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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

My guess is he will regign by monday. If not by lunchtime today.

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David Cameron facing growing calls to resign as chances of Brexit rise 'Talk about lame ducks. This would be a duck with no legs and no stability whatsoever..

Edited by Nicolas32
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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree.

His position is untenable. He should resign now.

Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree.

His position is untenable. He should resign now.

Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

Yeah good point

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree. Cameron would be the last person to sort this out. He made it clear where he stands and the "uneducated" people of the UK made it clear where they stand.

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree.

His position is untenable. He should resign now.

Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

And George Osborne too that's what they are saying on Skynews

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree.

His position is untenable. He should resign now.

Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

The question being of course, which 'people' should take over?

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I'm still in shock, and can't wait to hear both Brit. politicians and EU responses to this unexpected result biggrin.png .

I am not gloating at all and the end result is still not final but it does go to show that I have said before bookmakers and polls do not always tell the truth. I was slated and called a tin pot loony on another thread for offering a possible solution as to why the polls were in favour of remain. I was shouted down as a conspiracy theorist. So those please take note. The information is out there. Usually not in mainstream TV. You have to search for it and don't believe everything you hear on TV.

My faith in the UK people is looking like it has been restored. The most important day in my life. 24th June 2016,EU referendum result.

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I guess a certain TV member who was slagging off Brexit voters yesterday better be looking for a house in Denmark or Germany which he promised to do...dont forget to give your British passport back on leaving as well, say hello to Angela from all of us...

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Huge mistake economically for the little Englanders. England will be even smaller within the next few years as global businesses withdraw investment and Scotland and Northern Ireland bolt for the exits and back to the comfort of funding.

Som nam na Cameron and the Tory party for not standing up to the EU. Ridiculous to have accepted the Fraulein and Monsieur Froggie wet offer that "maybe you can constrain unrestricted immigration from Europe, so we'll say yes for now but we'll have to vote for it later". Should have immediately threatened them with advising the electorate to vote out. Even Cameron did not believe that offer and has never used it in debate to argue why the numbers will come down. Have always been a supporter of immigration as good for economies. Net 150k is fine - 330k and potentially is not fine.

Som nam na Fraulien and Froggie. The EU project is now mortally damaged. Not a statement of the UK's importance but a state,ent of the existing structures weakness and failure to address similar stresses elsewhere in the EU member states net donating countries.

Celebrate democracy, but democracy rarely produces strong government, nor will it under Boris.

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If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

I disagree.

His position is untenable. He should resign now.

Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

The question being of course, which 'people' should take over?

Boris Johnson next prime minister been quoted on Sky News ?

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I guess a certain TV member who was slagging off Brexit voters yesterday better be looking for a house in Denmark or Germany which he promised to do...dont forget to give your British passport back on leaving as well, say hello to Angela from all of us...

No way I am going to gloat - this is far too important for petty point scoring.

However, I am enjoying the image I have of Grouse waking up and wanting to top himself. He must be choking on his sarcasm and vitriol.

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So Corbyn will call for Dave to resign. The late Jo Cox said Corbyn should step down if leave wins, for failing to galvanize the Labour voters.

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So should Corbyn, as he is a disgrace to the labour party. Then get a true leader to run the country. I am waiting to hear why he has changed his tune when he was a leave person for so many years. Supporting the Unions is not good enough for me.

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Huge mistake economically for the little Englanders. England will be even smaller within the next few years as global businesses withdraw investment and Scotland and Northern Ireland bolt for the exits and back to the comfort of funding.

What funding?

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I have to say I am a bit disappointed with the Northern Irish and some of Wales. Scotland and London was expected along with a few plush England counties. One thing we have learned from the demographics is this. We now know where people don't mind immigration, as this was one of the main issues and we can send them there.thumbsup.gif

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Huge mistake economically for the little Englanders. England will be even smaller within the next few years as global businesses withdraw investment and Scotland and Northern Ireland bolt for the exits and back to the comfort of funding.

Som nam na Cameron and the Tory party for not standing up to the EU. Ridiculous to have accepted the Fraulein and Monsieur Froggie wet offer that "maybe you can constrain unrestricted immigration from Europe, so we'll say yes for now but we'll have to vote for it later". Should have immediately threatened them with advising the electorate to vote out. Even Cameron did not believe that offer and has never used it in debate to argue why the numbers will come down. Have always been a supporter of immigration as good for economies. Net 150k is fine - 330k and potentially is not fine.

Som nam na Fraulien and Froggie. The EU project is now mortally damaged. Not a statement of the UK's importance but a state,ent of the existing structures weakness and failure to address similar stresses elsewhere in the EU member states net donating countries.

Celebrate democracy, but democracy rarely produces strong government, nor will it under Boris.

This isn't about short term of Boris as PM.

it's about being in control of our own destiny. We will be more than fine. Don't worry mate.

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I guess a certain TV member who was slagging off Brexit voters yesterday better be looking for a house in Denmark or Germany which he promised to do...dont forget to give your British passport back on leaving as well, say hello to Angela from all of us...

To be fair, I've long suspected that he may be a Brexit supporter in disguise.

Its hard to think of another reason for the derogatory posts and self-aggrandisement.

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I guess a certain TV member who was slagging off Brexit voters yesterday better be looking for a house in Denmark or Germany which he promised to do...dont forget to give your British passport back on leaving as well, say hello to Angela from all of us...

No way I am going to gloat - this is far too important for petty point scoring.

However, I am enjoying the image I have of Grouse waking up and wanting to top himself. He must be choking on his sarcasm and vitriol.

Probably suicidal.

He has lost his 1 euro a post and the EU have cut off his internet.

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Congratulations to Scotland, for the upcoming future. Freeeeeeedoooooommmmm!!!

Not a chance. Jocks are not that stupid.

Can't afford it with oil in the toilet too.

What makes Scotland incapable of balancing its books while other nations can manage their finances? Of course we would need to cut our cloth to suit, but that is role of prudent governance. Don't forget, we would also see the removal of unnecessary burdens such as Trident and HS2 on the Scottish taxpayer.

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Huge mistake economically for the little Englanders. England will be even smaller within the next few years as global businesses withdraw investment and Scotland and Northern Ireland bolt for the exits and back to the comfort of funding.

Som nam na Cameron and the Tory party for not standing up to the EU. Ridiculous to have accepted the Fraulein and Monsieur Froggie wet offer that "maybe you can constrain unrestricted immigration from Europe, so we'll say yes for now but we'll have to vote for it later". Should have immediately threatened them with advising the electorate to vote out. Even Cameron did not believe that offer and has never used it in debate to argue why the numbers will come down. Have always been a supporter of immigration as good for economies. Net 150k is fine - 330k and potentially is not fine.

Som nam na Fraulien and Froggie. The EU project is now mortally damaged. Not a statement of the UK's importance but a state,ent of the existing structures weakness and failure to address similar stresses elsewhere in the EU member states net donating countries.

Celebrate democracy, but democracy rarely produces strong government, nor will it under Boris.

I don't think so. It has given globalists a little shakedown and most of the world is going to highly respect the UK citizens for holding their ground and not giving into all the fear mongering. After a rift in the markets, everything will calm down and everyone will be happily trading again.

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"Boris Johnson next prime minister been quoted on Sky News . . ."

But did he ever actually relinquish his U.S. citizenship, as distinct from saying he was going to do it? Relinquishing your U.S. citizenship is not an over-night procedure.

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"Boris Johnson next prime minister been quoted on Sky News . . ."

But did he ever actually relinquish his U.S. citizenship, as distinct from saying he was going to do it? Relinquishing your U.S. citizenship is not an over-night procedure.

David Davis would be a better choice.

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It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the hearts of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

Anyway, your choice.

Edited by Lannig
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