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Clinton, Trump adjust politicking following Florida shooting


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Clinton, Trump adjust politicking following Florida shooting

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton adjusted their presidential politicking Sunday, first offering prayers and support to the victims of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. But they both infused their sympathy with statements that favor their presidential aspirations, and the presidential race rolled on.

The presumptive candidates made statements hours after a gunman wielding an assault-type rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a crowded gay nightclub early Sunday, killing at least 50 people before dying in a gunfight with SWAT officers, police said. Another 53 were hospitalized, most in critical condition. Officials identified the shooter as Omar Mateen of Port St. Lucie, Florida, a U.S. citizen born in New York.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, pushed for gun control and reached out to a key constituency — gays and lesbians.

"The gunman attacked an LGBT nightclub during Pride Month. To the LGBT community: please know that you have millions of allies across our country. I am one of them," she said in a statement, adding a call to keep assault weapons out of the hands of "terrorists or other violent criminals."

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, also offered words of support. But then spent the day congratulating himself apparently for predicting more attacks inside the U.S. On Twitter, he renewed talk of his plan to ban Muslims from the U.S. for an indeterminate time. And he went after President Barack Obama.

As Obama stepped to the podium in Washington to address the nation early Sunday afternoon, Trump tweeted:

"Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!"

In his address Obama called the tragedy an act of terror and hate. He didn't talk about religious extremists, nor did others, reluctant to inflame a stunned nation already on edge about attacks inspired by the Islamic State group. Obama said the FBI would investigate the shootings in the gay nightclub as terrorism but that the alleged shooter's motivations were unclear. He said the U.S. "must spare no effort" to determine whether Mateen had any ties to extremist groups.

Hours later, a law enforcement official confirmed to The Associated Press that Mateen had made a 911 call from the club, professing allegiance to the leader of Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The official was familiar with the investigation but not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The shootings inspired the candidates to shift their schedules and focus.

Clinton's presidential campaign announced it was postponing its first joint event with Obama on Wednesday in Green Bay, Wisconsin, because of the Orlando shooting.

Trump said he was changing the focus of his speech Monday at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire from his case against Clinton to "this terrorist attack, immigration and national security."

He also noted that he "said this was going to happen" and repeated his call for Obama to resign for refusing to use the words "radical Islam." Clinton, Trump added, should drop out of the presidential race for the same reason.

Trump has proposed temporarily barring all foreign Muslims from entering the country and has advocated using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods.

Trump's first tweet of the day was factual: "Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded."

Tweeted Clinton: "Woke up to hear the devastating news from FL. As we wait for more information, my thoughts are with those affected by this horrific act."

And then they resumed their plans Sunday.

On schedule, Clinton's campaign unveiled its first general election ad Sunday morning. It will run in battleground states beginning Thursday.

And Sen. Bernie Sanders, still in the contest for the Democratic nomination despite Clinton's claim on it, went on with a round of appearances on the Sunday talk shows. He acknowledged the tragedy — then said he would not drop out of the race and endorse Clinton until he's convinced she's committed to fighting wealth disparity. He later issued a statement of sympathy to the Florida victims, with no political overtones.

Two hours later, Trump responded to the Clinton ad.

"Clinton made a false ad about me where I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. I would NEVER mock disabled. Shame!"

The Clinton ad uses footage of Trump onstage, flailing his arms in an apparent attempt to mimic New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from a congenital condition that restricts joint movement. At the time, Trump was taking issue with a story Kovaleski had written for The Washington Post.

Roughly two hours after that tweet, Trump returned to the shootings.

"Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?" he tweeted.

An hour later, he followed up with some self-praise: "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!"


Associated Press Writer Eric Tucker contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-13

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Or maybe he's just pointing out the obvious, that both Clinton and Obama as well as the entire DNC champion keeping the flood gates open to more and more of these types of people without a care in the world about the average citizen that will be forced to live with them in their neighborhoods. This type of governance has boded well for Europe, right?

His parents were Afghanistan immigrants, allowed unfettered into the US by the same Dem party that gave us both Obama and Clinton. Must be nice to live in their world where everything is viewed through rose colored glasses. thumbsup.gif

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The liberal based article failed to note that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage. More bridges and less walls the policy of the democrats. The pandering Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 75,000 Syrians a year to the USA, lets see if she continues to spout this idea over the next couple of weeks.

And yes Trump has said there is more to come, not genius on his part just realistic. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton live on with the lies of denial.

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Utterly shameful and disgusting using this terrible event for political gain. Shows how low the poltical scene in America has become. So much for government by the people for the people.

I don't understand your logic. The USA imported people from an intolerant ideology just to prove how "modern" and "progressive" they are, and to try proving that islam is non violent. Well, there was certainly a warning that this was not a good idea - that violence and hate would spiral out of control, but our political masters and the left decided it was absolutely neccessary to import these people. Now we are paying the price for our PC stupidity, so yes there is definitely a political angle here, and that this plays into Trumps hands must be upsetting for the lefties, but remember it was you lefties that gave us this whole problem to start with.

Canada has just done the same, and let me tell you, it is only a matter time before they start gunning down gays and liberals there also. The same gays and liberals that forced the govt to import them in the 1st place. When it comes to islam, people seem to throw all logic out of the window to appease it.

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The liberal based article failed to note that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage. More bridges and less walls the policy of the democrats. The pandering Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 75,000 Syrians a year to the USA, lets see if she continues to spout this idea over the next couple of weeks.

And yes Trump has said there is more to come, not genius on his part just realistic. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton live on with the lies of denial.

Just wondering how many more uninformed posts are going to be put up. The United States spends up to 2 years vetting these refuges. How many are in the country now. They say are going to that means they have not. Please learn English before you try to post with it.

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Utterly shameful and disgusting using this terrible event for political gain. Shows how low the poltical scene in America has become. So much for government by the people for the people.

I don't understand your logic. The USA imported people from an intolerant ideology just to prove how "modern" and "progressive" they are, and to try proving that islam is non violent. Well, there was certainly a warning that this was not a good idea - that violence and hate would spiral out of control, but our political masters and the left decided it was absolutely neccessary to import these people. Now we are paying the price for our PC stupidity, so yes there is definitely a political angle here, and that this plays into Trumps hands must be upsetting for the lefties, but remember it was you lefties that gave us this whole problem to start with.

Canada has just done the same, and let me tell you, it is only a matter time before they start gunning down gays and liberals there also. The same gays and liberals that forced the govt to import them in the 1st place. When it comes to islam, people seem to throw all logic out of the window to appease it.

Wrong Canada is not vetting them. They are already in the country and I am not talking like most of the idiots do who talk about ones 20 years ago. I am talking about ones coming in right now. Canada is following closely in the footsteps of Europe and England. The United States is not. Not hard to listen to you people and understand where Trumps support comes from.

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The liberal based article failed to note that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage. More bridges and less walls the policy of the democrats. The pandering Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 75,000 Syrians a year to the USA, lets see if she continues to spout this idea over the next couple of weeks.

And yes Trump has said there is more to come, not genius on his part just realistic. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton live on with the lies of denial.

Just wondering how many more uninformed posts are going to be put up. The United States spends up to 2 years vetting these refuges. How many are in the country now. They say are going to that means they have not. Please learn English before you try to post with it.

This is the time for the low-info brigade to post their nonsense. Somehow it's Obama and Clinton's fault?

Don't bother pointing out facts. Trump and his minions just want to hate and it's Muslims this week. Mexicans, women, liberals, the target changes with the coverage by Fox News.

The Florida shooting is about gun control or rather the lack of it. It's easier to get an AR-15 in Florida than a handgun.

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The liberal based article failed to note that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage. More bridges and less walls the policy of the democrats. The pandering Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 75,000 Syrians a year to the USA, lets see if she continues to spout this idea over the next couple of weeks.

And yes Trump has said there is more to come, not genius on his part just realistic. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton live on with the lies of denial.

Just wondering how many more uninformed posts are going to be put up. The United States spends up to 2 years vetting these refuges. How many are in the country now. They say are going to that means they have not. Please learn English before you try to post with it.

This is the time for the low-info brigade to post their nonsense. Somehow it's Obama and Clinton's fault?

Don't bother pointing out facts. Trump and his minions just want to hate and it's Muslims this week. Mexicans, women, liberals, the target changes with the coverage by Fox News.

The Florida shooting is about gun control or rather the lack of it. It's easier to get an AR-15 in Florida than a handgun.

Gun control my butt. This about someone who has been investigated by the FBI as a possible threat and that information NOT being disseminated to gun dealers throughout the whole of America that should have red-flagged him as such. It's all the liberal dems that keep crying about personal privacy to the point that things like this don't get put into a national database.

When an investigation is "inconclusive" it means it did not prove guilt OR innocence and having his gun permit application flagged for further review COULD have prevented this whole mess.

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I asked on Saturday "how many more?" - and now we know. There have been 43 public mass shootings (more than 5 dead) in the US in the last ten years, which coincides with the expiry of the assault rifle control in 2004.

The GOP, funded by the NRA and Colt, have opposed any form of background checks or controls - even the Al Qaeda leaders have commented on how easy it is to buy military style weaponry in America!

When will the Republican politicians do something for the people and stop supporting the arms industry and its blood money?

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Utterly shameful and disgusting using this terrible event for political gain. Shows how low the poltical scene in America has become. So much for government by the people for the people.

Politics is a dirty game what do you expect there are no Marquess of Queensberry rules. It plays directly into Trumps fear factor campaign he is the one that will benefit the most. It was a gift from the Gods for Herr Donald. He will flog it to death right up to the election.

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The liberal based article failed to note that the shooter was a Muslim of Afghan heritage. More bridges and less walls the policy of the democrats. The pandering Clinton wants to bring in a minimum of 75,000 Syrians a year to the USA, lets see if she continues to spout this idea over the next couple of weeks.

And yes Trump has said there is more to come, not genius on his part just realistic. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton live on with the lies of denial.

She was so predictable. The cure for terrorism is more gun control... Sheesh.

BTW Hillary, the shooter was actually a fully licensed, currently employed, security guard! Once you've confiscated the public's guns, THESE GUYS WILL BE THE ONES STILL HAVING THEM!!!!!! Hillary, take care of your emails, and let somebody else worry about the grown-up stuff.

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Utterly shameful and disgusting using this terrible event for political gain. Shows how low the poltical scene in America has become. So much for government by the people for the people.

I consider this a self-righteous post, considering the facts:

To ignore the event in their communication with the public would be considered insensitive or out of touch America's with grief.

On the other hand, to use it to political advantage is just the carrot that any self-respecting politician could not resist.

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Utterly shameful and disgusting using this terrible event for political gain. Shows how low the poltical scene in America has become. So much for government by the people for the people.

Politics is a dirty game what do you expect there are no Marquess of Queensberry rules. It plays directly into Trumps fear factor campaign he is the one that will benefit the most. It was a gift from the Gods for Herr Donald. He will flog it to death right up to the election.

And hopefully, Hillary can opportunistically use it to deflect attention from her emails and the Benghazi debacle. Or, as a politician, is she above that?

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I'm not sure how this is going to shake out for Clinton vs. the vile monster, but I can see it will take a good amount of skill to navigate the heady mix of issues raised by the Orlando atrocity:

-- Islamic terrorism

-- Retaliation against ISIL for the specific attack

-- Gun control (automatic weapons)

-- Airline boarding (this guy could have been boarded)

-- FBI policies on people that have been on their radar (see gun control)

-- Immigration

-- Homophobia (Islamic and non-Islamic)

-- Security in all public spaces

I imagine the vile monster is going to go all hard core, simplistic, and primitive and no doubt that will play well with many, but there will also be a backlash to that from many.

For Clinton and the vile monster, yes, it's a test.

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The USA.

DIVIDED by politics.

Now more than ever.

The new norm: When tragedy hits, Americans stand divided
Not since 9/11 has a moment like this brought the nation together, and that evaporated quickly. Since then, calamity seems only to drive the left and the right further apart, while faith in the nation’s institutions deteriorates further.
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How very depressing for the victims and loved ones of the victims.

Canon fodder for the most bizarre U.S. election in the memory of anyone alive today:

One way or another, the memory of the Orlando victims will inevitably and regrettably be intertwined with the 2016 election campaign. The media coverage will accord them due respect and honor but dive at first opportunity into the potential political ramifications of their deaths. The extraordinarily stormy political season ensures that Orlando will be marked more for its effect on history than for its destruction of human lives. That’s the way of the world.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/342544/will-orlando-massacre-help-hillary-clinton-unite-nation-or-give-opening-to/#ixzz4BRxlTmaf

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I asked on Saturday "how many more?" - and now we know. There have been 43 public mass shootings (more than 5 dead) in the US in the last ten years, which coincides with the expiry of the assault rifle control in 2004.

The GOP, funded by the NRA and Colt, have opposed any form of background checks or controls - even the Al Qaeda leaders have commented on how easy it is to buy military style weaponry in America!

When will the Republican politicians do something for the people and stop supporting the arms industry and its blood money?

I posted similar message in another post, but this directly relates to this issue too - and my opinion is the same. The obvious reaction to this atrocity by the Liberals is to use it to further their demands for gun control - and sure enough they are up to it all over the net (inc. here). They are wrong (as usual) and they have completely missed the point.

The reality is that even in countries with extensive and oppressive gun controls (European countries), radical Muslims have still been able to get guns and bombs and kill innocent western people. In France (where gun controls are EXTREME) in January 2015 two radical Muslims broke into the offices of a newspaper that had printed a satirical story about Muhammad and killed 11 people. And radical muslims killed 130 people in November 2015 in coordinated attacked in Paris. I would also add that Australia introduced extremely harsh gun laws following a massacre in Tasmania in the 1990s - and yet in 2014 a radical Muslim WITH AN ILLEGAL GUN killed several innocent people in a Sydney cafe.

The real issue is radical Muslims and what is being done to stop them coming into Western countries, and those living within those countries being found, apprehended and detained (deported if possible) - before they kill any more innocent people. Clearly what is being done now is NOT working. In my view the time has come to take a far more confronting and hard-line approach. What that approach is exactly, I do not know - but everything should be on the table - everything from questioning all Muslims in regards to their 'allegiences', and disallowing any dual-citizenshiphips with Muslim countries, banning all travel tarde and alliances to/from designated Muslim regions/countries, and being able to legally record any Muslim prayers and meetings where extremism is suspected.

The current Liberal approach has resulted in the death of hundreds of innocent people - and I for one would be prepared to give away my freedom of religious rights, in return for taking extreme actions against those that can and do kill for no reason other than religious ideology.

Trump is the only politician who has been calling a spade a spade for a long time - and this is just more evidence that only his approach to the issue will work - NOT the current Liberal politically correct softly softly khrapp.

Here is what some Australians truly believe is the only solution: http://pickeringpost.com/story/finally-a-solution-for-australia-s-radical-muslims/4365

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Given that the shooter was a Muslim born and raised in the USA, therefore a US citizen, how does Donald propose to deal with that side of the Muslim community? Throw them all out and take their US passports off of them? Just wondering as I am sure he has a plan

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trump being trump.

The vile monster clearly implies that Obama may be a stealth Islamist terrorist.

Reminds people, yet again, the of the bat sheit crazy (and RACIST) roots of the trump fascist movement, when he was the leader of the "birther" movement absurdly accusing Obama of not being an American.

trump -- the reality t.v. / conspiracy theory candidate.

Donald Trump Is Implying That President Obama Might Be an ISIS Sleeper Agent


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Given that the shooter was a Muslim born and raised in the USA, therefore a US citizen, how does Donald propose to deal with that side of the Muslim community? Throw them all out and take their US passports off of them? Just wondering as I am sure he has a plan

Here's what we all know (those listening): Trump will do something - what he will do will not be told in advance - for obvious reasons (people are listening).

This is what HRC will do:


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There he goes again.

The vile monster unleashed.

He's not capable of restraining himself.

Sure his weird base that seeks an American Mussolini loves it.

But surely that will never be a majority ...

It is routinely suggested that the specter of terrorism helps Trump politically. But if anything, Trump’s response to this horrific event could end up raising further doubts about his temperamental fitness for the presidency.


trump -- ISISs PATSY:

Trump’s Response to Orlando Is Exactly What ISIS Wants
Polarization, immoderation, attacks on civilians and Islam: ISIS's wish list is Trump's platform.
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Radical islam is the most dangerous thing civilization has faced in the last 100 years, this is coming from a muslim. It should be eradicated, and the only person that has the means to do it is the POTUS. That's why Trump should be the president.

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Radical islam is the most dangerous thing civilization has faced in the last 100 years, this is coming from a muslim. It should be eradicated, and the only person that has the means to do it is the POTUS. That's why Trump should be the president.

Who cares if you're a Muslim? trump is a horrible choice. That man near the nuclear codes. He shouldn't be near a the controls for a carnival ride.

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Radical islam is the most dangerous thing civilization has faced in the last 100 years, this is coming from a muslim. It should be eradicated, and the only person that has the means to do it is the POTUS. That's why Trump should be the president.

Who cares if you're a Muslim? trump is a horrible choice. That man near the nuclear codes. He shouldn't be near a the controls for a carnival ride.

I know better than all of you what radical islam is since I've been brought up in a muslim majority country. My word is better than yours

Edited by Lukecan
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