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Cameron and Farage face televised audience questions over Brexit


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Cameron and Farage face televised audience questions over Brexit


LONDON: -- “Britain is a fighter not quitter”, said British Prime Minister David Cameron as he and eurosceptic politician Nigel Farage faced questions in a live EU televised debate.

Leading the “Remain” campaign, Cameron pressed home his criticism of those who want to leave the European Union and accused them of wanting to damage Britain’s economy.

“And here’s what really happens if we leave, of course we’d still want to sell into that single market, so we’d still have to meet all the rules and the regulations that Brussels lays down but we won’t be at the table, we’ll be like a country with our ear and our face pressed up against the glass trying to find out what’s happening with the other 27 countries making rules that affect our country.”

Nigel Farage who is leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) once again raised the issue of immigration and was scathing of the EU project.

“I think the Eurozone is a catastrophe, just look at what they’ve done to Greece and those Mediterranean countries. The migrant crisis is now not just dividing countries but dividing within countries leading to a whole new brand of politics. The money’s run out and yet at the same time they’re saving up for the day after our referendum their announcements about a European army and about an increased European budget. The project doesn’t work.”

The debate was one of several scheduled in the run up to the June 23 referendum. Latest opinion polls show the “remain” camp with a mere one point lead over those who want to leave the bloc.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-08

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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

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Farage gave a far better showing than Cameron did last night. I thought he dealt with the hate filled, lefty plant rather well. Cameron is now very desperate and it is showing. The polls show he is losing the fight and there is even talk of the Remain politicians ignoring the people choice if they lose the vote and simply refusing to leave the single market. It is now getting to overload levels and I will be glad when it is all over. I have £50 on Leave winning. thumbsup.gif

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The only party in UK parliament today that has a political philosophy that rings true with me is the Scottish National Party. However I am English and registered to vote in an English constituency.

Personally I am hoping that the referendum result will be a narrow wing for Remain which hopefully will split the Conservative Party leaving the right wing nutters with the name and 150 odd MP's with Boris Johnson as the leader, split the Labour party leaving the left wing nutters with the name and 50 odd MP's with Jeremy Corbyn as the leader and lead to the formation from the rest of the English constituency MP's of an center-ground English National Party (ENP) which will enter coalition with the Scottish National Party with David Cameron as Prime Minister and Nicola Sturgeon as Deputy Prime Minster and command the confidence of the House of Commons.

Then maybe we can have a parliament of the people and for the people, get on with governing the federalised United Kingdom as part of Europe and consign the nutters of both right and left to history.

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Is it on youtube ? Or where can we watch it ?

I've seen a lot of Nigel Farage's video's ...they rock !!

He is so well spoken and quick to reply with satisfying answers.

Is it weird to have a man crush on him ?biggrin.png

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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

It is not only about the British. It is about something much bigger. It is about stopping the Brussels boys/girls from further implementing their dictatorship.

Brexit will set the stage for eliminating the dictatorship and the folks controlling it.

We have fought the 2nd WW to free ourselves from the nazi doctrine, let all those deaths not be in vain.

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Is it on youtube ? Or where can we watch it ?

I've seen a lot of Nigel Farage's video's ...they rock !!

He is so well spoken and quick to reply with satisfying answers.

Is it weird to have a man crush on him ?biggrin.png

Here we go:

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Is it on youtube ? Or where can we watch it ?

I've seen a lot of Nigel Farage's video's ...they rock !!

He is so well spoken and quick to reply with satisfying answers.

Is it weird to have a man crush on him ?biggrin.png

Here we go:

Thanks ! DL it now to see tonight. Nothing else on anyway !

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Well I just watched the video, my thoughts were that Nigel Farage faced a more hostile audience he was constantly interupted the questioners not willing to listen to his answers.

David Cameron had an easy ride apart from one question on the NHS. he was allowed to make his speaches uninterupted on the whole, not really a fair debate.

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The only party in UK parliament today that has a political philosophy that rings true with me is the Scottish National Party. However I am English and registered to vote in an English constituency.
Personally I am hoping that the referendum result will be a narrow wing for Remain which hopefully will split the Conservative Party leaving the right wing nutters with the name and 150 odd MP's with Boris Johnson as the leader, split the Labour party leaving the left wing nutters with the name and 50 odd MP's with Jeremy Corbyn as the leader and lead to the formation from the rest of the English constituency MP's of an center-ground English National Party (ENP) which will enter coalition with the Scottish National Party with David Cameron as Prime Minister and Nicola Sturgeon as Deputy Prime Minster and command the confidence of the House of Commons.
Then maybe we can have a parliament of the people and for the people, get on with governing the federalised United Kingdom as part of Europe and consign the nutters of both right and left to history.

Stroll on. Wee Nicola as deputy PM? Whatever you're smoking, stop. And seek medical advice urgently :-)

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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

It is not only about the British. It is about something much bigger. It is about stopping the Brussels boys/girls from further implementing their dictatorship.

Brexit will set the stage for eliminating the dictatorship and the folks controlling it.

We have fought the 2nd WW to free ourselves from the nazi doctrine, let all those deaths not be in vain.

My word indeed!!!!

And if britain is the first 'domino' to fall from the union,it is fair to say it is one of the biggest 'dominos'........more will follow suit!thumbsup.gif

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The only party in UK parliament today that has a political philosophy that rings true with me is the Scottish National Party. However I am English and registered to vote in an English constituency.
Personally I am hoping that the referendum result will be a narrow wing for Remain which hopefully will split the Conservative Party leaving the right wing nutters with the name and 150 odd MP's with Boris Johnson as the leader, split the Labour party leaving the left wing nutters with the name and 50 odd MP's with Jeremy Corbyn as the leader and lead to the formation from the rest of the English constituency MP's of an center-ground English National Party (ENP) which will enter coalition with the Scottish National Party with David Cameron as Prime Minister and Nicola Sturgeon as Deputy Prime Minster and command the confidence of the House of Commons.
Then maybe we can have a parliament of the people and for the people, get on with governing the federalised United Kingdom as part of Europe and consign the nutters of both right and left to history.

I was going to write 'Jesus F*-king Christ, Oh God No!" but I think that only you and I would understand the reference.

That is certainly a fanciful idea, but Nicola would outclass Cameron at every move - Sturgeon for PM!

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Is it on youtube ? Or where can we watch it ?

I've seen a lot of Nigel Farage's video's ...they rock !!

He is so well spoken and quick to reply with satisfying answers.

Is it weird to have a man crush on him ?biggrin.png

Today I fell into Farage videos and watched them all day, eager to find one single thing I disagreed with. None! He's smart, quick, knowledgable, and humorous.

His fame is now assured. If UK remains Farage will be remembered as the Paul Revere they failed to listen to. If UK exits he will be remembered as Paul Revere. "The EU are coming. The EU are coming!" ...and he's right, they are.


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Huge governments don't work well. China, America, India, Indonesia are all to big and diverse to run efficient governments. Also remember the sectarian wars going on in the middle east and the breakups of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Putting diverse populations under a one solution for all government is more apt to fail over time than succeed.

The USA for example was based on state rights and common union for trade and defense (sound familiar). As the federal government took more and more power from the states a horrible civil war occurred and the federal government won. Today Washington rules from DC and we have a 12% approval rating for that government. DC takes most of the money from the states and the states have to "toe the mark" to get some of the money back. For example the lawsuit ongoing between 12 states and Obama over bathrooms.

Farage is brilliant and electrifying, Cameron is more BS and boring with his establishment lines.

Freedom from big governments that don't identify with you is precious, better to exit now while there is a choice before Europe engulfs the liberties of the UK.

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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

It is not only about the British. It is about something much bigger. It is about stopping the Brussels boys/girls from further implementing their dictatorship.

Brexit will set the stage for eliminating the dictatorship and the folks controlling it.

We have fought the 2nd WW to free ourselves from the nazi doctrine, let all those deaths not be in vain.

BREXIT is supported by the BNP whose members regularly attend annual reunions of old Nazi SS supporters.

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Is it on youtube ? Or where can we watch it ?

I've seen a lot of Nigel Farage's video's ...they rock !!

He is so well spoken and quick to reply with satisfying answers.

Is it weird to have a man crush on him ?biggrin.png

Today I fell into Farage videos and watched them all day, eager to find one single thing I disagreed with. None! He's smart, quick, knowledgable, and humorous.

His fame is now assured. If UK remains Farage will be remembered as the Paul Revere they failed to listen to. If UK exits he will be remembered as Paul Revere. "The EU are coming. The EU are coming!" ...and he's right, they are.


I never thought I would hear someone support Farage openly. Odious little man.

He represents everything that is so embarrassing about little England

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Huge governments don't work well. China, America, India, Indonesia are all to big and diverse to run efficient governments. Also remember the sectarian wars going on in the middle east and the breakups of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Putting diverse populations under a one solution for all government is more apt to fail over time than succeed.

The USA for example was based on state rights and common union for trade and defense (sound familiar). As the federal government took more and more power from the states a horrible civil war occurred and the federal government won. Today Washington rules from DC and we have a 12% approval rating for that government. DC takes most of the money from the states and the states have to "toe the mark" to get some of the money back. For example the lawsuit ongoing between 12 states and Obama over bathrooms.

Farage is brilliant and electrifying, Cameron is more BS and boring with his establishment lines.

Freedom from big governments that don't identify with you is precious, better to exit now while there is a choice before Europe engulfs the liberties of the UK.

Maybe you didn't notice, Farage was eviscerated by the audience. Cameron isn't a great orator but he won this round on points

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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

It is not only about the British. It is about something much bigger. It is about stopping the Brussels boys/girls from further implementing their dictatorship.

Brexit will set the stage for eliminating the dictatorship and the folks controlling it.

We have fought the 2nd WW to free ourselves from the nazi doctrine, let all those deaths not be in vain.

BREXIT is supported by the BNP whose members regularly attend annual reunions of old Nazi SS supporters.

It is also supported by the likes of MP Kate Hey and others on the left. Let us also bear that in mind.
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So we have the liar versus the racist. No not Clinton versus Trump, this is the British version. This is a massive issue and should be taken seriously. Problem is it is being pitched by politicians so it is hard to work out the facts from the bullsh*t.

It is not only about the British. It is about something much bigger. It is about stopping the Brussels boys/girls from further implementing their dictatorship.

Brexit will set the stage for eliminating the dictatorship and the folks controlling it.

We have fought the 2nd WW to free ourselves from the nazi doctrine, let all those deaths not be in vain.

BREXIT is supported by the BNP whose members regularly attend annual reunions of old Nazi SS supporters.

Evidently according to Cameron ISIS and Putin are also in favour of Brexit as well. Does that mean everyone should vote Remain just because you say some BNP supporters and cameron says ISIS and Putin are voting leave ? <deleted> man get a grip

I personally don't care who is supporting Brexit. When we win the BNP and the rest will be given and shown the contempt they deserve the, difference being it will be contempt from a free and democratic UK and not an EU island state

Osborne was on TV last night and all his scare threat forecasts were totally rubbished. he got a right mauling from Andrew Neil. A very severe mauling from the BBC came as quite a surprise.

We then had a very timely voter registration crash so they have extended it by two days and then this morning we have a very timely defection from the Leave side. An obvious plant and her reason given as saving the NHS sealed it as faked.

regardless of the outcome the Government is finished as it stands today

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