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What does mean the mention of " CD " under the entry stamp ?

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Hello, I was arrived at Suvarnabhumi, with my Thai daughter, so I can go easily to the Priority Line to avoid the long queue.

Well, when I arrive at the Immigration counter, the woman officer just starting her shift work. She try to make the computer work, but seems it fail. I am just being patient & waiting for 10 long minutes, with my daughter without speak anything or going to another desk, because I don't want to make a loose face to the Immigration Officer. I am just being respectul & polite...

After then 10 minutes, she seems to stamp my passport & the Thai passport of my daughter as well.. without take photos of us.

After I mention that in our entries stamp, the IO signed the stamp & under she put CD

I am got confused what does mean that CD, I am thinking alot, can be her itinital ? I think not, all of my entries stamp since 11 years I never see that.

I am thinking it's maybe mean Computer Dysfonction ?

Well, so what I am scared, it's that my entry are not registered in the computer, and she did it manually..

so, imagine I lose my passport, that it will not possible to retrieve the information at the computer, or imagine, I am gonna leave Thailand & they will think I have a fake entry?

Yes, I am so paranoid...

Just let see what is yours thinking.. about this CD.. & potentially manually entry without record in their computer system.

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Arrival card ? who will enter the information from the Arrival Card to the computer.. did it have special section that people doing it, Because there's thousands of thousands arrival card everyday come in Suvarbahumi, just being curious.

Well right I did pictures and put it on my email.. anyway I've single non-O visa, so it should be seen, that's not a fake enter.

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Arrival card ? who will enter the information from the Arrival Card to the computer.. did it have special section that people doing it, Because there's thousands of thousands arrival card everyday come in Suvarbahumi, just being curious.

Well right I did pictures and put it on my email.. anyway I've single non-O visa, so it should be seen, that's not a fake enter.

Read what a I posted again.

I did not write they get the info from arrival cards all the time. Only if the computer system was down would they do it. Better than people standing in line waiting for it start working.

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CD might mean Corp Diplomatic since you were in the line for diplomats!

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Spot on. In the UK cars from various embassies carry a separate "CD" plate to indicate they have diplomatic status.

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taking a photo will do what???

The OP is afraid that his entry is not in the computer system and he might loose his passport and not having any proof.

Always a good idea to do a copy (and printout) of the passport main page and the visa/stamps pages.

For the real paranoid (like me tongue.png ):

  • Scan stored on two computers and somewhere "in the cloud".
  • Printout in the purse.
  • Passport in the safe.

To the OP: do copies as described and don't worry.

The officer would not have let you go without a hint if something is wrong.

This CD mark seems for internal use only.

Some time ago there was a report about hacker/sabotage attacks on the Malaysian immigration computer system.

As far as I remember it was sabotage by a corrupt officer?

Purpose: smuggle blacklisted people/people on search warrants in.

Something happening here or just a buggy/instable computer system (reminds me of 90 day report whistling.gif )?

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I would go to my local immigration office ASAP and have them check it out. Shouldn't be a problem. I did that with a screw up the immigration officer at the Lao border made and corrected by running a line through the 30 day and entering the correct stamp, initialing his screw up. I just wasn't sure and local immigration assured me it was A-OK. No problem as I just renewed my permission to stay (retirement) and multi-entry/exit permit.

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CD might mean Corp Diplomatic since you were in the line for diplomats!

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Spot on. In the UK cars from various embassies carry a separate "CD" plate to indicate they have diplomatic status.

It has nothing to do with Corp Diplomatic.

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