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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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He has gone. Can't say I will be crying any tears over my celebrations tonight. Next Osborne!

Where are the dancing and party smileys.biggrin.png

Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

You have your opinion and I mine, the smileys was tounge in cheek.. I have never liked the man and remember the promise of a referendum in 2009 which was broken. The man was and is out of touch with the common person. Just for the other side of politics. I expect Corbyn to also resign.

Of course.

gracious in defeat magnanimous in victory

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I am on my 1st coffee. And still trying tp absorb this momentous moment.

The result was so close when I went to bed I had my doubts.

Well done to the English and the Welsh !

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Cameron announces he will resign as prime minister before the autumn

He has gone. Can't say I will be crying any tears over my celebrations tonight. Next Osborne!

Where are the dancing and party smileys.biggrin.png

Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/

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Mark Carney

The capital requirements of our largest banks are now 10 times higher than before the financial crisis. The Bank of England has stress-tested those banks against scenarios far more severe than our country currently faces. As a result of these actions UK banks have raised over a £130bn of new capital and now have more than £600bn of high quality liquid assets. That substantial capital and huge liquidity gives banks the flexibility they need to continue to lend to UK businesses and households even during challenging times. Moreover as a backstop to support the functioning of the markets the Bank of England stands ready to provide more than £250bn of additional funds through its normal market operations. The Bank of England is also able to provide substantial liquidity in foreign currency if requires. We expect institutions to draw on this funding if and when appropriate.

This would appear to contradict the scaremongering of all the financial doom mongers.

A bonfire of excuses for MP's appear to be in order.

You don't understand how banks and capital adequacy work, do you!

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

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Is Hadrian's Wall being rebuilt as we speak? rolleyes.gif

That's not the border!

Build a wall in the middle of the Tweed!

Unless you want give a big chunk of Northumberland to the Scots!

I hope they use the EU savings on education!

Edited by Grouse
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Who is next? The Netherlands? A great majority of them want out.

The domino effect will be staggering if the E.U. cannot make instant reforms to pacify the general population on many countries in Europe and I truly believe the E.U. is incapable of that.

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Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/

You want to talk about dreams Changers.

2 days ago we had a conversation on economic illiterate Osborne and his financial forecasts based on 6% growth for 2016 and why his monetary policy was a bag of spanners.

I even offered you a wager that it would not exceed 2.8%

So I saved this one just for you.

Economists Downgrade UK Growth Forecast

IHS Global Insight said that is "substantially cutting" its GDP growth forecasts to 1.5% from 2% for 2016 and to 0.2% from 2.4% for 2017.


Think we can ignore anything you have to say.

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Sanity from the Germans

Our reporter on the ground in Germany, Kate Connolly, has sent this report of the reaction in Berlin:

Angela Merkel is meeting her party and parliamentary heads in the chancellery at 11.30am (10.30am UK time), for an emergency meeting to discuss the consequences of the UK’s Brexit vote. Various cabinet ministers are also expected to be present. She is due to deliver a statement an hour later..

Sigmar Gabriel, the head of Germany’s Social Democrats – the coalition partners in Angela Merkel’s government – said in an interview that the British vote does not signal a downfall, rather, “the chance for a new beginning.”

He called Brexit a “shrill wake up call” for European politicians. “Whoever fails to heed it or takes refuge in the usual rituals, will drive Europe against the wall,” he said.

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

Blame Corbyn for his lack of leadership, and not engaging with the Labour voters.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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so much reaction from around the world to take in after only one coffee and few hours sleep. It will take some time for the world and Europe specifically to absorb the result of BREXIT.

There will be frantic talks going on in Brussels and in many counties of Europe too because they believed BREXIT would not happen.

At least we have led the way and given the E.U. a bloody nose, if not actually dealt it a death blow.

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

Blame Corbyn for his lack of leadership, and not engaging with the Labour voters.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

I think Corbyn knew how a great many of Labour supporters were in favour of BREXIT. I feel he too was not really sure of what hye wanted. His past tells he is a eurosceptic at heart. That could well be why he was dithering.

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Cameron announces he will resign as prime minister before the autumn

He has gone. Can't say I will be crying any tears over my celebrations tonight. Next Osborne!

Where are the dancing and party smileys.biggrin.png

Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

48.20 from Super Ric ( which usually have better rates than most)...


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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Actually, the EU is 10 billion pounds a year worse off without the UK.

The UK is the 2nd biggest net contbributor after Germany.

Actually, the UK is fourth in net contribution obligations, after Germany (30 Billion Euro), France and Italy with about 12 Billion. But after 6 Billion of rebates and 6 Billion of subsidies and other payments; the UK contribution to the EU is zero. However, the UK benefits more than any other country from migration, making it the unofficial top beneficiary of the EU as of yesterday.

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

You just can't help yourself

We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Edited by Caps
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It's fair to say sterling is rallying already. No doomsday scenario, sorry.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's fair to say that what you know about any Sterling rally or indeed Forex is nada.

Hint BOE is intervening in the markets currently so the Pound is being supported. When it stabilises any future falls in its value will come as related economic news is released, expect a series of drops and partial rebounds from this point on.

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We are out 52% out,over 48 remain. All 382 voting centres voted.David Cameron to resign but will stay on for while to see the country through the transitional stage.He reckons weeks or a few months.Nigel Ferage now on the books as possible prime minister material.Pound dropped against the Dollar,bottomed at $1.33 to a pound.

I personally lost a few thousand Baht against my British account.Pound is still at 48.28 Baht.No further drops yet.

Thats all folks.

PS its on CNN all day today.

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Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/

You want to talk about dreams Changers.

2 days ago we had a conversation on economic illiterate Osborne and his financial forecasts based on 6% growth for 2016 and why his monetary policy was a bag of spanners.

I even offered you a wager that it would not exceed 2.8%

So I saved this one just for you.

Economists Downgrade UK Growth Forecast

IHS Global Insight said that is "substantially cutting" its GDP growth forecasts to 1.5% from 2% for 2016 and to 0.2% from 2.4% for 2017.


Think we can ignore anything you have to say.

And in light of the economic damage caused by Brexit it surely comes as no surprise that GDP growth forecasts have been cut, expect them to go negative in the not too distant future.

Skillfully avoided on the GBP/THB part BTW.

And to be crystal: what happens to day next week or for the next few weeks in respect of the economy and all its facets is just one small part of an unravelling that we'll see play out over the next six/twelve months would be my guess. So calling trend or upticks on cable or the FTSE today is meaningless, this book has got several chapters and we haven't even reached chapter one yet.

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

You just can't help yourself

We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I thought you might have stopped since Brexit

But no, YOU have to continue with your cheap unpleasant Chavish comments. You are now ignored

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We are out 52% out,over 48 remain. All 382 voting centres voted.David Cameron to resign but will stay on for while to see the country through the transitional stage.He reckons weeks or a few months.Nigel Ferage now on the books as possible prime minister material.Pound dropped against the Dollar,bottomed at $1.33 to a pound.

I personally lost a few thousand Baht against my British account.Pound is still at 48.28 Baht.No further drops yet.

Thats all folks.

PS its on CNN all day today.

Nigel Farage is 40/1 odds. Boris J on the other hand is something like 11/8?

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Well congratulations Brexiteers!

You won!

I hope you get what you wanted!

For me it's a truely disastrous result.

Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

You just can't help yourself

We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I was expecting a report in from the "Grouse" from Berlin,while getting measured up for his uniform, after all thats what he promised yesterday...so why is he still in the UK and why does he still have a British passport...seems he tells porkies the same as Dodgy Dave...cant trust any of them...

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Dancing and party smileys would be childish. In my eyes he had no option, it appears that he also accepted that and acted accordingly.

I take pleasure in the absence of a few extremely nasty posters from the thread, who are probably hiding their heads in shame.

On the bright side £ - Baht is now 1 - 52.04

Only in your dreams or some other place you can't actually buy it is GBP/THB 52.

Try 47.50 https://daytodaydata.net/


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