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PM shoots down revival of GT200 investigation


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Well I don't mind stating the obvious.

What our PM says now is diametrically opposed to what he said while still army chief, which was (as I recall) "we still use them (the obviously fraudulent GT2000 detectors) because they sometimes work" or words to that effect. They were purchased, not because they work (they were proved to be wholly useless), but because of the corrupt kickbacks that were involved.

Now that the UK court has demanded that the guilty party make restitution, we might well see the thief now in a UK prison, decide to rat out the people to whom he paid corrupt 'commissions'. Roll on that day.

Our esteemed PM is shown to be nothing less than a liar, whose own alleged corruption ought now to be investigated, but won't be because of the extent of corruption and patronage permeating all levels of society in junta Thailand.

Shame on you Prayuth, you are a shallow liar and a fraud. And that's without investigating how much of your assets were obtained corruptly. You make me want to vomit, you thief.


Given the math (THB1.4 billion paid by users, THB0.4 billion paid to UK scammers), the latter probably did not even have to pay any 'inducements'. That would have been the job of the middlemen who trousered the THB1.0 billion. They are the ones that should (but won't) be investigated.

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Goodness me. If Prayut keeps going down this path he will nearly (but not quite) reflect the same extent of corruption and patronage that permeated at all levels of society under the previous regime.

​Admit you were swindled and move on, but no Thai will ever do that let alone the popular leader the country.

"Admit you were swindled and move on".

G'day djjamie, your are one of the few that are prepared to comment on this issue so good for you mate.

Now there is more much more than you suggest the junta should admit to but you conveniently leave out, shame on you.

What do the junta fan boys keep crying out? Yingluk was head of the program so she must be held responsible, There was obvious corruption and she let it go,

Now junta huggers, Who was head of the military at the time of testing/buying/using these fake bomb detectors? That would be your hero the PM no?

Now to be fair non bias and consistent, So why don't you call for the very same actions you all so furiously call for against the last government\t???

Answer, Because you are hypocrites simple really.

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They were useful once but when they were proven to be useless, they were not used.

They were useful?? I thought that was the basis of the fraud prosecution, they were never useful.

There may have been a translation problem. Perhaps it should read - "They were used once but when they were proven to be useless, they were no longer not used."

These translations from Thai to English are often distorted, as most readers should be aware of, but TV members mistakenly pounce on translated statements as if they are indisputable and accurate. ​

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They were useful once but when they were proven to be useless, they were not used.

They were useful?? I thought that was the basis of the fraud prosecution, they were never useful.

There may have been a translation problem. Perhaps it should read - "They were used once but when they were proven to be useless, they were no longer not used."

These translations from Thai to English are often distorted, as most readers should be aware of, but TV members mistakenly pounce on translated statements as if they are indisputable and accurate. ​

I doubt there was a translation problem, the Thai words for 'used' and 'useful;' are completely different, as is the context in which they would likely appear.

I hear this a lot "oh, they're not lying or deceiving, something was lost in translation".


Rather than making excuses for these people, perhaps you might better spend the time asking "If the fraudulent dowsing rods which the army tested, evaluated, then bought and probably then pocketed the kickbacks for, did not work, indeed *could* not work, then how were they useful?


Edited by Winniedapu
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They can't investigate this procurement without investigating the military procurement process. If that were started, done competently and taken to it's logical conclusion, many important people would be charged with crimes much more serious than this one.

It's a wonderful thought, but we all know it's not going to happen.

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Well I don't mind stating the obvious.

What our PM says now is diametrically opposed to what he said while still army chief, which was (as I recall) "we still use them (the obviously fraudulent GT2000 detectors) because they sometimes work" or words to that effect. They were purchased, not because they work (they were proved to be wholly useless), but because of the corrupt kickbacks that were involved.

Now that the UK court has demanded that the guilty party make restitution, we might well see the thief now in a UK prison, decide to rat out the people to whom he paid corrupt 'commissions'. Roll on that day.

Our esteemed PM is shown to be nothing less than a liar, whose own alleged corruption ought now to be investigated, but won't be because of the extent of corruption and patronage permeating all levels of society in junta Thailand.

Shame on you Prayuth, you are a shallow liar and a fraud. And that's without investigating how much of your assets were obtained corruptly. You make me want to vomit, you thief.


He also said "think of the people who were killed by the bombs". Does that mean their families will get some compensation?

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Well I don't mind stating the obvious.

What our PM says now is diametrically opposed to what he said while still army chief, which was (as I recall) "we still use them (the obviously fraudulent GT2000 detectors) because they sometimes work" or words to that effect. They were purchased, not because they work (they were proved to be wholly useless), but because of the corrupt kickbacks that were involved.

Now that the UK court has demanded that the guilty party make restitution, we might well see the thief now in a UK prison, decide to rat out the people to whom he paid corrupt 'commissions'. Roll on that day.

Our esteemed PM is shown to be nothing less than a liar, whose own alleged corruption ought now to be investigated, but won't be because of the extent of corruption and patronage permeating all levels of society in junta Thailand.

Shame on you Prayuth, you are a shallow liar and a fraud. And that's without investigating how much of your assets were obtained corruptly. You make me want to vomit, you thief.


He also said "think of the people who were killed by the bombs". Does that mean their families will get some compensation?

Or the people who made the decision to carry on using them after they were proven to be pieces of junk will be prosecuted for murder?

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Bad idea obvious corruption should be explored, probably not allowed because it targets the army. Real bad will Thailand never learn, it seems that whoever is in power always makes sure their side is never investigated.

That keeps me to my point a coup or whatever else that is needed to shift power once in a while is good, otherwise one side will never be punished at least with power changes other criminals get punished. I hope the next government does decide to look into this matter.

The next government is likely to be a government operating under this governments wonderful new constitution, which will pass successfully through the 'democratic' voting process thus ensuring that if it did ever decide to ' look into the matter ' it will quickly find itself out on it's arse.

But never mind eh ....... because Thaksin ....blah blah blah..facepalm.gif

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Well I don't mind stating the obvious.

What our PM says now is diametrically opposed to what he said while still army chief, which was (as I recall) "we still use them (the obviously fraudulent GT2000 detectors) because they sometimes work" or words to that effect. They were purchased, not because they work (they were proved to be wholly useless), but because of the corrupt kickbacks that were involved.

Now that the UK court has demanded that the guilty party make restitution, we might well see the thief now in a UK prison, decide to rat out the people to whom he paid corrupt 'commissions'. Roll on that day.

Our esteemed PM is shown to be nothing less than a liar, whose own alleged corruption ought now to be investigated, but won't be because of the extent of corruption and patronage permeating all levels of society in junta Thailand.

Shame on you Prayuth, you are a shallow liar and a fraud. And that's without investigating how much of your assets were obtained corruptly. You make me want to vomit, you thief.


He also said "think of the people who were killed by the bombs". Does that mean their families will get some compensation?

Or the people who made the decision to carry on using them after they were proven to be pieces of junk will be prosecuted for murder?

By rights, this issue ought to have the potential to bring down this clownshow government. The reality of life in Thailand id that the hooha will last about a week and will then be forgotten. More's the pity.

Thais have the attention span of a gnat and the intellect of a carrot.


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Bad idea obvious corruption should be explored, probably not allowed because it targets the army. Real bad will Thailand never learn, it seems that whoever is in power always makes sure their side is never investigated.

That keeps me to my point a coup or whatever else that is needed to shift power once in a while is good, otherwise one side will never be punished at least with power changes other criminals get punished. I hope the next government does decide to look into this matter.

The next government is likely to be a government operating under this governments wonderful new constitution, which will pass successfully through the 'democratic' voting process thus ensuring that if it did ever decide to ' look into the matter ' it will quickly find itself out on it's arse.

But never mind eh ....... because Thaksin ....blah blah blah..facepalm.gif

Truth is, the army has always been too powerful to be investigated. The small fish (political party 1) goes after the other small fish (political party 2) and visa versa.

The big fish always stays out of it as they are too well armed to mess with.

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Bad idea obvious corruption should be explored, probably not allowed because it targets the army. Real bad will Thailand never learn, it seems that whoever is in power always makes sure their side is never investigated.

That keeps me to my point a coup or whatever else that is needed to shift power once in a while is good, otherwise one side will never be punished at least with power changes other criminals get punished. I hope the next government does decide to look into this matter.

The next government is likely to be a government operating under this governments wonderful new constitution, which will pass successfully through the 'democratic' voting process thus ensuring that if it did ever decide to ' look into the matter ' it will quickly find itself out on it's arse.

But never mind eh ....... because Thaksin ....blah blah blah..facepalm.gif

Truth is, the army has always been too powerful to be investigated. The small fish (political party 1) goes after the other small fish (political party 2) and visa versa.

The big fish always stays out of it as they are too well armed to mess with.

For now...


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all a bit ichthyosmatic.

Don't recognise the word. Is there an available definition? It does sound vaguely lizard-like though...


It's all Greek to me. It's all a bit fishy. Would be how a crossword creator might describe it.
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