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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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Of course an electorate can be wrong- but it is in the hands of UK citizens to correct it if wrong. As an American, I know when the currency plunges it creates problems for those of us abroad and living on an income fixed to that currency. Right now the cost of living just went up for UK citizens living abroad getting their money in Pounds. Hang in there- what goes down also goes up. Once the currency and stock markets realize the UK is not exiting the EU immediately- it will take 2 years or longer- the markets will start to rebound. The markets will also figure out that the UK is not going to leave the Common Market- most of the trade will go on as usual and I believe cross border travel and movement of labor will remain as it is today. There is also a clause in the EU agreement that the exit date can be extended past 2 years. On Monday, the politicians will start talking up the exit plan and this will also start to reassure the markets.

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Mostly a vote for the past rather than the future. Democracies tend to do that.

Oz & the USofA are preparing to do much the same thing, Oz in a couple of weeks.

I see it as people voting in the hope that we can take back our own destiny rather than have it force fed by EU bureaucrats' and Euro politicians.

The big question for me is do we have leaders who are going to be able to grasp the opportunity and make the changes needed without alienating the rest of Europe?

There will definitely be short term pain but how long that is for, I suggest, is incalculable.

The big question to me is does Britain have anything to offer the world. History tells we give innovations away. Harrier jump jet is a fine example. Own destiny? In charge in a global world? Small island off the coast of Europe? Who knows. Boris will see us right.

Britain is the worlds 5th largest economy and the financial capital of the world - that's hardly a small island off the coast of Europe. The EU trading zone is the only economic area not to have grown over the last 10 years. There's clearly trading areas outside the EU for better profit and growth. The UK is Germany's single biggest market in the EU so there's hardly any choice for them but to keep trading. Switzerland and Norway both trade with the EU but are not members and they just happen to be the two richest countries in Europe. This vote will have little or no impact on immigration but it will allow the UK to deport undesirables back to EU countries, which it currently cannot do.

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Mostly a vote for the past rather than the future. Democracies tend to do that.

Oz & the USofA are preparing to do much the same thing, Oz in a couple of weeks.

I see it as people voting in the hope that we can take back our own destiny rather than have it force fed by EU bureaucrats' and Euro politicians.

The big question for me is do we have leaders who are going to be able to grasp the opportunity and make the changes needed without alienating the rest of Europe?

There will definitely be short term pain but how long that is for, I suggest, is incalculable.

The big question to me is does Britain have anything to offer the world. History tells we give innovations away. Harrier jump jet is a fine example. Own destiny? In charge in a global world? Small island off the coast of Europe? Who knows. Boris will see us right.

Britain is the worlds 5th largest economy and the financial capital of the world - that's hardly a small island off the coast of Europe. The EU trading zone is the only economic area not to have grown over the last 10 years. There's clearly trading areas outside the EU for better profit and growth. The UK is Germany's single biggest market in the EU so there's hardly any choice for them but to keep trading. Switzerland and Norway both trade with the EU but are not members and they just happen to be the two richest countries in Europe. This vote will have little or no impact on immigration but it will allow the UK to deport undesirables back to EU countries, which it currently cannot do.

Financial capital of Europe. We just voted that away.

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Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

You make a good argument but in the end its democracy and the people have spoken live with it. Hmm never go into a situation where there is a possibility of loosing, ill informed individuals? spoken like a true capitalist. Put them in chains feed them scraps and beat them if they do not produce? We live in a divided world that the rich want to stream line into a global unit. Guess this has set them back a few years. What a pity.

Johnny's got a point. It shouldn't have gone to referendum as it is an incredibly complicated situation, not just a simple stay or go. It was much easier for the Leave camp to blame all the country's ills on being a part of the EU, and much harder on the Stay camp to articulate the benefits of basically "doing nothing" and keeping things as is.

As an American, I don't much care what the Brits do. But there will be some serious short term pain. Long term? Not sure...and anyone who can guarantee that things will be better is just making up tall tales.

Things may not get better, but they can't get any worse.

What? It just got worse, a lot worse, if the world financial markets are any indication.

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I seriously doubt the Britain will be renegotiating every trade pact with every other country in the World. The EU was formed from the Common Market. I am certain the vote is not a vote to leave the Common Market. It all sounds more complicated than it really is. The EU needs the UK support through its economic side to control the remaining countries. As one of the writers states the UK is a major player in the World with the 5th largest economy. It controls huge assets and the movement of money worldwide.In addition, the Queen is the head of the Commwealth which also is a major economic leader. Do you really think all this is going away because it leaves the EU?Switzerland and Norway seem to be doing just fine outside of the EU but maintain good relations with everyone. It is Germany and France that are the most worried because their governments are going to have to put up the money to replace the UK support to maintaining the EU bureaucracy and their populations are already weary . In addition I doubt the UK relationship with America will change much. The Americans and British need each other- both economically and militarily.

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How would you like some bureaucrat...who could care less about your country...making decisions for the collective...telling your country's leadership how to conduct business?

What did they gain? FREEDOM! Freedom from being told how many ME immigrants they must accept and support...how, when, and where they can conduct commerce...

The world elite leadership is working the world over for a One World Government...so the elites can control the people...and keep their lofty status...

The people have spoken...yes there will be turmoil in the markets for awhile...so be it...

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Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

Yeah... that thing called democracy is such a shitty thing. Better to let Juncker rule!

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No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

"17 million people can't be wrong surely?"

But then by implication, the 16 million people who voted against leaving the EU were wrong??

"Its [sic] called democrasy [sic] ..."

Possibly demonstrating that the unwashed quasi-literate masses can be swayed by fear, bigotry, nationalism and misunderstood self-interest as well as convenient scapegoats... as pivotal events in Europe roughly 75 years ago have demonstrated, that doesn't always end well.

Fortunately, for most of us, the consequences will eventually prove to be minimal. The creation of the EU, its unwillingness to follow its own guidelines as it grew willy-nilly, and the development of policies that eroded sovereignty certainly demonstrate that the much vaunted farang mentality, logic and planning & implementation skills are more myth than fact.

Edited by Suradit69
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Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. -snip-

Yeah, that ugly democracy where We The People built Western Civilization via democracy is too much for elite minds to handle.

For the last few decades where We The People have been shut out from the process the smarter elite have damned near destroyed our countries.

Yesterday The People took their country back. It's a mood that's sweeping the Western World even though the elite and the brainwashed still can't see it. You're going to see this type of thing in other Western countries too - wait for it.

In the US we have a saying "The shot heard 'round the world" which is symbolic of the first shot fired in the Revolutionary War which drove the King of England's army off and made America a free and independent country instead of a British colony.

Brexit was the first "shot heard 'round the world." Just the first at the globalist, inclusive, no-borders elite. We're taking them down.


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I think the main benefit that the UK has gained from leaving the EU is that they will now be free.

Free to determine their own future by their own citizens.

The alternative of handing over permanent control to the bureaucracy of Brussels would have dishonored all those who died

in the defense of Britain in both World Wars.

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Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. -snip-

Yeah, that ugly democracy where We The People built Western Civilization via democracy is too much for elite minds to handle.

For the last few decades where We The People have been shut out from the process the smarter elite have damned near destroyed our countries.

Yesterday The People took their country back. It's a mood that's sweeping the Western World even though the elite and the brainwashed still can't see it. You're going to see this type of thing in other Western countries too - wait for it.

In the US we have a saying "The shot heard 'round the world" which is symbolic of the first shot fired in the Revolutionary War which drove the King of England's army off and made America a free and independent country instead of a British colony.

Brexit was the first "shot heard 'round the world." Just the first at the globalist, inclusive, no-borders elite. We're taking them down.


How is life holed up in your safe room surrounded by guns in the USA going?

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I'd be interested if the participants on this forum would tag their comments to indicate:

a) if they have an economics A'level or Degree and are aware of different economic theories.

B) the last year they contributed to the British economy.

c) if they voted to join the EU and then voted out this time.

Economists look at the long-term benefits/costs to the economy (some economic cycles take 50-75 years) and us little people live with the reality of short term benefits, I know. And we all live in our own little worlds, don't we? Be honest!

I realise that people get emotional about these things, but look at German reunification and how much that COST the west German economy in the years following - 100 billion euros a year for 20 years. I wonder if Brits realise that they have a far higher average standard of living than say, the French and Italians...

I'd be far more incensed by how the banks have completely messed up the British economy and added 100k+ pounds per capita to the national debt, yet still take 4 million pounds per annum in bonuses - and that's a small British bank not an international one!

So my conclusion is: We ought to be looking at the balance sheet in the long term and basically.... get rid of all the bankers (that's a joke, by the way...it's not a fatwa!) on arbitrary bonuses that are not related to performance and are robbing the public year after year!

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I think the main benefit that the UK has gained from leaving the EU is that they will now be free.

Free to determine their own future by their own citizens.

The alternative of handing over permanent control to the bureaucracy of Brussels would have dishonored all those who died

in the defense of Britain in both World Wars.


There is no benefit unless you count ending beneficial Immigration.

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I'd be interested if the participants on this forum would tag their comments to indicate:

a) if they have an economics A'level or Degree and are aware of different economic theories.

B) the last year they contributed to the British economy.

c) if they voted to join the EU and then voted out this time.

Economists look at the long-term benefits/costs to the economy (some economic cycles take 50-75 years) and us little people live with the reality of short term benefits, I know. And we all live in our own little worlds, don't we? Be honest!

I realise that people get emotional about these things, but look at German reunification and how much that COST the west German economy in the years following - 100 billion euros a year for 20 years. I wonder if Brits realise that they have a far higher average standard of living than say, the French and Italians...

I'd be far more incensed by how the banks have completely messed up the British economy and added 100k+ pounds per capita to the national debt, yet still take 4 million pounds per annum in bonuses - and that's a small British bank not an international one!

So my conclusion is: We ought to be looking at the balance sheet in the long term and basically.... get rid of all the bankers (that's a joke, by the way...it's not a fatwa!) on arbitrary bonuses that are not related to performance and are robbing the public year after year!

The Banks? Guilty. How many years are you going to scapegoat for bad government policies? National debt is run up by government. UK debt is worse than the US. People quote the US because it is astounding large figure, % of GDP other countries are worse. The world is on its last credit card and cannot cover the interest on previous cards.

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I think the main benefit that the UK has gained from leaving the EU is that they will now be free.

Free to determine their own future by their own citizens.

The alternative of handing over permanent control to the bureaucracy of Brussels would have dishonored all those who died

in the defense of Britain in both World Wars.

Doesn't the fact that the British people have taken this vote indicate the were free to determine their own future while being part of the EU?

If they were not, how cold they vote themselves out? Are they able to vote themselves back in? If not, isn't that infringing on their freedom?

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I'd be interested if the participants on this forum would tag their comments to indicate:

a) if they have an economics A'level or Degree and are aware of different economic theories.

cool.png the last year they contributed to the British economy.

c) if they voted to join the EU and then voted out this time.

Economists look at the long-term benefits/costs to the economy (some economic cycles take 50-75 years) and us little people live with the reality of short term benefits, I know. And we all live in our own little worlds, don't we? Be honest!

I realise that people get emotional about these things, but look at German reunification and how much that COST the west German economy in the years following - 100 billion euros a year for 20 years. I wonder if Brits realise that they have a far higher average standard of living than say, the French and Italians...

I'd be far more incensed by how the banks have completely messed up the British economy and added 100k+ pounds per capita to the national debt, yet still take 4 million pounds per annum in bonuses - and that's a small British bank not an international one!

So my conclusion is: We ought to be looking at the balance sheet in the long term and basically.... get rid of all the bankers (that's a joke, by the way...it's not a fatwa!) on arbitrary bonuses that are not related to performance and are robbing the public year after year!

The Banks? Guilty. How many years are you going to scapegoat for bad government policies? National debt is run up by government. UK debt is worse than the US. People quote the US because it is astounding large figure, % of GDP other countries are worse. The world is on its last credit card and cannot cover the interest on previous cards.

UK public debt to GDP = 89.2%, USA public debt to GDP = 104.17%. How is the UK debt worse?

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I think the main benefit that the UK has gained from leaving the EU is that they will now be free.

Free to determine their own future by their own citizens.

The alternative of handing over permanent control to the bureaucracy of Brussels would have dishonored all those who died

in the defense of Britain in both World Wars.


There is no benefit unless you count ending beneficial Immigration.

I have never read so much Moronic drivel before, thanks for all your posts...utter garbage

Edited by Caps
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In answer to the OP's question... UK democracy benefitted.

All other questions referring to financial benefits or issues one way or the other are somewhat irrelevant and infer that the UK's population's decision can be purchased with either money or populist policies handed down by either the standing government or EU plutocrats.

IMHO, the electorate do not have the right to give away The UK's democracy. They are only the custodians of this fiercely contested self-determination right paid for with the lives of our countrymen over centuries.

Think carefully what is involved here... wai2.gif

Edited by SteveB2
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I'm a Brit living in Thailand who voted leave via proxy and I'm thrilled with the result. The UK clearly gains freedom, democracy and the ability to decide its own rules and laws. I'm puzzled by the intolerant reaction of the liberals - I watched a video of Boris being heckled as 'scum' and of cyclists blocking his taxi on a road. If they don't like democracy, they can go and live in Europe. These same people would celebrate a country becoming independent and gaining freedom in almost any other circumstance, think about Iraq, Libya and Syria, yet Brits who want the same basic things have been derided as racists and 'little Englanders'.

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I'm a Brit living in Thailand who voted leave via proxy and I'm thrilled with the result. The UK clearly gains freedom, democracy and the ability to decide its own rules and laws. I'm puzzled by the intolerant reaction of the liberals - I watched a video of Boris being heckled as 'scum' and of cyclists blocking his taxi on a road. If they don't like democracy, they can go and live in Europe. These same people would celebrate a country becoming independent and gaining freedom in almost any other circumstance, think about Iraq, Libya and Syria, yet Brits who want the same basic things have been derided as racists and 'little Englanders'.

Are you really comparing the plight of Britain being a part of the EU to what is going on in Iraw, Syria and Libya? Any valid points you may have had go out the window with that comparison.

But just so you know, before this Britain had all those things you claim they gained:

Freedom - I don't know for sure, Britain cannot get much freer than it currently is. They even had the freedom to vote themselves out of the EU....they no longer have the freedom to decide if they are in or out.

Democracy - Democracy works by electing officials who then make decisions on your behalf, that is what the parliament is for. I don't know how what Britain has had isn't democracy, what do you think it is? Surely the very fact they had this vote indicates it is a democracy, but can you name any democracy at any time in history where every person has had a say in every decision? That would mean have daily referendums.

Ability to decide it's own rules and laws - No they don't and no they won't. Unless they take a North Korean type isolationist stance they still have to play by the rules. There are still international rules and laws to abide by and given 53% of the UK's exports go to Europe all manufacturing will have to be to EU standards.

I may be wrong on all counts, but no one has been able to convince me of that. At the very best it is a jump into the unknown, but not many people in the world could make a fully informed decision about something so big, let alone a general population who have been subjected to baseless propaganda on both sides.

Nigel Farage(before the vote) - "We send 350m a week to the EU, if we leave we will be able to spend that on the NHS"

Nigel Farage(after the vote) - "I never said that"

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