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Chaeng Wattana Today and That Form

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I got this at another office, just filled in name and address, gave the officer a pic which he did not bother with. They seem to think it's a waste of time as well. They did ask for an address back home, told him home was here and left that blank as well.

Edited by thai3
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The form does not seem anywhere as dangerous to most farangs as the medical certificate request mentioned by one or more posters yesterday.

In 2015 for my extension of stay at Sri Racha I was asked for a medical cert for the five diseases that debar you from having a driving licence, Leprosy, tertiary syphilis, elephantiasis, TB & drug addiction. I got it again this year and held it until asked. Not asked. Still have it.

Now!!! A Chest X-ray, blood & urine tests!!!! What are they looking for and what will the do if they find it? Theoretically there is no point in having this information unless it is to be used for some purpose. I am late 60's but all well health wise at this stage. But it makes the future look shaky if they choose to use it to decide who can stay & who must leave. Will we have people who have lived here for years told at a few days notice they must leave the country and sell a car and a condo and move or dispose their possessions to where or, in many cases nowhere. If you live here, you live here and may not have a bolt hole or living family back home to go to.

Would really love to hear from UbonJoe on this subject. I can imagine that someone who has controlled diabetes or medicated cholesterol or hypertension might be scared stiff of his next extension of stay application.

This is exactly the type of situation where Thai Visa should be our advocate and acting pro-actively on our behalf.

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The form does not seem anywhere as dangerous to most farangs as the medical certificate request mentioned by one or more posters yesterday.

In 2015 for my extension of stay at Sri Racha I was asked for a medical cert for the five diseases that debar you from having a driving licence, Leprosy, tertiary syphilis, elephantiasis, TB & drug addiction. I got it again this year and held it until asked. Not asked. Still have it.

Now!!! A Chest X-ray, blood & urine tests!!!! What are they looking for and what will the do if they find it? Theoretically there is no point in having this information unless it is to be used for some purpose. I am late 60's but all well health wise at this stage. But it makes the future look shaky if they choose to use it to decide who can stay & who must leave. Will we have people who have lived here for years told at a few days notice they must leave the country and sell a car and a condo and move or dispose their possessions to where or, in many cases nowhere. If you live here, you live here and may not have a bolt hole or living family back home to go to.

Would really love to hear from UbonJoe on this subject. I can imagine that someone who has controlled diabetes or medicated cholesterol or hypertension might be scared stiff of his next extension of stay application.

This is exactly the type of situation where Thai Visa should be our advocate and acting pro-actively on our behalf.

I've never been asked for any medical certificates when getting an extension of stay, not to mention about this so-called form about all your personal details & I only went last week for an extension of stay.

I've said this many times, who in their right mind as a foreigner would buy assets or keep much cash in the country. Keep it all overseas and only take what cash you need to live on for a few months in a bank here. Rent, don't buy. Car? Take public transport. Possessions, only what you can fit in your suitcase. Remember, you're always a foreigner here & at anytime they might tell you to leave. It's not the same as back in Farangland.

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The form does not seem anywhere as dangerous to most farangs as the medical certificate request mentioned by one or more posters yesterday.

In 2015 for my extension of stay at Sri Racha I was asked for a medical cert for the five diseases that debar you from having a driving licence, Leprosy, tertiary syphilis, elephantiasis, TB & drug addiction. I got it again this year and held it until asked. Not asked. Still have it.

Now!!! A Chest X-ray, blood & urine tests!!!! What are they looking for and what will the do if they find it? Theoretically there is no point in having this information unless it is to be used for some purpose. I am late 60's but all well health wise at this stage. But it makes the future look shaky if they choose to use it to decide who can stay & who must leave. Will we have people who have lived here for years told at a few days notice they must leave the country and sell a car and a condo and move or dispose their possessions to where or, in many cases nowhere. If you live here, you live here and may not have a bolt hole or living family back home to go to.

Would really love to hear from UbonJoe on this subject. I can imagine that someone who has controlled diabetes or medicated cholesterol or hypertension might be scared stiff of his next extension of stay application.

This is exactly the type of situation where Thai Visa should be our advocate and acting pro-actively on our behalf.

I've never been asked for any medical certificates when getting an extension of stay, not to mention about this so-called form about all your personal details & I only went last week for an extension of stay.

I've said this many times, who in their right mind as a foreigner would buy assets or keep much cash in the country. Keep it all overseas and only take what cash you need to live on for a few months in a bank here. Rent, don't buy. Car? Take public transport. Possessions, only what you can fit in your suitcase. Remember, you're always a foreigner here & at anytime they might tell you to leave. It's not the same as back in Farangland.

Of course we all know this but not everyone does or can comply. I only bring money over monthly for that reason. After a few years ,any Farang might sell the house back home (if the had one) & well have roots down in a new life here. I wonder what it would do to the medical vacationers or the expats who have medical insurance or the funds to pay for their treatment....... Not to mention what the private hospitals think about potentially losing possibly thousands of regular customers at the stroke of an un-considered bureaucratic government edict. This sort of spontaneous unplanned, un-thought-through stuff that happens so often is so damaging to Thailand and bad on so many levels, not least of all to those thousands of us who represent a multi-billion baht regular invisible export for Thailand and support so many jobs in various levels of society: Food production, building,furniture & appliance sales and medical treatment to name a few.

I have good health anyway at the moment and I could move at a moments notice if push came to being "shoved out," Bit it would be damned inconvenient ti say the least. My (Thai) wife is developing a business and we have planned a future here.

Posters keep saying that I am in XXXX province and it isn't asked for here (or wasn't three months ago.). That is the problem. There is no definite central authority for these government departments and important government policies. Well there is but everyone and anyone can introduce a new form or decide to not use an existing procedure as it suits them with apparent impunity. Any middle level civil servant seems to be able to tell a media source that this is national law, only to be contradicted by someone else who may no be right either. Like the no alcohol sales within xxxxx meters of a school, temple, etc. Keep changing the distance and then announce to let they the police decide on a case by case basis.

Ok My rant for the day. I still love the place but gosh they do some bizarre stuff to us and to even to themselves with no planning, or even authoritative official departmental oversight.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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There is no requirement for a medical certificate to get any extension of stay according to police order 327/2557 or the 3 before it.

Not that I'm disagreeing at all, but on an anecdotal note, Nakon Pathom immigration office require a blood test for syphilis (and no other diseases at all). As of 15th June, they did not have the dreaded form.

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