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Massage parlour raid results to the transfer of the commander of MPB’s first division


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Everyone seems to be talking as if there is going to be a conviction. Of course, all the police know what's going on. These places are part of Thai (and Asian) culture. Illegal but accepted, they will continue to flourish. Someone forgot a payment or upset one of the high ranking police officers. It's not really much of a story. That building was derelict for a few years and got converted into Nataree. Maybe the land owner wants to sell to a developer.

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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

Chess comes to mind ........ lol

...........................snakes and ladders!

Possibly more like Board Walk, with a get out of Jail free card issued to everyone involved.


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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

Ezzra quit talking sense your giving me a headache. This is a show piece raid arrest and the results are meant to impress the Thai people and distract them away from other more pressuring criminal/political issues. There are many many more similar operations in Thailand doing the same thing with impunity. All they have done is slightly disrupt a way of life a link in the survival chain that exists here the key word is survival something we are all entitled to. It follows into the same category as police actions in the last two speed boat mishaps and the TAT lady doing the tourist tango when the family from the UK were beaten up and the commuter boat explosion in Bangkok they are all one off attempts to show that they are in charge and on top of things when frankly the opposite is the truth. The West over manages things and the East under manages and that is why all the big business prostitutes from the West are rushing Eastward. They are constantly on the lookout for places where they can set up and abuse workers and take advantage of lax pollution laws. It is on a par with human slavery.

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Funny how working without a permit gets mentioned first before under aged prostitution.....

Because the raid was carried out by a special unit of the Interior Ministry which is more concerned with internal security, work permits and such matters. I doubt they are interested in the prostitution aspect; that would more come under the banner of the RTP.

Heavies within Interior Ministry were undoubtedly not featured on the distribution lists of tea money. If they had been the raids would probably not have taken place.

Pol Maj-Gen Vicharnwat's crime was that he did not do his job properly by not communicating with his associates in the Interior Ministry to ensure there were no raids or outside interference by "special units" to upset what was a very cosy arrangement for many.

He has stuffed up a perfectly good money spinner by not protecting the interests of those involved. They are now upset so it's time for payback in the form of a transfer to a dead end job. Best he is kept out of the way where he can do no harm.

Perhaps I am being too cynical.

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Everyone seems to be talking as if there is going to be a conviction. Of course, all the police know what's going on. These places are part of Thai (and Asian) culture. Illegal but accepted, they will continue to flourish. Someone forgot a payment or upset one of the high ranking police officers. It's not really much of a story. That building was derelict for a few years and got converted into Nataree. Maybe the land owner wants to sell to a developer.

Remember it was stated that the international organization Nvader was responsible for instigating the raid based on human trafficking violations.

Nvader organization now has an office here in Thailand and they have stated they mean business.

Their aim is to police and enforce the international laws concerning human trafficking and sexual enslavement and curb the practice of underage people working in such establishment that act as a front for sexual services provided ( known as Prostitution in its many forms ) while provided in the guise of a massage service or the many other forms of entertainment and leisure activities based on sex provided for money.

Where there is human trafficking involved or sexual enslavement involved or sexual services provided by people under duress or underage person working in the sex industry then I am certain most people would support their efforts to curb and hopefully eliminate such practices and those particular disturbing aspects of the sex industry having evolved and continuing to exist in the wide spread sex industry here in Thailand

Of course those aspects concerning the realm of prostitution are very difficult to eliminate while the many aspects of prostitution, practiced in its many forms is very lucrative regardless of the laws or risks involved....so the sex trade while always remain a contentious social issue.

Yes, as you point out such obvious public establishments can not continue to operate without the involvement of the local police and or local or district administrators who share in the lucrative earnings of such establishments and argued as "operating fees" and "licensing fees" and "taxes" etc. to be collected while everyone knows that the money paid is, in a manner of speaking, extorted from the owner /operators under threat to shut down the establishments because the sex for sale establisments actually are illegal, as you point out.

They are allowed to operate as long as the cash cow continues to sustain the money flow into the hands of the right people in positions of authority while corrupted as they are there is a degree of sensibility about their methods of madness while the police know well that such establishments are going to exist anyhow, regardless of the laws, while the police are not really so concerned about all that sex going on for money being exchanged.

Why would they want to actually enforce the laws as they, the police, did not make the laws themselves ...but in theory, they are supposed to enforce those laws while those existing laws have turned all the sex going on around them into a lucrative source of money....to their way of thinking and to their benefit ...to their way of thinking also.

Even if prostitution was legal and regulated the police would still be involved and continue to extort money out of the owners of the establishments while making sure, in theory, all aspects of the ongoing business are not in violation of any of the laws that allow the owners to operate. ..while fees and various fines for violations of the regulations and operating taxes will always be forthcoming and collected by the police, even when legal.

Legal or illegal the police are going to get some of that money coming from the "Sex For Sale" business because they will be involved...somehow, some way.

Even if legal and correctly regulated the whole convoluted affair concerning prostitution and all that is entailed would remain considered as socially unacceptable while the owners and operators will always be deemed to be nefarious persons involved in nefarious undertakings....and most commonly ...they are...lol

Normally, as you pointed out, there often are conflicts of interest concerning the money matters and just who gets how much along with new persons having authority, or higher authority, stepping in and wanting a percent of the cash flow...if it comes under their jurisdiction and in their control.

If you crunch the numbers the business is probably a $ 5,000 to possibly on some days 10,000 dollar a day business, if you have 150 girls priced at 2000 to 3000 baht per service session and working at the place while providing young, nubile, sexy looking, pretty girls from Thailand and surrounding countries has always been the main aspect of attraction that makes for a successful massage parlor and the lucrative earnings involved.

Meantime, I can only surmise the many other sex for sale establishments are scrambling about and attempting to reorganizing their activities so they look like they are not trafficking anyone or utilizing any underage girls while their police connections are keeping them abreast of what is going on and what to expect while enforcing their fear of the law upon the owners and the girls, who are under threat to keep quite, lay low and say nothing...or else...while they draw their hand guns and wave them around at everyone....Kow Jai My..???


Edited by gemguy
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"The transfer order is effective for 30 days or until there is a change of the order."

This is more than enough time to grow lots of grass over the whole story; blame it on the illegal masseuses and
Vicharnwat will be reinstated as big wig of Commander of Metropolitan Plice Bureau's First Division. Maybe there is someone willing to sponsor a little trip to Europe during these 30 days for shopping, golf or a Gucci handbag for Madame.

I reckon that the Ministry of Inactive Posts would be by far the biggest governmental institution by now but as this is not the case I assume that all those posted there are reposted faster than anyone thinks .... back to the old fleshpots (no pun intended)!

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I can remember some 10 or 15 year ago a couple stories on ThaiVisa.com and newspapers (Does anybody remember good ole BERNARD TRINK?) about fires at a couple brothels in Phuket area. After the fires were put out in the ruins in each case DEAD BODIES of girls were found either locked in basement rooms or chained to beds in basements as punishment for not performing as they were requested to by 'clients' or management. Girls forced into Prostitution and undergoing the training process.

There is a long 'history' of human trafficing in Thailand's 'past'.

And this occurance just shows that so many Thai Police still have 'Blind-eyes' and yet they can see very well when they are driving their NEW MERCEDES-BENZ....

Just my personal observation............

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wow,30 day paid vacation.

after 30 days new post and business as usual!!!!!!!

police department as bad as schools, no one can fail!!!!!!!

and they wonder why no one has any respect for the police, just legal corruption and graft!!!!!

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I wonder if anyone has ever kept track of all the higher up transfers to inactive posts.......and did follow up stories on "where they are now". I think that would be a great read. The list would be so long by now.

I have keept a record of all transfers to inactive posts.

In the last ten 10 years, 220.061 policemans have been transfered to inactive posts.

But that doesnt make any sense, as there are only 200K police in this country. So some might have been sent twice to inactive post....whistling.gif

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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

"dens of inequities" eh??

I think perhaps you meant 'dens of iniquity'.... or perhaps you simply don't know what you meant at all.

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"...were believed to be lured into prostitution."

I guess by that logic my boss lured me into my job by offering me a paycheck each month.

They are not lured into prostitution, they come willing and able and ready to make good money.

At least they came willing to EARN their money, unlike the scum skimming the profits. What did any of these cops do beside turning their backs and pocketing the hush money?

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I wonder if anyone has ever kept track of all the higher up transfers to inactive posts.......and did follow up stories on "where they are now". I think that would be a great read. The list would be so long by now.

I have keept a record of all transfers to inactive posts.

In the last ten 10 years, 220.061 policemans have been transfered to inactive posts.

But that doesnt make any sense, as there are only 200K police in this country. So some might have been sent twice to inactive post....whistling.gif

"I have keept a record of all transfers to inactive posts."

What an exciting and fun filled life you must lead!

I bet your sock drawer is so exceptionally well organised too..

Edited by Shadychris
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I wonder if anyone has ever kept track of all the higher up transfers to inactive posts.......and did follow up stories on "where they are now". I think that would be a great read. The list would be so long by now.

I have keept a record of all transfers to inactive posts.

In the last ten 10 years, 220.061 policemans have been transfered to inactive posts.

But that doesnt make any sense, as there are only 200K police in this country. So some might have been sent twice to inactive post....whistling.gif

"I have keept a record of all transfers to inactive posts."

What an exciting and fun filled life you must lead!

I bet your sock drawer is so exceptionally well organised too..

i dont wear socks, only flip-flop laugh.png

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I can remember some 10 or 15 year ago a couple stories on ThaiVisa.com and newspapers (Does anybody remember good ole BERNARD TRINK?) about fires at a couple brothels in Phuket area. After the fires were put out in the ruins in each case DEAD BODIES of girls were found either locked in basement rooms or chained to beds in basements as punishment for not performing as they were requested to by 'clients' or management. Girls forced into Prostitution and undergoing the training process.

There is a long 'history' of human trafficing in Thailand's 'past'.

And this occurance just shows that so many Thai Police still have 'Blind-eyes' and yet they can see very well when they are driving their NEW MERCEDES-BENZ....

Just my personal observation............

Yes I remember that while some people correctly assumed that the girls were kept in chains and locked rooms just to keep them from trying to run away.

I do not think much has changed.

You would think that the Thai citizens would rally together to stop such barbaric practices...but nope, they seldom stand together against such matters it seems while just ignoring what goes on in their neighborhoods.

Apparently it takes intervention from foreign concerns to try and correct a long practiced social ill that is prevalent in Thailand........Human trafficking and sexual enslavement that is.


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This raid should be netting many many arrests. Even to the businesses where the workers were supposed to be working at as per their permits or if that business is fake, then to the people who allowed those permits to be issued. The fact that only 4 police have been transferred is also a joke. Surely all the cops who control that area knew about what has been going on inside.

What is this "inactive post" crap? If these cops have done what is implied to justify moving them, then why are they not just fired. Putting them out to pasture at, I presume, full salary is a sick joke and one of the most transparent and egregious example of the refusal of the Thai government and Thai society to acknowledge that accountability applies to everyone except the connected and rich. Onward to a developed nation? Maybe in 30-40 years.

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I hacked into the CCTV camera outside the operations centre of the MPB where all the bad apples have been transferred.

Here is a still from the the camera of some of the transferred cops standing around the entrance:


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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

It's as if he were taking his cues from the Catholic Church or something.

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This raid should be netting many many arrests. Even to the businesses where the workers were supposed to be working at as per their permits or if that business is fake, then to the people who allowed those permits to be issued. The fact that only 4 police have been transferred is also a joke. Surely all the cops who control that area knew about what has been going on inside.

The transfer is only for 30 days, just a month off whilst this dies down and then business as usual. Meanwhile the foreign girls go to prison to show that the authorities are doing something about human trafficking.
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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

Ezzra quit talking sense your giving me a headache. This is a show piece raid arrest and the results are meant to impress the Thai people and distract them away from other more pressuring criminal/political issues. There are many many more similar operations in Thailand doing the same thing with impunity. All they have done is slightly disrupt a way of life a link in the survival chain that exists here the key word is survival something we are all entitled to. It follows into the same category as police actions in the last two speed boat mishaps and the TAT lady doing the tourist tango when the family from the UK were beaten up and the commuter boat explosion in Bangkok they are all one off attempts to show that they are in charge and on top of things when frankly the opposite is the truth. The West over manages things and the East under manages and that is why all the big business prostitutes from the West are rushing Eastward. They are constantly on the lookout for places where they can set up and abuse workers and take advantage of lax pollution laws. It is on a par with human slavery.

Every administration, over the last 40 years has had a go at trying to curb prostitution here in Thailand and it never works out well at all.

Sometimes you see the police publically raiding some establishments while announcing their reasons as to why, while often enough various establishments are raided because of some conflict of interests amongst all the people involved.

If that be the case and somehow their raid is publicized and the police have to give some plausible explanation then the police are going to lie and say they are trying to crack down on this sort of illegal activity and or say the crack down comes from higher up..so we are just the doing what we are told to do.

I surmise the police are somewhat always coming down on the such establishments just to let the owners know who is boss and who will make the decisions as all the places are run semi illegally.

In theory, you can open a massage parlor and give massage only ...but it is well known and understood that any sex provided for money exchanged within the establishment is considered prostitution while that aspect of what commonly goes on inside such establishments is deemed illegal and the argued to be the valid reason as to why the police are inevitably involved in such establishments that are well known fronts for prostitution.

Not that I care, but still, inside the establishments prostitution is being practiced and the police know this so they feel they have all the right in the world to come around and let the owners of such establishments know....that they know ...But we are not going to shut you down rather you have to pay us money to continue operating.

People also know that you can open a legal ancient Thai massage establishment ( and they are Everywhere..right? ) and as long as there is no sex involved then that is considered legal and acceptable....but most people know that some of the girls or many of the girls will offer sexual services or they will provide sexual services, if requested to do so.

That being the case is a blow job or hand job only considered prostitution and considered illegal ???

The police know what goes on in those places also and that being the case they will eventually come and visit you if you are operating an ancient massage service because you are at least suspect of operating as a front for illegal sexual services to be provided or could be offered.

Opening a Beer Bar is not illegal and hiring girls to work there as social entertainers is not illegal but everyone knows that the girls are there while fully understanding that they can, if they want, prostitute themselves and provide sexual services for money ...while that aspect of the Beer Bar phenomenon is considered prostitution and illegal so anyone operating a Beer Bar that allows the women there to ply their sex trade activities is considered connected to illegal activities relative to prostitution...as in you are their pimp or mamasan ...but ....you can open a legal beer bar.

You can open a legal hostess club also where the patrons, in theory, come to relax and have drinks and spend time in the company of young pretty courtesans that entertain you, while Soi Thanaya, off Silom Road, catering to the Japanese is a perfect example but if the girls working there have sex with you for money then that is deemed prostitution and that involves the police ...so, such establishments also inevitably have to deal with the police who know full well what is really going on.

Even if nothing of the sort was going on, the police would still extract money out of the owners of such establishments simply because they are operating such establishments in their police jurisdiction while you will be required to pay your "tribute" to the authorities in your area...(The Thai way??) .same as people selling products on the street and nothing to do with prostitution...they still have to pay the police to operate on the streets under the police jurisdiction.

Point is, as long as prostitution is practiced then the police will be evolved some way or another while in the minds of the police they will logically argue and they will ask you: Would you rather have us zealously and forcefully shut down everything and anything related to prostitution existing in its many forms and or the many means and ways to obtain sexual services and orchestrate an all out publically approved war on sex and related prostitution.......well, would you????


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The big word here is transfer. To another paid position. Without penalties, and without any potential deterrent. Do it again somewhere else. You are protected. We will not come after you. You and I understand that we have to transfer you, to make it appear as if we are addressing the problem, which we refuse to do.

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Pee Uncle has these proposals for renaming the country:

- bangland

- whoreland

- cumland / copland (NOT Sure yet)

- minor-bangland

- minor-whoreland

- illegalbangland

- nounderstandland

- thaksinnogoodland

Edited by Mook23
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The bosses keeps reshuffling and moving top brass around in a musical chairs games, and yet,

those parlors and other dens of inequities continue to operate in impunity, it seems that this action

is the standard move and answer by the big brass to the persisting problems, prosecute, fine and

jail those guys who fail to do their job might bring better results rather than transferring personal around......

Chess comes to mind ........ lol

...........................snakes and ladders!

Whack a mole.....

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