, inefficient and anti-democratic bureaucracy.

It's also about the erosion of the control of borders (immigration) both land and at sea that has increasingly occured since the Brits have had imposed upon them EU directives in this regard.

With the exception of Italian and Spanish cuisine, most Brits are not particularly keen on EU member country's dishes.

Scotland would, in the event of a Brexit vote, have to negotiate an independent membership of the EU which raises the questions of whether or not the EU would want it and whether or not the Scots could afford it.

It's not an answer to my question.........but you are NOT the only one


The economic argument for leaving is pretty shaky... Assuming the UK leaves, then it is likely to have to continue paying a subscription to the EU to remain in the trading area and also follow EU directives on goods and services (as Switzerland and Norway have to).

A lot of 'leavers' base their decision on the issue of immigration. I agree that its a huge problem - but not one that leaving the EU will fix. UK governments speak with a forked tongue on immigration - they know the electorate don't like high levels of immigration, but business loves it. In the event of a leave vote, UK business lobbying will ensure that 'free movement' with the EU continues. Particularly if the Tories are in power. Their big donors in retail/hospitality, agriculture etc are highly dependent on immigration to provide a low-cost and compliant workforce. For example, successive governments have completely failed to stem immigration from the camps in Northern France. This could have been done by either putting strong diplomatic pressure on the French to process these people for settlement in France, or increasing spending on border security (which has actually been reduced by 30% under the current government). France spends TWENTY TIMES what the UK spends on border security, despite being in Schengen.

The only thing that will reduce the current high levels of immigration is a sharp fall in the value of the pound, which will make working in the UK less attractive.

sorry, but no answer.........


I voted in favour of joining the Common Market. The six nations we joined were of a roughly equal financial standard and it made sense. And if you had told me that in future they would be dictating what type of light bulbs we must have in our homes I would have laughed at you.

Now it's 28 countries, widely different ones, and the UK has a 1 in 28 chance of her vote counting, and usually it doesn't.

Why should the children of, say, a Polish man get the UK rate of child benefit even though the children have never set foot in the UK? Why should there be Romanian beggars camping in London parks, something that would never have been tolerated by the police if the campers were British.

We were a trading nation for a thousand years before we joined, and we will be again. Boycotts? The Germans are going to refuse to sell us their cars are they? We are their market too and it would work both ways, that won't happen.

Finally, two words explaining why many politicians are pro the EU. " Neil Kinnock." Yes, the Welsh windbag. Soundly rejected by the British electorate he and his wife and his son have done very nicely thank you out of the EU. The chances of a pleb like you or I benefiting are remote.

Vote OUT.


According to the World's Top Exports website, 'Machines, engines, pumps' accounted for US$63.9 billion worth of UK exports in 2015, the top category on the list. Total exports US$460 billion. So obviously, there's a fair bit that the UK can contribute to the world, in answer to the original question.
Supporters of Brexit would argue that exports could rise if the UK left the EU. There's an interesting segment on the movie 'Brexit' on YouTube where staff at a sugar producer in the UK are interviewed. On every load of raw sugar cane they import to make granulated sugar, they pay huge tariffs because the cane comes from outside the EU, making them less competitive. Presumably, if the UK leaves, they would pay lower tariffs and this would boost their competitiveness.
On the other hand, if the EU really are anti-democratic megalomaniacs as Farage suggests, why would they cut a favorable trade deal with the UK post Brexit? It's illogical to suppose that they would. More likely, they'd shut UK imports out of the market and the UK would have no-one to sell their cheaper goods to.
Today the pound slumped on news that Brexit has a lead in the polls - if the pound collapsed post Brexit, this would make UK exports more competitive.


why would they cut a favorable trade deal with the UK post Brexit?

Under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation, back in 2008 all twenty members of the G20 group agreed not to introduce any new trade barriers. That's why. (France, Germany and Italy are individual country members of the G20, whilst the EU is also a member.)


The Common Market was created as just that,a trading group, now it

has turned into a political entity, that wants to control all the countries

under its influence,it was a huge mistake letting Eastern European

countries join,they were never ready,now look at the problems it has

caused.yes Turkey will be the next to join,then maybe they will look

at N. African countries,as its all about power for the Brussels bureaucrats.

It was a good job the UK,did not join the single currency,now they need

to get out of the EU,it might be tough at first, but there's a whole world

out there,strengthen ties again with the Commonwealth, F&ck the E.U.

regards worgeordie


between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Please tell me me how I can report such a sectarian post, in all honety it defies belief that such an inflammatory post could still remain.

Where is the report button?


The Common Market was created as just that,a trading group, now it

has turned into a political entity, that wants to control all the countries

under its influence,it was a huge mistake letting Eastern European

countries join,they were never ready,now look at the problems it has

caused.yes Turkey will be the next to join,then maybe they will look

at N. African countries,as its all about power for the Brussels bureaucrats.

It was a good job the UK,did not join the single currency,now they need

to get out of the EU,it might be tough at first, but there's a whole world

out there,strengthen ties again with the Commonwealth, F&ck the E.U.

regards worgeordie

I think we will suffer big time if we left the EU as the pound will drop to be on parity with the euro.

We could be looking at 38 baht to the pound which would be a disaster for a lot of UK ex pats here.


EU is crippling the UK with the hoards of migrant scroungers.

UK would be much better standing alone.

UK laws for UK PEOPLE, not EU laws plus UK laws.

Get out now and stay out.

I left the UK last month and by that time I knew more British "scroungers" than foreign ones. And besides, you do know that EU citizens are a net positive in terms of tax contributions to the Chancellor´s coffers, don´t ye?

How do you know Britain would be better off outside the EU? You seem so convinced of it, I´d like to know what your claim is based upon. Once I know, maybe I can share your optimism. Thank you!


It's also about the erosion of the control of borders (immigration) both land and at sea that has increasingly occured since the Brits have had imposed upon them EU directives in this regard.

What will change with regard to border controls if Britain pulled out and left the EU in 2, 5 or 8 years (or whenever the negotiations might end)?

Personally, I don´t think that anything will change because whatever the outcome of the negotiations, Britain will sign up to free movement of EU citizens (like Norway and Switzerland did despite being "outside the EU"). And with regards to non-EU immigration which is actually higher than migration from EU citizens, Britain has always been in charge of so nothing to do with the EU.


It's also about the erosion of the control of borders (immigration) both land and at sea that has increasingly occured since the Brits have had imposed upon them EU directives in this regard.

What will change with regard to border controls if Britain pulled out and left the EU in 2, 5 or 8 years (or whenever the negotiations might end)?

Personally, I don´t think that anything will change because whatever the outcome of the negotiations, Britain will sign up to free movement of EU citizens (like Norway and Switzerland did despite being "outside the EU"). And with regards to non-EU immigration which is actually higher than migration from EU citizens, Britain has always been in charge of so nothing to do with the EU.

Exactly, and it this scenario which is more likely than any other to come to pass, which the leave campaign seem blind to.

The campaign is being fought on people's dislike for immigration, they will get a big shock if Brexit happens if nothing much changes in that regard.


between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Please tell me me how I can report such a sectarian post, in all honety it defies belief that such an inflammatory post could still remain.

Where is the report button?

are you mad? Same between East and West Germany or North and South Korea.....So what?


between the Republic and the still occupied part of Northern Ireland would start again.

Please tell me me how I can report such a sectarian post, in all honety it defies belief that such an inflammatory post could still remain.

Where is the report button?

are you mad? Same between East and West Germany or North and South Korea.....So what?

Think he was objecting to the word "occupied" as in implying that the British were "occupying" Northern Ireland, as opposed to the fact that it is actually part of the United Kingdom.


Scotland would, in the event of a Brexit vote, have to negotiate an independent membership of the EU which raises the questions of whether or not the EU would want it and whether or not the Scots could afford it.

Oh wait, so Brexit only applies to England, not the UK? Aren't Scotland, Wales, Nth Ireland part of Britain?


They will give it plenty of laughs at least, if they leave.

Aside from that, with generally badly educated kids (that still end up leaving education with debt they will be paying off for years), no natural resources and no particular strengths, practically it can contribute very little.

The UK's sole strong industry within this century has been finance and banking, and that failed spectacularly in 2008, hasn't really recovered and will get worse with an EU exit.


They will give it plenty of laughs at least, if they leave.

Aside from that, with generally badly educated kids (that still end up leaving education with debt they will be paying off for years), no natural resources and no particular strengths, practically it can contribute very little.

The UK's sole strong industry within this century has been finance and banking, and that failed spectacularly in 2008, hasn't really recovered and will get worse with an EU exit.

finance and banking

and this will move to Frankfurt.......

most of the Brits don't even know that they have to accept ALL EU/UK laws as they are. If not - with aprobably new government - they would struggle with trading, because EU will strict go ahead with their common laws. Most Brits think trading will go on as before.....within a small UK market only. And the farmers? At present generating by 2/3 of EU menas....what will happen to them?


They will give it plenty of laughs at least, if they leave.

Aside from that, with generally badly educated kids (that still end up leaving education with debt they will be paying off for years), no natural resources and no particular strengths, practically it can contribute very little.

The UK's sole strong industry within this century has been finance and banking, and that failed spectacularly in 2008, hasn't really recovered and will get worse with an EU exit.

finance and banking

and this will move to Frankfurt.......

most of the Brits don't even know that they have to accept ALL EU/UK laws as they are. If not - with aprobably new government - they would struggle with trading, because EU will strict go ahead with their common laws. Most Brits think trading will go on as before.....within a small UK market only. And the farmers? At present generating by 2/3 of EU menas....what will happen to them?


Does anyone outside the myopic world of UK politics actually care?

In or out, the majority of the world will keep on trading regardless of the outcome.

Storm in a UK navel if you ask me

  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to know the truth about the EU,which has been blacked out for many,many years now then look no further than the utter destruction of Greece!

It's not the EU's fault that Greece decided to let people such as hairdressers retire at 50 on 95% of their final salary.

It's not the EU's fault that Greece doubled the salary of public sector workers.

It's not the EU's fault that the country is massively corrupt.

It's not the EU's fault that tax evasion is the country's national pastime.

This is something that the Greeks have solely brought upon themselves; don't blame the EU.

Thank goodness that the UK is outside the Eurozone, so doesn't have to contribute to propping up this fiscal basket case.

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