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USA presidential election topic.

Usually, the democratic party gets the lion's share (bears too) of the LGBTQ vote.

I predict it will be exactly the same this time.

However, there is something interesting going on.

trump, including the usual Fox News right wing talking heads, are making a play for the LGBTQ vote.

I realize these gay forum topics are usually total duds, so I won't say more, unless some people are interested in discussing this.

Inspiration for this comes from overhearing a gay American in Thailand saying he was voting for trump.


Please note: You don't need to be a LGBTQ person to post on this thread but please be respectful. This topic is on the gay forum because members can't open non-Thai political topics on other forums. World news forum topic creation is closed to members.

  • 4 weeks later...

I suppose trump probably needed to court the evangelical and "traditional conservative" demographics for party unity, but the good news for those determined to beat trump is that now the lines are more clearly drawn. The delusion that trump represents something that might actually attract moderates or even Bernie type progressives has been damaged.

10 Troubling Things About the GOP Platform (Unless You’re a Straight White Christian Male)

Remember that thing where the Republicans lost the presidency in 2012 and Republican National Convention Chairman Reince Priebus was all about giving the GOP a makeover to appeal to the youth, minorities, non-Christians, women and more progressive-leaning voters?

Yeah, that never happened. And the GOP’s recently released 2016 platform is the most conservative, anti-progressive thing to come out of a gathering of Republicans in recent memory.

Here’s a run-down of the stated positions that are most troubling if you don’t happen to be a white, Christian, cisgender heterosexual man.

Read more: http://forward.com/opinion/345295/10-troubling-things-about-the-gop-platform-unless-youre-a-straight-white-ch/#ixzz4Ejxu7gJW

  • Like 1

The fundamentalist vote is needed for GOP. I think in the end he will kow tow to them. Then again, Trump is just all over the place, and says whatever he thinks he needs to say to get people off his back. I guess a bit like Hilary, but at least she has a platform that is consistent.


Well if he wins he may get 2 or 3 supreme court picks and he's promised right wing ones that could then reverse marriage equality and worse.

  • Like 1

Chelsea Clinton speaking about her opposition to the trump pence republican platform supporting conversion therapy for gay youth, which in reality is a form of child abuse:

  • 1 month later...

Phyllis Schlafly has died.




Phyllis Schlafly, One of History's Worst Homophobes, Dies at 92


What did trump say:




The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who honored me with her strong endorsement for president, has passed away at 92. She was very special!






 So much for the gays for the donald campaign. 


On 7/24/2016 at 6:43 PM, Jingthing said:

Well if he wins he may get 2 or 3 supreme court picks and he's promised right wing ones that could then reverse marriage equality and worse.

Yup.Roe vs, Wade might be struck down as well? 

15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's safe to say trump's "play" for the gay vote has morphed into the typical republican play for the ANTI-gay vote.

Nobody should be surprised. 

Au contraire there amigo!

Don't forget he's got Milo firmly on his side with those legions of fans! 


Smart guy this Milo cat! :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, that guy is entertaining, but he's a political freak. Only a small percentage of gay Americans would ever support trump. I would hardly elevate Milo as a leader of gay people. He's a super TROLL. He celebrates that. He also has openly stated he discriminates against gay men in his personal hiring (he has a significant staff). 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It gets worse.

Bottom line the trump - Pence ticket has turned out to be a real horror show for GLBT civil rights.




Donald Trump pledges to sign anti-LGBT law to permit religious discrimination



  • 3 weeks later...

Is Milo Yiannopoulos (who calls trump Daddy and explicitly discriminates against gay men in his own hiring) the worst gay man on the planet?


The gay conservative troll has outlined an attack strategy against transgender people, whom he called “mentally ill,” among other pejoratives, on his college tour.


Milo Yiannopoulos is preaching hatred of the transgender community at colleges across the country.

The gay alt-right figure delivered an obscenity-filled rant Monday at the University of Delaware, where he vilified trans people as “mentally ill” and outlined a strategy for taking down the “trans lobby” that supports them.




  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know how many in our community voted for Trump, but anyway Trump is the person who the US (and the rest of the world) now have for President. 

5 minutes ago, dundas said:

I don't know how many in our community voted for Trump, but anyway Trump is the person who the US (and the rest of the world) now have for President. 

Most likely, as usual 80 to 90 percent of the LGBTQ vote was not for trump as he's a republican. But yes tragically the dark forces have won.


He has explicitly promised to appoint supreme court justices with the politics like SCALIA. Two like that and same sex marriage recognition at the federal level will be abolished. That will mean those already in such marriages will LOSE civil rights they already gained. I'm not sure if they will go so far as to make same sex marriage illegal at the state level, but I would say it is HIGHLY PROBABLE now with 2 picks (has one already to go) that federal recognition will be over.



If it's any consolation, Australians voted for the homophobic Tony Abbott as prime minister and after a relatively short time he had made himself so disliked that he was rolled and is still gnashing his teeth.  I guess we can always hope for impeachment for Trump, but then again ... that would leave Mike Pence as president ...   Even worse. 


Yes, Pence is probably the most virulently anti-gay civil rights president or VICE president in American history. The republican platform this time was the most anti-gay civil rights platform in American history as well (for a major party anyway).


Great again in this case means going BACKWARDS.


And so, it begins.


The progress made over several decades about to be torn away by hateful bigots.


Once done, it may take another 50 years or more to reverse because trump is likely to get 2 or 3 SCOTUS picks in only one term.


Gay people that supported trump ... useful idiots just like trump is a useful idiot for Russian dictator Putin.


Anti-LGBT Group Ready to Repeal Marriage Equality Under President Trump






Question to Americans.

Do you think that friends and family that voted for trump, ignoring that he was running on the most anti-gay platform in history with the most anti-gay VP in history, was a personal BETRAYAL to you?






I’ve been betrayed by my own family. Odds are, so have you.

They don’t want you to call it that — a betrayal — but it’s true.






I've come a long way in my thinking ,although I am not gay, I do have a lot of respect for gays. I hope and pray Pres-elect Trump, and more importantly, V. Pres-elect Pence do not try and reverse the hard fought gains that Gays have won. I hope they stay focusd on much more important issues such as strengthening our national defense which has been weakened considerably. I also hope they work toward implementing a comprehensive national health plan for all Americans. I hope they stay focused on doing something about our out of control deficit spending. Our deficits are through the roof and we have almost reached the point of no return. If we don't get our financial house in order, and soon I might add, the whole country is going to suffer immeasureably as the debt consumes more and more of the budget. We are living in precarious times with much uncertainty and there are MUCH more pressing concerns then trying to waste time attempting to roll back hard fought gains by Gays.


Don't be naive. Even trump's health care plan is insisting on provisions that legalize explicit discrimination against gays based on the lame excuse of religious freedom. Dude that's a high priority for his base.

trump doesn't have very much in stone for his health changes but that plan has been fully fleshed out for a long time. Also of course scotus. One anti gay rights pick coming right away and more later. Turn back the click. Here we go.


Jingthing- Trump went on 60 minutes and stated that he is not going to look to repeal or reverse the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage. He said it was now the law of the land and it is here to stay. I would think that if that were the case, and I hope and pray it is, then I don't see how Gays can be discrimanated against with any forthcoming healthcare plan. It that were the case, there would be a MAJOR lawsuit because of the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage.

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