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Nok Air issues grovelling apology to Yingluck after pilots joked they would fly her into the ground


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Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

Pardon me. This current PM done what? Still waiting; well accept for the lottery price, beach chairs etc; he done zilch. He has lots to do with this issue if he act with decorum regarding a former PM especially this case involves security. But alas, he really lack class and decency to act appropriately especially towards the previous government.

Read more slowly, more than previous governments [emoji6]

How much more exactly? Anything on anything important? (Corruption in the police? Corruption in the army? Corruption in the civil service? Aviation? Fishing? Human Trafficking? Holes in roads? The price of pork? Human Rights? Forced disappearances? Abductions by the army? Conflict in the South? The Economy? Exports? FDI? Inequality of wealth? The state of Education? The state of the healthcare system? Minimum living wage?).

Perhaps, when you say "more than previous governments", you could clarify how...?


and that was just under Yingluck [emoji4]

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Have the Shinawatras fallen on hard times?

Budget carrier Nok Air?

They are the only airline I deliberately avoid. After dealing with their ground crew and flight crew a few times I decided I wasn't going to trust their pilots anymore either.

Who else flys to Phrae?

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

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Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

What an ignorant comment to make about the current PM, he has done more for this country than the previous corrupt governments and has nothing to do with this issue. The pilots should be reprimanded for their comments but as usual it was probably taken out of context by some overly sensitive people looking for attention.

Pardon me. This current PM done what? Still waiting; well accept for the lottery price, beach chairs etc; he done zilch. He has lots to do with this issue if he act with decorum regarding a former PM especially this case involves security. But alas, he really lack class and decency to act appropriately especially towards the previous government.

Read more slowly, more than previous governments [emoji6]

How much more exactly? Anything on anything important? (Corruption in the police? Corruption in the army? Corruption in the civil service? Aviation? Fishing? Human Trafficking? Holes in roads? The price of pork? Human Rights? Forced disappearances? Abductions by the army? Conflict in the South? The Economy? Exports? FDI? Inequality of wealth? The state of Education? The state of the healthcare system? Minimum living wage?).

Perhaps, when you say "more than previous governments", you could clarify how...?


and that was just under Yingluck [emoji4]

Of course all that was under Yingluck and all previous government. Just that when you said "more", I expect improvement. Has corruption, economy, trafficking and all in sundry really improved in this government or just move sideways and only given lip service but able to fool the gullible junta apologists.

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

Agreed, it was stupid and unprofessional, but it was a Thai so allowances should be made. A public reprimand is all that's really called for - the loss of face would be pretty severe.


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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

Agreed, it was stupid and unprofessional, but it was a Thai so allowances should be made. A public reprimand is all that's really called for - the loss of face would be pretty severe.


foolish post so it's ok to joke about bombs? (if you are THAI?)

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

you think a bus driver has the SAME training as a pilot? ignorance has no bounds

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

Or plodprasop should get jail for calling local people rubbish.

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

So similar to joking about having a bomb in ones luggage?

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Have the Shinawatras fallen on hard times?

Budget carrier Nok Air?

They are the only airline I deliberately avoid. After dealing with their ground crew and flight crew a few times I decided I wasn't going to trust their pilots anymore either.

Just a mater of different opinions.

All are correct in their own opinions.

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Taxi drivers trained as Nok Air pilots.............!

This idiotic incident has now made it to the International media.......idiotic is probably not the correct term for these pilots....but never the less....for a professional pilot to even contemplate refering to their passengers in this manner, shows the complete naivety and immaturity of these guys.

Talk about a code of ethics lacking in Thailand, this is right up there with the best of all the other bad pri**s!!

All Nok Air Pilots are Thai?

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I really don't think it is all that big a deal. Too bloody sensitive by half, people these days.

When I think about the jokes we used to make at work...

Indeed. But we live in PC times now.

Remember the sexual innuendos, the racist (Irish in Britain, then "Paki"; Polish in America) jokes, the way women were harassed in offices or factories, the teasing and joking that verged on and often was bullying. All were rife in the 70's. And the attitude was it's character building or just a bit of fun.

Now the pendulum has swung to far the other way. You have to watch everything that's said.

But, this was a very foolish remark especially in a country where politicians throw defamation and law suits around like confetti and the rich elite, of which YS is, expect to be treated with due reverence.

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I really don't think it is all that big a deal. Too bloody sensitive by half, people these days.

When I think about the jokes we used to make at work...

Indeed. But we live in PC times now.

Remember the sexual innuendos, the racist (Irish in Britain, then "Paki"; Polish in America) jokes, the way women were harassed in offices or factories, the teasing and joking that verged on and often was bullying. All were rife in the 70's. And the attitude was it's character building or just a bit of fun.

Now the pendulum has swung to far the other way. You have to watch everything that's said.

But, this was a very foolish remark especially in a country where politicians throw defamation and law suits around like confetti and the rich elite, of which YS is, expect to be treated with due reverence.

Yeah, I know what you mean. But still..

I worked on the railway in central London when the IRA bombs were going off. The amount of prank calls we made to one another... Now of course if the media had got hold of it we would have been pilloried, but it was our way of defusing the tension in its own sick way...

Can you imagine the jokes at military or Air Traffic Control get togethers, online or otherwise?

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If this can be proven, these pilots should be dismissed and identified so no one will hire them without knowing their dubious behavior. A pilot is supposed to be a mature and psychologically stable individual who bears a life and death safety responsibility. "jokes" about CFIT cannot be tolerated. Germanwings CFIT was not too long ago. NOK Air should worry about safety and not trying to be an example of distancing its corporate self from statements by individual employees/ associates

Life and death responsibilities.............

A bus driver has the same job!

Maybe about time we understand that air line pilots are just like anyone else in the society.

Some have more responsibility than others, but are not super-humans because of that.

Yes, it was a stupid idiotic remark, which should be punished.

However, losing the livelihood because of a stupid joke?

This means shoplifting should be punished by death.

you think a bus driver has the SAME training as a pilot? ignorance has no bounds

Really? You want to talk about the training?

Some electricians have longer training than pilots.

1000s of professions with longer training than pilots.


Training is NOT the issue here.

It is about responsibility.

The pilot made a stupid remark and should be punished accordingly.

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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

Fact: #ThaiJunta did not overthrow an elected gov't as there was no gov't at the time b/c Yingluck had dissolved Parliament. #Thailand #ASEAN

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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

Fact: #ThaiJunta did not overthrow an elected gov't as there was no gov't at the time b/c Yingluck had dissolved Parliament. #Thailand #ASEAN
Gents, can we please not go there again on this thread? It really is not relevant and there are plenty of others where we can go at it like hammer and tongs. Thanks.
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Yingluck flies nok air? My but that's a come down...

Just for show .I am quite sure that she regularly flies by private jet . I am also sure its on standby to take her quickly out of the Country if necessary .Prison would not be good for her hair or finger nails .

Didn't know they let children on here. Grow up!

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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

Lack of professional attitude shown by pilot assistants. Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots".

If there one thing passengers really do not like is pilots or assistants to pilots joking about 'controlled flight into terrain'. You are flying regularly, would you feel comfortable knowing the jokers were flying your plane? Maybe read about GermanWings A320 which 'went' CFIT.


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Personally I think the person or persons who posted that remark should be sacked (assuming they work for Nok Air). It's unacceptable for an airline employee to joke about accidents in a public media.

No excuse for such behaviour. IMHO.

Was this 'Line' thing they used open to all and sundry? (I don't know, but the OP sas "Line app for pilots".)

If it was not available openly to the general public with evidence they were Nok Air pilots, I don't see why their livelihoods should be flushed down the toilet just like that simply for making crass remarks. Demotion or suspension without pay for a while, yes, but not to be sacked in disgrace.

Lack of professional attitude shown by pilot assistants. Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots".

If there one thing passengers really do not like is pilots or assistants to pilots joking about 'controlled flight into terrain'. You are flying regularly, would you feel comfortable knowing the jokers were flying your plane? Maybe read about GermanWings A320 which 'went' CFIT.


"Picture and text known to the public suggesting openness of that "line app for pilots"

Perhaps, perhaps not. I am not in an informed enough position to comment one way or the other.

Now; the chances are I wouldn't know who is flying my plane and whatever other distasteful jokes they make, but I would imagine a fair few. They are human beings after all, like most of the rest of us.

As for that dreadful Germanwings atrocity, I don't really see how one could draw any kind of parallel with the actions of a lone deranged homicidal maniac and a bit of tasteless banter among colleagues. It is easy to do and I most certainly do not blame you for raising it, but I personally would not make such a comparison in my own head.

In my own opinion I still feel sacking is too strong a sanction, but that is just me.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

Fact: #ThaiJunta did not overthrow an elected gov't as there was no gov't at the time b/c Yingluck had dissolved Parliament. #Thailand #ASEAN

If you want to turn something into a "fact" could I suggest:

1. you write it in capitals - FACT.

2. You repeat it at every opportunity for oh, about a dozen times. Then it will be regarded by some as incontrovertible - on this forum at least.

In that way you may be able to convince some that the Junta reluctantly assumed power as there was no one else who either wished the job, or had been selected by the Thai people to carry it out. It will be a bit of a stretch though......


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Aww... Just a technical jargon use with another pilot, who almost flew the country to the ground...

Reckon you would have a very different opinion and comment if the "victim" was your wife or kids or was the current PM who has very much flown the country into the ground and countless peoples lives. Not so funny now huh...

This idiot so-called pilot should not only be sacked immediately but his pilots license revoked indefinitely then make a very public apology and large fines.

As if the country's aviation sector isn't in enough trouble.

No sense of humour today?

No sense of humour ? Not bad coming from you.

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Great lady, easy to snipe and sneer at her- now. I would have been more impressed with these shit pilots if they had the nerve to say this when she was the PM, anyone can kick somebody when they are down, in this case deposed from the majority decision of the Thai people by courts and tanks.

The OFFICE of PM demands its own respect. After you leave office, the respect you have is that which you earned by your honesty, integrity, altruism, perspicacity and diligence. Then we have Yingluk.

Halloween, sure sure, you only say this because you are an apologist for this PM who wasn't even voted in by popular election.

But we all know where your allegiances lie.

Day one you were on here crowing about how the good times were gonna roll now we had an honest PM in the job. Yawn.

You choose to show respect to a PM that has yet to show his honesty, integrity, altruism, etc etc. But good enough for you eh?

"Day one you were on here crowing about how the good times were gonna roll now we had an honest PM in the job. Yawn."

Spot on, So now we (Thailand) has it's (honest)cheesy.gif PM on the job, we now have an economy in the toilet, palm oil price tanked, sugar price low, rice price stupidly low, rubber price crap, beer price up, smokes up, less school hours, Yu'p what's not to crow about?

Unfortunately Halloween and a few junta huggers will not respond to direct questions of the PM My finances and my family's finances are OFF LIMITS to investigation therefor putting his honesty/transparency/savior of the nation in very much doubt.

Now if the few junta fanboys left on TVF had used a little brain matter and denounced these idiot pilots stupid comments then they may have a little more credit

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