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Thanksgiving Dinner?


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Does anyone know of any good recommendations for a Thanksgiving dinner this year?

As close to the real thing as possible would be nice. With turkey, cranberry and all the fixings.

Where and about how much should I pay? I would like it to be at a relatively cheap, about in the 500

baht range.

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Does anyone know of any good recommendations for a Thanksgiving dinner this year?

As close to the real thing as possible would be nice. With turkey, cranberry and all the fixings.

Where and about how much should I pay? I would like it to be at a relatively cheap, about in the 500

baht range.

I go to Soi 22 Bourbon Street restaurant when I am in Thailand on Thanksgiving. I've tried others, but Doug puts out the best turkey day meal I've had consistently each year. A few hundred baht or so and you can go for seconds, :o You can't go wrong there really. Also have heard Silver Dollar and Lone Star bars in Washington Square do a turkey plate on Thanksgiving as well.


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I tried Bourbon street a few times, but got tired of the haphazard way they cleaned the buffet line, and they kept running out of things, and took forever to replace them

Last year, we tried the Landmark Buffet. It was excellent, with all the Thanksgiving trimmings. (its at the Atrium Cafe).

Best is, if you bring a party of 4, you get 50% off the price of hte buffet (1,500 goes down to 750) Not a bad deal for a wonderful dinner. I already have my reservations, so I don't feel bad sharing my secret.

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yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

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yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

Were you born STUPID or did you take STUPID lessons??? Also i dont believe the 'good friend' bit - who would want such a narrow minded moron as you as a good friend? :D - anyhoos we :D are

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yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

I will simply add to this by saying I don't disagree there were many abuses, but we aren't the only ones.

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in America Thanksgiving is a time to share with others...like usually if you know someone at loose ends you invite him/her to your house for the traditional meal. Well, I've been away now almost 20 years and have known a number of Americans on projects all over the world that never invited me although it was clear that I was on my own. Maybe I got a mark on my forehead or the patina of 'renegade American' shimmering from my aura...

to those Americans on this forum I say to you think about inviting that countryman to your home for the meal if you know that he has no place to go...I mean no bullshed when I say that there is a true spirit of Thanksgiving, one that is uniquely American...

one of the few things that I miss...(the keyboard is wet with tears once again...)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

The Euros say we dont have a long history of anything.

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What is the date for this American Thanksgiving?

yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

The Euros say we dont have a long history of anything.

I've been away a long time but usually turkey day was around 25 Nov...the kick off for the American 'Holiday Season'...(Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years...)

to whomever...don't go on about red Indians as the traditional holiday commemorates the collaboration between Indians and the European settlers who would have died without local assistance during their first year on the ground...the turkey is a native american bird...probably had loads of sweet corn as well (a favorite thai snack...)

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Thanks Tutsi :o

my pleasure...btw, turkey is a traditional favorite alla way down the spine of Latin America...it's called 'pavo' in Spanish...

from Treasure of the Sierra Madre: (Dobbs and Curtin are miserable in the Mexican desert wilderness)

Fred C Dobbs - 'wonder what the 'ol man is doin' now (referring to the old prospector Howard who went off to help local natives with an emergency...)'

Curtin - 'probably eatin' a dinner of roast turkey and drinkin' a bottle of tequila...'

'nuff said...turkey forever enshrined in popular culture...

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American holiday, Thanksgiving is traditionaly celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The date has varied since the original Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims but the last Thursday was set by Federal law during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, if I remember my history.

For me, I like the buffet of all the traditional items, plus some Asian dishes, at the Westin Grande on Sukhumvit. Have been going there for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last few years.

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American holiday, Thanksgiving is traditionaly celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The date has varied since the original Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims but the last Thursday was set by Federal law during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, if I remember my history.

For me, I like the buffet of all the traditional items, plus some Asian dishes, at the Westin Grande on Sukhumvit. Have been going there for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last few years.

You're off on two counts Lanny.

Thanksgiving in the US is celebrated on the 4th THursday in Novemember. Usually that is the last Thursday, but like this year, that is not the case. Thanksgiving is Nov. 23rd this year.

And it was made a holiday by Abe Lincoln during the dark days of the US Civil War by Abraham Lincoln

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American holiday, Thanksgiving is traditionaly celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The date has varied since the original Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims but the last Thursday was set by Federal law during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, if I remember my history.

For me, I like the buffet of all the traditional items, plus some Asian dishes, at the Westin Grande on Sukhumvit. Have been going there for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last few years.

You're off on two counts Lanny.

Thanksgiving in the US is celebrated on the 4th THursday in Novemember. Usually that is the last Thursday, but like this year, that is not the case. Thanksgiving is Nov. 23rd this year.

And it was made a holiday by Abe Lincoln during the dark days of the US Civil War by Abraham Lincoln

generally speaking Thanksgiving is a pagan harvest festival celebrated under one guise or another in many places on the planet...'ol Honest Abe by making it a public holiday was probly tryin' to show that the North and the South had all this in common...

jaysus...let's not get started on this one...the American Civil War was one of the bloodiest and disasterous conflicts ever...something that all Americans would like to forget...but cannot, as Abe's assasination is directly related...

'Four score and twenty years ago our forefathers...' (maybe not accurate but you know what I'm talkin' about...)

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I was teaching an adult class about holidays and the topic of Thanksgiving was one. The book we use said it was the 4th Thursday of November. I said that is the last Thursday. One of the students--obviously brighter than the teacher said, "not this year"!

Good Catch.

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yank holiday :o

Being a Yank, I'll admit to it, but hey, any holiday devoted to eating, drinking, and watching sports can't be all bad :D

I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

And the Abos of your country have been treated with kindness, and nothing like that has never happened in Australia has it? People in glass houses should not be throwing stones. Read up on your own rather bloody colonial history.


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American holiday, Thanksgiving is traditionaly celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The date has varied since the original Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims but the last Thursday was set by Federal law during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, if I remember my history.

For me, I like the buffet of all the traditional items, plus some Asian dishes, at the Westin Grande on Sukhumvit. Have been going there for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last few years.

You're off on two counts Lanny.

Thanksgiving in the US is celebrated on the 4th THursday in Novemember. Usually that is the last Thursday, but like this year, that is not the case. Thanksgiving is Nov. 23rd this year.

And it was made a holiday by Abe Lincoln during the dark days of the US Civil War by Abraham Lincoln

OK, I'll concede on the schedule. Since the 4th Thursday is almost always the last, I missed that.

However, you are wrong about Abe Lincoln. True, he established the holiday as being in November but the date did vary from year to year. It was FDR who put the 4th Thursday into the law. It was part of his New Deal program during the Depression, somehow.

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in America Thanksgiving is a time to share with others...like usually if you know someone at loose ends you invite him/her to your house for the traditional meal.

Know what you mean Tutsi.

I have always done most the cooking in the family, especially on Thanksgiving. I have a open invitation, and specific to those I know alone, to any "unattached".

My 2 kids, and Thai fiance make 4, no other relatives about, but we generally have ~ 20. Big Turkey, Rib roast, Ham, etc. Any excuse to cook more!!

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I walked into Bourbon Street a couple years ago but walked straight out. It is okay if you don't care how fancy your dinner is or if your on a budget.

I went to Westin Grande last year and was pretty satisfied. Will probably go there again this year unless one of you guys or gals knows of a place that has pecan pie. Haven't found any pecan pie here yet and Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without pecan pie. So if any of yall know, PLEASE post where to find it.

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I had a good friend who was a native american. his gret grandfather was murdered in cold blood infront of his grandfather for no reason other than being a feather-headed and brown skinned. it seems yanks have a long history of abuses.

First off, how many abuses have been commited against the native Australians by Europeans, second your country has been following the US and its policies like a lost puppy dog for years now, so If you have a problem with the US I suggest you work on getting your countries nose out of our behinds.

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First off, how many abuses have been commited against the native Australians by Europeans, second your country has been following the US and its policies like a lost puppy dog for years now, so If you have a problem with the US I suggest you work on getting your countries nose out of our behinds.

Troll! :o

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