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GOP's Trump says US should consider profiling Muslims


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GOP's Trump says US should consider profiling Muslims
By Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump suggested Sunday that the United States should "seriously" consider profiling Muslims inside the country as a terrorism-fighting tool, the latest example of the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting increasingly backing positions that could single out a group based on their religion.

"We really have to look at profiling," Trump said in an interview broadcast Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation." ''It's not the worst thing to do."

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee added that he "hate(s) the concept of profiling, but we have to use common sense."

The statements are consistent with Trump's other, long-expressed views on how to stop terrorism in the United States, including a temporary ban on foreign Muslims from entering the country until the U.S. can figure out "what is going on."

Trump has doubled down on this approach since Omar Mateen carried out the worst mass shooting in modern American history on June 12 at a gay club in Orlando, Florida. Forty-nine people were killed in the attack, which stoked a mix of fears about terrorism, guns and violence against gays.

Mateen's motive isn't clear, but a letter from the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, said Mateen wrote on Facebook that "real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west." He also pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, his ex-wife said he was mentally ill and his father suggested that gays had angered him.

Trump's response to the tragedy was, in part, a pointed confrontation with Muslims, who he singled out for knowing where terrorists are and not turning them into authorities. In the same speech, he also expanded his ban on Muslim immigration to include people from regions with a history of terrorism.

On Sunday, Trump also said the government should investigate mosques in the U.S. in much the same way the New York Police Department's Demographics Unit spied on Muslims and mosques around the city with help from the CIA. The group assembled databases on where Muslims lived, shopped, worked and prayed, infiltrated Muslim student groups, put informants in mosques and monitored sermons, the Associated Press reported in 2011.

The NYPD, under Mayor Bill de Blasio, announced it had abandoned the program following lawsuits and complaints.

"You do (it) as they used to do in New York prior to this mayor dismantling" the program, Trump said Sunday.

His increasing embrace of policies that could isolate Muslims in America is extraordinary for a candidate assured of his party's presidential nomination. The proposals have been roundly dismissed and criticized by many Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Americans are strikingly divided over whether to single out Muslim communities as part of a plan to fight terrorism, according to an AP-GfK poll conducted March 31 through April 4.

Forty-nine percent of respondents said they favor surveillance programs aimed at predominantly Muslim communities in the United States to obtain information about possible radicalization. Forty-seven percent of those surveyed opposed the practice.

Trump on Sunday cast the use of profiling as a matter of "common sense" over "political correctness."

Civil libertarians, Muslims and others have strongly disagreed, arguing that profiling is unconstitutional and discrimination based on race, religion and other factors.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Sunday said law enforcement should remain allied with groups that might have helpful information.

"It is very important for to us maintain our contacts within the Muslim community, because, often, individuals, if they're from that community and they're being radicalized, their friends and family members will see it first. They will see activity first. And we want that information to come to us," Lynch said on CNN's "State of Union."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-20

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So far this year, there have been 145 Mass Shootings in the United States, 144 of them carried out by non Muslims. According to Trump profiling Muslims will prevent the next 150 to 200 likely Mass Shootings that will occur in the remaining months of the year. So far this month, 20 people have been murdered and 70 injured in addition to the Orlando Mass Shooting, yet they ignore these 19 other mass shootings in June and only focus on one minority group. The fact is that there are a lot of crazy people with the right to carry guns in the U.S. 6,229 people have been killed and 24,427 injured so far this year. Compare this with the 6,800 U.S. servicemen killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. This wholesale slaughter goes on and on and the NRA backed, Trump's solution is more guns and profiling only Muslims. This obviously will not stop the slaughter which is killing the same amount of people killed in the Afghan and Iraq wars in 15 years, every 6 months in the U.S.

The minimum should be profiling of all gun owners and their family members no matter what religion they belong to. The fact is that so far this year toddlers have been involved in carrying out more shootings (23 in No.), than this one incident involving a Muslim.

Secondly, what is the use of only preventing people on the FBI terrorist watch list from the right to purchase or carry a gun. What about all the other crazies who carried out the mass shootings of a church and planned parenthood who were Christian extremists.

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So far this year, there have been 145 Mass Shootings in the United States, 144 of them carried out by non Muslims. According to Trump profiling Muslims will prevent the next 150 to 200 likely Mass Shootings that will occur in the remaining months of the year. So far this month, 20 people have been murdered and 70 injured in addition to the Orlando Mass Shooting, yet they ignore these 19 other mass shootings in June and only focus on one minority group. The fact is that there are a lot of crazy people with the right to carry guns in the U.S. 6,229 people have been killed and 24,427 injured so far this year. Compare this with the 6,800 U.S. servicemen killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. This wholesale slaughter goes on and on and the NRA backed, Trump's solution is more guns and profiling only Muslims. This obviously will not stop the slaughter which is killing the same amount of people killed in the Afghan and Iraq wars in 15 years, every 6 months in the U.S.

The minimum should be profiling of all gun owners and their family members no matter what religion they belong to. The fact is that so far this year toddlers have been involved in carrying out more shootings (23 in No.), than this one incident involving a Muslim.

Secondly, what is the use of only preventing people on the FBI terrorist watch list from the right to purchase or carry a gun. What about all the other crazies who carried out the mass shootings of a church and planned parenthood who were Christian extremists.

The NRA fan boys and gun polishers will tell you gun ownership is not a problem, even if the majority of mass shootings (at least 4 people dead/injured without the shooter) are :

1st : bar-brawl/alcohol related - Road rage

2nd: Domestic violence

3rd : Gangs shooting

4th : Lone wolf

5th : extremist terrorism ( muslim. far right...)

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If you are looking for radical Muslim extremists you would probably want to profile Muslims.

Of course if you are looking to stop gun violence you would also want to profile gun owners,

and catholic priests if you are wanting to look for pedophile priests. It all makes sense to me

but I do understand how each group would be upset. coffee1.gif

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If you are looking for radical Muslim extremists you would probably want to profile Muslims.

Of course if you are looking to stop gun violence you would also want to profile gun owners,

and catholic priests if you are wanting to look for pedophile priests. It all makes sense to me

but I do understand how each group would be upset. coffee1.gif

You're making way too much sense! But that's about the extent of it. Right-wingers don't want the government to mess with the privacy and rights of millions of innocent gun owners....but they have no problem with the government messing with the privacy and rights of millions of innocent Muslim-Americans.

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Nothing to see hear folks.

Just the vile monster doing his racist demagogue dog and pony show again.

Worked in the primaries. Tanking in the general.

Looking forward to the inauguration of our first women president.

Next ...

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Trump already has the ignorant and bigoted old white vote in the bag. No need to keep twisting their nipples. He needs to start working on the African American, Hispanic, women and Center Left voters. Without these demographics he doesn't have a snow balls chance in a Volcano of setting up shop in the White House.

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"Crazy people" don't spend their entire life being brainwashed into hating a certain type of people or behavior for the most part. Guns have always been around in America and always will/should be. There were "crazy people" in the 1800's when everyone carried guns. The amount of "crazy people" grows exponentially with the amount of people.

The problem doesn't lie with guns, it lies with restrictions and bleeding hearts. It also lies with being so politically correct that we can't even say the pledge of allegiance in schools anymore because it may offend some immigrant. How's that being an American?

Since we don't live in the 1800's anymore we have to do other things like profiling to identify the "crazy people" as it's so much easier for them to hide among us.

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Hispanics Americans? Duh! Black Americans? Duh! Asian Americans? Duh! Democrats? Duh! Women? Duh!

See what the problem is? Duh

I'd like to second that. DUH!

Edited by NumbNut
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Been a bad week for the Donald. I think this is where he hit the wall.

I don't know if it's the end but it's the beginning of the end.

The wheels are definitely beginning to come off his caboose. As I've said before, without any help from the media, gossamer-skinned Trump will self-implode.

Comedian Andy Borowitz put a great spin on Trump's current inner-party dilemma: Shame on the Republicans who are trying to stop Trump from running in November. They are potentially depriving the American people of the most entertaining concession speech in human history.

Edited by lifeincnx
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Been a bad week for the Donald. I think this is where he hit the wall.

I don't know if it's the end but it's the beginning of the end.

The wheels are definitely beginning to come off his caboose. As I've said before, without any help from the media, gossamer-skinned Trump will self-implode.

Comedian Andy Borowitz put a great spin on Trump's current inner-party dilemma: Shame on the Republicans who are trying to stop Trump from running in November. They are potentially depriving the American people of the most entertaining concession speech in human history.

Lol! Great icon too by the way, class! clap2.gif

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