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Caught on tape - swords drawn in daylight road rage in Bangkok


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"The incident caused a lot of negative comment mainly centered around the danger of carrying weapons."................here we go again, action, reaction, solution...it's not about the weapons you simpletons...weapons don't kill..people do. I'm afraid to say, too many people in this world with inflated egos...time for a good cleansing.

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What a timely video in this world debating gun violence ... did anyone notice something here?

YOU CAN OUT RUN A KNIFE ! (It really IS that simple)

At the end of the day ... filed under "No Blood, No Foul"

In the USA .. with a gun .. this may have had a very different outcome.

so would a car, poison, a bat, a pen, a pencil...what do you want? The outcome is the same..violence..violence..that won't change..and I don't want no Orwellian-society because of a percentage of violent people... people have lost their way due to the servitude of a failed-system..the effects are becoming clearer every day.

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Weapons everywhere !

Will there now be an investigation into who posted the clip and why, that seems to be the really important thing these days !

Good point! The poster will no doubt be paraded on TV soon to apologize publicly, like the foreigner in Phuket yesterday.

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It can be seen everywhere in the world thanks to almost everyone having a camera in their pocket and an appetite for filming anything and everything and posting it. However this forum is in Thailand and about Thailand and this is simply another normal event in this volatile, violent country.

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Seen all around the world now days, drivers feel the need for protections from lunatics and madmen, gone has the curtsey and kindness, in come the bullies and crazies... just make sure you don't bring a sward

to a gun fight.......

Certainly not in the UK as you get up to 5 years for carrying a weapon, so the sweeping statement isn't true and not justification as you are attempting. Do not try and justify this savage and childish behavior.

Indeed and the UK these days is practically "Utopia"... http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5177/no-go-zones-britain

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It can be seen everywhere in the world thanks to almost everyone having a camera in their pocket and an appetite for filming anything and everything and posting it. However this forum is in Thailand and about Thailand and this is simply another normal event in this volatile, violent country.

dumroaming, Thailand is no more volatile and violent then in any other country. In fact the Thais are most civilised and curious then is many other countries.

If you don`t like it here and fear for your safety, why not go somewhere else if you think there are better places to go?

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I was reading a news report some time ago where the reporter was explaining his experiences as he traveled through Thailand.

His last comments were.

"Never before have I seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. There is a single redeeming feature, it has airports."

I am so going to steal this....don't be surprised if you read me saying this one day.

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"These <deleted> are funny; swords knives gang fights what about staying in your truck and just driving away? So what was the ninja warrior thinking would be the next step? Chop him up and hide at mom's house???"

Isn't that the normal modus operandi for a Thai criminal,especially minivan drivers,that leave 10 dead tourists scattered along the roadside before running away?

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Yesterday it was the brawl in Pattaya, today it's this and also footage of a foul mouthed bus driver.

With all this negativity about Thailand I wonder when the PM will invoke Art 44 to make it illegal to video or photograph anything other than cute selfies or shots of your food, drink and Starbuck's coffee etc.

I'm currently having a heck of a job convincing a friend that photos everyday of her breakfast, lunch and so on aren't the highlight of my day.

cheesy.gif My wife is the same takes pictures of every meal rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

And of course she post it on facebook biggrin.png

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What a timely video in this world debating gun violence ... did anyone notice something here?

YOU CAN OUT RUN A KNIFE ! (It really IS that simple)

At the end of the day ... filed under "No Blood, No Foul"

In the USA .. with a gun .. this may have had a very different outcome.

so would a car, poison, a bat, a pen, a pencil...what do you want? The outcome is the same..violence..violence..that won't change..and I don't want no Orwellian-society because of a percentage of violent people... people have lost their way due to the servitude of a failed-system..the effects are becoming clearer every day.

What do I want?

I want people to see in this the fallacy of the popular gun nut argument that "anything can kill you".

Yes, a knife, a chair , a garden hose ... but the DIFFERENCE is ... with a GUN ... a little hard to run away ... like this guy did.

And with a GUN ... people are MUCH less likely to step in and break up a fight.

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Yesterday it was the brawl in Pattaya, today it's this and also footage of a foul mouthed bus driver.

With all this negativity about Thailand I wonder when the PM will invoke Art 44 to make it illegal to video or photograph anything other than cute selfies or shots of your food, drink and Starbuck's coffee etc.

I'm currently having a heck of a job convincing a friend that photos everyday of her breakfast, lunch and so on aren't the highlight of my day.

Send her a dick pick in return. She'll hopefully get the message then... Edited by dhream
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