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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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Battery technology is still in it's infancy (my UPS which is sizeable gets wiped out within minutes).

Why don't hydro-electric batteries (like Dinorwig) work?

I believe it stores a total of maybe 1.7 hour equivalent for all of the UK -- so maybe a little over 2 hours of consumption for the entire grid.

You will lose maybe 30% in the storage, and I don't know what the loss is in the UK but I believe high voltage transmission can lose up to 50% in Canada.

You will have to generate an excess of power to during normal times.

It was built to smooth out surges in the grid - power that was generated by Nuclear power (not solar power).... and I don't know any country that is able to build out many new Nuclear reactors during these times... Not in my back-yard.

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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

All of this has been confirmed via other sources and posted on TV.

Just for you.


Sounds like you need.

Enjoy a Murphy's, its not bitter.

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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

Next you will be telling us that they lied about the 350 million a week extra for the NHS...

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

Because they are hoping for another referendum - and frighten voters into changing their vote if this happens?

Andrew Neil interviewed a 'leave' politician and it became v clear that the scare tactics of wars and Osborne's punishment budget were precisely that - scare tactics.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

Next you will be telling us that they lied about the 350 million a week extra for the NHS...

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Not only did they lie about that, it turns out that they also lied about immigration of foreign workers. What they are now saying is that most likely foreign workers from EU nations will be allowed to work freely in the UK.

All those poor working-class souls who thought they were voting to keep Eastern Europeans from taking their jobs have been cruelly duped. Now that these 2 pieces of info are coming out, I wonder how long it will be until there is an overwhelmingly popular demand for another referendum. Edited by ilostmypassword
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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

Next you will be telling us that they lied about the 350 million a week extra for the NHS...

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Not only did they lie about that, it turns out that they also lied about immigration of foreign workers. What they are now saying is that most likely foreign workers from EU nations will be allowed to work freely in the UK.

All those poor working-class souls who thought they were voting to keep Eastern Europeans from taking their jobs have been cruelly duped. Now that these 2 pieces of info are coming out, I wonder how long it will be until there is an overwhelmingly popular demand for another referendum.

No wonder they don't want to invoke article 50 immediately -- they really don't know what they want :P

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You can believe that article abut as much as you can believe the ones they were writing before the vote was taken, complete nonsense and fallacy.

Next you will be telling us that they lied about the 350 million a week extra for the NHS...
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

Not only did they lie about that, it turns out that they also lied about immigration of foreign workers. What they are now saying is that most likely foreign workers from EU nations will be allowed to work freely in the UK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5jTRoySFfo All those poor working-class souls who thought they were voting to keep Eastern Europeans from taking their jobs have been cruelly duped. Now that these 2 pieces of info are coming out, I wonder how long it will be until there is an overwhelmingly popular demand for another referendum.

No wonder they don't want to invoke article 50 immediately -- they really don't know what they want tongue.png

This is just one person,who seems to be softening his stance,while still insisting on controls being in place.
Clearly the No one issue that propelled the exit vote,in spite of both sides playing it down,was uncontrolled immigration. During the next two years before we do leave the EU, another 350,000 plus will enter the country. This will surely enforce the views of those that did vote Brexit. Personally I think the people who will gain from this vote,will be the immigrants now residing in the UK, as the rest of the population will feel less threatened and they will hopefully be more willing to accept those who are prepared to integrate.
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What's the worry about Scotland leaving England and wanted stay in EU they will have to pay the EU money not England.

English docks could given sub building contracts

Same goes again for comments by Sinn Fein Northern Ireland why would England give a hoot.

Another thing is English business could invest a lead in producing battery cars and do away with oil dependence.

The battery motorbikes running in the IOM TT are great too.

And what would generate the electricity which is sent across the grid (with an inherent loss of some electricity due to transmission) to charge that battery? Going to run on solar panels in "sunny old Britain"? The problem with renewables is that you still have to have backup for when nature is not cooperating. Battery technology is still in it's infancy (my UPS which is sizeable gets wiped out within minutes).

I'm just happy with the result saying to the what now's and the future with UK going OUT get on and in with it.

It'll be a while before the world does a Star-Trek. laugh.png

Well UK can get China now to build new safe nuclear power stations for generating power.

Sounds like you've never heard of the Nissan Leaf or the Tesla vehicles. thumbsup.gif

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Shows the huge divisions in our society which will be a massive problem going forwards but these figures need to be tempered with the turnout figures by age which show that young people may have brought this on themselves.

Sky Data @SkyData

% who got through our final #EUref poll turnout filter by age group:

18-24: 36%

25-34: 58%

35-44: 72%

45-54: 75%

55-64: 81%

65+: 83%

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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

Because they are hoping for another referendum - and frighten voters into changing their vote if this happens?

Andrew Neil interviewed a 'leave' politician and it became v clear that the scare tactics of wars and Osborne's punishment budget were precisely that - scare tactics.

So Moody's didn't downgrade UK credit and debt, the Pound didn't fall, the Pound wont fall tomorrow and next week, it was all scare tactic, hmm, OK!

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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

Because they are hoping for another referendum - and frighten voters into changing their vote if this happens?

Andrew Neil interviewed a 'leave' politician and it became v clear that the scare tactics of wars and Osborne's punishment budget were precisely that - scare tactics.

So Moody's didn't downgrade UK credit and debt, the Pound didn't fall, the Pound wont fall tomorrow and next week, it was all scare tactic, hmm, OK!

We're only 2 days 'in'!

I was responding to your post about why the scaremongering is still going on, not posting about what is going to happen in the future.

Edit - Meanwhile, all the remain politicians are backing off from the pre-vote scare tactics of 'will lead to another war' and 'punishment budget'.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

Because they are hoping for another referendum - and frighten voters into changing their vote if this happens?

Andrew Neil interviewed a 'leave' politician and it became v clear that the scare tactics of wars and Osborne's punishment budget were precisely that - scare tactics.

So Moody's didn't downgrade UK credit and debt, the Pound didn't fall, the Pound wont fall tomorrow and next week, it was all scare tactic, hmm, OK!

We're only 2 days 'in'!

I was responding to your post about why the scaremongering is still going on, not posting about what is going to happen in the future.

Edit - Meanwhile, all the remain politicians are backing off from the pre-vote scare tactics of 'will lead to another war' and 'punishment budget'.

The pro-Brexit leaders also backing off from the slogan that 350,000,000 pounds per week saved by leaving the EU will go to the NHS. They're also backing off the promise that there won't be free immigration of labor. In other words, all those Eastern Europeans in the UK are not only there to stay but more will be coming.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Did you ever wonder why all those people who the Brexit guys said were scaremongering are still saying the same things, even though the referendum is over with. If they were scaremongering then and they are still scaremongering now, who are they trying to scare and why. A rhetorical question of course!

Because they are hoping for another referendum - and frighten voters into changing their vote if this happens?

Andrew Neil interviewed a 'leave' politician and it became v clear that the scare tactics of wars and Osborne's punishment budget were precisely that - scare tactics.

So Moody's didn't downgrade UK credit and debt, the Pound didn't fall, the Pound wont fall tomorrow and next week, it was all scare tactic, hmm, OK!

We're only 2 days 'in'!

I was responding to your post about why the scaremongering is still going on, not posting about what is going to happen in the future.

Edit - Meanwhile, all the remain politicians are backing off from the pre-vote scare tactics of 'will lead to another war' and 'punishment budget'.

Time will show us that many of those "scare tactics" (once you strip away the fluff) were not that at all, just simple statements of fact.

And: am unsure why your reference to only two days in, Moody's HAS already downgraded, if that's your query.

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Still people trying to justify the scaremongering tactics used by the remain. The only thing we can do is wait. The pound dropped and recovered. personally if the doomsday is all true I still think it is work it. Make our own mistakes that's what the result was a bout. people do not want the EU running the UK. So this thread should continue, in two years and we can see who was right and who was wrong. For me it doesn't matter.

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Still people trying to justify the scaremongering tactics used by the remain. The only thing we can do is wait. The pound dropped and recovered. personally if the doomsday is all true I still think it is work it. Make our own mistakes that's what the result was a bout. people do not want the EU running the UK. So this thread should continue, in two years and we can see who was right and who was wrong. For me it doesn't matter.

Whatsapp message from my mum about sums up what all the other guys I've spoken to in the UK said...

"No one knows what they are doing dont think they thought it would happen hope boris johnson doesnt get camerons job"

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With regards to immigration, many of us realise that immigration will not actually stop but given time we can control it. We can implement a points based system like the Australian one. In the future we will not have to take in uncontrolled numbers fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and other places.

As a part of trade deals we will allow European residents in as will Europe allow UK citizens to travel, live and work in Europe. But we will not be flooded with uncontrolled amounts of immigrants like Germany is for instance.

It will take time for negotiations.

Many of us voted LEAVE for more reasons than immigration. We also voted LEAVE for the future free of E.U. shackles.

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With regards to immigration, many of us realise that immigration will not actually stop but given time we can control it. We can implement a points based system like the Australian one. In the future we will not have to take in uncontrolled numbers fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and other places.

As a part of trade deals we will allow European residents in as will Europe allow UK citizens to travel, live and work in Europe. But we will not be flooded with uncontrolled amounts of immigrants like Germany is for instance.

It will take time for negotiations.

Many of us voted LEAVE for more reasons than immigration. We also voted LEAVE for the future free of E.U. shackles.

Am sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the UK made its own decision about refugees from Syria etc.... Being out of the EU won't change that.

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The U.S.A., Canada, Australia and other countries have already stated they will welcome trade deals with the U.K.

There has already been talk of a U.K. / Scandinavian trade pact.

Germany has also said it will welcome trade from the U.K.

So much for the doom and gloom portrayed by the Remain group.

Some countries are piqued that we have voted to leave the E.U. and are threatening to throw their dummies out of the pram. Yet those same countries will not want to be left behind in any trade deals as they see their E.U. partners and international countries making deals with the U.K.

Patience and a good negotiating team with LEAVE members at the fore will be our best bet.

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With regards to immigration, many of us realise that immigration will not actually stop but given time we can control it. We can implement a points based system like the Australian one. In the future we will not have to take in uncontrolled numbers fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and other places.

As a part of trade deals we will allow European residents in as will Europe allow UK citizens to travel, live and work in Europe. But we will not be flooded with uncontrolled amounts of immigrants like Germany is for instance.

It will take time for negotiations.

Many of us voted LEAVE for more reasons than immigration. We also voted LEAVE for the future free of E.U. shackles.

Am sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the UK made its own decision about refugees from Syria etc.... Being out of the EU won't change that.

True and false.

There are 2 sources of refugees.

1. Those in recognised camps, which under Cameron the UK was taking in some of them.

2. Then there are the hordes invading the EU that are coming from here there and everywhere. It is these so called refugees that caused the problems. Countries were in effect, being ordered to take a quota of them, and some Countries put their foot down and said no.

Although the migrant, to give it its correct name has reduced through Greece, it has now switched to Italy and they are coming through at a rate of approx 3500 a day

7,000 migrants are rescued from sea in just two days


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With regards to immigration, many of us realise that immigration will not actually stop but given time we can control it. We can implement a points based system like the Australian one. In the future we will not have to take in uncontrolled numbers fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and other places.

As a part of trade deals we will allow European residents in as will Europe allow UK citizens to travel, live and work in Europe. But we will not be flooded with uncontrolled amounts of immigrants like Germany is for instance.

It will take time for negotiations.

Many of us voted LEAVE for more reasons than immigration. We also voted LEAVE for the future free of E.U. shackles.

Am sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the UK made its own decision about refugees from Syria etc.... Being out of the EU won't change that.

If we had not voted to leave we would have been under the rule of the E.U. on this. Our government would have caved in even more. Our powers to resist would have diminished drastically. We were already under immense pressure to cave in on immigration.

But it is about more than Syrians etc. It is about controlling the free movement of so many from E.U. countries. Being able to control the riffraff, the criminals, the psychos.

Then there would have been the Turks wanting to com in en masse.

We will also be able to have more control over the quality of immigrants.

If we need doctors, nurses, engineers and other qualified people we can welcome them with open arms.

On the other hand we will no longer have to accept tens of thousands of Poles and others who are basically labourers. We can also take back the right not to have to pay these immigrants things like Family Allowance and other benefits that are sent straight back to their home countries.

But, as I said, it is not simply about immigration, we will be able to free ourselves from the shackles of the non elected E.U. officials and their diktats.

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With regards to immigration, many of us realise that immigration will not actually stop but given time we can control it. We can implement a points based system like the Australian one. In the future we will not have to take in uncontrolled numbers fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and other places.

As a part of trade deals we will allow European residents in as will Europe allow UK citizens to travel, live and work in Europe. But we will not be flooded with uncontrolled amounts of immigrants like Germany is for instance.

It will take time for negotiations.

Many of us voted LEAVE for more reasons than immigration. We also voted LEAVE for the future free of E.U. shackles.

Am sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the UK made its own decision about refugees from Syria etc.... Being out of the EU won't change that.

True and false.

There are 2 sources of refugees.

1. Those in recognised camps, which under Cameron the UK was taking in some of them.

2. Then there are the hordes invading the EU that are coming from here there and everywhere. It is these so called refugees that caused the problems. Countries were in effect, being ordered to take a quota of them, and some Countries put their foot down and said no.

Although the migrant, to give it its correct name has reduced through Greece, it has now switched to Italy and they are coming through at a rate of approx 3500 a day

7,000 migrants are rescued from sea in just two days


But the latter camp would still need to get through UK border control (it's not like we don't check the people who's coming into the country) so how will being out of the EU change that? Edited by JB300
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If we had not voted to leave we would have been under the rule of the E.U. on this. Our government would have caved in even more. Our powers to resist would have diminished drastically. We were already under immense pressure to cave in on immigration.

But it is about more than Syrians etc. It is about controlling the free movement of so many from E.U. countries. Being able to control the riffraff, the criminals, the psychos.

Then there would have been the Turks wanting to com in en masse.

We will also be able to have more control over the quality of immigrants.

If we need doctors, nurses, engineers and other qualified people we can welcome them with open arms.

On the other hand we will no longer have to accept tens of thousands of Poles and others who are basically labourers. We can also take back the right not to have to pay these immigrants things like Family Allowance and other benefits that are sent straight back to their home countries.

But, as I said, it is not simply about immigration, we will be able to free ourselves from the shackles of the non elected E.U. officials and their diktats.

Get ready to be called a racist.

Well put BTW

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Am sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the UK made its own decision about refugees from Syria etc.... Being out of the EU won't change that.

True and false.

There are 2 sources of refugees.

1. Those in recognised camps, which under Cameron the UK was taking in some of them.

2. Then there are the hordes invading the EU that are coming from here there and everywhere. It is these so called refugees that caused the problems. Countries were in effect, being ordered to take a quota of them, and some Countries put their foot down and said no.

Although the migrant, to give it its correct name has reduced through Greece, it has now switched to Italy and they are coming through at a rate of approx 3500 a day

7,000 migrants are rescued from sea in just two days


But the latter camp would still need to get through UK border control (it's not like we don't check the people who's coming into the country) so how will being out of the EU change that?

There are a lot of people who get through border control who should have been stopped. The checks have been inadequate.

There is no saying that the border control checks will be any better in the future. That is up to the government to sort out. They need to put their foot down and sack anyone who is not doing their job properly.

The thing is, we had a weak government and an even weaker leader where the E.U. is concerned. This - IMHO - has led to complacency. Dithering Dave could not or would not stand up for the British people. He let things slide under his watch.

How can any Border control allow so many illegals to come into the country by the truckloads and those doing the checks be allowed to keep their jobs? Because Cameron and his government allowed it to be this way. Much of it - I believe - was down to not caring and also underfunding and cuts in the Border control force.

How many, in reality, were turned back, deported. The rule being these illegals should claim asylum in the FIRST safe country they land in. So they should have been deported back.

If we had a government with some backbone that is what would have happened. Yet this government under Cameron did very little.

Maybe we can have a better funded and a more sincere border control force in the future. And a government - like the Australian government - that will be a lot stricter.

But all this takes time. We have only just voted LEAVE. We need some sincere negotiators, some people with the balls to get to grips with everything too.

** some text removed because too many to post.

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