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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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.we used to get a wack with a cane on the buttocks or hand, never done me any harm,thumbsup.gif

Never did any good either, plenty of teenage violence in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

Just because you got your jollies out of being caned on the bottom doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do the same. That's the same as saying I was sexually abused so I think it's ok to do!

you think being sexually abused and a cane on the butt for doing something wrong, is the same thing ??? wooooooo

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

I agree entirely. Step out of line you get walloped, behave and you don't. Unlike today in the west where, because of the absence of corporal punishment, kids more or less do as they like, including beating up their teachers. Reading the comments from the lefties on here, it's hardly surprising that the youth of today doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. On this occasion I think that the Thais have got it right.

That ok Mr Thai-bashing policeman?

Do you punch your kids hard in the head then when they do something wrong? Wow, must be great having you for a dad.

It was a slap on the head with an open palm, now you have changed it to 'punch kids hard in the head'

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sorry but I don't agree with all you mamby pamby types, that say there are better ways than a smack,, so what are they? because they are just not working.

Kids these days in countries where there is no hitting, many of them have no respect for their elders, their teachers, their parents or the police, or anyone...

Sure smacking around the head is not good, but a cane across the butt, never hurt anyone long term, and probably did a lot of good...

You don't see many come out of the army like that.. why ? because they have discipline...

Cough cough bull cough <deleted>....

Good parenting breeds good disciple.... Violence begets violence

The teacher should be addressing this to the GIRLS parents, not taking the matter into his own hands and slapping the one girl, who stopped running away, around the head.... Knocking sense out of it, as IMHO, it makes sense to wear comfortable pants to a dance class... Just go down the road and have a wee perve at any Zumba, aerobic, exercise class done anywhere, and you'll not see many dresses in evidence

And army references... Isn't that the place that the government takes people to turn them into killers? Ah... I see your point... Disciplined killers ?

That's right, soldiers are supposed to be killers when required to be, by their country, that is their job,, but they also have discipline, something lacking in so many people these days..

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Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

your sickening, if you think a open palm slap is as bad as raping someone......

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In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

Her statement is motivated by fear and save face mentality.

The same mentality that was the reason why Thai passengers in a maniac driven Ten seater van never complained but preyed to Bhudda instead.

I bolicked the driver who was out of his face and had, had one accident already on the way down to Hua Hin, plus +++ was going so fast he was having near misses all the way.

In bolicking this idiot, as I can speak some Thai , I probably saved their lives and my families, they smiled a thankyou to me , when I asked my Thai wife why none spoke up she said, " To scarred of him and he might get angry and go even faster".

The girl that made the statement that she deserved a beating from her teacher is clearly demonstrating the reason that Thainess is backward , breeds corruption and is the main inhibitor of going forward and the main proponent for things to get worse.

Take hede oh enlightened one, ??? no chance

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I dont see whats the problem. I got hit on the head when in school and misbehaving, my dad could do so as well sometimes, glad he did because god knows I asked for it. Non event.

Next !!

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Post from Yann55 (169) wordy but excellent. Definitely worth a read.

I wonder how many people here who would have killed the teacher if it were their daughter also supported corporal punishment when they wereat school 50 years ago (quite a lot of hypocrites i would guess)

So many people on here are accusing young kids in the West of not having discipline now but where is the evidence to support it. Most youngsters in UK seem OK and polite to me, we just hear too much bad press of the few. Quite a few Posters on here(who i suspect are the older generation) appear to have a thuggish attitude

Edited by rogeroc
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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

And why on earth are long trousers banned on a TUESDAY? I can see the relevance of wearing yellow on a Monday in respect for the King but what's special about a Tuesday?

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I tough just few months in a elementary school, and had a couple of bad behavior boys, 12 to 14 years old, on my class don't responding to my corrections. One morning, after class, I found my motorbike with cutted tires and the boys watching and laughing at me. I complained with the Principal, and nothing was done. Happened again, and I have to quit the job because I knew that I was going to react bad next time......But...if I was Thai...... other history... After many years living here I learned that ...unfortunately...most Thai people are not very inclined to dialog and compromise...and just acts.. provoking and testing a physical response or some kind of confrontation.

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Well I got beaten from pillar to post by a crazy Catholic nun when I was about 7. Still don't know what it was about. I'll tell you one thing, it innured me to violence. I would always secretly laugh, after that, at anyone who would try to subject me to schoolboy violence.

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I make it clear to the all the schools my children attend that physical punishment is not within their remit. Any transgression they cannot deal with, without striking the child, should be reported to us, their parents, and we will decide the appropriate punishment.

Two already successfully brought up in the UK without being struck by school staff, I don't see any reason to change my view for my current family.

Woe betide any teacher in Thailand striking one of my kids.

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I tough just few months in a elementary school, and had a couple of bad behavior boys, 12 to 14 years old, on my class don't responding to my corrections. One morning, after class, I found my motorbike with cutted tires and the boys watching and laughing at me. I complained with the Principal, and nothing was done. Happened again, and I have to quit the job because I knew that I was going to react bad next time......But...if I was Thai...... other history... After many years living here I learned that ...unfortunately...most Thai people are not very inclined to dialog and compromise...and just acts.. provoking and testing a physical response or some kind of confrontation.

I hope you were not teaching English! 2/10

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I can't be bothered to read 8 pages of replys on this topic, so apologies if someone has already stated the same. For me, if a teacher hit my daughter like that i would be straight up the school knocking him out, regardless of what country i'm in, and regardless of the excepted ways in said country. I don't send my daughter to school to get assualted, period!!!!

Edited by InTransit
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I dont see whats the problem. I got hit on the head when in school and misbehaving, my dad could do so as well sometimes, glad he did because god knows I asked for it. Non event.

Next !!

When punishment in schools was prohibited, not smacking on the head, and anti smacking laws introduced into NZ ,bratts became more prevalent as did bad attitude in adults.

At least one did not have to apologise in the public domain to save family face and prevent further possible retribution, maybe a bullet for being abused..

I hope your not a catholic abused child as society still has not punished the massive worldwide list of abusive and molesting priests, but simply reposted them or stood them down on full pay.

A lesson they may have taught Thais.

I see your joke and the status quo will prevail until devine intervention (not catholic) rains down upon the Earth and restores the world to sanity.

With all due respect wai2.gif

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How many of you have taught in the public school system in the USA? Raise your hands... Now, how many of you have taught in the public school system in Thailand? Raise your hands... How many of those who have taught in Thailand have experienced verbal abuse, Physical abuse including bodily harm, and death threats? None?

A friend of mine has been teacher in Thailand and Australia. The difference in students wanting to learn and respecting their teachers was chalk and cheese. For him teaching in thai schools was far more rewarding even though the pay was less. Give me thai students anyday he said, Aussie kids are like animalslaugh.png

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I tough just few months in a elementary school, and had a couple of bad behavior boys, 12 to 14 years old, on my class don't responding to my corrections. One morning, after class, I found my motorbike with cutted tires and the boys watching and laughing at me. I complained with the Principal, and nothing was done. Happened again, and I have to quit the job because I knew that I was going to react bad next time......But...if I was Thai...... other history... After many years living here I learned that ...unfortunately...most Thai people are not very inclined to dialog and compromise...and just acts.. provoking and testing a physical response or some kind of confrontation.

I hope you were not teaching English! 2/10

Haha I was going to write the same. As well, kids are not going to 'cutted' tires for no reason. Would like to know the whole story.

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Post from Yann55 (169) wordy but excellent. Definitely worth a read.

I wonder how many people here who would have killed the teacher if it were their daughter also supported corporal punishment when they wereat school 50 years ago (quite a lot of hypocrites i would guess)

So many people on here are accusing young kids in the West of not having discipline now but where is the evidence to support it. Most youngsters in UK seem OK and polite to me, we just hear too much bad press of the few. Quite a few Posters on here(who i suspect are the older generation) appear to have a thuggish attitude

Good comments, I think the same about a lot of the posts, where people condemn the slap, then advocating violence by beating the teacher, breaking his legs, even one saying they would kill him !!! Disgustingly violent threats,, all by complete hypocrites !

I'm worried about that so many of the people out there, have this violent mentality !!!!! And I don't think many of the comments are from Thai's ?

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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

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In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

How can it still be called a "school" with that kind of crap going on?

But you know we must remain "tolerant", "inclusive", and "leave no child behind"... coffee1.gif

I actually don't remember ever seeing a teacher strike a student in any of my classes coming up. Every once in awhile, somebody might be "sent to the principal's office", usually for being late to class. 'Guess parents were different back then, and teachers commanded more respect. Isn't it wonderful how being so "progressive" has improved things?

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well the teacher might be a good person. and i have gotten slaps when in my Primary School years for not handing in homework and I turn out alright and i certainly wouldnt want my child to be slap by a teacher for misbehaviour in school as well.

That said, times and society have definitely progress to where corporal punishments are deem not appropriate anymore.

The good teacher might have good intentions at heart wanting to discipline his students but perhaps can review and change the way he goes about it as the video does seem quite violent with that big swing of his hand.

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