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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Fair point Coiln.

I remember my old man giving me a second dose after discovering I'd been chastised at school. That said, try doing the same these days in the UK. I wouldn't be a schoolteacher anywhere now for all the tea in China. I've just returned from a trip to the UK, my first in a decade. Young people now just do whatever they want in a way that we could never have dreamed of doing and seem to have little or no respect for anyone or anything.

sorry but violence and assault is not the answer no matter how you spin it, there are other ways and should be an integrated into their training, the first step is getting respect through non violent means

With what I read about kids in schools in the West, doing whatever they like,

with knowing there is no physical punishment now..

So tell me what other ways work? maybe in a one on one situation, but when you have 25 unruly students,

they laugh at you and you can't do a bloody thing !!

Tell them they all have to stay late and write 100 lines? Hahahahaa, these days they'd just walk out when the bell goes,

and probably give you the finger on the way out, along with some verbal abuse !!!!!

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If that was my daughter the teacher would need to leave the country...because I'm coming to get you and when I do I cannot ensure your safety! Needless to say I will be bashing his head with seriously accrued interest!!!

Then you are no better than the teacher as you are also resorting to violence to resolve an issue. How can you condemn him for violence and then do the same yourself. This makes you a part of the same problem.

Of course you could rationalize your behavior because he hit your princess.....but it is still the same issue of violence begets violence. So who is right, him or you? Neither one of you because you both resorted to your fists instead of using your mouth to resolve the problem. What happened to count to ten before reacting?

And your thoughtless knee jerk reaction beating up the teacher could have ended with you in jail and now your daughter has no father....or worst case, the teacher falls and hits his head on concrete because of your punching him, and he dies from a fractured skull.....and all because you couldn't engage your brain to actually talk with the man and find out his point of view right or wrong. There is always more than one way to resolve a problem, but if we don't look for it, then we cannot see it.

This isn't a condemnation of you....I can relate to your thinking.....but it isn't a solution to the issue at hand.

Thanks for letting me speak here.

I see the point you are making but there is one small difference, this is a small defenceless young girl whom the Thai teacher has no problem bashing without the fear of resistance, I'm sure you've heard the phrase - pick on someone your own size, if this was my daughter I'd be having a serious face to face with this teacher, it may not resort to violence but that would be up to him when he offers a full apology and an assurance that it will not happen again, do you think this bully would have committed such an act if the father or older brother had been standing next to her ? I think not

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

I hope you are right and would like this ai the fact. Many european and western countries children ar hit.at school too,

We have a very long way to go not only in thailand

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Fair point Coiln.

I remember my old man giving me a second dose after discovering I'd been chastised at school. That said, try doing the same these days in the UK. I wouldn't be a schoolteacher anywhere now for all the tea in China. I've just returned from a trip to the UK, my first in a decade. Young people now just do whatever they want in a way that we could never have dreamed of doing and seem to have little or no respect for anyone or anything.

sorry but violence and assault is not the answer no matter how you spin it, there are other ways and should be an integrated into their training, the first step is getting respect through non violent means

I didn't say violence was OK, I was reminiscing more than anything else. Getting respect from younger people these days? While in the UK, teenagers playing with fire nearly caused it to damage my brothers house. He remonstrated with them in a reasonable way and they told a 67 year old man to <deleted> off you old c**t! No respect accorded through non-violent means there. Not surprisingly the police weren't interested, likely beacuse they hear this sort of 'respect' from teenagers on a daily basis.

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In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

Under NO circumstance the teacher should hit the child at all.

becasue what you say implies it is ok to hit a person as long as it is not on the head.

show lack of profession and authority remove the teacher.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

I have been teaching here for 2 Years, many times have had to bite my Tongue!

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

I hope you are right and would like this ai the fact. Many european and western countries children ar hit.at school too,

We have a very long way to go not only in thailand

Really ? So which Western countries is that ? In New Zealand children are not hit in schools, and have not been for years,

in fact, now it is against the law to even smack your own child...

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Amazing how excited this gets people excited. The problem started with long pants. These girls should just conform.There is absolutely not place for those who don't in Thailand. No place. When they realize this their lives will be better. The teacher should be fired for insulting the nation. Shame on both the girls and teacher for harming the nation's image.

What a confusing post............Their lives will be better...ha???...........so after their lives are better,we sack the teacher...ha??

I'm not sure of your stance on this matter?.........I think i need a teacher to explain to mefacepalm.gif

On second thoughts....maybe you're saying the teacher was right because the student wasn't conforming but he still needs to be sacked

for damaging thailand's imagewub.png

Yep, horrible grammar. Just pointing out that Thailand is a nation that demands people submit to those higher in rank. Those who go against Thai culture are condemned or called insane. If the girls just do what their masters want, their future lives will be better because Thailand likes those who are submissive. Personally, I am against this bs. People deserve their individuality if they don't hurt others. The teachers shouldn't have care about their wearing long pants. It's just silly but the fanaticism and violence by teachers enforcing Thai nationalist culture really is fascism.

Very good post!......ahh yes.....submissive/subservient!II I've thought this for a long time

The emerging individuality of thais thru most notably access to the internet is in my opinion conflicting with time-honoured teachings.

They know they're taking one up the bum,but don't know what to do about it.

fascism is actually the merger of state and corporate powers...so although the hi-so's and alike do what's best for them 'business wise'

it doesn't have anything to do with thai culture.....it's just centuries old teaching/brainwashing-whatever you want to call it....

Coincidentally.........fascism has permeated into the west.....

Edited by Nasrullah
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Takes me back nearly 50 years when my Catholic school phys ed teacher slapped me in the face for not putting effort into a square dancing lesson (I guess that's why these days I hate line dancing with a passion, bloody hillbillies). And that's where Thailand is today, roughly 40-50 years behind the civilised world (thinking of the Nordic countries, not so much America and Australia).

Exactly. My last slap was 52 years ago--by a public school teacher. Bless her heart.
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This is at the route of what is wrong here in Thailand. Yesterday it was the boyfriend beating on his girlfriend in the bus. Today a teacher beating on a female student

WHen will this end in a culture that looks at woman as second class chattel.

Any THai that agrees with this violence needs their head examined

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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

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No, this teacher is not a 'good person.' No, it doesn't matter if the student is a male or female. No, I don't care if the teacher's mother just died. No, it doesn't matter if the teacher's wife is having her period. No, I don't care if the student had been egging on the teacher on ALL DAY. No, it doesn't matter whether the students should be allowed to wear pants or not. No. You are the adult; the professional. Act like it!

Edited by atsiii
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in western culture the action of the teacher assaulting a female student is a definite NO NO.

if you notice the girl who was assaulted was in fact saying that the teacher is right and

just doing his job.

to understand this attitude one has to look at the culture of many of the asian countries

where the teacher or the "guru" is held in high esteem and seen as "god" in status.

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in western culture the action of the teacher assaulting a female student is a definite NO NO.

if you notice the girl who was assaulted was in fact saying that the teacher is right and

just doing his job.

to understand this attitude one has to look at the culture of many of the asian countries

where the teacher or the "guru" is held in high esteem and seen as "god" in status.

In Western culture, hitting a woman/child could land the teacher in a morgue.

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I suppose the girl made the plea totally of her own volition and there would not have been any pressure brought to bear on her. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

Hard to believe she just decided on it herself, pressure on her and parents from the school and ' friends ' of the school etc ?

I can imagine how things would be for her everyday at school if she hadn't said the ' right thing '.

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

you do realise we are talking about children and not adults......right

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If that was my daughter the teacher would need to leave the country...because I'm coming to get you and when I do I cannot ensure your safety! Needless to say I will be bashing his head with seriously accrued interest!!!


Not only would you be condoning violence, and not helping to solve the problem, but try that one and you will be in the Bangkok Hilton or similar, immigration cells and then deported.

Take a printout of the law (reference in this thread) to the police, escalate it until they act, and also sue for damages. Only when enough people take this course of action will teachers stop the widespread abuse.

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Defending him saying he's a good person.


If it wasr I'd be giving him more than a bloody clip over the ear the scumbag. my daughter

The school should sack him immediately and assault chargers brought and make an example of him to deter this ongoing practice in Thailand .

"If it wasr I'd be giving him more than a bloody clip over the ear the scumbag. my daughter"

So would I.


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It was never easy for me to witness this type of discipline in Thai schools. Unfortunately, this was a rather delicate slap across the back of the head with his bare hand. It's more common, from what I've witnessed (after 2548), for teachers to use a bamboo stick on the back of the hand or on the buttock and with some force depending on the child and/or the severity of the misconduct.

If the teacher's action towards the student is acceptable (in this culture) for the parents and faculty, why is the transparency so difficult for them to accept?

Dont you know you never touch a persons head? If not where have you been living?

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This is at the route of what is wrong here in Thailand. Yesterday it was the boyfriend beating on his girlfriend in the bus. Today a teacher beating on a female student

WHen will this end in a culture that looks at woman as second class chattel.

Any THai that agrees with this violence needs their head examined

OMG,, some of the comments are so over the top,, teacher beating female student ? This is a beating ? one ( not very hard ) slap with an open hand is a beating ? If he punched her repeatedly then kicked her on the ground,, yes then It's a beating.. call it what it is, a slap on the head... I don't agree with it, at least not to the head, but don't exaggerate it out of all proportion...

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

And only a few years before that, it was ok to beat your wife with a stick, as long as it was no thicker than your thumb ( rule of thumb).... Hopefully you don't lament the lose of that right, too.

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